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7117459 No.7117459 [Reply] [Original]

What do you dream about?

Do you personally think they are a way of learning about the unconscious mind?

>> No.7117468

"He dreamed of life. He dreamed of living. He dreamed of leaving his small one room apartment. He dreamed of escape."

>> No.7117487
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I had an abnormal dream in which I spent many hours of a day reading from a bound assortment of sliced tree with ink prints of greek symbols in neat lines.
Then I began to reassemble said symbols in lines which were less neat per hand using a plastic rod filled with ink.
Then I went to bed in the dream and dreamt with in the dream.

>> No.7117500

I had a dream in which I was engaged in some sort of virtual reality. I remember crying in my dream when I realized that it actually felt good to be myself inside of a fake reality. So yes, I do think dreams are more than a meaningless jumble of information.

>> No.7119079

That's what I think, indeed
Just try to make some free associations and see for yourself

>> No.7119170

>Do you personally think they are a way of learning about the unconscious mind?

SOMETIMES. but generally no...but if you dig deep enough you can always connect dots and make something out of nothing. whether you think that can help you is up to you.

>> No.7119206

I am always by a shoreline in my dreams for some reason yet I dont live by any

>> No.7119227
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I dream abt putting ppls heads on stakes und ja zis is a good vay to unravel zee unconscious projections you use everyday by examining yr own interpretation of personally generated experiences. My name is Doktor Harrison Freud, AMA.

Pic related, it's Gödel, Escher, Bach in telephotic form so you don't have to read that door stopper.

>> No.7119255

Dreams are to real life
What the water is to ice.

>> No.7119261 [DELETED] 

sage this thread. post in this one instead


>> No.7119264
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Try again.

I had a dream I met Muammar Gaddafi and asked him about torture. He was unrepentant.

>> No.7119267


>> No.7119283

metaphors are to accurately explaining a thought
what and ceiling fan is to a floor

>> No.7119302

How did you meet him? Did you bump into him or was looking for him?

Don't you think that your waking life has shown you that Gaddafi, not the person, but the thought and feeling of Gaddafi, is not there to repent about anything. Wasn't this just he what it was flowing like water from his mouth in your dreams? The impression of Gaddafi, or perhaps what Gaddafi represents to you, relationships of your ordinary life with people who resemble the images of Gaddafi you've seen on television and that each of these significances were to flow a bit to its neighbor stream and create that dream of yours. Have you ever felt guilty about not feeling guilty about something you did? In a way you understand this, because in a way you understand him. Isn't producing knowledge not the proof that you had an impression on something, or, in other words, isn't dreaming about someone an evidence that you understood that person, in some way or another?

You don't dream of a tiger and so be afraid. You are afraid, and so you dream of a tiger.

>> No.7119334

A lot of my dreams are based around guilt.

>> No.7119338

anyone else here never had a bad dream and vividly dreams every night?

>> No.7119348

be a better person tbh

i dream of plane crashes every month & often i die

>> No.7119361

I still dream of 1st world problems and inane bullshit. It's such a fucking relief when I wake up and realize none of it happened.

>> No.7119368
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I dreamt about being constricted and anally raped by an anatomically correct green anaconda.

Then my face burst into fuschia flowerheads, poking through my skin and bursting wetly into bloom.

Then I did some backflips out the back of a Megazord, and walked around a carnival talking about life with Spongebob and Kat Deely circa 2004, who war wearing a thong, thigh-high black leather boots and little black X's of tape over her nipples.

>> No.7119367


>> No.7119414
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It began in my kitchen where he was sitting with others. I am unaware of their identities. Gaddafi left his drink and food and headed toward the stairs (he needed a leak).

That's where I stopped him. Just the two of us, I took the opportunity to ask a single question. It had to to be important. My first thought was to ask about his relationship with Tony Blair. On balance however, the claims of mass torture seemed more important, so I asked about them.

Gaddafi launched into a tirade, the general premise of which was: if a man had an enemy inside his house, how else would you expect him to deal with the threat?

I stood aside and he went to the restroom.

>> No.7119440

fucking boys and/or having superpowers. Lots of water. sometimes they're spooky and there's lots of blood and stuff but not usually the lewd ones

>> No.7119451
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I don't dream anymore

>> No.7119463

technically impossible btw

>> No.7119468


Not if you're dead inside.

>> No.7119478

Since no fap (2 months) i have been dreaming about fucking things in every dream

it's insane

>> No.7119479

>technically impossible btw

If my sleep is always dreamless, and when I wake up, it's always a black void from when I slept, how can you say that it's technically impossible?

>> No.7119486


you take pills or do drugs

if you don't dream it means you are dreaming like shit

even slaves dreams about food nigger

>> No.7119492

Stop smoking weed for a week.

Alternately, start smoking weed for a week.

>> No.7119493

If I cannot experience the sensation of dreaming, or have any recollection of it happening, in what sense does it happen?

You are aware that dreaming is an intrinsically subjective experience right?

>> No.7119495

All right, no shit? I actually had a Pynchon dream last night.

I was sleeping overnight at the house of this old friend I went to school with. His parents are both professors, and their house is filled bottom to top with books. It was late, and I was in my bedroom, and there was a bookshelf there with a First Edition of Vineland by Thomas Pynchon. I pulled it from the shelf and turned it over and bam: Pynchon's picture fills the back cover. It's one of those back covers where the author's photo isn't even in a frame or anything; it just fills the entire space. The photo is a high-altitude outdoor scene, up in the mountains of Mexico or something, and he looks around 40, wearing a windbreaker, and he's got medium-length hair being blown by the wind, and he's not exactly smiling, just sort of looking skeptical.

And I'm thinking, like, how the hell is this possible? I looked at the back flap and there's another, much smaller, picture of him in his study, above an author bio. I can't figure it out. The only thing I can think of is that this is a special version of Vineland given only to friends, and my friend's parents are friends with Pynchon. I flipped through the book and put it back on the shelf, and that was it.

>> No.7119500


I'm nominating this for best post of the week.

>> No.7119503


Pynchon is an old hat in the global dreamwork

He visits people in their dreams for inspiration

If you get good enough you can learn to speak to him, and he might introduce you to his harem

>> No.7119511


I dunno man

maybe you are too dumb to dream lol

>> No.7119534

And maybe you're a shitposting fag.

>> No.7119535

If you bump your head and cannot remember the previous day (nor distinguish it from any other if you ever do remember it), in what sense has it not happened?

Regardless, what happens during your sleep at the very least affects your body.

>> No.7119612
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Watching Teletubbies is currently among my favorite means of accessing the unconscious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p6U2TlOzrc @3:39

...or reading Ulysses drunk

>> No.7119627

>If you bump your head and cannot remember the previous day (nor distinguish it from any other if you ever do remember it), in what sense has it not happened?

That's the point... if I didn't experience it, it clearly didn't happen to me.

>> No.7119670

And yet, with or without your being aware of the cause, the effects of something that clearly didn't happen to you... clearly do happen to you.

>> No.7119712

The biggest dream I had was my love.

>> No.7119717

You can't know that