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File: 38 KB, 850x400, quote-what-is-art-prostitution-charles-baudelaire-55-94-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7115547 No.7115547 [Reply] [Original]

How many prostitutes have you fucked?

If the answer is zero, what are you waiting to live the bohemian live style?

>> No.7115552

Go away

>> No.7115572

>I don't want STDs
>Porn is easily accessible
>I don't want STDs
>I'd rather spend my money on essentials
>I don't want STDs

>> No.7115575

I'm very intimidated about prostitutes, I don't know precisely why. Friends have invited me over and over, but I'm afraid to go, not even to have sex, but to go is enough to make me anxious. I have an ok sex life though, fucked about 20 girls and settled for my current girlfriend two years ago. Boring, I know.

>> No.7115585
File: 77 KB, 445x464, 1442077876378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want STDs

this tbh, I don't even understand how people normally have sex and are not paranoid of this. Especially if it's some slut who's probably fucked a boatload of, possibly diseased, men.
And, even if she says she hasn't why take her word for it?

Shit's crazy fam

>> No.7115586

Tell me in which way prostitutes are superior to easy girls with low self-esteem.

>> No.7115590

>fucking girls who won't let you kiss them, slap them around or good stuff without at the least an awkward transactional pause
Nah fam I'd rather troll around college campuses and at least get some enthusiasm out of my partners.

>> No.7115593


>> No.7115598

Because I have a girlfriend and never had a problem bedding a girl. Honestly, if you need to resort to whores for sex, you are a pathetic creep whose opinion is always worthless.

>> No.7115605
File: 183 KB, 407x441, benin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. How does anyone fail to perform such a basic bodily function as having sex? It's like taking a shit or walking, you just kinda do it.

>> No.7115611
File: 1.49 MB, 2000x3000, artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watch your step boyos :^)

>> No.7115613

Art = Prostitution; Prostitution =/= Art

>> No.7115614

>DFW pic

>Especially if it's some slut who's probably fucked a boatload of, possibly diseased, men.
>of, possibly diseased, men
>, possibly diseased,


>> No.7115615

>A texas man was once acquitted for shooting a hooker who tried to leave with his wallet
>You can get your life ruined by having consensual sex with a girl who's obsessed with you and then not making her your gf.
Come to think of it, maybe hookers are the safer bet.

>> No.7115616


Not murrican, so people here aren't morons who buy into feminism/false rape accusations. Must suck living in burgerlan'.

>> No.7115618



>> No.7115637
File: 91 KB, 3032x1408, OPisafaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


YOu should kill yourself, you're dumb as shit.
Also, you do realize that normies are better than you will ever be in every single way, right?

>> No.7115642
File: 30 KB, 534x388, 1433972405165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7115652

I don't need sex enough to pay for it, and the ammount I get for free is sufficient, tbh.

I'd rather spend the money on drugs, feels better, lasts longer.

>> No.7115653

At least non-normies can crop m8

>> No.7115663

Its a pretty low bar don't you think? Its far more justified to eradicate 90% of humanity, leaving only the best and brightest (eg not you) to inherit the earth, than to do away with a relative handful of scapegoats and fool ourselves it is a job well done.

>> No.7115674

They're better at fucking

>> No.7115676

Who /virgin/ here? Feels good lads

>> No.7115678


For sure you wouldn't be the one chosen, if it came down between you and me.

A picture for faggots, I made it just for you.

>> No.7115686


That's just pathetic. Like a child trying to make her parents believe she didn't even want that candy anyway when they told her they wouldn't buy it.

>> No.7115687


>> No.7115689


Meant for this lanklet >>7115663

>> No.7115696

Kissless virgin reporting in.

>> No.7115699

Haha chill mate, I'm not trying to make arguments. What happened, you lose it to a fat bitch? Joking lad

>> No.7115702

Kissless Handholdless Confessionless Virgin here

what do I win?

>> No.7115709

Posting rights on wizardchan

>> No.7115714


Yeah, yur mum is surprisingly limber lol jk mate :'D

>> No.7115716
File: 65 KB, 620x372, blue angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He stood still in the middle of the roadway, his heart clamouring against his bosom in a tumult. A young woman dressed in a long pink gown laid her hand on his arm to detain him and gazed into his face. She said gaily:

—Good night, Willie dear!

Her room was warm and lightsome. A huge doll sat with her legs apart in the copious easy-chair beside the bed. He tried to bid his tongue speak that he might seem at ease, watching her as she undid her gown, noting the proud conscious movements of her perfumed head.

As he stood silent in the middle of the room she came over to him and embraced him gaily and gravely. Her round arms held him firmly to her and he, seeing her face lifted to him in serious calm and feeling the warm calm rise and fall of her breast, all but burst into hysterical weeping. Tears of joy and relief shone in his delighted eyes and his lips parted though they would not speak.

She passed her tinkling hand through his hair, calling him a little rascal.

—Give me a kiss, she said.


