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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 240 KB, 427x700, Foundation-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7107481 No.7107481 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this the only board that questions its own legitimacy? Just because some STEM "rationalist" circle-jerker says that books don't matter you're suddenly thrown into an existential crisis? Do narratives not have a place in your life? Are you just a throbbing, apathetic mass of molecules that can't find objective meaning in life because a book can't answer all of life's mysteries? I just finished my B.S. degree in Geography and Chemistry, and every day I regret not studying the humanities. Books, music -those are the things that give me purpose, the things that taught me right from wrong, the things that bring me joy in life. Post your favorite book, and something you look forward to everyday.

>Foundation, my morning shower

>> No.7107616
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Book of the New Sun

After-midnight walks

>> No.7107620

thank you for participating

>> No.7107642
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Battle Royale

The time between midnight and 3AM where I can be alone and do whatever I want.

>> No.7107651

my time is the mornings, but yes, this is one of my favorites

my favorite book is probably naked lunch

I look forward to every moment that I smile, and someone else smiles in response

seriously, shit is contagious. Smile, anon. Brighten the day!

>> No.7107660

great book

>> No.7107665
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L'Herbe Rouge


>> No.7107674

thoughts on translations?

>> No.7107679

Favourite book: Near to the Wild Heart
Thing I look forward to: Getting to experience living

>> No.7107702

Well I thought the translations in the version I posted was fine enough, and while I was reading through it I didn't notice any errors. I believe there was an earlier translation that since went out of publication.

The manga is also a thing which can be read, and is a decent enough companion to the novel just because of the differences throughout, and the translation of the plot from a book to a more visual medium.

Then there's the movie, which was enjoyable enough, but obviously skipped a shitload of the plot of the book and changed quite a bit (needlessly I might add).

Hopefully I hit some of the notes you were looking for, and I apologize if I happened to miss your point.

I read through it multiple times and still found it enjoyable every time. Seems like there's always something extra to take from the story with each read-through.

>> No.7107711

Favorite book
Thing I look forward to every fay
>Drawing pictures with headphones in.

>> No.7107717
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Heart of Darkness, getting home and shitposting/playing dota

>> No.7107718
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My university is on the water-front. I look forward to my morning meditation.

Do you have to read the whole saga or is there closure on the first book? I've wanted to get into an Asimov book for a while after read a few short stories but am not sure where to start.

>> No.7107727

It's kind of like Star Wars; there are definitely good one and bad ones, but you nerd out so much that it doesnt matter.

i read the first one by itself for the first time when I was 13, and absolutely loved it.
the rest of the saga is great, and ive read it all about 3 times through, but the first one stands alone pretty well.

>> No.7107734

and by comparing it to star wars i dont mean to imply that it's a regular space opera.. it's really intelligent and almost prophetic. a lot of really cool ideas, my favorite being "psychohistory"

>> No.7107745

sorry but youre not pomo enough for here
please leave

>> No.7107750

What's your mmr

>> No.7107765

>The Odyssey
>masturbating and taking a shower afterwards

>> No.7107780

party is 3.8, solo is 3.7 but ive won like 15 games in a row. If you aren't a dumpster I'm always looking for people to stack with. no yuropoors

>> No.7107783 [SPOILER] 
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>not being popomo

>> No.7107804
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fam i'm more pomo than you'll ever be

>> No.7107842

>act IV

>> No.7107968
File: 231 KB, 640x480, 1415239033902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found a stack of a dozen good hardcover Asimov novels for 50 cents each
>mislabeled as 12 dollars each, so owner can't sell them to me until he clears it up with some third party
>visibly sweating thinking about some bum swiping them first


My daily run, reading in my cozy library, bagels

>> No.7107972

too bad I'm yuropoor
good luck in your quest anon

>> No.7107998
File: 44 KB, 641x480, « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ».jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no /lit/ american gf to play dota with

>> No.7108013

>dota [as speller ITT]
>DOTA [as spelled after a google search for what the hell it is]
>"Defense of the Ancients"
>Not "DotA"


>> No.7108033

What do we gain from reading fiction?

>> No.7108056


>> No.7108058

Post more lesbian shit on /gif/ please the thead is dying

and don't talk about dota

>> No.7108075

>muh intellectual hobbies
>instead of playing vidya i post as a tripfriend on 75% of all the threads on /lit/

>> No.7108085

Wow, you have an opinion. That was really interesting. Thanks for sharing. It was valued. You speak things of value. You have much depth.

>> No.7108100

force vectors by which to explode your internal Oedipal triangles

>> No.7108121
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>/V/idiots: Super sensitive. All over /lit/
Who knew?

>> No.7108148

You're just pompous is all.

>> No.7108169

Not really. I just gave up video games many years ago, and I get irked when people don't use proper capitalization. Didn't mean to sound all that judgmental. Gif related.

>> No.7108275
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I don't play vidja either, but I just don't think it's cool to rag on someone's hobbies if it keeps them content with their life.

And nitpicking capitalization in an acronym is stretching it. That's grammar SS guard level shit. You've transcended standard Nazism.

>> No.7108446
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I like this one the most. Mostly the part about the Mule.

I like talking to my girlfriend.

>> No.7108457

>the third policeman
>talking to this one girl who will never be my girl <-cucky faggot

>> No.7108484
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The English Patient

Having a satisfying workout and then coming home to relax before going to bed.

>> No.7108559

Isn't the claw supposed to glow blue?

>> No.7109830

1. lose the ideology; life is only about gaining/losing when you focus solely on survival. Also, how do you define gain? Do you mean skills that I learn? Does it matter where those skills are applied? At the end of the day I can argue that I learn a lot from fiction, whether that be people skills, language skills, even practical, day-to-day skills. It really depends on the contents of the book. I learn even more when I study the book. I learn its historical context, its political themes, its philosophies, scientific and sometimes medical methodologies, and new and interesting language uses.
2. rhetorical question: what do you "gain" from reading a math textbook?
3. I think the question you mean to ask is: does fiction make god real? No, faggot, it doesn't. And if you think science does/doesn't, then you have a poor understanding of how modern science works. You might be worried that humanity's only function is to survive. Luckily, humans invented this neat thing called language, through which all of our thoughts and ideas are mediated, and through which we can build a society that sustains lives equally and without prejudice so that we can focus on more important things, like making sure we don't destroy our planet.

So until then, I'll be reading my fiction.

>> No.7109846

Whenever I see 'B.S. Degree' I always imagine it says Bull Shit Degree.

>> No.7109854

Final note:
I don't go into a book with the hope that I am going to "gain" something, just like how you don't go into 4chan with a list of skills you hope to acquire. I read because I enjoy it. And if you don't then you can go fuck around on vidya or something, whatever makes you happy.

>> No.7109855

It is.

>> No.7109859

Book of the New Sun

Listening to Swans and Nick Cave

>> No.7109864

It basically is tbh. im going to end up working in a cold and depressing USGS lab for the rest of my life, looking through soil samples and contemplating suicide.

>> No.7110022
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The Remains of the Day

Running in light rain

>> No.7110036

love that book