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7100927 No.7100927 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I watched a John Green video and I found it both informative and helpful


>> No.7100934

Before anyone else says anything about it,
He appears to completely agree with Stalin

>> No.7100936

He didn't criticize Europe's and American's middle east economic and militaristic interventions at all.

>> No.7100954


>> No.7100959

He could've made a mention of this at about 8:10 when he mentioned ISIS

>> No.7100961

posted this n the previous thread

>Jaunty quick tone and delivery when he talks bout the syrian war
>slows down to a sad tone with....pauses....between.....words....for....the....boy....who....drowned...
>proceeds to criticize the media for ignoring the years long syrian crisis and glamorizing the death of the boy

>> No.7100976
File: 25 KB, 829x132, ace comment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That video is beyond stupid.

As are the comments, see pic related for instance.

What the fuck is this comment even saying?
Europe is bending over backwards to accommodate as many "refugees" as possible, including Hungary.

It's the refugees themselves who don't think Hungary is rich enough.

And lmao at that "Europe needs young immigrants" line.
Talk about population management lol.

>> No.7101005

When he says the boy wouldn't be dead if migrants weren't forced to take such dangerous journeys, he's treating the issue of a dead child washed up on the beach with the level of severity it deserves.
At the same time, he's criticising the media for exploiting the child while ignoring the less marketable Syrian war. Literally nothing wrong with that. Do you expect him to just flim flam over the dead kid like it were nuttin', fam? smh...

>> No.7101009

>criticizing tone
>caring about youtube comments

>> No.7101012

>>caring about youtube comments
Of course I care about youtube comments, these people vote and thus define our future.

>> No.7101018

talk about the video, not about some damn tween talking shit

>> No.7101019

>>tfw I watched a John Green video and I found it both informative and helpful
that's cause you're an idiot, probably your only news source is cnn.com or something

>> No.7101021

no, but he flim flamed zippity shlamed over the syrian crisis like it was nothing. "heres a nice graph now moving on..."

he always does these videos after the fact, like when he was accused of having only white straight characters, he made a video about how diversely he reads and recommended a bunch of books by nonwhites. Why didnt he do it before? or why do it in the first place? he only cares about his image. Why get into the syrian crisis now intead of idunno... when it wasnt already all over social media?

>> No.7101023


I got some good fuckin' news for you, buddy...

Politics is a sham! They probably don't even count the votes.

>> No.7101025

>you can only talk about the YT video, not the YT comments!

Call the cops then, I don't give a shit.

>> No.7101027

his tone for the syrian crisis could be considered "ignoring" or glossing over it, and the slowing down when he talks about the boy can be construed about glamorizing it, but he is only human, and a very flawed one at that.

>> No.7101049

He thinks Kenya and Somalia pays for their refugee camps.

>> No.7101060
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ikr, he's not stupid. plus also why wouldn't you want a YA audience tbh

>> No.7101092

>they're refugees not migrants because they didn't choose to leave their homes

They're migrants because they choose to go to the richest countries offering the most benefits.

Just like you're not drowning when you turn down a dinghy to wait for a cruiseship, you're just swimming.

>> No.7101111

>You will likely die if you stay here; two choices:
>1. Easy to get to, your life still pretty much sucks, but now you won't die as fast.
>2. Hard to get to, may die getting there, but your life might actually be pretty good for once.

>> No.7101115

>Hard to get to, may die getting there, but your life might actually be pretty good for once.

People have been migrating to Europe like this from non-wartorn countries for ages.

They're immigrants, not refugees.

>> No.7101128

>1. Easy to get to, your life still pretty much sucks, but now you won't die as fast.

Cruise ship:
>2. Hard to get to, may die getting there, but your life might actually be pretty good for once.

Pay attention next time.

>> No.7101134

Bleeding hearts who know nothng and want to know nothing about their countries don't care about rationale. To them, even the bloody Albanians and Africans from stable countries are refugees

>> No.7101144



"Article 1A, paragraph 1, of the 1951 Convention applies the term “refugee”, first, to any person considered a refugee under earlier international arrangements. Article 1A, paragraph 2, read now together with the 1967 Protocol and without the time limit, then offers a general definition of the refugee as including any person who is outside their country of origin and unable or unwilling to return there or to avail themselves of its protection, on account of a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular group, or political opinion. Stateless persons may also be refugees in this sense, where country of origin (citizenship) is understood as “country of former habitual residence”. Those who possess more than one nationality will only be considered as refugees within the Convention if such other nationality or nationalities are ineffective (that is, do not provide protection).

