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/lit/ - Literature

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7080173 No.7080173 [Reply] [Original]

>get tricked into reading Infinite Jest
>it's mediocre
>bro the short stories and essays are better
>they're shit

>> No.7080177


Gately's chapters are some of the finest modern works of literature you uncultured swine.

>> No.7080226

This plus the theme distribution throughout the entire novel is canon's finest.

And Hal's PoV bits are nonpareil too, I'd say. We're yet to see anything superior in literature that's written in first person.

Im just curious... You read the whole thing? You sure? I don't know a single person who read the whole and disliked it.

>> No.7080234


Mediocrity begets mediocrity

I, however, find Infinite Jest a sublime piece of work.

I heard only femenists hate it and constantly shit post about it on /lit/.

And they are big hairy beasts.

>> No.7080238

>We're yet to see anything superior in literature that's written in first person.

Except everything.

>> No.7080244

The meme trilogy claims another victim.

>> No.7080248


You're a dumb cunt really, aren't ya?

>> No.7080249

Yeah I red the whole thing, there are some parts I liked (Schtitt's speeches, the marathe and steeply talks) but otherwise it wasn't as good as it has been made up to be

>> No.7080250
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>We're yet to see anything superior in literature that's written in first person.

>> No.7080252

It was honestly a 9/10 and a well crafted masterpiece. It perfectly captured the spirit of the 90's without falling into the nihilism tropes that many authors of the era do. The character studies of Gatley, Hal, Lenz, and JOI were top tier.

Only women and tryhards label it as a bad book.

>> No.7080253

its the least patrician-core of the meme trilogy
however that isnt to say that its mediocre

>> No.7080264

I'm illiterate tbh

>> No.7080265

>We're yet to see anything superior in literature that's written in first person
I can't tell if this is b8 or if you really are that ignorant.

>> No.7080267

Maybe some people don't enjoy reading books that go on and on like this, talking about nothing in particular, constantly going on irrelevant tangents and referencing popular culture, like an episode of Family Guy, except whereas Family Guy does it ironically, postmodern fiction does it in order to create an illusion of erudition. And yes, the sentences in shitty pomo fiction are always as long, if not longer, than the previous one.

>> No.7080307


>irrelevant tangents and referencing popular culture

You might as well say you didn't get it and that you're a cultural retard.

Maybe you should just stick to family guy.

>> No.7080331

>>it's mediocre
>>they're shit
truly the bloom of our times

>> No.7080364


Yo, the loudest ain't the rightest. The rightest is God and he's teeeeeeming.

>> No.7080377


I feel smart for hitting the ejector button on page 54. I could've wasted so much time on this book.

>> No.7080378

>read Infinite Jest
>used to hate Boston but now I love it like a retarded brother
>get my nose rubbed in my worst spooks until I abhor them like nothing else
>get to read a less edgy take on the 90s
>The narrative prose is phenomenal.
>get to laugh at Canadians
9/10, Wardine Be Cry is a full 10% deduction.

>> No.7080391


Good thing you didn't waste what little brain cells you have :)

>> No.7080392

Post examples then.

>> No.7080397

Not either of them, but
>Call me Ishmael.
ring any bells?

>> No.7080401


>> No.7080426

I'm not sure if you can compare these. But I'd probably still vote for Hal if I had to.

>> No.7080467

In Search of Lost Time faggot.
>I'm not sure if you can compare these.
What exactly are we comparing?
>But I'd probably still vote for Hal if I had to.
Of course you would.

>> No.7080511
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>He actually fell for the DFW meme

>> No.7080553


My Struggle is a potential candidate. Although I've not read IJ so I can't compare.

>> No.7080955

This is just like an ITAOTS thread on /mu/

>> No.7080993

Theme distribution: Pain, suffering, sociopathy, despair, trauma, suicide.

Completely devoid of love. Completely devoid of empathy.

Nice bait.

Green herb.

>> No.7081001

>without falling into the nihilism tropes

Except for the part where the world ends in nuclear holocaust and the author commits suicide. Nothing nihilistic about that.

Who are these chuckleheads? Grad students on lithium with no better thesis ideas?

>> No.7081003

Females hate emancipated thinking

DFW loves thinking

Females moderate /lit/

Females hate thinking

DFW loves thinking

Females hate DFW

Dumb hipsters cannot understand those above their level of thinking

Dumb hipsters will not understand those above their level of thinking

Dumb Hipsters create memes with their ironic thinking

DFW becomes a meme

DFW could have predicted it

Society in decline

Haha Good fucking riddance.

>> No.7081007


>> No.7081684


>tfw I own /lit/ and /x/ mods and they start deleting the threads

Think I'll hang around for you kids, and to die the mods too. God bless. Yahweh is your kIng. No not forget Yahweh is your court of Good. He is all knowing, knows all your lives.

>> No.7081702

it's the second edgiest book behind House of Leaves

>> No.7082095

You seem to have missed the memo wherein Bloom said DFW lacks discernible talent

>> No.7082117
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Hah we got another one


>> No.7082276
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>> No.7082281
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/lit/ was a mistake

>> No.7082285

Bloom is only mad because DFW made fun of him in one of the endnotes.

>> No.7083122


>he can't think for himself

butthurt femenists make a conceited effort to slander DFW.

Today I will read 100 pages of the Pale King whilst masturbating furiously in their name.

>> No.7083127

hey I hate women and also read infinite jest in its entirety, i still think dfw was a bad writer

what exciting strawman adhom will you throw at me next I'm curious

>> No.7083162


I want you to post your physical peanus not just your intellectual phallus and then I will believe you're a flacid cunt who I don't think is worthy of HIS job.

>> No.7083185


Women don't make themselves very likeable.

