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7091357 No.7091357 [Reply] [Original]

In my country, this man is everything


>> No.7091875

Is that you Canada?

>> No.7091890 [DELETED] 

>calls out the entire western world for not being humanitarian
>doesn't mention the fact that israel has refused to accept any refugees

>> No.7091896

That's not true though, and Israel is part of the western world.

Fuck off anti-semite, this isn't the right board for you.


>> No.7091902

How does pointing out facts make me an anti-semite? Israel is not accepting refugees despite being literally right next to syria.

Also israel is in the middle east you dumb cunt.


>> No.7091905

I wonder if pol prefers Palestinians or Jews in their ideal Israel.

>> No.7091906

Neither. I'd give it back to the Kurds.

>> No.7091909 [DELETED] 

>you dislike some Israeli practices
You are the worst kind of stupid.

>> No.7091911

>israel is in the middle east you dumb cunt
And Australia's south of Asia. What's your point?

>> No.7091914

No one cares about Australia.

>> No.7091919

Not him, but I think his point was that, because Israel is in the middle east, it is not part of western culture.

>> No.7091923


>> No.7091926

I browse both boards and I would say neither. Let them sort their issues on their own.

>> No.7091927

"/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.

If you want to talk about politics, go to /pol/."

- Mod

>> No.7091930

We're discussing the views of a fiction author, making it literature-related.

>> No.7091932

Fair enough. I suppose what I meant is: What point are you going to try to make now, huh, cunt?

>> No.7091935

I see

>> No.7091938
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>thinks Al-Assad is bad


>> No.7091942

Is that a fucking pony on the background?

>> No.7091943

eat shit fake mod

>> No.7091944
File: 208 KB, 436x337, 1385457189515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're discussing politics.

>> No.7091948

Yes, but the word politics has lit in it so it makes it /lit/ related.

>> No.7091949

@1:47 lmao it is

>> No.7091978
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Reminder that cucks like this can and must be ignored


based zizek saves the day, as usual

>> No.7091983

>starts with a good quote thats still relevant and holds true
>mentions Stalin to make the quote seem automatically wrong, because he was ebil!!

I dislike when people do that. Just because Stalin/Hitler/Mao/Dr.Doom said or did something, doesnt automatically make this something bad or wrong.
People whom you consider evil can still be right, and often are, since idiots dont come into positions of power.

>> No.7092012

He doesn't care for nuance, he just jumps in headfirst with his feels. The qoute itself (probaby not even spoken by Stalin) does not even sound like a malicious statement but an insight into callousness of society at large

>> No.7092084


>24 September 2015

Based Zizek, writing from the near future

>> No.7092098

>non existence of Norway

>> No.7092110

It's the platonic view. Refugees has an "utopian idea of Norwary and The West" that simply can't be matched by reality.

>> No.7092128

Bashar did nothing wrong. U.S.A is false flagging shit as usual in the middle east.

>> No.7092134

Reminds me of an article I read years ago. Turns out doctors in Japan have a medical term to describe the crushing disappointment and following depression when a japanese tourist visits Paris and comes back demoralized from what they saw. Its a legit medical condition.

>> No.7092135

read the article, its really good

>> No.7092141

like what exactly did they see?

>> No.7092144

It's called Paris syndrome. The Japanese embassy in Paris even has a special wing to deal with japs who get it

>> No.7092150


I think he means the migrants' vision of Norway. They're looking for the land of milk and honey and acting very self-entitled about it, but they're hardly going to find it because everywhere has problems including said migrants existing.

>> No.7092154
File: 115 KB, 1698x262, pari shokogun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pari shokogun
>transient psychological disorder exhibited by individuals visiting europe
> psychiatric symptoms such as acute delusional states, hallucinations, feelings of persecution (perceptions of being a victim of prejudice, aggression, or hostility from others), derealization, depersonalization, anxiety, and also psychosomatic manifestations such as dizziness, tachycardia, sweating, and others
>around twenty Japanese tourists a year are affected by the syndrome

>> No.7092160

Why does this guy makes a show of "white people are responsible for everything wrong in the world" out of every situation? I couldn't even watch the entire video because of all the intentional misinformation.

