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/lit/ - Literature

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7092676 No.7092676 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /lit/ interactions with (/lit/) parents
>be child
>dad is philosophy teacher
>ask him what is philosophy
>he looks really pleased and gives me a bunch of books
>don't remember them all, but I do remember books by Descartes, Kant, and Wittgenstein
>get through less than five pages of each before being confused or bored
>spend the rest of my "no tv hour" trying to stack the books up like a house of cards
>end up doing something else
>dad asks where the books are
>they're just in a pile in the corner
>the pages are folded in and there are dents on the covers from them falling down a lot
>he gets mad because I didn't understand them and they're like, expensive hardcover versions of those works
>mfw to this day he's still upset that I don't understand a lot of philosophy

>> No.7094172

he's dissapointed because his son is a pleb, that's fair enough to be honest I would be too

>> No.7094194

I somehow doubt a philosophy teacher would get the impression a child can comprehend Kant or Wittgenstein.

You're either lying or I'm sorry for your having had a terrible father.

>> No.7094201

There's a twist. OP was 22 when this happened.

>> No.7094206

>I'm sorry for your having had a terrible father.

Of course his father is terrible, he's a philosophy professor.

>> No.7094224
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>be child
>daddy recommends me robinson crusoe, gulliver's travels, and other good books for children
>be teen
>daddy recommends me notes from the underground, the stranger, and other good books for teenagers
>be adult
>daddy recommends me the goldfinch
>realize daddy's a pleb

>> No.7094332
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At least you have patrician parents.

>be me
>dad never went to highschool
>mom never went to highschool
>only three people in the whole family besides me went to highschool
>one cousin that never finished
>other cousin, finished but never made it to college
>other cousin, got his college degree and today he is an accountant with a successful career
>tried to give some books to my parents but they never read more than five pages of them
>tried to talk with them but I find them increasingly boring
>only one guy who I feel I can really talk to

Oh, and for some reason most of the female members of my family hate me. According to them I'm a lazy asshole who should drop college because he's too stupid to learn anything.

tl:dr: I wish I had /lit/ parents.
You don't get to complain OP.

>> No.7094335

He's a philosophy teacher.

>> No.7094359

I imagine OP as a child, reading the categories and negative characterization of objects, space and time, in sentences by Kant that each go over half a page.

>> No.7094363
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Pic related, got it for Christmas. One of my favourite books now too.

>> No.7094369


>> No.7094375
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My mom is into Kabbalah, numerology etc., but at least that makes her have some interesting books in the shelf that aren't all bad.

>> No.7094396

Same story.

>dad never went to middleschool
>mom never went to highschool
>the only one that went to college never finished
>tried to make them read everything
>gave them a copy of Yasushi Inoue
>gave them a copy of Baudelaire
>gave them a hardcover of Tolstoy
>as I came the book never was in the same place
>“how was it?!”
>they didn't read it but moved it regularly to make guests think they read pretty books
>gave them a neat history textbook
>my dad was somehow interested but eventually dropped it

He told me later he couldn't read and it bothered him. He had to decipher each word and he didn't know many of them. The fact he is half-illiterate is fascinating since he speaks fluently three languages but can't write nor read a single one.

>> No.7094421

Christina Ricci never looked hotter.

>> No.7094440

Is there a bowling ally dance webm?

>> No.7094550

>both parents Masters in English
>mom ditched school, but only had 1 paper to write to get PHD
>as a young child I read every book I can get my hands on
>sometime during my late teens my father goes off his meds and complains how studying anything ruined his life
>father advocates hedonism
>I go to college, ostensibly hedonist but deep down, still looking for meaning and truth
>wonder why I fail to socially integrate with anybody I can actually talk to
>Realize I sounded dumb "I don't read books, etc."
>Finally rebel against father's insanity and return to the path of light.
>mfw 24 and NEET, and those bad grades and no recommendations are really fucking my shit up.

>> No.7094558
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>Dad has a PhD in a biology field
>Devout Christian, sends me to Christian school
>Bible teacher is a fucking retard,
>make a B in his class because his essay assignments and grading criterion are retarded
>Offers to let me take an A in the class if I write a twenty page essay on Why Us? by James Lefanu
>Dad grants that the teacher is a tard, but says I should have tried harder so I should do the essay
>Get into the book, it's utter rubbish based on completely false scientific claims despite the author being a doctor
>Show dad
>flips out, puts post-it notes on every page where the book is wrong
>looks like a fucking Christmas tree when he's done
>returns it and tells me to write the essay anyway
>basically wrote it already on those post-its
>waits until I turn the paper in and get that sweet A on my now flawless transcript
>goes down to the school and spends an hour castigating the Bible teacher for being teaching while illiterate
Fuck you, Mr. I.

>> No.7094594


>> No.7094647

I want to believe this happened

>> No.7094756

>realizing every single human being is a pleb

>> No.7094762

Buffalo 66.
Pretty good flick.

