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/lit/ - Literature

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7086293 No.7086293 [Reply] [Original]

>The divine comedy
>is not funny

>> No.7086300
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>tfw english translation isn't english

>> No.7086302
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>infinite jest
>only finitely humourous

>> No.7086352
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>Notes from Underground
Not even a miner

>> No.7086364

>Cat's Cradle
>No damn cat, and no damn cradle.

>> No.7086365
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>invisible man
>protagonist is perceivable to the eye

>> No.7086370

>The Odyssey
>no mention of Honda's line of minivans

>> No.7086377

>no demons

>> No.7086379
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>talks against spooks
>middle name is Kaspar

>> No.7086382

>A guy catches a lot of flak, but no one catches a .22

>> No.7086387
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>Moby Dick
>It's not about Moby's dick

>> No.7086392

>protagonist doesn't even blaze it once

>> No.7086395

>He doesn't smoke weed

>> No.7086412
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>> No.7086420

>The Matrix
>Not about mathematical arrays

>> No.7086445


>> No.7086448

>posts aren't even a minute apart
hello newfag welcome to 4chan, would you like me to explain how posting works and the time limit between making posts?

>> No.7086474

please do bro

>> No.7086476


>> No.7086477

>just an old fuck getting laid

>> No.7086481

>Fahrenheit 451
>The book isnt searing hot to the touch

>> No.7086500

>Picture of Dorian Gray
>is a book

>> No.7086513

>A Clockwork Orange
>title is perfectly accurate

>> No.7086557


>> No.7086566
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>actually about a man named Siddhartha

>The Stranger
>you and other characters know who the protagonist is

>The New Testament
>is 2000 years old

>Children of Men
>there's only one child in the whole thing

>> No.7086573

>Catcher in the rye
>only a Faggot in the city

>> No.7087113

Don Quixote, doesn't unlock one door or chest

>> No.7087116

Nigger factory, kids studying for white collar jobs

>> No.7087136


>> No.7089510

okey this one made me laugh in real life

>> No.7089516
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I haven't read any of the books ITT so I don't really get them.

But I'll try

>Of mice and men
>Isn't actually OF mice and men, just ABOUT men, retardness, and friendship

>> No.7089533

I thought the joke was that it loops back to the beginning at the end

>> No.7089536

it hinted at it when he snuck away with that girl

>> No.7089544

Reason takes the fun out of life

>> No.7089547
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>title taken from Shakespeare or Homer

>> No.7089551
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>transcendental aesthetic
>art not mentioned a single time

>> No.7089747


>> No.7089762

>brave new world
>everyone is last man
>no beast fighting
>no shooting aliens


>> No.7089774
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>main character's name is Leopold

>> No.7089801

its an allusion to the Odyssey but not completely based on it

>> No.7089806

I don't think you get the point of the thread

and yes thank you friendo i have read Ulysses and am well aware

>> No.7089812

and "comedy" doesn't really mean laugh out loud funny in dante's time. we already know this shit, we're just memetexting ignorant pedantry for laughs

epic, epic laughs

>> No.7089814

>The New Testament
>>is 2000 years old

>> No.7089825

>Naked Lunch
>there's only naked boys

>> No.7089836

>aristotle's poetics
>nothing about poems

>> No.7089837

>no plates

>> No.7089861


>> No.7089866

>the white devil
>no damn cracker ass white devils

>> No.7089879

It's comedy for the divine beings ,having a lol at Dante and his struggle

>> No.7089882

>The Republic
>not a word about China

>> No.7089887

> TheCatcherin the Rye
Where do i even start...

>> No.7089892

> old man and the sea.
This one is actually as accurate as can be

>> No.7089901

>published in 1949

>> No.7089904

>50 shades of grey
>book has only white and black colours

>> No.7089907

>a farewell to arms
>nobody loses limbs

>> No.7089909

>infinite jest
>isn't funny

>> No.7089912

>no small pigs anywhere

>> No.7089914
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>Black Prince
>no mention of Prince

>> No.7089916

>only memes and shitposts

>> No.7089919


>> No.7089924

You're forgetting the cover, it's pretty grey.

>> No.7089930

>The Perks of Being a Wallflower
>not written from the perspective of wallflower

>> No.7089943

>Never ending story
> ends

>> No.7090008

>Much Ado About Nothing
>Ado is about something

>> No.7090040

if you think that ij ends, you're an idiot.