Seems like one of those people who would like to be sexually humiliated by a minority.

>> No.7092163

It wasn't a white pristine city like they thought it would be. They smelt the rancid piss and shit everywhere. They somalians and arabs selling key chains and hassling them and stealing from them.

You can imagine how shocking and traumatizing it is to go to a eruopean country and seeing and black and brown everywhere.

>> No.7092171

More often its just that european culture is very different than japanese culture, and they feel lost and get panic attacks.

>> No.7092175

I bet the producer is a jew. Actually have to look it up now.

>> No.7092180

>intentional misinformation
Green's main sources of news are the New York Times, The Economist and Wikipedia. I don't think it's intentional, I think he really doesn't know the truth.

>> No.7092189

A Stan Muller, sounds askenazi enough.

>> No.7092190

>intentional misinformation

Point out some cases. I think the video was an opinion peace, and there was no misinformation in it.

>> No.7092195

>the truth.

Oh well, then, illuminate us

>> No.7092196

All his videos of crash course, you can go to ask a historian on reddit and read their answers as well. It's a fact not something to debate around.

>> No.7092203

I thought you meant this video in particular. I havent seen his other blogs or the crash course program.

>> No.7092259

He has a huge hate on for Europe and its history. He spent a whole video explaining why Alexander wasn't great and another brushing over the medieval period - reinforcing notions that it was a dark age, something many historians contest - just so he could praise Islam. When he talks about a European empire he points out how terrible it was and so on, but then praises Asian empires because OMG THEY WERE SO BIG!

I haven't watched all the videos but there are issues endemic to empires generally and one should teach the good with the bad across the board.

>> No.7092264

I'd believe you, but seeing how 4chan is on a full on contrarian vibe, doing a mirror image of the fad you are trying to describe, I think I'll just assume you are cherry picking and opt out of the thread.

>> No.7092274

I can second that Green is terrible. Something that made me particularly angry was the beginning of his infamous Alexander video. It was something like.

>"Alexander the Great"
>"Hey, why aren't any women called the great?"
>"History is sexist"

The way he just made that broad and wrong statement and then just zipped over a ridiculously half-assed excuse faster than a commercial disclaimer bothered me so much. He knows he's wrong but he goes out of his way to make stuff fit his narrative.

Also his work is generally pop-sci to the max. You can't become informed on big issues in 5 minutes.

>> No.7092313

For example when he talks about Assad using chemical weapons. I don't know if he's talking about the Ghouta attacks, which were by far the deadliest, but it's a fair assumption to believe he was. No investigation claimed that the Syrian government was responsible and it happened shortly after the US said that the use of chemical weapons would be a red line, which raises many doubts.

And then he calls Europe's response to this crisis inhumane. No one who arrived by boat was sent back to Lybia/Turkey/etc. and Germany just said that all Syrian refugees are welcomed.

He also that this isn't a migrant crisis but a refugee crisis because a refugee s are "persons fleeing armed conflict or persecution". Maybe I'm haven't been paying attention but as far as I know there is no war in Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary or Austria.

And then he says that Europe beneficts by having the boats and all because since the trip is dangerous this means less refugees will enter Europe, Then why the fuck did Germany said that all Syrians are welcomed?

And then he says that everyone is to blame for the Syrian conflict. And by everyone he means the government, Iran and Russia. No mention of western support on rebels and Saudi funding of ISIS

I didn't watch the rest.

Maybe I should've use the word disinformation instead

>> No.7092375

I genuinely believe that media figures like Green are actually CIA agents.

