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7088213 No.7088213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Zizek weighs in on the refugee crisis. What do you think?


>In escaping their war-torn homelands, the refugees are possessed by a dream. Refugees arriving in southern Italy do not want to stay there: many of them are trying to get to Scandinavia. The thousands of migrants in Calais are not satisfied with France: they are ready to risk their lives to enter the UK. Tens of thousands of refugees in Balkan countries are desperate to get to Germany. They assert their dreams as their unconditional right, and demand from the European authorities not only proper food and medical care but also transportation to the destination of their choice. There is something enigmatically utopian in this demand: as if it were the duty of Europe to realise their dreams – dreams which, incidentally, are out of reach of most Europeans (surely a good number of Southern and Eastern Europeans would prefer to live in Norway too?). It is precisely when people find themselves in poverty, distress and danger – when we’d expect them to settle for a minimum of safety and wellbeing – that their utopianism becomes most intransigent. But the hard truth to be faced by the refugees is that ‘there is no Norway,’ even in Norway.

>> No.7088225

That's kind of racist... I thought he was left wing?

>> No.7088234

He addresses that in the next paragraph. Just read the piece, it's good.

>> No.7088237

how on earth is that racist

>> No.7088244

Saying it's not racist doesn't make it not racist, dude.
Yeah, basically condemning refugees to death because they're not your colour isn't racist at all, what was I thinking?

>> No.7088247

Made a topic on /pol/, maybe we can get some constructive cross-board discussion


>> No.7088250

Zizek is a European, therefore his very existence and every facet of it is racist.

>> No.7088253

read the whole thing in his voice

>> No.7088256

You know nothing about the Left.

The creation of a new world means nothing less than the creation of a new multipurpose race. The Left's goal is to create a humanity so versatile it can switch from any task at a whim so the division of labour is broken down and humans are free. This is apparent in August Bebel.

As a Leftist, I can tell you that all Leftists are racist pieces of shit, because they aren't open about being opposed to Endogamy like I am.

I don't want to preserve any of the existing races, I want to create a new race called #teamlightskin who can switch jobs anytime they want with the help of advanced machinery and information technology. If you got beef then starve. The races we have now are limited to environmental task from overspecialization and they won't do as well unmixed.

>> No.7088257
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>maybe we can get some constructive cross-board discussion

>> No.7088258

He's an old school Marxist, not a faggy New Left shill.

>> No.7088261

Can you find me a qt black gf to breed with or are white bois forbidden from sex?

>> No.7088273

If that was the case then you would have to exclude blacks and Abbos from breeding, since their genes are entirely dysgenic.

>> No.7088276

This is horrific. These people are trying to escape from war and perpetual death and destruction that the West caused. If I had things my way Europe would take in all 22 million Syrians.

Europe is rich, they can afford almost any number of migrants. Even if you added a billion more people, their economies could still take it. They just need to get past this dark history of racism and intolerance.

>> No.7088278

Many people die for many reasons, how is not letting someone enter your country (which everyone wants to enter, therefore it has strict rules on the subject) makes you responsible?
Also, islamic population is a problem for europe, and it's not about colour - it's about culture.

>> No.7088279

All you would really have to do is genocide everyone except the Ashkenazim tbh.

>> No.7088281

Until now, I only liked Žižek as a philosopher with a sense of humour. Now I love him.

>> No.7088283

Please, cite the exact sentence where he condemns anybody to death because of how they look.

>> No.7088284

I'm trying my hardest, buddy.

But don't worry, soon China's whole scramble 2.0 is going to get hot and the same deal that's happening in Syria RN is going to happen and the very essence of a jet black ebony queen will come to your doorstep and she'll have the hottest accent ever.

>> No.7088285

With all the /phil/ rage around this board nowdays I would have expected less moralfags

>> No.7088286

All seven billion human beings on Earth should live in Europe, it's only fair. And by Europe I mean Germany, Sweden and the UK.

>> No.7088287

So you hate Islam? Is that why you want them to die, because they're a different religion? Islam is very similar to Christianity, if you actually learned from your religion you wouldn't harbour this hate in your heart.

>> No.7088291

Wasn't expecting this from a Marxist. Zizek is great.

>> No.7088293

It's only one or two gay British jihadibois.

>> No.7088298

But will there be enough white pussy to go around? Having easy and immediate sexual access to white women is a human right (for non white males)

>> No.7088300

Seig Heil to that, brother.
Zizek for Court Philosopher (last occupied - Heidegger) when?

>> No.7088301

>No Netherlands
Cheers, vriend.

>> No.7088306

>thinking it's about culture

>implying it isn't about jobs

Capitalism forces laborers to compete for their livelihood and migrant workers are willing to work for cheap

>> No.7088308

>rails against colonialist interventions
>thinks bringing back the communism of his childhood would fix it

Because the soviets would never do anything like that, right?

>> No.7088309

Any statement about the refugees that doesn't explicitly say they should be able to go where every they want and anyone who disagrees is a racist, is racist.

>> No.7088310
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>> No.7088314

I don't hate the islam. It's a very interesting religion which doesn't seem anymore destructive than christianity. I also don't want the refugees to die, but I also don't want them in my country.

Again, people die. Thinking europe is responsible for the well-being of the entire world is just absurd. Europe is responsible for the well being of it's citizens - it's not a philanthropic organization. It's harsh, but thats just how life works.

Also, the islamic community in europe is a problem. I'm not saying the entirety of islam is bad, but past refugees who came to europe made themselves quite infamous for refusing to blend in society, take any step towards modernity, or even keeping out of trouble with law.

>> No.7088325

>virtually no women and children
>90% are military age males

Haha haha, Europe is SSSSOOOOOOOO fucked at this point. I can only laugh, theyre doing this to themselves.

>> No.7088335

I wonder how many undercover ISIS ops Europe has just imported. I hope there is a big massacre in Berlin or Paris or London if that's what it will take for people to wake up.

>> No.7088336

That's not what he's saying.

>> No.7088338

He isn't a stupid anglo leftists, you piece of trash. We slavs are real leftists and social conservatives like Stalin. Fuck off.

>> No.7088339

That post was a troll, you dumb fuck.

>> No.7088341

>When I was young, such an organised attempt at regulation was called communism. Maybe we should reinvent it. Maybe this is, in the long term, the only solution.

>> No.7088343


>> No.7088345
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Post your feel when not germany

>> No.7088348

Islamic terrorists could publicly behead the queen and police would just bow their heads in shame and fear of being called racists.

It is almost unbelievable how weak Europe had become. A crisis of this scale was going to happen eventually, and Europe was never going to be able to handle it. They are lucky they just have to deal with a few million muslims and not nuclear war.

>> No.7088351
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>That's kind of racist
Just kill yourself

Zizek is a race-realist; a nationalist, ex-military, authoritarian. He has described himself as having the soul of a neo-fascist. He hates democracy, globalization and mass migration.

He also hates the tumblr left faggots like you.

He has said that he would throw people like you in gulags.

>> No.7088353

I know this is a troll, but I'm legit sympathetic to Syrian families seeking shelter since the USA and its European allies are pretty much promoting the conflict there. What I'm not sympathetic to are military-aged males fleeing Syria instead of helping resolve the situation one way or the other, and Sub-Saharans making a break for the Scandinavian welfare states.

>> No.7088355
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>> No.7088356


What a fucking joke

>> No.7088360
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feels pretty good

>> No.7088363

>he also descibed himself as a marxist
>he has a picture of Stalin hung up in his apartment

I really don't think he has a problem with the left kek

>> No.7088366


>> No.7088367

I mean, if my choice was to fight for Assad or fight for some crazy fundamentalists I'd rather not fight for either and just gtfo.

>> No.7088369

I don't think you understand the terms you employ. Try actually reading some Marxist writers.

>> No.7088371

Half of his videos recently are against modern leftists. He is well aware that Front National is THE party for workers in 2015, for example.

>> No.7088374

Go back to /pol/. Just go the fuck back to /pol/.

>im not a racist, but...
>I'm sympathetic to refugees, but...

Yes, you are racist. No, you are not sympathetic.