The refugee must be “outside” his or her country of origin, and the fact of having fled, of having crossed an international frontier, is an intrinsic part of the quality of refugee, understood in its ordinary sense. However, it is not necessary to have fled by reason of fear of persecution, or even actually to have been persecuted. The fear of persecution looks to the future, and can also emerge during an individual’s absence from their home country, for example, as a result of intervening political change."

"The Convention does not just say who is a refugee, however. It goes further and sets out when refugee status comes to an end (article 1C; for example, in the case of voluntary return, acquisition of a new, effective nationality, or change of circumstances in the country of origin)." (https://treaties.un.org/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%20189/volume-189-I-2545-English.pdf, page 10 of the document)

>> No.7101151

Your point?

>> No.7101160
File: 5 KB, 269x187, buddyholly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we start calling out these obnoxious faggot glasses already? Anyone wearing these should be smashed in the head.

Especially his, because they're clearly feminine indicating his masculine self-loathing or something.

>> No.7101186

While this may be relevent to many Syrians. Let's not forget, the first priority of a refugee is to seek safe haven. You don't need to travel to Germany to seek refuge, you travel there to benefit from the developed welfare system

The fact is that the majority of these so called "refugees" are military aged men and those coming from other stable but empoversihed countries. The Syrian men who deserted are cowards and deserve punishment if they return. If the other nationalisites were to return home, many would not face any persecution

>> No.7101204

oh shove it you dolt.

>> No.7101214

He doesn't even mention ISIS and blames Assad for false flags the west tried to blame on him

>> No.7101221

The majority of refugees passing the so-called Balkan route (Turkey>Greece>Macedonia>Serbia>Hungary>Austria) are from Syria, thus they fall within the refugee category.The nationalities next in line are Iraqi and Afgani.
Refugees like that don't want to stay in countries like Greece or Hungary for a multitude of reasons, like the fact that perhaps they already have relative waiting for them further in Europe or because the state of these countries does not allow them to provide aid or work for the people fleeing the war.Hungary has chosen to act this way (raising fences, attacking children), thus basically creating a problem themselves.Austria on the other hand provides buses across the country for anyone that wants.
The majority of Syrians also are middle class since they were able to pay the fee to the slave drivers for crossing the Aegean.
So it seems very strange that Europe leaves people speculate on this situation.
Anyway the argument that syrians are cowards is
1) Completely ridiculous coming form people who have never seen war on their lives.
Waging war is not as simple as people think it is.
2)Who are they supposed to fight with?
Assad the dictator the West is trying to bring down or Isis that burns down villages and it's policy is to clear land from citizens?
sage cause this isn't literature

>> No.7101253

>2)Who are they supposed to fight with?
>Assad the dictator the West is trying to bring down or Isis that burns down villages and it's policy is to clear land from citizens?
Why are you willfully disingenious? As if the Syrian conflict is so simple its a dicotomy.
How about the Free Syrian Army?
Or the Kurds
Or the multitude of other groupings inside Syria?

Refugees in the world wars used to mean women and children and pensioners, Now it means military aged men who want to chase the Western dream of material wealth. They don't care enough about their own countries to defend their people, why would they care about ours?

>> No.7101257

You're also not supposed to asylum shop, as per the Dublin Regulation.

They're immigrants, not refugees.

>> No.7101260

>military aged men

>> No.7101281


>> No.7101292

1) Ordinary citizens will die against organised military.
2)Isn't it hyocritical when some westerner who hasn't seen war pretents it's so easy to embark in one were no fighting side is suppotive of your interests.
3) If so why is it that europe and the us doesn't actively support the kurds? Instead they leave Turkey to do air strikes that basically are targeting pkk.
Coward is a very strong word coming from someone that has experienced war only through video games.

>> No.7101301

They're picking the richest countries that will give them the most benefits.

They're immigrants.

>> No.7101307

>Now [refugee] means military aged men who want to chase the Western dream of material wealth.
This tbh.

Huge chunk of them have never even seen war.

>> No.7101327
File: 48 KB, 960x540, kurdish waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Syrian men who deserted are cowards and deserve punishment if they return.
I'm worried about this flow of "refugees" like everyone here, but is there any army in Syria you'd join? To me it seems like all the sides there are pretty shitty except for the Kurds maybe (as a side note, redpill me on Kurds).