>> No.7092389

>Ghouta attacks
Use of chemical weapons in the Ghouta attack has been confirmed by the United Nations after some investigation. If you think its wrong, then the UN is wrong, not Green in citing them.
>no one was sent back
Worldwide thats easy to prove false, because of the actions of Australia.
In Europe, its easy to prove wrong because of Bulgaria building a fucking wall on the border with Turkey.
But you did say "one who arrived by boat", and context filters these only to Europe, so I will pass here. I dont know if any boats were forced to return and I am too lazy to investigate further.
>no war in Macedonia, Turkey
Turkey has a civil war going on for years, its just not official. Macedonia has albanian minorities rioting from time to time, and sometimes the army has to intervene. It happened recently as well, and I think a helicopter and armored cars were engaged, and there were many killed.
>he supports NATO and its allies over Russia and its allies
Its the popular stance to take, and for several decades its considered the "good" or "correct" stance to take. Generally it is believed NATO and their allies are the good guys.

Just playing devils advocate here, but I dont think there is much misinformation. Mostly taking a side, and being subjective by supporting that side.

>> No.7092394

What a retard. He should go back to writing his sob story books and stay out of big boy discussions.

>> No.7092401

I could buy the CIA going for this method but what reason would they have for dumping shit books on naive teenage girls and making them feel informed through these worthless videos?

What's the end goal of the Green plan?

>> No.7092409

I just watched his Columbus vs da Gama vs Zheng He video. Is every video like this?

>Zheng was amazing, literally the best sailor ever because he led big ships. The trade routes were already known but he was awesome, I which I could've sucked his cock
>da Gama was a glorified pirate, even though he was the first person to travel between Europe and Asia by sea. The portuguese were assholes and hated the peaceful and brilliant
>Columbus had a stupid plan

And by the way, Vasco da Gama didn't say "Gold and Christians", he said "Spices and Christians" but I'm not expecting him to be historical accurate.

He sure seems to hate Europe and European history.

>> No.7092415
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>> No.7092422
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>>>doesn't mention the fact that israel has refused to accept any refugees
his is wife is kiky, likely zionist

>> No.7092426

>What's the end goal of the Green plan?

Keeping people distracted enough so the post-neoliberal revolution can go on quietly and without disruption.

I am owned by Pepsi-Co (TM)

>> No.7092431
File: 68 KB, 470x349, a good goy's illustrated primer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical self-loathing Euro.

He probably read (pic related) and called it a day.

>> No.7092434


Columbus was pretty much reviled by anyone he had to work with, which is why he was in Iberia in the first place. This is common historical knowledge.

>> No.7092437

>remove tyrant
>turns out what those animals needed was a tyrant
Every time.

>> No.7092446

>to paraphrase Stalin, they are both worse
Top Zizekism.

>> No.7092451

>Use of chemical weapons in the Ghouta attack has been confirmed by the United Nations after some investigation.
Of course there was use of chemical weapons, that's not the question, but the UN doesn't say that Assad was the responsible.

>Worldwide thats easy to prove false, because of the actions of Australia. In Europe, its easy to prove wrong because of Bulgaria building a fucking wall on the border with Turkey. But you did say "one who arrived by boat", and context filters these only to Europe, so I will pass here. I dont know if any boats were forced to return and I am too lazy to investigate further.
Worldwide doesn't matter because he's talking about Europe
Bulgaria doesn't represent the entire continent and he was talking about the boat smuglers. He says: "thousands of Euros to get them via boat from Turkey, Morocco, or Egypt, to Malta , southern Italy, or Greece's southern islands. Those smugglers are essentially the only people benefiting from Europe's inconsistent, inhumane.
Tbh, I think Italy once returned a boat or something but was shat on by EU and Sweden so they never tried that again

>Turkey has a civil war going on for years, its just not official. Macedonia has albanian minorities rioting from time to time, and sometimes the army has to intervene. It happened recently as well, and I think a helicopter and armored cars were engaged, and there were many killed.
Saying that the PKK conflict and the Macedonia violence problems are a reason to flee is a bit extreme, but I would understand feeling that if you're already escaping war. Still doesn't justify all the other countries.

>Its the popular stance to take
I get that, but it doens't make his video accurate.

Again, I think I shoul've use disinformation instead of misinformation

>> No.7092462

>his counterargument to people wanting the government to take care of their own citizens is some "we're all just one race; the human race" tripe

What a dipshit.