>> No.7115720

Lmao mate, tbh tho you need to chill out a bit. Treat yourself to a cheeky bubble bath mate, you've earnt it :)

>> No.7115722

pretty poor prize tbh
All that effort training to be absolutely disgusting to the opposite sex gone to waste fam.

>> No.7115723


>> No.7115727

You win nothing, it's what you do with that canvas that counts :)

>> No.7115728

Really don’t know how many, but certainly more than 20. I wanted my first time to be a real conquest, so I avoided hookers until I lost my virginity, with 18. After that I started to go to cabarets, and had a lot of fun there.

Once I slept with two at the same time: spend a lot of money, because I was drunk, and regretted a little on the day after. With some of the girls sex was more tender and sweet, like love-making; others really liked more wild things, and I loved to receive blow-jobs and fucking them in the ass.

Since I was young and kind of handsome (I took care of myself and did the most with that my genes had gave me), and since I treated the girls very well and did my best to really pleasure them also, and not just me (my anxiety medication helped me to keep going for a lot of time without ejaculating), I got a lot of phone numbers and could fuck them for free: I just called on their out days and asked if they wanted to have a beer or something and that was it. Some of the girls, however, were really only interested on the money and wanted all to end up pretty fast: those were the times when you felt very and to spend money in such an unpleasant experience.

It was a nice time in my life. All of my money I spend on women and books (still lived with my parents, so I didn’t had a lot of bills to pay).

Now I am dating for almost two years, and it’s pretty great too. Sex with love is really something else.

But about prostitution: I don’t get why there are people who fear it so much. Here where I live you can find delicious girls for a quite reasonable price, and they are always clean and healthy. Also: you use condoms with them, so there is not a problem of getting serious STD’s.


This quote by Baudelaire doesn’t make much sense, or rather, is somewhat empty and unremarkable. Art is so ample a word and a concept that you can call it whatever you want it to be called. Art is business; art is playing; art is pleasure; art is candy for the mind; art is a craft with some extra spice; art is the milk of the soul; art is the life-blood of the spirit; art is perspective, etc, etc, etc.

>> No.7115730

You could probably understand my confusion. I mean

>You virgin loser lololol you should kill yourself because you are obviously so stupid and gay and faggot jejejejeje! Having sex is as easy as an involuntary bodily reaction. Kill yourself. If you've had sex you are probably automatically a decent person like me

Seems to be the level of discourse we might expect from a board like /b/ or /pol/ full of uneducated people who do not think their posts out in a logical fashion before clicking on street signs and the like.

Public Service Announcement: Just because you think that you read books, does not truly mean you meet the standards of intellectual rigour to post here. Thank you.

>> No.7115738

I went to a strip club at the weekend, my friend bought me two private dances. I started to ask the first girl stupid things about if she liked working there then realised how much of a cliché that was and just enjoyed having my face between her tits.
The second girl started masturbating on the floor in front of me and I just felt weird about it so I left.
I'd never been in one of those places before.

>> No.7115744

recognition from the big Other

>> No.7115747
File: 56 KB, 223x226, rd3aDw5r4LJU53dw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standards of intellectual rigour to post here
>you think you read books
>getting this mad at banter
>getting this mad at banter that could easily pass for curiosity

>> No.7115754

I am inspired. This is the right way to live

>> No.7115763

>the standards of intellectual rigour to post here
The standards of /lit/ are not higher than elementary school level.

>> No.7115766

Legal prostitution = Too old.

>> No.7115769


>> No.7115775

Any prostitutes I'd be attracted to would be too expensive.

>> No.7115779

>For sure you wouldn't be the one chosen, if it came down between you and me.

The only difference between us worth mentioning is nose-blindness. You, being blissfully unaware of the offence your very existence commits upon the world. And then me, fully aware of his own offence and eager to make it right.

>> No.7115781

>tfw 25 year old virgin in a country where prostitution is legal

>> No.7115787

I agree

with him

>> No.7115788

what country?

>> No.7115793

Thai flights are expensive :(

>> No.7115796

I fucked a few hookers and it's really nothing special.

>> No.7115821

>tfw lost my virginity and the void's still there

>> No.7115826

it's not like it solves anything but to appease a symbolism that is fabricated socially by the media anyway. the matrix

>> No.7115831

lost your chance at wizardry

>> No.7115844

Slavoj, why are you such a qt?

>> No.7115852

Kissless virgin reporting as ordered, sir.

>> No.7115860


I forget to say that I did not wasted time there: I was quick to take the girls I liked to the private-room. The drinks on this places are very expensive, and girls keep asking you for whisky and vodka and energetics and things like that, which is only natural, since they get a percentage of the drinks they help to sell. It’s funny, but on those places girls fight for your attention like guys fight for girls on the normal clubs. It’s nice to see a whole pack of girls with short skirts and necklines huddling near you.

