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/lit/ - Literature

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7098787 No.7098787 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.7098900


I really like those Trojan Abstract Expressionist line of condoms it really gets a girl going

>> No.7098907

Sex improves the intellect.

>> No.7098916

no wonder im so dumb

>> No.7098927
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I can't wait to finish my novel so I can do something else.

I miss my ex-girlfriend even though she took advantage of me and lied to me. Up until the end I'd thought she was nearly perfect and hope to marry her, and I'd never allowed myself to feel that way about anyone before.

I want to do horrible things to her new boyfriend but I won't because in my head I know she can be replaced.

Reading Prometheus Rising makes me feel a lot better.

I wish I could believe in God and make my parents happy but it's just not right.

I'd join a Universalist congregation, but they'll hate that even more.

I worry that my novel is going to be dismissed as standard over-educated young white guy Pynchon-impersonation.

I actually think it's quite good, but that's probably all some people will see.

>> No.7098973

but greatly decreases ur sense of taste

>> No.7098975

It increases your taste in sex.

>> No.7098987

Our race is going to end in our lifetime.
I don't see the end to this university thing.
I can't study from 9am to 9pm anymore, it's destroying me.
If I don't pass 2 more exams I'll be forced to pay 1000 euro.
Gf and I are growing apart.
I'm fucking tired.
My brain hurts.
I wish I was somewhere nice, writing a fantasy novel.

>> No.7098990

This kind of stream of consciousness is actually a very good exercise not only to exercise your skills but to force you to write long and continuous lines of thoughts for an unusually extended period of time and it usually forces you to improvise a great deal but now as they say in jazz improvisers have a sort of musical reservoir or reservoir of memories and gestures and if you force yourself to improvise and just do whatever quickly you might be actually subconsciously and yes let me just use that word for a second you might be accessing your own inner reservoir of memories or materials and gestures and tics that you might have acquired where in your readings in the things you've previously written in the things you might have heard and most importantly you might notice several patterns provided you do it for long enough you that is several patterns of structuring thought and of rhetoricizing your own speech and such

>> No.7098997
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How I had stopped reading books for years and that now that I want to start reading again, I feel overwhelmed by this massive ammount of books.

I don't think my short attention span can handle it but I will try nonetheless.

>> No.7099005

When I'm alone, the feels hit me. How is it that I feel grief in loss for something I never had?

>> No.7099007
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fuck man....

>> No.7099011

I feel like I'm not going to suceed. 3% is small.
I have to move out soon and I have no money.
The loneliness is crippling.
I want to talk to someone but I have nobody. I don't even understand myself.

It seems that after every year I become a more watered down version of myself. I am slowly being defeated.

>> No.7099015

How is it that I feel nostalgic for times I haven't lived ?

>> No.7099020

because you don't really

>> No.7099023

>3% is small

Are you referring to the amount of burgers that never leave America?

>> No.7099030
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>writing post-modern trash
>not embracing new sincerity

>> No.7099037
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There is this weird feeling I get when I watch other people's homes. It's some sort of melancholy. What would my life be like if I lived there? What would my life be like if I found myself watching that TV show I can see through that window from the street?

Anyway, back to shitposting.

>> No.7099039

>implying people don't accuse the originator of new sincerity of being a detached postmodernist

>> No.7099042

No, I am referring to the success rate of my studies

>> No.7099048

Why then does my heart feel so bad ?

>> No.7099060

There's a childish part of my brain that can't wrap my head around the idea that fat people aren't constantly in agonizing pain

>> No.7099065

That's because they should be in agonizing pain. It's up to all of us to correct this.

>> No.7099079

they are. go read about someone who lost a ton of weight, they talk about how much better living as a whole is.

>> No.7099088

Me and you will about this by shrinking everything

>> No.7099090

Dfw is a post-post modernist

>> No.7099096

No. I'M a post-post modernist. DFW is worm food

>> No.7099100

>tfw you are so much smarter than DFW and have written better works than he wrote but you are too afraid of publishing them because they will literally change humanity forever

>> No.7099103

Think of the pain fats experience as a sound. It is as the ticking of a clock. When there is another sound in the room, a distraction that is louder or more interesting, the sound of the clock becomes as nonexistent despite the fact that it still ticks. When an outward force directs attention to the clock, the ticks can be more easily heard though they are faint. When there is an absence of sound, the ticks quickly fill the air and can seem to be deafeningly loud. This is the true nature of fatness, as well as with other issues of body image.