>> No.7088377

How about you be a man and create something better? There are enough adult male refugees in Europe to form an army. If we encourage this sort of avoidance then Syria will never recover.

>> No.7088378

>It's a very interesting religion
Filled with incredible tales of when best to stone people, what to do with disobedient wives, when to wage war, and how to force money out of those who disagree with you.

At least Christians have the admittedly weak defence of "Muh New Testament! Jesus got rid of all the Old Testament stuff!", but Muslims have nothing to go on. Muhammed - for all his child molesting, warlordirng, slave taking faults - was a cunning theologian, clearly stating at the outset "This is the word of Allah, yo, if you don't take it literally you're a heathen". Thus when challenging passages about the nature of jihad come up, there's no defence.

>> No.7088380

He is the authoritarian, militarist left. He disagrees with most of the modern "left"
The modern "left" are progressive.
Stalin would've purged them

He's closer to fascism than he is to the modern left.

>> No.7088381

You are an unethical traitor to your nation. Hegel would have been ashamed of you.

>> No.7088382

Go back to your tumblr safe space you silly whore.

>> No.7088385
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>I'd just let my country get buttfucked
This is why I'm not sympathetic to that course of action.

I was pretty clear who I'm sympathetic to and why, no ifs, ands or buts.

>> No.7088389

but most of the refugees trying to get to places like England, Germany etc are doing so because 1. they already have family there and 2. they already speak the language. Why the fuck would they want to stay in a shithole like Hungary where everyone fucking hates them and they have literally no chance of getting a job, seeing their children go to school etc.

it's also not as if all refugees are hoarding into germany, uk etc. millions have been taken in by turkey, eastern europe, the middle east etc. This whole issue is complex and it doesn't need some 4edgy5u retard philosopher talking as if he has any clue what the fuck these refugees are thinking

>> No.7088390

Syria is never going to recover. The CIA wanted Qaddafi dead, and they want Assad dead. They will not stop until this is accomplished and ISIS is their tool. Once all these "dictators" are killed we will just drone the entire region into oblivion, install new dictators, and we'll repeat this in another 20-30 years.

>> No.7088393

Your country is buttfucked no matter what you do, that's just how it is. Facing the reality of the situation is the right thing to do.

>> No.7088395

hmmm.. A left-liberal is a beta and a coward?

What a surprise...

>> No.7088396
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I believe the Orientals have a word for this sort of thing... karma, that's it.

Europe built itself, and just about sustains itself, upon the toil and suffering of the Third World. Let it fall.


>> No.7088397

implying you wouldn't shit your little pants if ISIS were raping and pillaging your town

>> No.7088402
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>Europe built itself, and just about sustains itself, upon the toil and suffering of the Third World

>> No.7088403

How does that make any sense at all? Europe would be way better off if the third world was as productive (and therefore rich) as it is.

>> No.7088404

>create conflict
>arm crazy fuck rebels
>people flee
>tisk tisk them for seeking refuge

>> No.7088406

Christianity took justice out of the old testament and became inferior both practically and spiritually. You're talking like violence wasn't a part (and still is) of our world. I know we try to keep it at minimum nowdays, but the koran wasn't written a year ago. It's not any worse than any other religion, and you're talking as if christianity didn't end up doing the worst fucked up shit.
Islam is the truest form of monotheism, perhaps too pure for poor communities to digest without going to violent extremes.

>> No.7088408
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>i don't have a fucking clue how politics or economics work

Read a book, pleb.

>> No.7088409

Only sensible post ITT

>> No.7088412

A census from the Calais refugees showed that 20% of them couldn't even write in their native language.

It's wrong to say these people are well educated, adaptable individuals. They arent. They are extremely impoverished, uneducated people, which is why many are fleeing fleeing from regions where there is no war.

>> No.7088413

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.

If you want to talk about politics, go to /pol/.

>> No.7088415

Ah yes, all those German-speaking Syrians. Of course.

And the ones going to Sweden, they all speak Swedish I take it?

>> No.7088416

If you knew the history of Latin America you'd know that the CIA loses as many as it wins. Not fighting for the way you want it to be when civil war breaks out in your home country is pathetic. When the American Civil War got rolling my ancestors didn't go back to England, the men fought for the side they thought was right and everyone made fun of Quakers for being subject to whoever agreed not to kill them as traitors.

>> No.7088422

I thought this was the Communism discussion board?

>> No.7088429

Whether the CIA wins or loses, Syria has already lost.

*drops mic and walks away*

>> No.7088430
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>me tuff guy

You're from a long line of pussies and you know it.


You're bland.

>> No.7088434

I have, I wasn't even implying that Zizek was a marxist (atleast not in the traditional sense of the word). I merely wanted to remark that he has described himself as a marxist before and therefore associated himself with the left
Yeah, he also critisized political correctness. Still a lefty though.
>He's closer to fascism than to the modern left
eh not really. He might be a bit authoritarian but he is far from being a fascist.

>> No.7088438

Those are not refugees.

Robert Fico has said about 95% are economic Migrants.

If you actually look at who is moving across Europe, it's not women and children. Most are young men looking for "a better life" -- Migrants.

They are mainly coming from Nigeria, Eritrea, Mali, Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan, Afghanistan. There are some from Syria but not many in comparison.

Please please please learn the difference between a refugee and an economic migrant.

You are in a country because you are FLEEING from certain death.
You cannot move to another country to benefit yourself.

This is what Zizek was getting at. That they are moving towards Europe to actualize their "dream" of living in a rich Western country. They are not running away from persecution. They are moving from safe countries to better countries where they can get more money and have a higher standard of living.

Many of the Migrants are more well off than the workers in Hungary, Greece, Slovakia and Macedonia.

>> No.7088443
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>Robert Fico has said about 95% are economic Migrants


Off to /pol/ with you.

>> No.7088450

Zizek is vehemently hatred among SJW's and often characterised as right wing and/or fascist. It's quite funny

>> No.7088453

So then what, it just becomes empty desert?

>me tuff guy
Sure, I acknowledge that it's easier to make these kinds of statements when it's not my ass on the line, but it's pretty self-evident that fleeing civil conflict is surrendering it to those willing to fight.

>> No.7088455

Where has Zizek talked about the FN?

>> No.7088458

You do realize the framed picture of Stalin in his apartment is one of his jokes, right, especially since he told the interviewer that it wasn't in earnest?

>> No.7088465

What new and exciting literature can we expect Europe to create once it has been Blacked by migrants?

>> No.7088468

I haven't seen much of this. It seems a lot of the SJWs still like him and just don't get it. They're so wrapped up in the righteousness of their own worldview that they can't even pick up on when someone is subtly condemning them.

>> No.7088469

Slovenia is a shit-hole.

>> No.7088473


Really? I just liked him a bit more.

>> No.7088476

>One should also note that the ‘failed states’ of the Middle East were condemned to failure by the boundaries drawn up during the First World War by Britain and France

Yes, because if neither France nor Britain divided the remanants of the Ottoman empire between themselves the myriad of factions there would have just gotten together, solved their differences peacefully and form a federation where arabs, kurds, muslims, christians and jews were all treated equally and lived happily ever after

>> No.7088477

More Houlbeques

>> No.7088480


>> No.7088484

Probably the same boring shit we mostly get from minority writers in America. Ralph Ellison, Ishmael Reed and arguably Gayl Jones are the only authors who make something of general interest out of the African American experience.

>> No.7088487

He doesn't want the communism of his childhood, he wants a new communism


>bourgeois imperialism is the proles' fault

>> No.7088494

here's your reply you cocksucker

>> No.7088496

Zizek is using the term refugee, he literally says it in the first sentence. Also, am I supposed to believe that statistic because Robert Fico said it?

>> No.7088498
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>> No.7088508

Even if they are regugees, they stop being refugees when they get to Europe. They're not going from Italy to Sweden, from Calais to London because they fear for their lives.

>> No.7088510

>implying language was the only reason given

>> No.7088516

And places like Hungary are saying move on and get the fuck out of our country, and so these migrants do. France doesn't give a shit so they let places like Calais happen.

>> No.7088521

Yes, I realize that. And it is hilarious.