>> No.7092504

>who's to blame? PRETTY MUCH EVERYBODY

fucking liberal shitbags and their "we are all guilty of murder and genocide because we are complacent in our ignorance in it" blahblah fucking blah

are u as guilty as me in me fucking my 5 year old nephew to death in my basement because you're ignorant to it and therefore complacent in it?

>> No.7092522

His treatment of world events and his history 'lessons' are quite problematic.
He teaches young and impressionable children not history as it was, but his opinion thereof. He is a dangerous charlatan and should be removed.

>> No.7092526

>we're all just one race; the human race
>unless you're european
>then you should hate yourself because colonialism
>i mean everyone was bloodthirsty and killing and conquering each other all the time throughout history but you europeans took pride in your work and did it competently so

Liberalism in a nutshell.

>> No.7092561

Yeah I'm pretty sure that's a J. S. Mill quote actually

Learn to differentiate between ideologies and people who support them

>> No.7092567

>become pedantic instead of addressing the unpleasant point

More Liberalism.

>> No.7092716


>> No.7092908

>dangerous charlatan
>must be removed
Russian government-employed troll detected

>> No.7092946

>Crash 'European history is literally irrelevant cis propaganda only world shaping history that matters are Nigerian tribal wars of 7th century' Course
>Crash "Odyssey is sexist and Homer is a rapist" Course

>> No.7092955

>think its going to be some "boo whoo" white people need to be more humanistic
>starts with a fucking Stalin quote

>> No.7092960

He doesn't use Stalin's evil to dismiss the quote.

>> No.7092963

>It happened recently as well, and I think a helicopter and armored cars were engaged, and there were many killed
M8 I'm from Macedonia and you're full of fucking shit, literally no one died

>> No.7092966

He did try to view Homer in a more "contemporary" light and I don't agree with it either but it didn't really take away from the whole of it

>> No.7092977


>> No.7092979

>Use of chemical weapons in the Ghouta attack has been confirmed by the United Nations after some investigation. If you think its wrong, then the UN is wrong, not Green in citing them.

Yeah you moron, but the UN report said they originated from rebel owned territory.

>> No.7092983

This is Zizeks opinion on the issue, I hear John Green falling into the traps Zizek was talking about

"It is not inherently racist or proto-fascist for host populations to talk of protecting their ‘way of life’: this notion must be abandoned"

>> No.7092986

here is the link I meant to post


>> No.7093002

>2 of 2 matches

>> No.7093141

They aren't refugees.

>> No.7093151


>> No.7093160

Migrants. Refugees are women and children, not 800000 men who want to go to Germany to live off social security.

>> No.7093173

makes sense tbh

>> No.7093186

Most of the actual refugees stayed nearer to Syria. Oh and there is probably a few thousand Isis agents, some actually confirmed. Photos of them with Akas in Syria and in Germany getting food.

>> No.7093191



>> No.7093200

>refugees should be entitled to better lives than native europeans

I wish I was fortunate enough to be born in a country that I could leave and gain refugee status.

>> No.7093204

I thought that was the point though. One death is a tragedy

>> No.7093209

It's funny because people usually have to go through a certain procedure, this is a great injustice to everyone who has tried to migrate legally, alongside breaking of law.

>> No.7093216

>there is probably a few thousand Isis agents

It's not 'probably', there ARE ISIS sleeper agents that got let through. ISIS themselves admitted it.

Can't wait for the mass beheadings and rape tbh

>> No.7093223

And for the fourth Reich, they hadn't had one in a long time. But this time leave Poland alone and visit Muslim countries.

>> No.7093243

I think its just culture shock intensified. Its a famous thing for americans to visit france, specifically paris and feel insulted and hated. From some readings it really just seems like the french tend to be different in many respects, so both of them feel touchy around each other. A common thing in America is for spanish speakers to be respected, someone comes into your store doesnt speak english and just instantly asks for a translator or something. Apparently french people get pissy at americans who dont attempt to speak their language at least a little to then first then ask to converse in english. But i think it might work the same if a french person were to come into an americans store, even though i think theyd be more accepting.
I dont know, i think its also opposite stereotypes, like the french being wine drinking pretentious faggots in the eyes of americans while the french view americans as sandel wearing goofy burger fucks.

