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7116498 No.7116498 [Reply] [Original]

What's stopping me from embracing pure degenerate hedonism?

>> No.7116505

A sense of superiority. Looking down at the rest of humanity like the dogs they are.

>> No.7116510

the spooks

>> No.7116560

You envision it. You dream about it. All the shackles fall away as you tumble into a senseless haze of beer, bourbon and barbiturates. The women that always avoided you are now magnetically attracted to the dirty romanticism of your all-encompassing self destruction. No need to plan, fear, or even think of a future beyond the next cresting high of unbridled euphoria. Suddenly pen and paper are united as genuine emotion finally kindles the creative talent for unique observation that has always resided in that neglected corner of your psyche. Such brilliance as can only flow from grime gushes forth and forms the perfect novella of unbridled hope coated in the filthy veneer of the gutter genius. Self help for the damned. The dream awakened now implodes along with the liver. Few attend the funeral. Many more visit the grave.

Dream on fuckwit.

>> No.7116572

unless you got serious cash sitting around and drinking beer and busting nuts gets old after awhile

>> No.7116629

I was a degenerate hedonist for a long time and it brought me nothing but emptiness and dissatisfaction. After a certain point those fleeting moments of pleasure blur into each other and you find yourself living a series of distractions until you die.

>> No.7116643

this. been there, done that OP. oh i jerked off? better eat something. oh i ate? better get drunk. oh im drunk? better get some weed too? oh im high and drunk and full and i jerked off 3 times already? uh time for bed so i can do it all over again.

fuck that. living clean and in pursuit of something more meaningful than a muscle contraction and a couple spurts into a kleenex is so much better

>> No.7116698

the truest hedonists are ascetics. the only thing stopping you is the illusory spooks in your own mind that trick you into thinking that brief pleasures feel as fucking amazingly good as spiritual contentment

>> No.7116776
File: 88 KB, 340x256, 1323906144284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh i jerked off? better eat something. oh i ate? better get drunk. oh im drunk? better get some weed too? oh im high and drunk and full and i jerked off 3 times already? uh time for bed so i can do it all over again.
so are you agreeing with me?

>> No.7116795

the fact that you dont.

You believe in hedonism, but you dont practice it. Instead you transpose your Idealized hedonism on other figures in media.

Porn, rock stars, beautiful drug addicts and alcoholics.
Their enjoying to the full extent is your horizon that never comes.

You make excuses about your life saying if you only had more X or Y that you would totally let go and fuck a new girl every night and party.

But you wouldn't.

And so you have made "hedonism" metaphysical, a shadow and not real. And the people who supposedly enjoy (what always "would" be the most enjoyable) are idols that point towards that ideology being possible. But its not.

Neo-hedonistic Buddhist metaphysics is your false explanation for the working of the world. but its as metaphysical as anything else.

>> No.7116852

the human body is a machine built for struggle, not for pleasure. read some nietzsche

>> No.7116864


*tips fedora*

>> No.7116876

Nietzsche lost his virginity to a hooker. He got aids from it too. Therefore, whatever he wrote on this topic can be dismissed.

>> No.7117312
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efficiency, since you have a middle class background

>> No.7117320

This is possibly the only time I've witnessed someone deserving of the fedora may-may

>> No.7117330

Nothing but yourself and (depending on what you consider "degenerate hedonism") the laws of your country.

>> No.7117335

a few virgins know far more on women than non-virgins

>> No.7117336


>> No.7117343

The knowledge that a hedonistic lifestyle results in an objectively lower quality of life than a moderate one?

>> No.7117369
File: 115 KB, 599x603, Lizzer - RELAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking too much leads to hangovers, later possible liver damage.
You made me think of the old history of philosophy podcast. Listen to this one.

The human body was not built for anything.

>> No.7117486

OK OP imma lay it down straight. if you are watching porn the hedonist just skips to the worthwhile bits before moving onto the next video. Now imagine someone who only watches a single video from start to moneyshot, he obviously is going to reach a greater high in the end.

>> No.7117489

diminishing marginal utility

>> No.7117546

i am exactly the hedonist porn watcher and while it's great at first to grab all the juicy bits after doing it over and over it just feels like the actual task of looking for money shots and different videos outweighs the actual masturbation part.

>> No.7117560
File: 28 KB, 460x276, David-Foster-Wallace-read-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hedonist porn watchers paradox. The best thing is to have a good video to turn to but even the best gets boring time after time

>> No.7117566

when it turns more into a job interview of reviewing what you like and quickly discarding it if something doesn't quiet feel right. Ending up going on 14 hour fap binges because you can't find the right video but you can't stop