>> No.7099110

It's stupid but I still can't stand it when people laugh at my expense, and I know I should be able to handle it, but inside and far away from the incident I ruminate and tear myself up over it.

>> No.7099124

post em

>> No.7099145

Just here to shitpost. My back log is still too long to take any new recommendations. Will scan some of y'all's trifling arguments but the banter on /lit/ is tedious and dull. Don't know why a literature board has less interesting dialogue than one on television but them's the breaks.

>> No.7099281

Pretty girls make my heart hurt

>> No.7099289


>> No.7099308

... damn

>> No.7099309

I feel trapped; I want to scream; someone help me; what's stopping me; I must escape.

>> No.7099329
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>> No.7099340

this tbh

lol jk i get mad pussy

>> No.7099361

I can't write - I'm bouncing off the fucking walls.

>> No.7099386

Is Filthy Frank the Ubermensch?
He's talented, disregards convention and surrounds himself with similar people. He's managed to make good money off of this deviant behavior because he's so good at it.

I think he might actually be perfect.

>> No.7099406
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I've only recently gotten into literature, hell I haven't even skimmed the tip of the ice burg yet. Not sure what to read actually. Some books I'm recommended seem like a chore rather than enjoyable. I never understood the need to be an intellectual as much as someone who just enjoys a good page-turning story. I don't come here often but when I look at /lit/ I see a bunch of people trying to have more merit than one another rather than just enjoying the books they read. The same mindset infects /ic/ and it's kind of cringe worthy.

I'm not new to art. I've drawn for half a decade and gained some decent skills. I understand the merit of fundamentals and such and how that translates over to other forms of art. Even though I've put my heart into drawing for years, the more I read the less fulfilling drawing seems. I only ever did it because I thought comics were the coolest way to tell a story, but every time I read an exciting book it's way more entertaining that any comic I've ever read. Like wow what the fuck have I been doing with my life kind of entertaining.

I'm in a position where I have to draw. It pays my bills. But the more I read the less I want to at all. I'm curious how /lit/ actually feels about literature and if its fulfilling to dive into or if I should just go back to doodling for now. I know that I want to tell stories, if not in words then in comic form or whatever else.

In short. I'm new to enjoying written word. and I feel like I just stumbled upon Narnia. Is it worth indulging myself? Everyone here seems to hate their lives because they pursue literature or something. I'm guessing because they want that industry life and have figured out that it's complicated and unforgiving or maybe something else and so they distract themselves from their goals with philosophical babbling rather than getting anything done.

I just wanna be in it for the personal enjoyment really.

>> No.7099431

Non latin languages are for edgelords and I am trying to be edgy as fuck

>> No.7099448
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Don't sink into the literary swoon. Be cool like Bill Watterson or William Blake

>> No.7099456
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Since my Japanese girlfriend dumped me I'm legit afraid she'll meet Filthy Frank and end up with him because he's talented, handsome, and speaks Japanese, which was always an issue with her.

>> No.7099476

I'm listening to "Running Up That Hill" on repeat and feeling complicated emotions about never having realized how good it was before despite it being super critically acclaimed for like 30 years and wanting to find someone to talk about it with and knowing that everyone will either have stopped caring or have never cared in the first place. And I know I should move on to the rest of the album and the rest of her discography but I can't get over how good this one song is. The melody when she sings "And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God" feels like one of the most perfect things in musical history and I don't think I can ever really express why, and I don't think I could ever replicate it in anything of my own creation. But at least I finally got to hear it and believe that.

>> No.7099494

he probably already dicked her tbh fam

him n chin chin

double team tag bam pow

nothing to be sashimid of

>> No.7099508

I hope he was gentle :'(

>> No.7099541

Weirdly relatable despite being fucking retarded
What is your ex's connection to FF?

>> No.7099552

i'll give you three guesses, one hint; it's about 7.5 inches long

>> No.7099558

pretty plen tbh

>> No.7099564

I'm joking about Franku, but I do feel like I'm at a disadvantage to any decently tall and educated Japanese guy and that she left me because she wanted someone more like that. Franku is just a 4chan-related example of such a man.

She wants to move back to Japan and I think my American heritage started to worry her despite my eagerness to learn more about Japan. Kinda feels like I was all about cultural exchange and she just wanted a white boy-toy while looking for a Japanese guy to settle down with.