>> No.7088527

Well most of the hate I've seen come from America. It's mostly tankies with identity politics who can't stop crying about him on twitter. Other's SJW's I've seen ignore him or speak out of ignorance

>> No.7088528

They stop being refugees in Turkey.

>> No.7088536

Gotta get those new teeth though

>> No.7088539

Zizek is fun but this isn't literature.


>> No.7088540

I think the West should suck it up and support Israel in wiping out all of these terrorist states, kill everyone and get it over with. It is the most utilitarian thing to do, obvious to anyone with the courage to look beyond the immediate situation.

>> No.7088541

Somehow the idea of EU countries sending dentists, doctors and nurses to the Turkey and Lebanon refugee camps never comes up as a better solution than accepting huge numbers of migrants. It's almost as if there could be an ulterior motive from the political elites for supporting mass immigration, but that would be a crazy conspiracy theory ...

>> No.7088549

I don't think there's a conspiracy, I just think that politicians are so far up in their ivory towers they suffer from mass delusions.

They should be kidnapped and parachuted into the Islamic State.

>> No.7088551

Zizek is like Nietzsche. They are both completely misunderstood by liberal SJWs..

>> No.7088557

Hungary is doing what legally is the procedure of the Dublin regulations. Refugees register in the first country they land in, Hungary is trying to register these people and they just want to move on North to Benefits land. They've moved through Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, Austria, nevermind bypassing all the other countries around. None of these palces are warzones, they just want to move tot he area of greatest economic oppurtunity. Well would I, but I know I can't and don't expect any right thinking government to let me so withou their permission

>> No.7088561

this, I even misplace etc. for "...and sho on and sho on"

Its quite accurate though, but the 4th point is kinda a big leap, but I was expecting that from him.

>> No.7088567

That' not what's happening here at all.

>> No.7088570

>I don't think there's a conspiracy

Good goy

>> No.7088579

What is driving war refugees in those camps to go farther, into Europe, is -mainly- 1) the living conditions in the camps, compared to what it could be in Europe, 2) the lack of a hope for the near future: the war doesn't seem to come to a stop anytime soon, and all the while your children are unable to go to school, you can't work to gain money, etc...

The lack of funding and support from European governments has nothing to do with your idea of a leftist/liberal conspiracy to bring in migrants to bring about the degeneration of european civilization. Check which parties are in charge in Europe (seriously, go and check each country): it's predominantly christian-democrats up to basically the extreme right.

>> No.7088580
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>people let their society go to shit and break down
>demand to be integrated into civilized countries to exploit them
>leftists have deluded the west into thinking this is in any way acceptable and even ethically required
>mass outlash and vilification of anyone who hints otherwise

top cuck

I think Zizek is very brave.

>> No.7088586

>which doesn't seem anymore destructive than christianity.

This is the stupidest shit I've read. Islam is clearly more destructive than Christianity for 2 reasons.

It has vastly more passages that enunciate hatred of the Other, more than any other religion, and it is also simultaneously not only a religion, but also a way of life which manifests itself as a political system. There is islamic health, islamic banking, islamic food habits, and even a proscription for which hand to wipe your ass with when you take a shit.

QED Islam is not the same as other religions.

>> No.7088587

yes, I agree, but the way it was divided could have been a little more cognizant of 'which Islamic groups hate each other' before lumping all of them into the same country

>> No.7088589

>Zizek weighs in on the refugee crisis. What do you think?

He is trying to be relevant by spouting controversial bullshit. It is up to each nation to decide how to handle refugees, many of these places have signed laws and treatise to take in these people, but now that it comes time to live by their morals it's suddenly a question that needs revisiting.

>> No.7088594


Article 1A, paragraph 1, of the 1951 Convention applies the term “refugee”, first, to any person considered a refugee under earlier international arrangements. Article 1A, paragraph 2, read now together with the 1967 Protocol and without the time limit, then offers a general definition of the refugee as including any person who is outside their country of origin and unable or unwilling to return there or to avail themselves of its protection, on account of a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular group, or political opinion. Stateless persons may also be refugees in this sense, where country of origin (citizenship) is understood as “country of former habitual residence”. Those who possess more than one nationality will only be considered as refugees within the Convention if such other nationality or nationalities are ineffective (that is, do not provide protection).

The refugee must be “outside” his or her country of origin, and the fact of having fled, of having crossed an international frontier, is an intrinsic part of the quality of refugee, understood in its ordinary sense. However, it is not necessary to have fled by reason of fear of persecution, or even actually to have been persecuted. The fear of persecution looks to the future, and can also emerge during an individual’s absence from their home country, for example, as a result of intervening political change.

>> No.7088595

I've never seen SJW's seriously conisder any Nietzchian concept. In fact he's hated for being a centre of philosophical discussion purely because he's a straight white guy when really some African said "god is kill" hundreds of years before him
>Or why the Ethiopian philosopher Zera Yaekob, who long before Nietzsche declared that “God is dead”, daringly criticised organised religion in his 1667 treatise

>> No.7088596

>the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan never happened
>Libya never happened
>colonialism definitely never happened



>> No.7088597

He literally just regurgitated what baudrillard stated in America about JFK

>> No.7088603

>instead of reading the article, I'll just assume he said what I wanted him to
Sure is American in here

>> No.7088604

>Colonialism, wars in Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq are the reasons for the current civil war in ME


>> No.7088609

I hate when the first comment in a thread is shit. Then everyone is responding to that shit comment as if it has substance and they didn't use a buzzword to comprise the entire argument. A buzz word such as "racist". Of course, the first commenter is only an asshole that didn't even read the entire source material and gets a dopamine boost whenever his opinion is shared and couldn't resist being the first to post.

Has a huge claim without evidence.

>implying it just doesn't make your leftist predisposition feel good

sage for cancer thread

>> No.7088610

>The lack of funding and support from European governments has nothing to do with your idea of a leftist/liberal conspiracy to bring in migrants to bring about the degeneration of european civilization.

I don't pose such a hypothesis at all. If anything I would hypothesize a right-wing neoliberal conspiracy to bring in tons of immigrants to drive down wages and fracture society making it harder for the majority of people to effectively join together to protest the increasing powers of the rich.

I have plenty of personal sympathy of the immigrants trying to get into Europe. But they shouldn't be allowed in and instead EU countries should dedicated financial, material and human aid to improve their conditions in Turkey and Lebanon.

>> No.7088618

>But they shouldn't be allowed in and instead EU countries should dedicated financial, material and human aid to improve their conditions in Turkey and Lebanon.
Under what obligations are the civilized country obliged to help the uncivilized?

>> No.7088621

>Also, the islamic community in europe is a problem....
citation needed

>> No.7088624

You have no idea what you're taking about. In fact, fuck off back to pol. Now! Go! Fuck off!

>> No.7088631

>You have no idea what you're taking about.

But I do. If you read my comment, you would see that I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.7088634

>The past doesn't matter, everything emerges spontaneously. There was never a power vacuum in Iraq. No Western country ever propped up any dictators. No Western country ever, EVER funded any terrorist groups over there. Our hands are perfectly clean. Those Arab scum brought it all upon themselves. If they can't afford to get through a famine, they should just die.

>> No.7088635

>You have no idea what you're taking about
All he said was factually true.

You can't expect a religion founded by a pedophile caravan bandit to be very enlightened. The strength of Islam was its simplicity and clarity in a time of confused paganism. However it is very intellectually mediocre.

>> No.7088647

These are some heavy delusional assumptions.

>> No.7088649

Daily reminder that people are shilling and spreading their lies on all boards. Any post containing variations of the word "racism" are Arabian propaganda.

>> No.7088650

> Is that why you want them to die, because they're a different religion
No you cuck, I want them to die because their religion is completely opposed to the west

>> No.7088658

>le /pol boogeyman

>> No.7088662
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>citation needed

>> No.7088666

It's in response to a demonstrably delusional poster.

>> No.7088680
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>the living conditions in the camps, compared to what it could be in Europe
Yeah, and when they get to Europe they truly appreciate the gifts

>> No.7088681

>It is up to each nation to decide how to handle refugees, many of these places have signed laws and treatise to take in these people,

What does this mean? Countries can decide for themselves (sovereignty), but they have to follow supposed "laws" and "treaties" (which are)? You do know that it's not a human right to GET asylum in countries, only SEEK. The European Union will throw the principle of subsidiarity out of the window if they force refugee quotas on its members.