>> No.7093246

>criticizing tone

>> No.7093257

>It is not inherently racist or proto-fascist for host populations to talk of protecting their ‘way of life’: this notion must be abandoned. If it is not, the way will be clear for the forward march of anti-immigration sentiment in Europe whose latest manifestation is in Sweden, where according to the latest polling the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats have overtaken the Social Democrats as the country’s most popular party. The standard left-liberal line on this is an arrogant moralism: the moment we give any credence to the idea of ‘protecting our way of life’, we compromise our position, since we’re merely proposing a more modest version of what anti-immigrant populists openly advocate. And this is indeed the cautious approach that centrist parties have adopted in recent years. They reject the open racism of anti-immigrant populists, but at the same time profess that they ‘understand the concerns’ of ordinary people, and so enact a more ‘rational’ anti-immigration policy.

Fuck, this is just going to create a wave of people "turning conservative" because they associate the left with letting in immigrants

>> No.7093263

Some people seem to be the most rustled by the alexander the great thing, but to me, the medieval period polemic always makes me extra uncomftorable. Like, it wasnt necessarily the best time for european history, but it was awesome nonetheless, and to think think that just because rome had a famous high culture doesnt mean shit. Their philosophy, for example, is complete new age garbage in comparison to medieval tomes. Not tryjng to genralize and be simplistic too much (à la john green) but im heavily rustled right now.

>> No.7093270

they have an idea of France as as kind of big Other that Zizek was talking about and when they realize reality isn't like their fantasies their problems start kicking in.

>> No.7093349


It's like he was trying to be DFW for teens or something then realised he couldn't steal his image so he settled for being an even shitter version of Jonathan Franzen.

>> No.7093407
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Is Zizek saying that Norway is a spook? Marx is rlling in his grave

>> No.7093421

>DFW for teens
yes, viz. 'Abundance of Katherines'

>> No.7093518

You know how anime portrays Europe as still being aristocratic baroque era, even when it's mechashit in 3000 AD? That's what they expect.

>> No.7093728

he' also criticized people not paying attention to the all the shit going on and sensationalizing the boy's death. Which he did. or maybe I havent watched his previous videos about Syria....

>> No.7093771

Its where Lacan and Hegel comes in.

>> No.7093928

>One of the most popular writers in 21st century is a youtuber
we have trully reached the end of times. This, now is a time for a socialist revolution to push the capitalism away.

>> No.7093937

compared to middle east western and northern europe is utopia.

>> No.7093952

Israel is actually more Western than Greece tbh. Israel is Age of the US: Middle East extension.
While Greece is Turkey Explorers 2: Reaching Europe.

>> No.7093960

In my country, he is nowhere and nobody talk about him. Do you realize posting one of his YouTube link gives him publicity, money and influence?

>> No.7093996

In my part of the US he is mocked and derided for being formulaic. If you hang with Green tainted zombies, find new friends.

>> No.7094006

>20 tourists a year

I would have thought it'd be much higher.Huge amounts of Japanese middle classists go through Paris every year.

Sounds German tbh.

>> No.7094009


>> No.7094021

Cuckolded German tbh

>> No.7094091
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Norway's gonna get its fill of spooks if they and the EU don't pull its shit together over this.

>> No.7094208
File: 40 KB, 600x400, DONALD-TRUMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else think Zizej is really a closet Nationalist who hides his redpilled views behind obfuscating freudo-marxist jargon?

>> No.7094323

Yes, I do get that vibe sometimes
Maybe one day he'll break free from his commie shell
or maybe he's a national bolshevik

>> No.7094343

I fucking hate this cuck.

>> No.7094376

I fucking love this cuck. He cucked me so good.

>> No.7094389

>In my country, this man is everything

This is my favourite new /lit/ meme

>> No.7094432

he blames capitalism as the root of the problem though. He basically just says the left deludes themselves into letting the nationalists get in.