>> No.7099570

good then you suspect she was a whore move on you fuck

>> No.7099577

She was ridiculously hot, good in bed and the kitchen, well-read and down for just about anything.

It hasn't been that long but come on, that doesn't come around just any day.

>> No.7099777

Something inside me always says that I do things wrong, It's like a voice that won't stop judging me about how I create and do stuff. It's strange. I think I might have schizophrenia mixed with insecurity.

>> No.7099791

If everyone wants to be able to live their life as they dream one must be able to control their environment. In the ultra-interconnected society that we live in now one must wield power over others to influence their environment as they please. In modern times gaining status is directly related to gaining power.

Every time one is prompted to act they must make a choice: act or not. By this logic every action is found desirable by the actor even if they don't realize it. They want to do it.

Bringing the two concepts together: If everyone subconsciously desires to control one's own destiny and every action is one's self interests realized then every action seeks to gain power, in other words status.

>> No.7099805

fuck, anon
>it's true

>> No.7099806
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Full House

"Mr. Duffy abhorred anything which betokened physical or mental disorder. A medieval doctor would have called him saturnine. (...) He lived at a little distance from his body, regarding his own acts with doubtful side-glasses. He had an odd autobiographical habit which led him to compose in his mind from time to time a short sentence about himself containing a subject in the third person and a predicate in the past tense. He never gave alms to beggars and walked firmly, carrying a stout hazel."

>> No.7099807
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>Worried about his race dying
>Actually worried about passing college
It's almost like you're taking on the responsibilities of others to make up for your own lack of ability.

>> No.7099842

>to live their life as they dream one must be able to control their environment.

Y'all niggas need stoicism.

>> No.7099874

Please explain

>> No.7099886

The stoics would encourage you to control yourself before you even consider trying to control elements of your environment not already under your direct control. You will be unhappy if you see happiness in things you can't have or do, but you will make progress through self control.

>> No.7099894

Every morning when I wake up I feel like shit. I spend the first forty minutes of everyday convincing myself to get out of bed. It is always a struggle. The whole day, its brightness, its thingliness, its functionalities and possibilities, it is always something I have to talk myself into. It is never easy. When I talk, I feel ashamed. When I don't talk, I feel guilty for being outside. When I make eye contact with a girl, at first I am excited, but very quickly I become ashamed and embarrassed. I feel there is no way out. I am certain thoughts of regret will be with me my whole life. But I am also oddly secure in and with all this: it's just me, after all.

>> No.7099900

I have stomach cancer
I'm 22
I've done nothing with my life
I wish I took more risks

>> No.7099905

>youtube: "katie loves classic books"
>0 results

>> No.7099908

But a single person can't exist by oneself, one needs to rely on others to survive

>> No.7099913

What did you consume to activate your cancer?

>> No.7099915

I wanted to say that I'm sorry
spend time with your family and friends, and don't worry about "living life to the fullest"

>> No.7099916

If your situation is so bad that other people are literally going to cause the end of your life, then the best you can do is make peace with that if there's no way out that won't shatter your dignity. Praying for everybody else to be different is not worth the time.

>> No.7099953

"Silently shall I endure abuse as the elephant in battle endures the arrow sent from the bow: for the world is ill-natured."

>> No.7099968

This one hit close to home.

"If a man becomes fat and a great eater, if he is sleepy and rolls himself about, that fool, like a hog fed on wash, is born again and again."

These sort of typical rebukes of laziness, stupidity and decadence always get to me since it's how I've been living my life for years up until this very moment.

>> No.7099970

Kek, get a load of this faggot

>> No.7099977

328. If a man find a prudent companion who walks with him, is wise, and lives soberly, he may walk with him, overcoming all dangers, happy, but considerate.

329. If a man find no prudent companion who walks with him, is wise, and lives soberly, let him walk alone, like a king who has left his conquered country behind,--like an elephant in the forest.

330. It is better to live alone, there is no companionship with a fool; let a man walk alone, let him commit no sin, with few wishes, like an elephant in the forest.

Relevant copypasta

>> No.7099984

I have no friends
I barely talk to my family

>> No.7099988

Take your faggot shit somewhere out of my board, faggot

>> No.7099999

Quality 4chan post, playground bullies are the greatest humanity has to offer it seems.