>> No.7101374

>1) Ordinary citizens will die against organised military.
First off, that is defeatist language. And again, why are you being so willfully disingenious? There are a multitude of organised armed groups in Syria of all colours

>2)Isn't it hyocritical when some westerner who hasn't seen war pretents it's so easy to embark in one were no fighting side is suppotive of your interests.
I'm actually from N.Ireland, had family members in paramilitaries and my family suffered a lot of persecution rom security forces. They didn't run to Germany though...They stayed to help end the conflict and build the peace we have now

>3) If so why is it that europe and the us doesn't actively support the kurds?
Except they do, again you mean willfully ignorant of the entire situation. Only last year the Iraqi government was pissed off when the West started directly funding and arming the Persmergah. You are also ignoring the realpolitik quandry NATO governments are under when Turkey is adament Kurdish forces are armed and turn teir guns against them.

>Instead they leave Turkey to do air strikes that basically are targeting pkk.
Except America is performing the vast majority of targeted strikes against ISIS. And only last month, the UK was up in arms over our government launching a drone strike against British ISIS members

>Coward is a very strong word coming from someone that has experienced war only through video games.
I see the legacy of the conflict in my country every day. You seem full of assumptions based in wellmeaning and moralised ignorance

If I was your average so called Syrian "refugee" who likes to portray themselves are moderate or Secular Sunni/Shia I don't know why they would abandon their country to the radicals when they just as easily join the Western based FSA and help them defend what territory they curently have

>> No.7101385

THey've never seent he war and don't want to the see the war. Even if it means the destruction of their own home. If that's not a coward I don't know what is. So now they leave their families behind while they travel to Germany to fina better life

>> No.7101401

>THey've never seent he war and don't want to the see the war.
War isn't coming to Ghana for instance.
Still there are thousands and thousands of "refugees" from Ghana.

>> No.7101411

still sexist

>> No.7101414

Yeah, because they're poor and see an idealised life in developed western countries

>> No.7101421

... making them migrants, not refugees.

>> No.7101422

Still a coward. Good luck not being sexist when ISIS is raping your family members

>> No.7101425

Kill yourself tbh

>> No.7101435

>itt: "I don't understand what a refugee is and I'm probably a /pol/fag tbh"
>nitt: literature

>> No.7101438

>itp: everything I don't like is pol

>> No.7101440

>caring more about pride than quality of life

>> No.7101441

A refugee isn't someone who crosses a good dozen warless countries to escape from war.

>> No.7101448

>international law

You can tell someone is a intellectual cuck when they say international law with that type of inflection.

>> No.7101449

>A refugee isn't someone who ... escape[s] from war.
R u shur lad?

>> No.7101456

That's not what I said.

A refugee is someone who escapes from war.

Crossing half a continent and a good dozen countries where there is no war just to get to the countries offering the most benefits =/= "escaping from war".

>> No.7101459

Once you've left the region of persecution, you're no longer a refugee but a migrant.
International law should be more of a thing tbh

>> No.7101460

Everyone who has ever voted was a fucking idiot. Shocking, isn't it?

>> No.7101474

>Crossing half a continent to get way from war =/= getting away from war


>> No.7101480

Yes. Very.

>> No.7101482

>There's a travel distance limit to be a refugee
>The fact that all the countries between home and those willing to accept refugees are turning them away means they aren't refugees

>> No.7101485

They're not crossing half a continent to get away from war, but to get closer to the benefits.

>> No.7101487

Fine then, it's both a migrant crisis and a refugee crisis.
But this is just nitpicking over labels -- Lord knows refugees would, logically and rationally, go to the comfiest country they can -- they might as well, given as they're displaced already.

>> No.7101488

In what land is this definition of refugee the norm?

>> No.7101491


>> No.7101494

Except Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, etc. aren't turning them away at all you dumbass.
It's the refugees who don't want their asylum to be processed there because those countries aren't rich enough.

Hungarian police was trying to KEEP THEM IN HUNGARY.
That's why they wouldn't let them leave on the trains to Germany.

Way to show your ignorance.

>> No.7101497

>They're not crossing half a continent to get away from war
So the fact that there weren't millions of people fleeing their war-torn country until there was a war tearing up their country is coincidence, they all just decided to move to Europe all at once?

>> No.7101501

>Fine then, it's both a migrant crisis and a refugee crisis.
It's a refugee crisis in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon.