>> No.7088682


Okay, so wait a minute. The West is the cause of the current crisis in the ME, and thusly, we should accept any refugee right?

In fact, we should just vacate the whole ME and let them move here, and while we're at it, we can make laws that say ethnic Europeans cannot have babies, and on the top of that we make it a law that says all ethnic Europeans must work and pay for everything a refugee wants, regardless of what it is, and they don't have to work!

That's sounds awesome right? :DDDDD

>> No.7088686

>Black and white thinking
Typical of people like you and the anon you're arguing with tbh

>> No.7088687


>> No.7088688

>2 slices of white bread

Now I know why they call it Hungary

>> No.7088691

>tfw second generation Norwegian migrant to the U.S.

feels weirdly privileged

>> No.7088693

Countries decided to agree to those laws and treatise, duh.

>> No.7088694

I just got back from a trip to Germany and was talking to a few people about it. One woman said something about how it worried her because Germany's profoundly repressed racism would be re-activated if all those "refugees" (actually migrants) showed up

I mean there are neo Nazis running around there. I ran into a few at a grocery store, scary shit

>> No.7088698

They were even throwing out the bottled water the Huns were giving them. Fucking assholes

>> No.7088701

Masterful strawman, you really do argue like a child would.

The rest of your comment is pure retardation. I don't try to tell retards what's right, I let them be retarded. Carry on.

>> No.7088706
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>tfw third reich in your lifetime

>> No.7088711

>You're a straw man
>your argument is retarded, youre retarded

This thread sure led to some quality discussion.

>> No.7088712

Which ones did they sign that implied that they have to "take in these people"?

>> No.7088713

Rotherham Sex Scandal. Look it up. Muslim gangs all over the UK have been grooming young white girls to be sex slaves and victims of gang rape. Hasn't been properly covered for a long time because liberal fears that it would inspire racism.

>> No.7088716

It's clearly the logical conclusion to accepting the idea that the West is responsible for the current crisis in the ME.

>> No.7088727

>Robert Fico has said about 95% are economic Migrants.
Pls dont quote Fico

He is complete incoherent retard, I really doubt he read a single book in his life. He's just opportunist and populist, he's saying these things because majority of slovakians are assblasted about arabs. (I am slovakian)

>> No.7088733
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>tfw swedish
this shit is fucking bananas

>> No.7088738

I agree with that, but then again, hard to believe people would be content for long regardless of what borders were drawn. It's kind of a loss-loss situation tbh

>> No.7088739

In one of the videos with the guy throwing water, you can clearly see other brownskins reaching for it and yelling at him. Try not to just see what you want to see.

>> No.7088740

>just be a man and fight ISIS, Assad and a dozen other disparate rebel groups

>> No.7088742
File: 488 KB, 1240x1249, quota plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, found this one. A voluntary quota plan.

>> No.7088743

And the sandwiches?

>> No.7088745

they are degenerating the culture

>> No.7088748

We're gonna need a bigger boat

>> No.7088753


The EU is basically open borders. That includes 3rd-party migrants like Syrians. So if they come in through Hungary, they can legally pass through much of the rest of Europe. Theoretically countries don't have to "accept" migrants as citizens or anything, but it's much better politically speaking to accept them than have a bunch of fucked up refugee camps like France developed in Calais.

>> No.7088756

Why do I feel the part quoted in the OP is the only part of the Zizek article the people in this thread read?
Anyway, to sum it up, his "suggested" policies are:
"First, in the present moment, Europe must reassert its commitment to provide for the dignified treatment of the refugees. There should be no compromise here: large migrations are our future, and the only alternative to such a commitment is renewed barbarism (what some call a ‘clash of civilisations’)."

"Second, as a necessary consequence of this commitment, Europe should impose clear rules and regulations. Control of the stream of refugees should be enforced through an administrative network encompassing all of the members of the European Union (to prevent local barbarisms like those of the authorities in Hungary or Slovakia). Refugees should be assured of their safety, but it should also be made clear to them that they must accept the destination allocated to them by European authorities, and that they will have to respect the laws and social norms of European states: no tolerance of religious, sexist or ethnic violence; no right to impose on others one’s own religion or way of life; respect for every individual’s freedom to abandon his or her communal customs, etc."

"Third, a new kind of international military and economic intervention will have to be invented – a kind of intervention that avoids the neocolonial traps of the recent past."

"Fourth, most important and most difficult of all, there is a need for radical economic change which would abolish the conditions that create refugees. Without a transformation in the workings of global capitalism, non-European refugees will soon be joined by migrants from Greece and other countries within the Union. When I was young, such an organised attempt at regulation was called communism. Maybe we should reinvent it. Maybe this is, in the long term, the only solution."

>> No.7088766

>Without a transformation in the workings of global capitalism, non-European refugees will soon be joined by migrants from Greece and other countries within the Union.

B-b-but /pol/ told me Communism was bad!

>> No.7088767

thats not statistics

>> No.7088774



Face it mate. The UK is full of pedophile rings of white pedo rings too. The UK has pedo rings of all classes, races, and creeds.

The Guardian even defended Eric Gill raping his daughters in their obituary of Petra Gill in 1999. They spoke glowingly of his abuse, saying that he "introduced them to the mysteries of sex" and that what he did couldn't have been so bad because she always spoke well of her father and grew up seemingly well-adjusted: http://www.theguardian.com/news/1999/jan/06/guardianobituaries

The UK is a pedo country from top to bottom. Your royals, rock stars, artists, and average joes are all a bunch of kiddie-fuckers. It makes sense that the child-fuckers of the third world would migrate there in droves.

>> No.7088777

>There should be no compromise here: large migrations are our future
Jesus, what a delusional cuck

Or you could, you know, just refuse those fucking migrants.

How many Syrian refugees has Israel so far taken? 0. And they share a fucking border.

>> No.7088783

Neither has Saudi Arabia, because neither of them are infested with stupid bleeding heart liberals

>> No.7088787

>refugees pile up on the border of your country
>wish they would just leave
>geez, they've been here for 90 days now
>Christ, what do you mean nobody's feeding them?
>How many died?
>Aw shit

It's not like they can fly them back to Syria you fucking dunce

>> No.7088788

They also threw it away because they were given sparkling water

>> No.7088792

the news of the refusal will make their way back eventually

>> No.7088794

>It's not like they can fly them back to Syria you fucking dunce
Let them starve.

>> No.7088797

Zizek basically sumarized my thoughts, well done Slavoj

The problem with both European right and left is fucking delusion due to muh votes. The longer this delusion will last the more on the edge of global war, retarded SJW political corectness leading do frustration and/or anarchism or ascent of ultraright-wingster retarded shit we experience.

The sooner we realize this delusion, the sooner will be Europe great place to live in multi-culti.

>> No.7088801
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Exactly. This country has been fucked for generations, it has little to do with recent immigration. It's only made the pedo line-ups a bit more colourful (on those rare occasions they're organised).

Britain's corrupt to the core and we would be discombobulated if we found it otherwise.

British values!

>> No.7088810

in your dreams, fag

Imagine Calais camps in every country, that's the future if countries refuse migrants

>> No.7088811

I live in central Europe and this is kind of scary.
On the other hand, it's exciting if shit hits and our live will be interesting for it.
If I'd write, I'd think there'll be a perspective to write about.

>> No.7088814

Or they can just stop feeding them

>> No.7088816

>Imagine Calais camps in every country, that's the future if countries refuse migrants

You mean what Syria is right now is the future for Europe is they let in enough refugees.

>> No.7088819

At least the countries would be mostly stable within themselves instead of ethnic pressure cookers always 1 step away from civil war and/or genocide

>> No.7088823

>Imagine Calais camps in every country,
If we continue this way every country will be one big Calais camp.

And anyway, you're full of horseshit. Where are the big Calais camps in Japan? They refuse migrants!

>> No.7088824

>muh callousness
>muh principles
>NO means NO

Enjoy never winning an election for another 75 years, my right-wing friend.