>> No.7094781

>mom went to college for a STEM degree, dropped out, became a graphic designer for the state power company, worked her way up to middle management, quit to raise a family, now works as a special needs assistant in primary schools
>only reads typical middle aged women targetting romance novels
>dad dropped out of high school, got an apprenticeship as an electrical engineer, opened an electricians business, sold it, tried a stint as a fireman for a few years, joined a racking and shelving company as an engineer, worked his way up to now being majority shareholder and is worth a seven figure number
>only reads detective novels and political thrillers, maybe an old sci-fi novel like Dune if I'm lucky

You'd think with how fucking varied their careers were they'd be into a more wide variety of shit but nope.

>> No.7094811

Money can't buy class.

>> No.7094849

>be teen
>heavily into animu and vidya, not at all into literature
>eating with the family, game show on tv
>they ask a bunch of geography questions, specifically rivers of Europe and shit
>my mom (phd in sociology) can answer almost every single one
>she literally calls me an ignorant
>these were my exact thoughts: b-but I know so much about technology and Japanese culture
>call her a "dumb cunt" in turn, because she doesn't know how to operate a computer which is required in her office
>the next year I'd start reading literature like a mad man, out of spite
>years later I dont really know the rivers of Europe but I've read the entire Western canon and over 600 books.
>I no longer feel like a pleb
>have no feelings of love for my mother

She's always been 'special' (i.e., bitter and ill tempered), so I don't know if she manipulated me into reading or was she really that dumb and hipocrite to consider me a pleb.

>> No.7094859

>heavily into animu and vidya
>not a pleb

who are you trying to fool? your mother did you a favor

>> No.7094892


Excuse me, but my dad was a philosophy professor for many years as well, and he was a very good father. Since I also love philosophy, and he also reads a fair bit of literary fiction, needless to say we've had countless "/lit/ interactions."

>> No.7094930
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>mom went to college for a STEM degree, dropped out, became a graphic designer

>> No.7094940

that's probably glossing over some details bub

>> No.7094964

>did you a favor
You seem to have missed the bits about how the mother-son relationship disintegrated.

>> No.7095021
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>mom gave birth to me when she was 16
>eventually she got a bachelors degree when she was like 30 or something
>had to deal with every kid in middle school telling me they want to bang my mom
>she doesn't ever read but some guy recently got her Aziz Ansari's meme book "Modern Romance" so she's skimming that but doesn't have the attention span for it
>my biological father literally was in jail for trying to scam the government a year or so back and was recently on the run for jumping bail twice
>he's a highschool drop out
>haven't seen him in years other than in mugshots, pic related
>if I recall, he read quite a bit but nothing patrician
>basically just obscure crime novels or whatever
>my grandpa was a respiratory therapist who smoked .. he smoked so much he had to get a quadruple bypass surgery
>he's a titanic expert, read everything there is to read about the ship and so on
>used to do seminars on it and whatnot and was friends with all the remaining survivors
>never seen my grandma drink water, only hard liquor and she only watches QVC
>that's just about my entire family
>I read sometimes

>> No.7095037

I almost never watch television, but when I do I always end up watching this somehow. It's mesmerizing.

>> No.7095059
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>mom calls you out for being a dumb little bitch
>mom essentially straightens you out
>mom gets you into literature
>"she's a dumb cunt and i don't love her"

kill yourself

>> No.7095087

I generally need some sort of connection to the outside world when I'm alone or I feel this horrible terror creep up on me so QVC does the job

>> No.7095107
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>mom was a typical teenager in the '80s
>completed high school at sixteen and did some community college but dropped out when she met my father who had drugs
>dad was a high school drop out who would sling meth
>don't think my dad has read any book since 9th grade
>mom reads an insane amount of detective and thriller shit
>goes through a book every 2-3 days
>ask her why she doesn't read anything else
>"i enjoy these that's why"

can't argue with dat

>> No.7095120
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>is into anime and vidya
>couple years later
>has read the entire western canon

lmao who you fooling faggot

>> No.7095131

is that you on the right

>> No.7095143

>parents homeschooled me bc didn't want me stabbed/shot
>parents poor though so couldn't order textbooks
>tfw 4th-grade dropout
>luckily dad went to bibble college
>had a bunch of old theology books
>coolguys like Augustine, Aquinas
>relatively obscure dudes like Tozer
>by 13 have rich theological framework through which to express my faith
>enjoy church and interesting convos w/ older Xtians
>family gets computer
>thank Yahweh
>since parents suck educate myself online
>make myself read lit I'd be reading were I in school
>also math, science, etc.
>at 14 discover New Atheists
>discover evolution fucking exists
>father did not tell me this
>hardcore fedorafag stage
>become everything my father hates
>tfw he shows me the unconditional love of Lord Jehova despite my headwear
>Protestant guilt 4 lyfe

>> No.7095144

no i look even worse

>> No.7095148

I never said it took me a 'couple' of years.