It's an immigrant crisis in every single European country.

>> No.7101504

>>half a continent
they're crossing a couple hundred miles to get away from war, and then crossing a couple more to get closer to benefits

>> No.7101505

Hungary was literally building walls and putting Syrians in prison-style camps to keep more of them away. You have literally no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7101509

Google "asylum shopping".

I can understand fleeing a country or two, depending on conditions.

But "fleeing" from Denmark to Sweden for instance?

Or even from Hungary to Germany?

There's no war in Denmark or Hungary, you're no longer fleeing.

>> No.7101512

So the fact that there weren't millions of people fleeing their war-torn country until there was a war tearing up their country is coincidence, they all just decided to move to Europe "for benefits" all at once?

>> No.7101513

yes that's my understanding.
though isn't Turkey in Europe?

>> No.7101518

>Hungary was literally building walls and putting Syrians in prison-style camps to keep more of them away.
They were putting them in tent camps, yes.

They didn't exactly have thousands of refugee lodgings handy.

They were doing their utmost to keep them in Hungary.
The refugees were the ones turning down lodgings and food because they wanted to get to Germany.

>> No.7101520

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Denmark and Hungary are refusing to take in the refugees so they have to relocate to the ones that are willing to take them in? Do you not watching/read news at all, yet feel entitled to make opinions about things?

>> No.7101524

The Kurds have been bombing civilians since forever, they're hardly "the good guys" of this story, though it's probably a good idea if they got their own nation. Hard to see Turkey letting them do that though.

>> No.7101528

>They were putting them in tent camps, yes.
Behind barred cells actually. And beating them in open fields at borders.

>> No.7101529

>Denmark and Hungary are refusing to take in the refugees
Denmark would probably relocate most of the people applying for asylum there, as per the Dublin Regulation (more specifically the special Denmark-EU agreement).

Hungary on the other hand was trying to keep Syrians in Hungary to have their asylum processed there, also as per the Dublin Regulation.

Refugees have explicitly stated they did not want to apply for asylum in countries like Hungary, because they aren't rich enough.

>> No.7101535

Your link doesn't work.

>behind barred cells
>beating them

They were also cruelly handing out food and water, which the brave refugees of course turned down because it was laced with nazi blood.

>> No.7101546


>> No.7101568

They left Syria for the war, they crossed half of Europe for the benefits.

They're refugees in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan.

They're immigrants in Germany, Sweden, Belgium, ...

>> No.7101589

>Your link doesn't work.
It works fine.



I realize that you're a gigantic flaming idiot but in the real world people fleeing fucked up wars where they and their whole families would be butchered are sympathized with.

>> No.7101599


>> No.7101602

So the fact that there weren't millions of people fleeing their war-torn country until there was a war tearing up their country is coincidence, they all just decided to move to Europe "for benefits" all at once?

>> No.7101609

Apparently, now even Sweden isn't good enough for these discerning 'refugees'


>> No.7101640

Those fences are no different from the ones you'll see at open-air festivals.
They're for crowd control.

And what's wrong with them tossing food?

What's wrong?

They're not supposed to cross the border illegally, so naturally police will try to stop them.

>> No.7101642


The current wave of migration started about 15 years ago, an unforeseen side-effect of globalisation. It has been vastly intensified by the chaos which followed the Arab Spring, and particularly the civil war in Syria. The EU's responsibility is laid out in the Dublin Convention of 1990, which decrees that refugees must claim asylum in the first EU country which they reach. This crucial safeguard was torn up by Merkel when her government declared that it will be 'responsible' for processing claims of Syrians. The Dublin rules were made for a reason: to save lives, as well as to protect Europe's borders. German panic has imperiled both.

>> No.7101645

They're fleeing Syria.

But they're immigrating into Germany.

A large part of them haven't actually been in Syria for months or years.

>> No.7101650

It's as Zizek said, and they're wrong like Zizek said.

>> No.7101656



>> No.7101657

Tell me more.

>> No.7101660


>> No.7101661

His point was that criticized people who only started to care after one tradegy (one death)

>> No.7101663

>The Syrian men who deserted are cowards and deserve punishment if they return.
Why? Because they don't want to either be barrel bombed, or beheaded for not fighting for ISIS?

>> No.7101714

>Free Syrian Army
Poorly organized, made up of many different Rebel groups, some of them no better than ISIS, whose goals don't completely align.

