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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 88 KB, 338x450, friendship-of-don-quixote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7098920 No.7098920 [Reply] [Original]

What are some incarnations of this character type? I am about halfway through this book but I could see myself reading any number of variations on this theme. I understand Ignatius in Confederacy of Dunces is a famously quixotic character. It seems the tone of it is significantly less compassionate than that found in Don Quixote however. What should I read if I basically want the same book with a modern slant?

>> No.7099697


>> No.7099702

the only thing that comes to my mind is this movie: Ed Wood.

shitty movie tbh.

>> No.7099710

wow a painting where the people and objects create a larger image. insanely original.

>> No.7099733

Yeah, I made it myself dumbass. I was thinking "Oh fuck where am I going to find an image for this thread". I couldn't find anything on Google so I decided to paint this Daliesque protrait of Quixote. I then took it to Staples so they could scan the image onto a computer, which I had them put on a thumb drive. I offered the painting in recompense for the services rendered, which was taken in kind along with some petty cash. I then sallied home to post my thread, image in hand.

>> No.7099738


>I like the cut of your jib

>> No.7099742

damn, sorry, didnt realize you did it yourself. i thought i was just dissing some random painting. its actually really good, although im just saying ive seen the concept many times.

>> No.7099756

>i'll take gullible, apologetic shitposters for 200, alex

>> No.7099769

Bloom actually talks about the Quixote archetype all the time

>> No.7099831

What do I care what Bloom has to say about anything. Just because he is intelligent doesn't mean he says highly relevant things. I bet his articles on Quixote are full of shit about how Shakespeare already set a precedent for every idea contained within it and probably how Jewish it is too.

>> No.7100357

I think there is a comic about a guy reading too much superhero comics and then tries to be one. He had some sort of carrot outfit. I don't remember the name.

Also there is a novel called 'Female Quixotism, Exhibited in the Romantic Opinions and Extravagant Adventures of Dorcasina Sheldon' by Tabitha Gilman Tenney.

>> No.7100366

Holy fucking shit, you're the dumbest person on the internet.How did you even manage to find a literature board with the reading comprehension of a 6 year old with dementia?

>> No.7100370

There's not much. Don Quixote is pretty specific.

Most other people when they try make the character too pathetic (Ignatius) or too funny. Don Quixote rides the perfect line of tragedy/comedy.

>> No.7100380
File: 304 KB, 1148x1022, 1435644555739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7100409

>What are some incarnations of this character type?
Yukio Mishima.