>> No.7100001

next to dank gets, that is

>> No.7100005

so close dude

>> No.7100009

Cry harder, faggot

>> No.7100010

maybe that's because you're one of those people who feigns illnesses for attention

>> No.7100060

I'm not about to fuck off inna woods

If I want to get ahead in life I need to make friends/contacts/etc

>> No.7100087


>> No.7100097

A stoic would let a man kill him if it meant dying with dignity?

>> No.7100113

Only if he knew there was no way he could escape. To take an extreme example, a stoic who has had his hands cuffed, feet bound and a bag put over his head won't struggle when a noose is put around his neck.

If a man with a noose starts chasing him on the street, then it would still make sense for the stoic to flee and call for help.

>> No.7100132

One person can't produce all the goods required to survive

Would a stoic interact with the people required to get the supplies he needs to survive even if they are imbecilic?

>> No.7100134

My boyfriend is still in love with his ex and he doesn't think I know. Fuck that business. I'm done.

>> No.7100136

Stoicism is not being an isolationist or any of that bullshit. It just means handling your own shit. Very pragmatic.

>> No.7100144

i didnt apply myself at anything and now dont have any good friends or a cool job and i dont know how to fix it.

but maybe ill finish a confederacy of dunces and the grapes of wrath tomorrow after going fishing by myself

>> No.7100148

Any good recs to get started in Stoicism?

>> No.7100272

Bump, I'm also interested

>> No.7100275

>well read

>> No.7100280

I just started writing my novel on the weekends and I love doing it. Currently a wageslave working full time but what the fuck do I care, I'm making art.

Or, it will be art when I'm done with it. Cross your fingers.

Also how many people here would be interested in reading about airplane death races?

>> No.7100286

The Enchiridion by Epictetus is the short and dirty version.

Then read the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.

Then read some more Epictetus.

>bitches can't be well read
She was a polyglot reader in French, Chinese, English and Japanese.

>> No.7100393

Now that I've finished Crime & Punishment I'm not sure what to read next. Also not sure what I should write about.

>> No.7100399

That's a condom full of spaghetti.

>> No.7100784

No gays allowed


>> No.7100854

you got the ingredients, son - as Frank James did not say to the coward Robert Ford.

Go for it, man/woman. I already am seeing you as a future mild success.

>> No.7100903

This is an interesting line of thought, care to expand?

>> No.7100923

Im not sure if i love my girlfriend. Help, what is love ?

>> No.7101014 [SPOILER] 
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And the power of the mind is the greatest tool ever given mankind. When one is able to completely fool it, man would have found the gateway to eternal happiness. When one can control what they can and can't see, what they can and can't feel, what they could and won't remember, man will discover the biggest meaning of life. For it is simple, life has no meaning, life is only a word man created to try and solve what many men have tried to figure out during all the time man has existed, "What is life?".

>> No.7101096

when i have a hangover i imagine dismembered limbs swirling around in my stomach
my innards arent entirely organic and blend them up even further
bowels functioning like a washing machine or blender
and when i vomit
i like to imagine i indulged in cannibalism the night before

>> No.7101101

The total and unconditional acceptance of the other

>> No.7101304

How does one go about controlling everything?

>> No.7101659


Baby don't hurt me.

>> No.7101662

The pain is stronger than ever. I've seen bit of lost Paradises and I know I'll be hopelessly tryng tu return even if it hurts. The deeper I swing into the regions of nothingness the further I'm thrown back into myself, each time more and more frightening depths below me, until my very being becomes dizzy. There are brief glimpses of clear sky, like falling out of a tree, so I have some idea where I'm going, but there is still too much clarity and straight order of things, I am getting always the same number somehow. So I vomit out broken bits of words and sintaxes of the countries I've passed through, broken limbs, slaughtered houses, geographies. My heart is poisoned, my brain left in shreds of horror and sadness. I've never let you down, world, but you did lousy things to me. This feeling of going nowhere, of being stuck, the feeling of Dante's first strophe, as if afraid of the next step, next stage. As long as I don't sum up myself, stay on the surface, I don't have to move forwards, I don't have to make painful and terrible decisions, choices, where to go and how. Because deeper there are terrible decisions to make, terrible steps to take. It's at forty that we die, those who did not die at twenty. It is at forty that we betray ourselves, our bodies, our souls, by either staying on the surface or by going further but through the easiest decisions, retarding, throwing our souls back by thousands of incarnations. But I have come close to the end now, it's the question will I make it or will I not. My life ha become too painful and I keep asking myself, what am I doing to get out of where I am. what am I doing with my life.