>> No.7090087
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>life of pi
>isn't a historical portrait of the number

>> No.7090109
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>it's actually about some irish cuck

>> No.7090113

you just got out-out-rused I was playing the double-agent troll

>> No.7090120


>> No.7090148

You sound like you're 17. You're 17.

>> No.7090582

>only memes and shitposts
Applicable for every single board here.

>> No.7090590

i havent actually read it

>> No.7090604

>The Princess Bride
>Doesn't actually become a princess
>Doesn't actually become a bride

>> No.7090613

>one flew over the cuckoo's nest
>isn't about bird migration patterns

>> No.7090626
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>Holy Roman Empire
>Not holy not Roman nor is it an empire

>> No.7090866

>is literally about a princess who was a bride
fuck off, these aren't good

>> No.7090868

Who ever is really a princess?

>> No.7090878

my qt redhead gf is my princess :3

>> No.7090886

yeah, no

>> No.7090924
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>> No.7090930

that cartoon girl looks disgusting what the fuck with that head and ramen hair

>> No.7090947

Merida>>>>>>>>OP anime

>> No.7091057

>house of leaves
>doesn't build a tree house

>also, stopped sending letters to mom

>> No.7091061

>I have shit taste
Yes anon we know

>> No.7091065

>king lear
>doesn't decrease anyone's defense

>> No.7091092

>starship troopers
>ships aren't made of stars

>> No.7091122

>The Tempest
>doesn't cause wind damage

>> No.7091173

I get the joke, but what was the significance of the Cat's Cradle in the novel itself? To show that the father couldn't understand his children, to demonstrate the innocence inherent in science while it is abused by those who control it?

>> No.7091242

Fuck you, fuck your history teacher, fuck everyone who has ever said this. It was all three.

>> No.7091263
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>> No.7091269


>> No.7091322

>The Savage Detectives
>just a bunch of faggot middle class poets

>> No.7091323

The HRE existed longer as a unified Feudal empire with a head of state crowned by the fucking Pope himself than it did as a disorganized loose collection of states like it did after the Diet of Worms, as it is normally portrayed. It was Holy the only person with a claim to semi-sovereignty over the Pope was the Kaiser, the Emperor was directly responsible for defending and expanding the Christian faith as he did on multiple occasions (see: Baltic crusades and HRE involvement, the christianization of what is now Eastern Germany) and the Empire was united by a joint belief in Catholicism. It was fucking Roman by the fact that it filled Rome's historical role as hegemon of Western Europe and it was literally proclaimed the continuation of the Western Roman empire by the Pope several times. It was an Empire as it was a vast territory rule by a minority of its inhabitants that shared an enthno-lingusitic identity distinct from many of their subjects.

>> No.7091332

Thanks for triggering my autism, fake butters. You got me. Good job.

>> No.7091351

Missing the point, and what, are you too good for 2/3 of the meme trilogy?

>> No.7091356

>Gravity's Rainbow
>No mention of a lesbian Sandra Bullock anywhere
why even read pynchon?

>> No.7091360

>The phenomenology of spirit
Not a single fucking word about bartending

>> No.7091372

>brave new world

>> No.7091386


I interpreted it is being symbolic of the meaninglessness of life, of people looking for inherent meaning where there is none. Maybe like a metaphor for nihilism? Life has no meaning beyond the meaning we prescribe to it.

>> No.7091405
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The Pope is a blasphemy, a glorified priest sitting in a city named Rome. So he crowns kings, so what? No empire is "holy"

But never mind that. It's simply an insult.
An insult to these institutions that flaunt around their little self-made tinsel titles like it means anything.

I'm genuine btw

>> No.7092043


Do all of your opinions really -have- to be this stupid?

>> No.7092067

>meme anime
>on /lit/

>the genreiest of genre fiction
>on /lit/

>> No.7092075

>snow white
>there was no snow

>> No.7092125

>Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
>isn't gothic femdom porn

>> No.7092142


i love you. post pics of urself please

>> No.7092146

because all plays were either tragedies or comedies. and it wasn't a tragedy

>> No.7092202

and everyone knows that in the end of a comedy you either die or get married.

>> No.7092209

>Le Morte Darthur
>nobody named Darthur

>> No.7092279

>being a Protestant heretic
>any year

>> No.7092293

>I'm genuine btw
Lies, Butters abandoned us months ago.

>> No.7092454


>> No.7092464

Everyone always says this.
Is there some archive post that proves that?
I've never been sure.