A lot of men (especially middle age and older ones) used to go to these places more to talk with the girls and dance with them then to actually fuck them. They payed a lot of drinks and keep grabing their ass and tits, but never go to the room with them. That’s a sure ay to spend a lot of money and don’t profit.

What I did was simple. I went to the cabarets and sit down in a table. Usually a girl (or more) came to you and started talking and asking things about you and asking you if you could pay them a drink: some were almost ashamed of doing so, others were quite aggressive; if a girl was aggressive on this approach I already crossed her out of my list of possible buying’s, since it showed they were more in it for the money than for anything else. I keep talking to the girls and at the same time observing the place, trying to find the most attractive ladies. When I eventually discovered the one girl that I wanted, I quickly walked to her and started a conversation, to sense if she was gentle or if she was coarse and impolite. Most of the girls were really nice, so a lot of times I didn’t need to change my target.

After a few minutes of conversation I asked the girls price and took her to the room. There we could talk more, and caress, and fuck, and all of that. After the thing I asked if she wanted to see me again, and when I got a phone number I generally could fuck them for free on other dates.

Sometimes I saw girls that I really wanted with other dudes who were there just drinking and dancing. What I did was to wait for the girl to go to the bathroom, and intercept her on the way and ask if she was really going to slept with one of those guys or if she was available to go to the room and won some money. Many times they just answer “Just wait a moment”, and then used a few minutes to say goodbye to the other fellows and join me on the private-room.

Also: girls change houses a lot. So if you go to a particular club and find a girl that you really want, don’t wait for a second meeting; take the chance to fuck there on that night, for you can go there on the next week and discover that she moved out of town and nobody knows how to find her.

>> No.7115871

Baudelaire was a massive edgelord.

>> No.7115877


About 10 or 11 now, I've lost count–spanning three countries. I actually lost my virginity to a prostitute in Amsterdam when I was 18 because I figured it was then or never. My friends were none the wiser, too, which was good because it doesn't look very 'cool' to be a virgin at 18 (let this be incentive to those of you this applies to).

Anyway, if you're interested in what it's like to bed with working girls, ask me whatever your horny heart desires.

>> No.7115886

Is this in some Asian country? It doesn't sound like any place in Yurp or Murrica.

>> No.7115894

i am young and autistic, will you be my tutor

>> No.7115923


Nope, it’s the extreme south of Brazil. Not trying to brag, but we have a lot of great girls here.


Don’t worry, I’m pretty much autistic myself (didn’t you read on one of my posts that I need to take anxiety medication: it’s almost 5-6 years of that and I’m still on it). What I did was to drink a little, so my shyness was diluted. Also, on the first times I went to such places I was nervous as fuck, but after a while you start to feel comfortable.

One of my first times I was so nervous that I could not get my dick up, but I was so sweet with the girl and treat her so nice that she ended up giving me her phone number (I thought she would made fun of me to the others, but she was really nice). I felt really bad, and yet it was all work of my mind, for my body was healthy.

If you have a little money to buy the girls (the main factor here) you just need to start going to places and getting used to it. You don’t even need to fuck anybody on your first times, just go there and talk with the girls.

I don’t know about other countries, but here in Brazil the girls are really friendly and nice with you, and since there are so many stupid and unintelligent fellows on those places any young boy who is gentle and friendly makes a very good impression.

One thing I noticed is that in U.S. there are strip clubs where girls don’t sleep with people, but just make shows, isn’t that right? Here most cabarets have private-rooms available for sex.

>> No.7115929

>One thing I noticed is that in U.S. there are strip clubs where girls don’t sleep with people, but just make shows, isn’t that right? Here most cabarets have private-rooms available for sex.
There are sex/swingers clubs but they're overpriced and usually hidden because they may or may not be legal. Strip clubs in the US are retarded because you can't touch them at all.

>> No.7115942

>Nope, it’s the extreme south of Brazil. Not trying to brag, but we have a lot of great girls here.

Some examples of the girls who you could get on those places:




>> No.7115970

>Strip clubs in the US are retarded because you can't touch them at all.

Yeah, I was suspecting that.

I saw it on movies…it really sucks, for to simply see girls dancing is not the same thing as sitting with them and talking with them really close, holding their hands, putting your hand on their shoulders or thighs.

Also, here in Brazil prostitution is also against the law, but it is something of a dead law, for authorities know that those places exist and just pretend to not see it.

There are lots of places, with a variety of prices. In the main cities you find cabarets that are simply too fucking expansive and are not worth all the money they ask, but there are a lot of places that are less costly and were you can find a lot of lost diamonds.

I even end up some times in very nasty places (was very drunk and with some crazy people), and sometimes even there you could find some lost gems.

>> No.7116008


lord jesus vishna allah buddha christ


I love you brazilians


>> No.7116082


I must confess that there is some Photoshop on those pictures, but still, the thing is quite addictive.

Problem is that you really feel some kind of emptiness after a while; at least I felt this way: it is not the same thing as making love with someone you really love.

>> No.7116447


you people are lucky