I'm not sure you can read. Maybe you should remedy that.

>> No.7088829

>people share a culture and religion with the inhabitants of numerous oil-rich countries
>their supposed brothers in Islam deny them refuge
>now they're in countries where their values are completely counterproductive
Universalist ethics were a mistake. We should be leaning hard on the Saudis and others to lend a hand but everyone knows Arabs at least have the balls to hang onto their money.

>> No.7088830

>>There should be no compromise here: large migrations are our future
>Jesus, what a delusional cuck

are you retarded?

So what do you think is our future? Continuing the slavery of third world? You know that shit will inevitably lead to war or genocide

>> No.7088831

True, just send all those spare doctors we have lying around.

>> No.7088832

>implying if you oppose rampant immigration you're right wing
Yeah because if you don't suck Jamal and Abdul off you're right wing

>> No.7088833

reminder that pity is a sin

>> No.7088838

>So what do you think is our future?
Right now? Look at the Congo. That is our future if you continue down this path.

> Continuing the slavery of third world?
Lol what? What slavery? The third world is free, and failing because of its own ineptitude.

>You know that shit will inevitably lead to war or genocide
Genocide of europeans, yes.

>> No.7088839

>citing a country in morbid decay

Japan won't even exist in 2050. It will be the People's Republic of China Autonomous Sea State.

>> No.7088840 [DELETED] 

hi reddit

>> No.7088843

>Continuing the slavery of third world
M8 the reason they're so shit is because the westerners left

>> No.7088845

>I'm not sure you can read. Maybe you should remedy that.

I just don't get leftists fascination for radically changing society by mass immigration that's simply it.

Why do you want it? What's in it for you?

>> No.7088850

>Continuing the slavery of third world?
we're all slaves here, unless you're a rich NEET

>> No.7088851

Japan as a society is much healthier than Europe. Population decline is not decay, despite what niggerlovers try to make you believe.

Where would you rather live, Japan or the Congo?

>> No.7088852
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>bourgeois imperialism is the proles' fault

Partly, it is.

The European working class were quite happy to see the workhouse and satanic mills move abroad and swallow up the coolies and niggers instead.

>> No.7088854
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>Lol what? What slavery? The third world is free, and failing because of its own ineptitude.

>> No.7088858


>I just don't get leftists fascination for radically changing society by mass immigration that's simply it.

>listened to Peter Hitchens on QT
>got pithy soundbite
>plz don't actually ask me 2 explain myself

>> No.7088860

>I'll greentext what he said an attach a meme image, that'll show him!

>> No.7088862

You didn't answer my question.

>> No.7088863

Having that "White Man's Burden" mentality stopped being cool like a century ago.

>> No.7088865

It's called the Quran and it will be the only thing youre allowed to read.

>> No.7088867

It's always been shit, but at least it was sustainable, low-intensity shit before. Western imperialism was the AIDS-ridden cock that poisoned Africa for good. You're not supposed to give undeveloped peoples AK-47s and then expect them not to shoot them.

>> No.7088870

I am a radical leftist. I am not in favor of the mass immigration. It doesn't solve the real problems.

>> No.7088871

Coolnes and truth are not the same things though.

>> No.7088873

>Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) under white rule
>prosperous breadbasket of Africa
>Zimbabwe after the whites were chased off
>failing shithole, currency an international joke

>> No.7088875

I believe you, but even if that was true, you probably still vote for political parties that want more immigration.

>> No.7088877

Might explain why the turd world has regressed.

>> No.7088879

Yes, killing the rich and spreading all their wealth does.

>> No.7088881

so we'll just continue to exploit them right?

btw, I have the feeling that you haven't read the article

>> No.7088882
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I like the cut of your gib, son.

>> No.7088884

>population decline is not decay

Have you ever taken an economics course?

In 2050, I'll say it again, there won't BE any Japanese nation, not as you know it. They'll all be fucking dead because their economy will have crashed because they decided reproducing was too much trouble, and so China will defacto own that territory while the last 70 year olds hang on to "muh Japanese culture."

It's not about where I'd rather live. It's about forming a sustainable economy when your birth rates are below replacement level. Japan isn't doing that. The Japanese nation will die in your lifetime.

>> No.7088885

Honestly I think the only difference is that the region would be plagued by interstate wars instead of civil wars, they'd still be always in the brink of chaos, always in the brink of genocide. It's hard to believe that a heavily balkanized ME would be in any way more peaceful

>> No.7088886


>> No.7088889
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Nah, Japan has the opportunity to experience a short-term dip in standard of living and then fix itself without artificially pumping up its population. They're giving work permits to a bunch of Pinay nurses to look after their elderly, but as soon as the old fucks are dead those girls are heading back to where they came from. It's worth noting that Japanese houses aren't built to last more than half a generation without serious work, so they can pretty much do away with unnecessary structures as their population shrinks. If Japan can stay the course they're on track to become a highly automated society very near to a post-scarcity state. It's going to be very interesting.

>It will be the PRC Autonomous Sea State
The JSDF is growing some teeth and nobody's calling them on it. Conquering those islands is going to be a hell of a job.

>slavery of the third world
While I do believe they're heavily exploited (though more by the Chinese now than by western corporations), if you've spent any time in a third-world nation you'd have observed that their cultures have absolutely zero expectation of accountability or ethics beyond what can be enforced with violence. Western society is the end product of whole schools of thought that never cropped up anywhere else duking it out for a few thousand years. It's why democracies go down in flames outside of Europe and North America.

It's not impossible, but these people will have an incredible amount of catching up to do if they want to live peacefully with the native Euros.

>> No.7088900

Sure worked in the past :^)

The third world is not "exploited". It suffers because of tyrannical third world dictators. They would be better off under european rule.

>Have you ever taken an economics course?
I'm pretty sure the impact on the economy is lesser than millions of new welfare leeches.

>In 2050, I'll say it again, there won't BE any Japanese nation, not as you know it.
Rofl. More like there won't be a German nation. Meanwhile the Japanese people will still be homogeneous.

>It's not about where I'd rather live. It's about forming a sustainable economy when your birth rates are below replacement level. Japan isn't doing that. The Japanese nation will die in your lifetime.
I'll bet you 20$ that there will be collapse in Europe far before there is collapse in Japan.

>> No.7088905

>It's not impossible, but these people will have an incredible amount of catching up to do if they want to live peacefully with the native Euros.

I agree, the crucial thing is that politicians of yurop have to realize this very soon, yet they are still in delusion. Basically it was stated in the article anyway...

>> No.7088914
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>> No.7088916

Yeah, I agree, given the circumstances at the time I don't know if any solution would be any better

>> No.7088920
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Perhaps they're gents and only drink port?

>> No.7088924

Why in the name of Allah would anyone throw away free bottles of water? Are they all Greenpeace members? Shit, you don't get that kind of service on some airlines.

>> No.7088932

>buy tickets for train to germany for 200 euros
>spend 2 days on the floor of Keleti stations like a fucking animal
>once you get into some train at last, police actually drags you out again
>they give you water as a compensation

but nice cherrypicking faggot

>> No.7088933

>they don't accept the help they get

And people want these people into their country.

>> No.7088937


I'll take that bet. See you in 35 years.

Japan is doomed as its economy slows. You can't fix an aging population that doesn't work. More social spending goes to the elderly, less revenue comes in through taxes, and the whole system collapses into a deflationary spiral.

>> No.7088940
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Europe's been sinking for decades...


Nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.7088942

Can you give a source for that?

>> No.7088950

Holy shit, what do they want caviar and a blowjob? I note that ALL of those are young males. Fucking opportunist cowards.

>> No.7088951

You can have perfectly healthy per-capita growth even with a declining population. Total GDP is irrelevant to how individual people live.

>> No.7088954

>They fear that Hungarian authorities want them to go to a nearby holding camp -- an option they reject because they say they were badly treated at camps when they first crossed into Hungary from Serbia.

>Some have refused to accept food and water from authorities in protest. A group stood by the train Friday morning holding pieces of cardboard saying, "We want Germany" and shouting, "No camp, no camp."

