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7111399 No.7111399 [Reply] [Original]

What did Wiggenstein mean by this?

>> No.7111407

feelgood YA tier

>> No.7111427
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That's not what I asked.

>> No.7111466

I think that unhappy world is not like happy world :)

>> No.7111480

Basically it's a rephrasing of Epicurus:

>'Death, therefore, the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are, death is not come, and, when death is come, we are not.'

>> No.7111481

Wtf wiggerstein? Our field of vision is not limitless in any sense of the word.

>> No.7111489



>> No.7111493

He's playing with language to oh so deep! make you feel good and get a movie adaptation

>> No.7111504


If this is the kind of shit I'm missing, I don't really feel bad about not reading the Tractatus

>> No.7111507

Literally makes no sense, r u sure that's even wigg?

>> No.7111511

Why don't you like it?

>> No.7111522

Did Wigglestein actually write this?

>> No.7111535

Page 106 of the Tractatus

>> No.7111542

Probably written in the sense of not noted boundaries. We don't see what is in front of us enclosed in a black box with defined boundaries and black beyond them, instead we simply don't have any visual information of what lies beyond our field or vision (likewise, the popular myth that blind people see black instead of having no visual data at all because we cannot picture what it is not seeing anything).
In that way we don't live the event of death (the boundary between life and death) and obviously we don't experience what lies beyond death. We don't live the end, in that sense is endless.

>> No.7111549

anyone know what font that is?

or what publisher/isbn?

Looks like a fell type.

>> No.7111730

Pure Schopenhauer.

>> No.7111736

i love him

>> No.7111745

I've always wondered about this; what do blind people see?
Alao, when you close your eyes and envision something, you only use the 'screen' that is your vision, now black.
Since blind people are nor limited by sight, how do they envision scenarios, do they have a bigger 'screen'?

>> No.7111750


The Tractatus is god tier. I get furious when people on here recommend breezing through it just to get to the PI.

>> No.7111752

What a fucking great post

>> No.7111794

blind people do "see black" the same way we do you dumb cuck

>> No.7111805

I guess there's more ways to go about this.
Death is eternal just like the present(life) is eternal. Going from life to death doesn't change anything, "you" are still part of the same eternal nothingness, "alive" or "dead".
>If by eternity [...] in the present
If you live "in the present", the concept of time doesn't exist. There is no future because it hasn't come yet, there is no past because it's already happened and only inside your head if you want to see it again. Losing the mental noise for a short while(various ways to go about this, sometimes this just happens, moments of lucidity) and attaining "being present" makes you exit the whole idea of time similar to animals. If being dead is similar to being truly present, only eternally, then that short moment being alive and truly present would be like lasting forever(which is just a moment). The visual input doesn't matter because in those moments there's not anything there and your head is completely clear from anything.

>(likewise, the popular myth that blind people see black instead of having no visual data at all because we cannot picture what it is not seeing anything).
I think I read somewhere the closest way to describe it is if you close one eye. What you "see" with your closed eye is what blind people "see".

>> No.7111815

r u a retard

>> No.7111837

literally reddit: the posts parts 1 and 2

>> No.7111844

smh tbh(to b hoenst9 fam(ily)

>> No.7112170

Is this the latest ebin meme???

>> No.7112208

He means you don't exist when after you die. And other things.

>> No.7113196
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>>The Tractatus is god tier.
no, it is the work of a angsty teen discovering logic and immediately saying that all is logic and that it matters. this book shows that early W. is a normie lacking any reflexivity.

>> No.7113262


> implying you understood it

Read it again. Doesn't git güd until section six, but it's well worth it.

>> No.7114897


>> No.7114957

Tractatus is good, but nowadays it really is only useful as an introduction to the objectively superior (god tier) Philosophical Investigations.

>> No.7115182

You don't know your shit.

>> No.7115189

Good explanation. I'd have to disagree with him though, because in every action we take is built in an expectation of the future, and therefore wel also live the future by anticipating it, and "live" death by anticipating it.

>> No.7115236

I feel like the 'death is not an event' is sort of simple. You can experience death, only the moments before it. If you died this instant, your world ends, consciousness ceases. Maybe he means that if you don't look forward to your own death it doesn't really exist

>> No.7116010

It's nonsense. Thanks for showing me that I can avoid this fraud in the future.

>> No.7116102

>Judges a lifetime of seminal philosophy in light of one brief (and not difficult to understand, but very much disputable) series of statements written early in Witty's philosophical development.

You're being autistic.

>> No.7116240

write something better

>> No.7116252


>> No.7116267


>obviously we don't experience what lies beyond death

pure ideology

>> No.7116508

dispense with this 'tiers' nonsense. nonsense. nonsense. nonsense. nonsense.

>> No.7116818

write something better

something better

>> No.7116834

What is that really confusing self referential passage by Heidegger where he uses some word and its various derivations to describe itself at least a few dozen times in the course of one page?

>> No.7116912


A human being is spirit. But what is spirit? Spirit is the self. But what is the self? The self is a relation that relates itself to itself or is the relation's relating itself to itself in the relation; the self is not the relation but is the relation's relating itself to itself. A human being is a synthesis of the infinite and the finite, of the temporal and the eternal, of freedom and necessity, in short, a synthesis. A synthesis is a relation between two. Considered in this way a human being is still not a self.... In the relation between two, the relation is the third as a negative unity, and the two relate to the relation and in the relation to the relation; thus under the qualification of the psychical the relation between the psychical and the physical is a relation. If, however, the relation relates itself to itself, this relation is the positive third, and this is the self.

It's Kierkegaard

>> No.7116979


'Suck it, Hegel.'

>> No.7118747

Witty was also influenced by schoppy early on. In monks biography of witty he says witty was fusing fregian conceptual realism, schoppy-type idealism, and some other shit i dont remember and wouldnt reallly know well

>> No.7118752

It's confusing at first, but if you read it a few times it really does make snse tbh.

It also helps if you read the entirety of SUD first and then return to that passage.

>> No.7118755

Essentially he is saying "and in that moment, I swear we were infinite" from Perks of Being a Wallflower.
When we dismiss our notions of past and future and live in the moment to as great an extent as possible as it presents ourselves to us, then we live eternally within those moments and death as something we do not live through is nothing to end this eternity of things we do live through.
Basically, while we experience time in a linear fashion we should try to live our lives thinking of time in a different way to more perfectly 'seize the day'

>> No.7118786

Yup, nor is our life endless, dipfuck. Get some reading comprehension in you.

>> No.7118858

>Good explanation. I'd have to disagree with him though, because in every action we take is built in an expectation of the future, and therefore wel also live the future by anticipating it, and "live" death by anticipating it.
no, all you are saying is that you are not able to learn to stop living like this

>> No.7118863

literally YOLO dude

>> No.7118911

>angsty teen
Why is that bad?

>> No.7118984

it is only if you publish or even fix that this is the last state of your reflection.

hopefully, he came back to it. but he still believed strongly that he was spot on the first time.

>> No.7119156

My diary tbh

>> No.7119934

No it was some other word. I think it was one of those ubiquitous philosophical words like existence. It was a damn sight more confusing than this one. It was unquestionably Heidegger because my dad was reading the book and he put the passage up on the fridge. This was years ago and I must confess I never read Heidegger myself.

>> No.7119962


>> No.7120011
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The ~80-page Tractatus?

>> No.7121606


>> No.7121637

I mean it's a decent post, but he's only regurgitating very obvious things. The vision things is to be found in Berkeley as well.

Why do redditcucks pretend anything halfway competent is mastermind shit