The Kurds priority are the Kurds. They will go with or against the Interests of some Arabs if they benefit from doing so. I can understand if an Arab doesn't want fight with them.

>multitude of other groupings
See first point. How many of those rebel groups do you really think are fighting for a democratic and secular Syria?

>Now it means military aged men who want to chase the Western dream of material wealth. They don't care enough about their own countries to defend their people, why would they care about ours?

Material Wealth? Sure if that wealth means food, shelter, Safety from Violence.

>Defend their people
This is a fucking Civil War. Any side they fight with will involve fighting against their people. Civilians will die at the hands of all of the groups, whether as collateral damage or targeted Killings.

Also Women are fighting in the Syrian Civil War. Why do you only call the able bodied men Cowards.

>> No.7101822

>food, shelter, Safety from Violence
All of which are being offered to the "refugees" in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Greece, Hungary, ...

>> No.7101826 [DELETED] 

Reminder that the dead kid whos picture started all of this was safely living in Turkey before his family decided he wanted to move to Germany to get those fat welfare checks.

Reminder that once you're granted asylum in a nation you're no longer a refugee.

Reminder that this entire refugee crisis is the fault of the left supporting the "secular" rebels against the evil dictator Assad, which then allowed extremists to hijack the rebel groups thus turning them into an islamic death machine. Despite this cucks like John Green STILL like to put the blame on EVIL nations such as Russia, China, Iran, all for supporting their ally against extremists.

Reminder that you're not allowed to asylum shop.

>> No.7102346

>They're right to abandon their more vulnerable people to the tyranny of others, it's doesn't matter how strong or organised resistance is because it's too hard and too scary to challenge them yourself.

Imagine this was the mindset of soviets in ww2. Are you a "refugee" yourself?

>> No.7102382

I grew up in Green's neighborhood. He had a reputation for molesting dogs and we used to joke about hiding our furry friend's anuses when ever walking by his parent's (very large) house.

>> No.7102405

Stop bestiality shaming

>> No.7102447

European countries opening up their legs for these Mohammedan refugees would have made me angry five years ago but now it just makes me feel depressed. We're watching the final years of a continent that has given so much to the world, all because some bleeding hearts refuse to accept that Muslims are savages and want to bring them over by the boatload. No matter how much evidence is presented to show that these people are violent animals and leeches with absolutely no regard for the native cultures and traditions and laws of the nations they invade, they still want these people living in their neighborhoods, blowing up their trains, raping their women and children, and pushing for Sharia law. Even worse are the women who support the import of people who believe that oppressing women is natural and good as prescribed by their backward religion.

Let these barbarians who kill people for drawing pictures of the illiterate and murderous pedophile Muhammad live in the mess they created. Better that they kill each other than that they kill each other and us as well.

>> No.7102456

read more

>> No.7102458

Because men are the stronger sex and have an obligation to fight for their family and their community, even when outnumbered and outgunned. Abandoning your country in a time of war is cowardice.

>> No.7102466

Sounds like a projection of your own insecurities lad. You in the armed forces m8?

>> No.7102468
File: 21 KB, 320x268, You-Erd-Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>me so tuff

You come from a long line of pussies and you know it.

>> No.7102470

you mean evidence that supports your prejudices and worldview?

>> No.7102478


>> No.7102484

Then shut the fuck up, puss.

>> No.7102489

I'm not scared. I just have no interest in blowing up little children on the other side of the world.

>> No.7102509


>me mega tuff slayer of enemy

But if you were in a position where your children were in constant danger of being blown to pieces day after day, year after year - with no end in sight - you'd make your family stay put?

>> No.7102530

>I just have no interest in blowing up little children on the other side of the world.
But do have interest in little children on the other side of the world being blown up.

>> No.7102593

They chose to have children in a war zone.

I have an interest in protecting my country and my countrymen.

>> No.7102612
File: 13 KB, 460x276, David-Attenborough-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>They chose to have children in a war zone

>> No.7102640

So the parents of that drowned Syrian boy that's being plastered everywhere, they didn't know that when he was conceived the Syrian civil war had been going on?

>> No.7102657


>So the parents of that drowned Syrian boy that's being plastered everywhere, they didn't know that when he was conceived the Syrian civil war had been going on?

>muh one example speaks for hundreds of thousands

>> No.7102665

Only 10% of it is.
Might as well say that France is in South America as well

>> No.7102696

>They chose to have children in a war zone.
Just stop posting.