So anon, would you take the bait and go into a nice, comfy refugee camp until you're deported? :)

>> No.7088955
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>gibsmedat and ISIS trojan horses

Yeah how ready we should be to receive them with open arms.

I'm beyond tired the West is always the bane of existence ( inb4 baneposting ), the biggest low-point in history, YET we should always intervene to help any country in need ( as if Qing China should've intervened in the 30 year war.. ) and accept any refugees, unconditionally, because we are the only ones that can save the day.

>> No.7088959

Not the guy you replied to, but they've just recently started fixing this problem in earnest. Hiring a million Pinay nurses at slave wages, offering incentives for having famiies and amping up their military-industrial complex are all new policies that we haven't seen the fruits of yet.

>> No.7088963

>badly treated
truly worse than syria m8

>> No.7088965


We need more technology ( automation ) and not more brown people with low skills.

>> No.7088968

I have no sympathy for people "fleeing" refugee camps in Europe. This is purely an issue of economic migration.

>> No.7088970

>flee, ostensibly Syria, ostensibly fearing for their lives
>countries are overwhelmed but offer somewhere that's at least safe until they can sort things out
>"Not good enough, fuck you."

>> No.7088971

>"We want Germany" and shouting, "No camp, no camp."

if I was a refugee, I'd be happy to be away from a wartorn hellhole instead of demanding free shit and refusing help.

>> No.7088973


As a US student in DE right now, taking an intensive introductory German course, the majority of people here are refugees that do not speak German or any other language besides their own.

>> No.7088975


No one gives a shit who or what you have sympathy for, cretin.

>> No.7088977

So between france, germany, Sweden and the UK which of these countries give better government handouts?

>> No.7088979

As long as you stop pretending they are refugees, it's all good.

>> No.7088980

>1. they already have family there and
> 2. they already speak the language.

Assumptions the post.

>> No.7088981

GDP is relevant when it translates to the tax base from which you care for your elderly and provide government services. Japan is the definition of a nanny state. The more you pay to sustain your elderly, the less you spend on workers, the less the workers reproduce, the more you have to pay to sustain the elderly, the less you spend on the workers, and so on.

>> No.7088984

A refugee camp in Hungary should be a step up from a warzone, but I guess if you're an entitled sandnigger, nothing is enough for you.

>> No.7088985
File: 44 KB, 400x392, 11891210_391785877684572_1600851501012645881_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftists rationalize every single shitty thing browns do
>a white dude living his life is suspect

>> No.7088986

Sweden provides luxury apartments and blowjobs from men, but the UK lets you keep lollis in your basement, so it's a wash.

>> No.7088990


Key word there. If you want more info on this, Zizek has plenty of talks on Soviet communism.

>> No.7088993


You could hire any number of migrants from anywhere, sure. But a racist would say that you're unJapanesifying them by having them interbreed with non-Japanese.

It's the same issue in Europe. A racist would say you're unGermanifying Germany by importing Syrians.

>> No.7088999


Except Japan isn't a nanny state.
It isn't a social democracy like the West. In fact the 1970's, when we had the same shit of "hurr superpower of tomorrow" like we see all these left experts make today, they didn't even bother with welfare and the sort.
Only recently they've made such moves, but nothing like what we see in Europe.

So gtfo. Maybe Jacobin will post an article someday on Japan when it hits the media frenzy again.

>> No.7089010

All this rectumrage is pure entertainment


>> No.7089015


>I'm an entitled leftist

I can see why you sympathize with them in wanting more.

>> No.7089016

I think his beef with the left is that they fall into a bunch of traps where they think they are being the most humanistic but end up trapping themself. Like in the article he talks about how people think you can't be a leftist and be anti-immigration so you have people voting in more conservative parties.

>> No.7089018

>implying I conflated the two
I said hiring Pinay nurses, not offering them citizenship or permanent residency. The Nips look down pretty harshly on the Flips and their languages have zero overlap, so I don't foresee a substantial amount of interbreeding on the horizon. The guest worker nurses are all women who aren't allowed to bring their families, and I can guarantee that with the exception of maybe a dozen who get knocked up by Japanese men, they'll be returned as the need for them dies off.

>> No.7089023
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nice strawmanning,cuckmaster
Hey, I can do it too

>> No.7089025

It is very similar to the Christianity that exists in the Bible. It is radically different to the way that Christianity is practiced in Europe and often violent in this.

It is just as much about culture. Nobody wants to live by regressive sharia law. My job is not at risk from these migrants. As a homosexual however the possibility of me settling comfortably a few decades down the line with another man could be. I have already seen loudly anti-gay preachers in my city (UK) and none of them were white.

>> No.7089028
File: 90 KB, 516x530, le cuck face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep crying cuck
>"escape" from a warzone where you have Assad on one side and ISIS on the other
>go through Turkey (which actually hosts pretty advanced refugee camps) and other Balkan countries until you reach Hungary
>be offered free food, shelter and water
>waaah GIBS me dat I want my tv
The true question here, mr cuck. is why don't you let them in your home?

>> No.7089029


>> No.7089032

This thread is terrifying. I'd expect this level of xenophobia from /pol/, not /lit/.

These people are not "hordes", they are human beings fleeing from war and crushing poverty. Do you really believe you are better than them?

Besides, Europe needs more bodies. Natives are refusing to have kids. In order to maintain and grow your economy, you need to at least maintain your population. Europe's population is dropping like a stone. This needs to happen or else Europe will suffer a complete economic collapse.

>> No.7089037


>> No.7089041


Thank you for being decent.

>> No.7089043


>> No.7089044

What could be a great thread turns into pol faggotry

>> No.7089045

>Besides, Europe needs more bodies. Natives are refusing to have kids. In order to maintain and grow your economy, you need to at least maintain your population

Wrong, they need fiscal policy.

>> No.7089047

They didn't have to bother with major social programs because only 7% of Japan was 65+ in 1970.


It's not a big fucking surprise that only recently they made such moves, since 1/4 of the total population is now 65+.

It's easy to stay off welfare when you're in an economic boom and your country is crawling with young workers (see Japan circa 1980). Not so easy when your growth is in the toilet.

>> No.7089048
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> Do you really believe you are better than them?

>> No.7089050

If the poorer European countries are not good enough for the Syrians, why should they be good enough for the Europeans that live there?

If you think it's reasonable that a Syrian is dissatisfied with Italy, why shouldn't every Italian move to Norway and partake in their glorious oil wealth?

Zizek nailed it, it's not about escaping violence: it's about this delusion that they are entitled to their utopian dream of Europe.

>> No.7089053

>Do you really believe you are better than them.
I mean, I'm a productive member of a society that isn't setting itself on fire, so kinda, tbh.

>> No.7089056

Imagine if the British just got on little boats and fled to Iceland when Hitler started bombing them. All the men of prime fighting age running away instead of fighting back.

This is what these people are doing.

>> No.7089059

>Natives are refusing to have kids.

And why is that you think? Clearly 40 years of propaganda telling people getting kids is a hassle, and allowing the culture to be a degenerate shithole of STDs and single mothers.

>> No.7089060

>Maybe if we spend less, our economy will grow!

Always worthy of a chuckle

>> No.7089063

No, I'm saying they should spend more, that's generally what 'fiscal policy' is understood as.

>> No.7089065


all retards, reported, you havent even read the article

>> No.7089066

Back to /pol/, shitlord, everybody knows it's unfair to expect people of color to be virtuous.

It's 2015 for fuck's sake. How can you still hold them to human standards?

>> No.7089070


>thinking brutal civil war that has taken tens of thousands of lives, and destroyed all of the country's infrastructure, is remotely comparable to the Blitz

You are literally retarded. And I say this as someone from Coventry.

>> No.7089071
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You gotta give it to leftists, they love to hold the moral high ground without ever feeling the price that needs to be paid.

I used to go to raves in squats and that sort of shit during college. Edgy phase. But I grew a disgust for that crowd as the years went by.

Like there's honestly a housing problem and letting whole blocks just rot and decay for the purpose of squeezing some profit out of it is disgusting at best. And squatting is all about addressing that.