>> No.7095163


>> No.7095177


>gave my mom a book to read 5 years ago
>props up her DVR so it doesn't overheat

>> No.7095182

sounds terrible

>> No.7095234
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>start reading a lot of literature while in high school
>start writing short stories
>want to become a respected author more than anything else in the world
>writing all the time but parents show no interest
>didn't really expect them to so i don't care too much
>major in english at college
>writing all the time, occasionally sending out stories
>one of them gets accepted by undergrad mag with a decent circulation
>send parents the story to read, they show some excitement
>come home on break
>tell them about the troubles i've been having with the magazine's editor
>"what was that story about again?" mom asks
>mfw words cannot describe the disappointment i felt in them

>> No.7095268

>reading comprehension

>> No.7095597

Grandfather is considered one of the most important writers of his generation in my country and mother has just won the most important literary award in the country.
This summer my mother was reading the complete works of Machado de Assis, father was reading a Borges book i can't recall, i was going for Ulysses after being convinced by my mom to take some summer classes, one of them was about analysis of Joyce.
Only 20 and better read than anyone of my age i've ever known.

>> No.7095600

You'd better believe it, buster.

>> No.7095617

post nudes of your mom

>> No.7095621
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alright kiddo

no one is impressed by a "good" writer in mudhut country #4513

your grandpa probably writes cuneiform on clay tablets with his pointed reed stylus

not impressed bud, sorry

>> No.7095623

>l-look mah im reading liter-a-tchuure!

>> No.7095633

>Only 20 and better read than anyone of my age i've ever known.

Yet you hadn't read Ulysses before? Fuck off.

>> No.7095637
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fuck this picture man

>> No.7095679

who was your grandfather?

>> No.7095701

My dad owned a bookstore and Edward Abbey and R.Crumb did a signing together there in the 80s. When I was a young kid I wanted to read some comics and he gave me a Crumb anthology. Good times.

>> No.7095704

>Mother is spanish teacher
>reads either romance novels or books about turkey, greece, or spain, because that's where she traveled to when she was a teen.
>Dad is a volunteer fire-fighter and nurse
>Always had dreamed of being a nurse
>almost as much as he dreamed of being a writer
>have a home library of shit tons of irish history and mythology, military strategy, psychoanalysis, and american political history, as well as every Pynchon novel, Lotr, anything and everything Hemingway (have a cat named Hemingway too) and Raymond Carver (my dad loves minimalism), some Joyce and lotsa Shakespeare
>He used to write regularly, even though he'd need my help spelling words since he was an underachiever in his school days
>doesn't write anymore
>depressed because my mom cheated on him with a Mexican security guard at our school.

What happens if I grow up into his situation too? where I'll have to depend on my kid becoming a writer so I can feel like my dreams of being a writer are completed in an indirect way?

>> No.7095709

edit: The security guard is from HER school, not mine.

>> No.7095737

lawl look at these buttblasted cucks

I don't like reading about other people's elaborate fortunes either, no reason to cry about it though

>> No.7095752

is your dad just letting it happen? what is he, a cuck? make him throw her rice and beans loving ass on the curb

>> No.7095759

edit: where she belongs

>> No.7095821

>Is he letting it happen

Hardly. He's been emotionally abusing the shit out of my mom. Made her sleep in the basement for a month. has her crawling on her knees so the marriage can stay intact.

>> No.7095826

not literally crawling on her knees, but you get what I mean.

>> No.7095865

Not going to say, he is know mostly in Europe and is translated for most languages in there. He's been nominated for the Nobel a couple of times, but never as a challenger

>> No.7096037

good for him though I can't imagine being cheated on and having any sort of relationship stay, I'd imagine anything else to be letting her off easy

like I'd only feel satisfied if I got to have a one night stand as payback

>> No.7096044

>I'd only feel satisfied if I got to have a one night stand as payback
You'd think that, but it only makes things worse in my experience. When it really happens to you, you're less concerned with doing it back because it doesn't undo her wrong. She'll always have cheated on you, no matter how many slags you lay in response. That's what matters, or at least to me. It's better to just ditch the bitch.

>> No.7096056

>girlfriend says she wants some space
>fuck a different girl off my bucket list every other night for ten days until she changes her mind
Dumb slut probably didn't think I had it in me, and now she's the laughingstock of the campus. She kissed some beta she thought was "so deep" and then realized that beta tastes awful and came crawling back.

I see why hot girls are so unbearable now. That kind of power feels great.

>> No.7096058

ye after I said that I regretted it, plus if I got payback in that way she would feel justified and whatnot

really there's one option

>> No.7096111

>Call him a faggot
>Enroll in STEM field
>Tell him its all subjective anyways

>> No.7096128
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This is you