>> No.7092480

There was a huge fuss about it for about two weeks several months ago because of some drama relating to her. Look her up in the archives, you'll find one of the threads about it.

>> No.7092486

>Being against Poppishness means you're a Protestant

>> No.7092497


>> No.7092574
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I think it's just one guy trying to get a meme going. Wont matter soon enough.

A huge fuss thread?

I was raised protestant, but yeah, even some Catholics can be anti-papal. It's nowhere in the damn book

>> No.7094445

>I have no mouth and I must scream
>He both has a mouth and screams

>> No.7094449

>Song of Myself
>it's a poem

>> No.7094477

not in the end he doesn't

>> No.7094485

oh you
i wonder if anyone set song of myself to some Appalachian folk tune

>> No.7094489

ur dumb

>> No.7094493

the book isn't supposed to be taken literally, its what the community believes in and having a pope is central to Catholic thought

>> No.7094502

i giggled

>> No.7094514

>The bible isn't important! It's the church and the holy fathers who run it that are most important.

Okay, whatever.

>> No.7094533

If that's what “we” believe, I don't see the problem.

>> No.7094572

Okay you got me you faggot.

>> No.7094586

Its like this board, its called /lit/ - literature and the sticky says "/lit/ is for the discussion of literature." but you know quite well that we veer off into philosophy/art/politics because the users believe it to be part of their board.

>> No.7094587


literally reddit

>> No.7094639

Which Invisible Man?

>> No.7094675

Could have just gone:
>Of Mice and Men
>No mice

>> No.7095669

nigger u wot?

>> No.7095830

i know this is not the point of the thread but is this book good?
every time i read or hear about bolaño he just sounds like some pretentious middle class asshole but im probably wrong

>> No.7095834

what about piel divina

>> No.7096410

>Thread about awesome memes
>butterfag fuckes everything up

>> No.7096523

technically speaking, there's only a mouse, singular

>> No.7096585

Even Wallace has said that if you don't distinguish a proper ending (not talking chronologically) then the book failed for you

>> No.7096697

man you fucked up

>> No.7096732

>count zero
>~100000 words

>> No.7097435



>> No.7097476

>The Grapes of Wrath
>family harvests peaches, not grapes

>> No.7097478

>Breakfast of Champions
>not about whiskey and cold pizza

>> No.7097492

>The Red Pony
>not Pokey's biography

>> No.7097510

Why did I laugh?

>> No.7097580


The good one.

>> No.7097588


>> No.7097601



>Not about Ulysses


>> No.7097645 [DELETED] 

>a farewell to arms
>author is Mark Rippetoe

>> No.7097652

>a farewell to arms
>author isn't Mark Rippetoe

>> No.7097670


>a farewell to arms

>all characters keep their two arms

>> No.7098029

>Gravity's Rainbow
>Not about a rainbow owned by gravity.

>> No.7098461

>they don't actually tread on any lupine animals

>> No.7098476

But anon... Ulysses is about Ulysses

>> No.7098915
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>> No.7098976

Cool meme picture, friend, :)

>> No.7098979

>we make off topic posts as a matter of course, but it's ok because it's board culture!

>> No.7099565

>he's OP
>he posts lazy and unoriginal memes

>> No.7099602

>Slaughterhouse 5
>Only book in the series

>> No.7099726

The sci-fi one is called "The Invisible Man" and the good one is called "Invisible Man"

>> No.7099798

apparently you didn't read the ending

>> No.7099815

ok this is underrated

>> No.7099866
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>"Continental Philosophy"
>its not philosophy

>> No.7099878

>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>It's a book

>> No.7099882

>Nobody uses a Mac

>> No.7099940

>19 84
>19 48
>published in 1949

>> No.7100020

>A Storm of Swords
>Swords never fall from the sky

>> No.7100046

you got it the other way around

even Wittgenstein admitted analytics isn't philosophy, he called it a bunch of word games or whatever

>> No.7100057

>5775 AM
>still using the Gregorian calendar

>> No.7100067

>The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
>Actually about LSD

>> No.7100101

The question is whether you think that's good enough or isn't.

>> No.7100129

continentalist philosophy is sophistry and nonsense. disambiguation of the word game is the goal of philosophy and philosophers. I do not think you made a study of wittgenstein, even if you read him.

>> No.7100135

>The Tin Drum
>Is a book

>> No.7100141

>lead character is a ham omelette

it was pretty confusing and didn't add anything to the plot.

>> No.7100146

>The Taming of the Shrew
>She's a human