But lol, not for leftists. No, what they do is have a party every weekend at such places and don't even bother turning it into a viable home for people in need of decent housing. No commune, just a bunch of stoners from upper middle class families deciding to trick mom and dad that they're living in a dorm someplace, while being a full-time non-conformist in a somewhat renovated dump that functions as a 24/7 party club.

There's some well-meaning leftists out there, but you can spot them in a few comments and upon first meeting.
Most are really the feel-good moralists more in on having a cool lifestyle, the ones Zizek loathes, and with good reason.

>> No.7089072

Itt: pol/int shit
Kill yourselves tbh

>> No.7089074

I really hate this board now. Everything up til this post I could deal with, but even as a shitpost I'm disappointed.

>> No.7089075


Most people who dislike refugees probably don't even go on /pol/ FUCK OFF. There's no fucking pol boogeyman people don't like shitskinned immigrants get over it.

>> No.7089077

Fam he's joking

>> No.7089078

>How can we increase our tax revenue?
>Increase our tax base through immigrants?
>No, not enough political will for it
>Raise taxes on the wealthy?
>No, not enough political will for it
>Raise taxes on the working class?
>No, not enough political will for it
>Just hope the problem solves itself over time?

>> No.7089080

>he says while using /pol/ buzzwords
without a trace of irony

>> No.7089083

You are a disgusting anglo trash, not a real leftists.

Also why the fuck are you caring about the capitalist economy? You a capitalist or something, you disgusting piece of shit. Economic collapse is emancipation from global capitalism and kikes like you won't steer us away from it.

>> No.7089088

Wow, almost 300 posts in a pol thread and this is the first mention of kikes

That must be some kind of record, right?

>> No.7089090

What are the Saudis, Emiratis + Qataris doing about Syria? Besides funding ISIS they are trying to create another one in Yemen.

>> No.7089091

This anon raises a good point. How have we let the Jewish problem go unmentioned for so long?

>> No.7089094


I can still hate immigrants even if i don't go on /pol/ mayne. Go to almost every country nowadays no one fucking likes them except the parties. It's sure cute when its a few thousand not when its more then economies should be sustaining.

>> No.7089095


Must be.


What's your point buster?

>> No.7089098


Going to read this later, give me a reminder

>> No.7089101

I'd do the same if I were them. This is not WW2, there is absolutely somewhere to run. It's unreasonable to expect them not to.

>> No.7089102

If we need somebody to blame it should be the gulf states and we should judge them hard. Hopefully their arab spring will explode in Arabia and the gulfs soon.

>> No.7089106

His point is that there are wealthy stable Arab nations MUCH closer to Syria that are not taking in any refugees while it falls upon Europe to do so. What is that about?

>> No.7089108

>there will never be a non politically charged /int/

>> No.7089115

Saudi Arabia is behind in moral standards. Europeans feel more obliged to do something.

>> No.7089116

People aren't complaining about them running away, they're complaining about them wanting more free shit. A refugee camp is a big step up from a warzone yet they refuse food and water because they want to go to Germany?

>> No.7089119
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>What is that about?

Clearly these wealthy gulf states want to change Europe from the inside.

>> No.7089121

>Europeans feel more obliged to do something.
Apart from all of them that don't.

>> No.7089123
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Something should absolutely be done about the corrupt royal families/oil dynasties the European and US governments installed during the Cold War.

But first it might be a good idea to help the people who need it right now?

>> No.7089124

An apartment in Germany is a big step up from a refugee camp. It also means freedom.

>> No.7089125


>> No.7089126

You don't need to increase tax revenue to spend, you can spend by issuing currency which is how it REALLY works anyway. Besides immigrants "expanding the tax base" only happens because more money is created ex nihilo anyway, it's not like the immigrants are bringing the money with them.

Read up on modern monetary theory and post-Keynesianism.

>> No.7089127

His point being that there are rich Islamic states that could be taking in some of the Muslim immigrants but refuse because they're greedy, hypocritical fucks who would rather see their "brothers in Islam" deal with adapting to western society than skip their Ramadan Lamborghini purchase.

>> No.7089129


>> No.7089132

There are still homeless people in Germany.
Should not the state care for their own citizens than an immigrant?
Beggars can't be choosers

>> No.7089134


Keep up, spaz.

See: >>7089123

>> No.7089137


>> No.7089138
File: 265 KB, 2000x1000, Germany-Burka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even live in Europe?

It's not about being a a human with value or being better, it's about having to deal with closed groups of people in your city that don't speak your language or even try to learn it (being 35yo or whatever).
It's about those people being hired to be welders and other low education jobs (over natives) because "they accept less money and they don't ask questions when told to do X."

>> No.7089139
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They didn't sign the 1951 Refugee Convention

>> No.7089145


>> No.7089150

Neither did most European citizens alive today.

>> No.7089153
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Leftist logic = Saudi Arabia is corrupt so they shouldn't take refugees who are literally next to their country, even though they are as rich and maybe more rich and the refugees share their cultural heritage, but the West is a beautiful land of non-corruption and everyone should come here, even though the resultant ethnic and cultural crash might cause huge problems(And does cause huge problems in countries like Sweden and the UK).

>> No.7089156

>if you disagree with me you must not have read the article
That's not a very compelling case. Your time would be better spent stating your case or doing something besides linking pairs of 4chan comments.

>> No.7089160


>i know nuffing about political philosophy

It's called the Social Contract, you complete and utter worthless unthinking shit-munching tosspot!

>> No.7089165 [DELETED] 

My point is that they are the cause. That is why they are not accepting any. The same with Israel. If we can tame Israel, Saudi Arabia and the gulf nations then there will be peace in the region. I also wonder why Iran has accepted few.

>> No.7089167

Good thing international treaties apply to states and not individuals then. Or bad thing, I guess.

I still want to keep the biological weapons treaty though. Do I have to re-sign it?

>> No.7089169


>complete poppycock

Try making sense, that way we'll be able to have a dialogue. Otherwise stop wasting time.

>> No.7089171
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>if we can tame Israel

>> No.7089172

And what about the social contract of the Syrians? They allowed their state to fail. Fuck off.

>> No.7089177

Then why don't we just print a single bank note, call it the Infinite Dollar, and solve all debts in the world at once?

Because modern monetary theory is a house of cards that only works if you assume debts never need to be paid, which is jolly good until someone asks for their money (see Greece, Cyprus).

>> No.7089179

I did make sense, you are just failing to understand by your own volition.

>> No.7089180


Honestly, comrade, >>7089150, >>7089172 really is a piece of work. Stunningly stupid.

>> No.7089183

>Gulf nations are just western puppets
>They have no agendas or agency, therefore are devoid of all responsability

Yes, the house of Saud is a loyal servant of the west since their sudden appearance during the cold war thanks to CIA support

>> No.7089184

Yeah, a failed state creates refugees. Refugees that are defined under the 1951 Refugee convention. That all European countries signed.

>> No.7089186

Can the homeless people work?

Obviously not, or they wouldn't be homeless.

Migrants work.

>> No.7089187

>implying a treaty from 70 years ago should be blindly adhered to and is directly comparable to a biological weapons treaty

>> No.7089189

>if you disagree with me you must not have read the article
have you?

>> No.7089190

>tame Israel
Reported this comment for antisemitism you deranged Nazi. They just want a safe place to take refuge when the next pogrom happens, and you would deny them that? I can't believe this sort of dangerous rhetoric is still allowed.

He was pretty clear, tbh. Maybe you just have trouble taking on new ideas and empathizing with those you disagree with.

>> No.7089193


No, the following really does makes no sense:

>Leftist logic = Saudi Arabia is corrupt so they shouldn't take refugees who are literally next to their country, even though they are as rich and maybe more rich and the refugees share their cultural heritage, but the West is a beautiful land of non-corruption and everyone should come here, even though the resultant ethnic and cultural crash might cause huge problems(And does cause huge problems in countries like Sweden and the UK)


How does that contradict what I said? Hint: it doesn't.

>> No.7089195

What a compelling retort.

>> No.7089198

>No, the following really does makes no sense:

Maybe you're just stupid? Might be a thing to check into.