>> No.7101666

It took me long to realize that it's love that distinguishes man from stones, trees, rain, and that we can lose our love and that love grows through loving, yes, I've been so completely lost, so truly lost. There were times I wanted to change the world, I wanted to take a gun and shoot my way through the Western Civilization. Now I want to leave others alone, they have their terrible fates to go. Now I want to shoot my own way through myself, into the thick night of myself. Thus I change my course, going inwards, thus I am jumping into my own darkness. There must be something, somehow, I feel, very soon, something that should give me some sign to move one or another direction. I must be very open and watchful now, completely open. I know it's coming. I am walking like a somnambulist waiting for a secret signal, ready to go one or another way, listening into this huge white silence for the weakest signal or call.
And I sit here alone and far from you and it's night and I'm reflecting on everything all around me and I am thinking of you.
I saw it in your eyes, in your love, you too are swinging towards the depths of your own being in longer and longer circles. I saw happiness and pain in your eyes and reflection of the Paradises lost and regained and lost again, that terrible loneliness and happiness, yes, and I reflect upon this and I think about you, like two lonely space pilots in outer cold space, as I sit here this late night alone and I think about all this.

>> No.7101680

>watching tv

>> No.7101684

Love is when another person fulfills a part of your life that you can't in your own, and because of this you accept them despite your differences and want nothing but the best for them even at your own expense.

Men love women because they allow us to have families and provide us with a unique kind of intimacy that can't be had from solitude or other men. It would be easy to not accept women and to wish them ill otherwise if they didn't do these things for us, so what you see on r9k is the result of having a completely different relationship to women than you're used to.

>> No.7101707

Gay love is not real love then?

>> No.7101735

Salami? What the hell? Salami.

>> No.7101752
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That doesn't follow.

What does follow is the anxiety women have about homosexual men being misogynists, which is a real complaint in certain feminist circles.

Gay men provide each other with something else that I don't understand entirely, but I know loving gay couples. I do suspect that the heterosexual relationship lends itself more easily to love because of the biological imperatives involved, but not to the complete exclusion of homosexual relationships.

>> No.7101779

stop giving coverage about this

>the anxiety women have about homosexual men being misogynists
>homosexual men being misogynists

not a thing

you study complaints but you don't study the act of complaining, which is itself the real issue

I-I'm not complaining.

>> No.7101786

lel. I think women have anxiety about homosexual men deconstructing femininity (and masculinity), womanhood into a grotesque joke. one of the reasons I like drag shows.

>> No.7101808

>stop giving coverage about this
What are you, some sort of campus-activist damage control agent?

I've heard and read women making the case that gay men aren't capable of being real feminists and stuff like that plenty of times. I'm making a positive statement and you've just saying you don't believe me.

This is still basically tangential to my point about the nature of love, so I'd prefer we got back to that.

I mean, it certainly doesn't help that some of them try to co-opt traditionally feminine behaviour, but I suspect that the ones who pass for straight most of the time are what really gets under some womens' skin.

>> No.7101831

>fantasy novel
Now i understand your gf.

>> No.7101850

Do you put her over anything else in the world and want her to feel the same?

>> No.7101852

it's very common actually

>> No.7101892


Family matters the most right now.

>> No.7101911


Is it pure chance you posted this on the anniversary of 9/11?

>> No.7101925


Darkness at Noonby Arthur Koestler then The Myth Of Sysyphus by Albert Camus.

>> No.7101930


Darkness at Noonby Arthur Koestler.

>> No.7101952

No it doesn't.

>> No.7102128
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Ugliness is the core of sexuality.

I'm worried that I'm going to be a virgin forever.

>> No.7102133

Yeah you will with that mentality.

Sexuality is the only beautiful thing to an adult.

>> No.7102149

Wondering why there was blood in my shit and some more on toilet paper

>> No.7102151
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I don't mean it that way, you fool. I mean that in order for a person to be truly attractive, they must have some amount of ugliness or their beauty becomes uninteresting.

>> No.7102194

Nice dubs, garbage post.

>> No.7103243

spaghetti pocket holders