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7108458 No.7108458 [Reply] [Original]

What's this book about /lit?

>> No.7108462

A green baby caterpillar hatches from an egg, and from birth he experiences a perpetual craving for food. He eats through fruits on five days, one piece on the first, two on the second, and so on up to five, then experiments with a wider variety of foods. Soon enough he eats too much and nauseates himself. After recovering he spins a cocoon in which he remains for the following two weeks. Later, the caterpillar emerges as a bright, colorful butterfly with large, gorgeous, multi-colored wings.

Foods eaten:

1 apple
2 pears
3 plums
4 strawberries
5 oranges
1 piece of chocolate cake
1 ice cream cone
1 pickle
1 slice of Swiss cheese
1 slice of salami
1 lollipop
1 piece of cherry pie
1 sausage
1 cupcake
1 slice of watermelon
1 green leaf

>> No.7108466

it involves russia

>> No.7108467

1200 pages.

>> No.7108469

The Hungry, Hungry Trollerposter

>> No.7108866

>The Hungry, Hungry Pierre

>> No.7109344

it's about a few royal families and their lives during war and the events following the war, which is called peace. it's one of my favorite books.
woody allen is a hack.

>> No.7109382

You cant go into more detail?

>> No.7109406

a detail opens another detail tbh. there is no focus point on the book.
pedophiles going after natasha is the foremost plot though.

>> No.7109444

War: What is it Good For?

>> No.7109464

Lots of fucking pages and words: the book

>> No.7109746

Was that from friends or seinfeld?

>> No.7109879

Absolutely Nothing

>> No.7109909

It's about everything.

If you read one book in your life, read War and Peace.

>> No.7110963

It seems that reading the whole would take lifetime.

>> No.7111324

it's about war and peace

>> No.7111417

My uncle became a billionaire overnight thanks to manufacturing weapons during WW2 and buying war bonds

What now?

>> No.7111425

war and peace

>> No.7111555
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basically this

>> No.7111755

its a fucking song

>> No.7111895

Well it's a story about love, deception, greed, lust and...unbridled enthusiasm. You see, Napoleon was a simple country boy. You might say a cockeyed optimist, who got himself mixed up in the high stakes game of world diplomacy and international intrigue.

As a matter of fact, Tolstoy originally intended to call it "War, What is it Good For?"

>> No.7111917

It's about 1000 pages

>> No.7111922

It's about half a million words

>> No.7111931

It's about three pounds, or a couple MB, depending on your medium.

>> No.7111933


>> No.7113485

It was originally titled "War, what is it good for?"

>> No.7113494

Its about five families; the Bezukhovs, the Bolkonskys, the Rostovs, the Kuragins and the Drubetskoys, and how members of those families interact on a personal level before, during and after Napoleon's invasion of Russia. It took me about three months to finish it. A good read.

>> No.7113503


The meaninglessness of human life, the folly of our greatest aspirations, the vain belief that we have any amount of significant causal influence on our lives, a bit of love, and a lot of retarded social etiquette.

I only read 250 pages or so

>> No.7114045
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Same boat, enjoying it so far. Really liked part ii, particularly when Rostov was asking himself why anyone would want to kill him, and also the dividing line metaphor.

>> No.7114589

which translation is best?

>> No.7114595

I read P&V but I didn't like the book so somewhat blindly I'd advise you to try a different translation. (It might not be P&V's fault, but then again, maybe it is!)

>> No.7114603

Slavs and God.

>> No.7114604
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If you are a slav, read it in slav.
If not, read it in french or english.

>> No.7114608


>> No.7114638

Millions of other people were reduced to Poverty and suffered Hunger during WW2

What now?

>> No.7114677

Louise and Alymer Maude's hands down

>> No.7114687

spot gob

>> No.7114692

It's about skimming the wikipedia summary and pretending you read it

>> No.7114869

I'm no fan of the Pevear and Volokhonsky hype machine, but they do some things right with their W&P translation. For one, they are faithful in the way they treat the French in the book, letting Tolstoy use the language as he intended instead of brushing it aside. Also, Tolstoy made wide use of repetition and P&V kept his repetition.
On the other hand, the spousal team of Aylmer and Louise Maude give a contemporary (to Tolstoy) rendering that he approved personally. Also Ann Dunnigan's work is highly regarded too.

>> No.7114871

>Maude translation
One thing they did wrong imho was to Anglicize character names. There was a recent revision of their translation that restored the Russian names.

>> No.7114873

are you in middle school?

>> No.7114882

In what way do they anglicize? Is it like Akhilleus to Achilles?

>> No.7115705

Wow some idiots became poor because they don't know how to think, who cares

>> No.7115761
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It's literally one of the greatest and most epic epochs of man on earth condensed into a novel.

>> No.7115771
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So upon my second re-reading of War and Peace, I picked up on a lot of things that I didn't before.

Natasha for example, is pretty much a natural born coquette cunt. Seriously, she flirts like an absolute whore with everyone, ditches respectable gentlemen for "bad boys," then marries a homely rich drunk (Pierre).

Honestly, I used to think she was so charming and gay, but now I just interpret her with disdain. Makes me hate women even more. Women are such fucking garbage.

>> No.7115777


>> No.7115784

Do you not know what epoch means or do you not know grammar?

>> No.7115791

She is young. You can't blame her for being swept away by a bad boy who pretends to love her.

Also you can't tell me you hated Mary. She is pure waifu material.

>> No.7115808

this post made me laugh. Sounds like you just got fucked around on m8, dnot worry another will come along and make you feel good and you wont hate em all.

>> No.7115809

sounds to me like you're discovering a lot more about yourself and your failed relationships with women than about the book tbh

>> No.7115912

Mine >>7114045 is the Constance Garnett translation because it was the one they had in oxfam.
It's very readable, though I obviously can't judge how accurate it is.

>> No.7116772

Yes, like changing Andrei to Andrew, etc.

>> No.7117488

>Napoleon was a simple country boy.
Yes, who was son of a minor noble and happened to excel at military tactics in school and later in the field.

>> No.7117496

That's basically how I pictured Natasha
Sonya was best girl btw

>> No.7117499
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>> No.7117520

I think for all the shit P&V gets on /lit/ they have the best translation for War and Peace. Not that this matters, but one of my professors is a big Tolstoy fan and he insisted that I read the P&V translation.

Do your own research instead of listening to /lit/ though.

>> No.7117521
File: 20 KB, 400x478, Flannery+OConnor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anything more beta than waifu'ing Sonya?

Of all the prime bitches in W&P, you chose Sonya? Really?

>> No.7117946

>tfw you will never tie a copper to a bear with the lads

>> No.7117950