>> No.7089199

>migrants work
Yeah I'm sure they'll find work in a fucking economic recession.
You're retarded

>> No.7089201
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>He was pretty clear, tbh. Maybe you just have trouble taking on new ideas and empathizing with those you disagree with

Could you explain his argument for me, then?

>> No.7089203

Um, treaties aren't like warranties. They don't expire just because you feel like enough time has passed.

>> No.7089205

That'd be a pretty silly thing to say if I hadn't, fam.

>> No.7089207


I have no words for you.

It's like trying to converse with an ant, it's not possible. We're in different leagues.

>> No.7089209

>letting your own country get into a recession

Wow, It's more of a shithole over there than I thought. Maybe these migrants can teach you a thing or two about hard work.

>> No.7089211
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I read the article, no sure what you're saying.

I'm not optimistic for Zizeks guide for improvement, in the very least due to the fact that the masses and the opinions of people are so easily affected. I even avoid politics with my boss at work or my fwb, everybody got a different opinion, from "the neighboring countries should be more strict" to "I should go to the train station and help out".
I tend to lean to the left, maybe alla
but in Munich, a girl can walk though the night at 1am - unless she meats the wrong eastern European groups. It's not racist to observe and point out that physical thread is only to be feared from low class kids of certain eastern migrants.

>> No.7089212

The conditions that prompted and surrounded them change. The world is very different from 1951. To question such a treaty is the essence of democracy. Is a reactionary treaty shortly after WW2 really relevant in today's globalized world? No.

>> No.7089214

Simply ebin

>> No.7089215

>telling him to read the article
>after he brought up something the author mentions in the article

Did YOU read the article? Zizek mentions how some of these migrants are being brought in to work on sweatshops, and how guaranteeing that these people respect the culture and laws of the host countries is fundamental.

>> No.7089219

If you read the article, Zizek said they SHOULD take those refugees, and in fact that we should PRESSURE them into taking the majority of the refugees.

Here, I'll copy it for you just in case your ISP blocks any site that publishes articles by Marxists

>It has not escaped notice that the wealthiest countries in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Emirates, Qatar) have been much less open to refugees than the not so rich (Turkey, Egypt, Iran etc). Saudi Arabia has even returned ‘Muslim’ refugees to Somalia. Is this because Saudi Arabia is a fundamentalist theocracy which cannot tolerate foreign intruders? Yes, but Saudi Arabia’s dependence on oil revenues makes it a fully integrated economic partner of the West. There should be serious international pressure on Saudi Arabia (and Kuwait and Qatar and the Emirates) to accept a large contingent of the refugees, especially since, by supporting the anti-Assad rebels, the Saudis bear a measure of responsibility for the current situation in Syria.

>> No.7089223

>Saudi Arabia and others would be a much easier cultural assimilation for displaced Syrian Muslims
>Saudi Arabia and friends refuse to help
>Perhaps we should consider their motives for not helping, because that's pretty hypocritical and suspicious. It would be a shame if we subjected ourselves to whatever the Saudis are afraid will befall them if they take these refugees.
Not saying I agree with him, but it wasn't written in Klingon.

>> No.7089224
File: 205 KB, 550x381, eg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even more impressive. You are truly a master polemicist.

>> No.7089227

>and how guaranteeing that these people respect the culture and laws of the host countries is fundamental.

Not him, but there is no way you can guarantee that, the same way you cannot guarantee a person respects your laws when they come on vacation to your country, except in this case it's worse, because all the refugees would be here permanently.

>> No.7089233

You do it by putting them in jail if they break the law. You don't get diplomatic immunity if you're on vacation for christ's sake

>> No.7089235


I think you meant to respond to someone else.


>implying he said any of that

>> No.7089240

Yeah, I should have replied to the person you were quoting. Whoops.

>> No.7089241

Maybe he read the article and didn't agree with Zizek. Imagine that.

>guaranteeing these people respect the culture and laws of the host countries
>Mexico is Catholic and has police so it's reasonable to assume spring breakers don't do cocaine and get nude in Cancun.

>> No.7089248

I'm the guy with the pic.
I didn't even reference the article there (although I read it, see >>7089211). The story with 3 welders who don't really speak German being hired over Germans in their 20's with apprenticeship here is first hand.

>> No.7089250

Zizek's solutions are completely unrealistic. Does he also provide solutions for all the problems with his solutions?

If these refugees were capable of assimilating and not being a social/economic burden this wouldn't be the problem it is.

>> No.7089254

Yes, we still adhere to the Geneva Conventions even though they're from the same time period. If any country can just back out from any treaties when they feel like it without repercussions then there's no point in signing treaties in the first place.

>> No.7089262

Countries pick and choose when they follow the Geneva Conventions all of the time. I think you've proved the point for me, that these treaties are not a good reason to do anything.

>> No.7089263

>How does that contradict what I said? Hint: it doesn't.

Not going to complain, irony is hard to detect on this media. The saudis have in power before the cold war, and here's a protip being western supported is very different to being western controlled. Saudis, Pakis and hell even Israel, are "allies" in nothing more than name.

They have their own objectives that frequently clash with Europe's and the US's own, blaming the latter for the former's actions is unreasonable and frankly hurtful to any attempt to go after the conflict's causes

>> No.7089267

No, but the idea that being punished legally for a crime is all it takes for people to respect your customs and your culture is asinine.

>> No.7089273

>Yes, we still adhere to the Geneva Conventions
What? Why is Guantanamo Bay open? What punitive body is going to redress the wrongs there? And the countless other instances where the Geneva Convention was breached by literally every modern Western power? International law means nothing when it isn't enforceable.

>> No.7089275


I say: something ought to be done about these terrible European and US-installed dictators.

You say: dictators have agency of their own hur hur.

I say: Well? Your point is?

>blaming the latter for the former's actions is unreasonable and frankly hurtful to any attempt to go after the conflict's causes

I'm sure Obama can take it on the chin.

>> No.7089276

Of course not, you use the law to make them respect the law. You use your culture to make them respect your culture. Two prongs, Anonymous.

>> No.7089278

Maybe make Refugees sign a contract and swear an oath to whatever ooga booga they believe in agreeing to abide by the laws and customs of the land they seek to shelter in. And when they don't, deport them. That's incentive.

>> No.7089280

>implying the US strictly follows the Geneva Conventions
>implying we don't give billions in military aid to Israel, which isn't even party to half the protocols
Gotta do what ya gotta do.

>> No.7089289

>it's reasonable to assume spring breakers don't do cocaine and get nude in Cancun

It's perfectly reasonable to assume that. Authorities just overlook it because of the money springbreakers bring to the economies of those places

Is it really unreasonable to demand that migrants don't force their children into marriages, nor beat their wives or force them to dress a certain way?

>> No.7089295


Europe can burn for all I care

>> No.7089305

Sounds like sophistry to me.

>And when they don't, deport them.

As if that's going to happen.

>> No.7089311

>it's reasonable to assume spring breakers don't do blow and get nude
>actually they do but the cops look the other way
Are you having a stroke?

>Is it really unreasonable to demand that migrants don't force their children into marriages, nor beat their wives or force them to dress a certain way?
I'm not saying it's unreasonable, I'm saying they'll fight you about it.

>> No.7089313

>do you really think you're better than people who have no respect for law or secular convention and the rights of others

Uhhh, yes?

A decreasing population is not necessarily a bad thing too, in the future most jobs will be automated. There's no surplus of jobs now even. Your point is based on antiquated models.

>> No.7089321
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>still believes government propganda from 1960s about how we will all have robots one day and lay about fucking

>> No.7089346

I should have changed "It's perfectly reasonable to assume that" to "It would be perfectly reasonable to assume that" tbh.

I'm just trying to say that the only reason they don't stop springbreakers from doing what they do is that it would be bad for tourism.

>I'm not saying it's unreasonable, I'm saying they'll fight you about it.
They can fight and bitch all they want, it's our law and they'll respect it or face the consequences

>> No.7089361

>Zizek's solutions are completely unrealistic. Does he also provide solutions for all the problems with his solutions?

Nope. Typical marxist. Offers nothing, demands attention.

>> No.7089375
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>> No.7089384


>> No.7089569

I bet you didn't even realize his shirt tugs and nose rubs were symbolic.