>> No.7083212

yeah that'll teach him

>> No.7083228


Go away you little vermin :)

or zuck me dick :)

>> No.7083241

I've been saying DFW is shit on /lit/ for the last 5 years. That "no discernible talent" line is no shitpost.

>> No.7083247


Yeah but you're shit so it's like a big shit bowl isn't it where your eyes are made of literal shit and all you can see is shit.

Let me ask you who is your favourite author? JK Rowling? She didn't even write HP.

I bet you're just a bitter cunt.

>> No.7083257

tbh I didn't know ghostposting existed

>> No.7083261


Neither did i m8 tbh fam

>> No.7083609

who cares about his opinion
think for yourself

>> No.7083806

who is mario incandenza?

>> No.7083817

>get tricked into reading IJ

Are we supposed to believe someone who stumbles around life without any ability to select for their own tastes is able to have an interesting or valuable opinion on a work?

>> No.7083832

IJ is so pedestrian
The book was marketed to be deep and profound

>> No.7083838

Another variation of the noble savage. A perfect example of the condescending way that DFW portrays "simple" people. I've seen more nuanced observations of the mentally and physically handicapped on south park, and I only had to spend thirty minutes watching that vs. the hours I spent slogging through IJ

>> No.7083849

>capping this post with 'Pathetic.'

how does it feel to be a p-zombie?

>> No.7083866

>I get my literature recs from Rolling Stone

>> No.7083874

disagree completely because DFW never portrays mario as "simple", quite the opposite actually. he is deeply considerate and in tune with those around him. the only "simple" thing about him is how other characters perceive him, which is as the quirky handicapped kid who's Hal's brother, which is ironic and kind of the point

>> No.7084048

>hey you should read this it's pretty good
>start it
>it's a good start
>slowly goes downhill
>oh well I guess it'll pick up
>it doesn't

>> No.7084054

>get tricked into reading a thousand pages
>get tricked into reading even more

this is how stupid u are

>> No.7084068
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I liked IJ years before /lit/ nominated as meme book of the century, and I still cringe when I see people memeing hard about this shit. "Whoa bro, Infinite Jest... that sounds deep right?"

but lmao bro you even read the book? as someone whose been in a nearly identical situation as hal's, known many people like gately, and actually live where the book is set there's nothing insipid or artificial about the feelings in this book. go back to r/books

>> No.7084079

>as someone whose been in a nearly identical situation as hal's, known many people like gately, and actually live where the book is set
top kek
>there's nothing insipid or artificial about the feelings in this book.
wardine be cry

>> No.7084080

this nigga mad IJ wasn't packed with more wacky pomo shit like pynchon's talking toasters that don't enrich anyone's life except for the faggots sagely nodding on the subway along to another LSD-fueled shit-eating scene thinking they're getting smarter by the word

>> No.7084084

lmao maybe you should leave your gated community sometime bro, not everyone's idea of a bad day is a scratch on their iphone screen

>> No.7084094

this reply could be to an entirely different post because it has seemingly nothing to do with the one it replied to kek

>> No.7084103

it does because you think what was obviously a difficult time in the author's life condensed into 1000 pages can be handwaved away with "wardine be cry".

go back to reddit

>> No.7084123

>go back to r/books
You idiot. Infinite Jest is r/books-core.
>you even read the book?
I read the first couple of sentences.
>nothing insipid
except the fact that it's about Quebecois revolution, Alcoholics Anonymous and high school tennis prodigies?
Do you even know what insipid means? Copying and pasting a fucking Merck manual from the 1950s that doesn't even have medical use or relevance into a book is about as insipid as it gets.
And you're a boring person. Pynchon is an awesome writer.

>> No.7084133



>> No.7084142

>Do you even know what insipid means?

>IJ is so pedestrian
The book was marketed to be deep and profound

>Insipid: lacking flavor; lacking vigor or interest

lel i think you just might be retarded

>> No.7084204

Nice prose, tbh

>> No.7084616


Yeah I don't think you're special love.

>> No.7084646

I dare you to post your education, job, and income.
>you just might be retarded
Buddy you just proved my point, your dictionary.com definition didn't really aid your cause but here's a pat on the head. Maybe graduate from reading Russell Brand?

No, seriously, let's stop talking about the actual contents of Infinite Jest because anyone who is educated at least some in languages and literature outside of a community college knows it's shit. I want to know about the general readers: where were you educated, how much money do you make and what job do you have?
I can already guess how this is going to turn out:
>Community college then dropped out of state school, went for "creative writing"
>$22,000 a year
>"bartender", although there is a real bartender at my job and he forces me to work a coffee machine so I am really a barista and lie about it. Yes, I actually lie about a service industry position.

>> No.7084651


I can smell your cunt lel.

>> No.7084660


Your cunt is such a stench that you can't get a guy to touch it so you drip all over 4chan. Jesus Christ, you fail as a human being. All you had to do was not be a cunt, yet here you are.

>> No.7084682
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holy shit you stupid fuck.

if something is insipid it's bland, uninspired, warmed-over, shit. that's what you were trying to say. are you this fucking autistic?


>if a book makes you feel on account of having life experiences similar to the author and knowing exactly what he's going for with some his characters because you've known these kind of people you're whole life.... you're probably a barista... or something

kill yourself

>> No.7084736

none of those are themes you dipshit

>> No.7086388

IJ is really a book that should be read by those around the ages of 16-25.

For that age it is a great read - even an important and formative one.

You fags get so deeply emotional over this goofy shit.

>> No.7086402
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The real punchline here is that your newreader ass thinks Pynchon is in an entirely different league.

>> No.7086432
File: 36 KB, 592x553, 1418438014435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Yes, I actually lie about a service industry position.

Do people really do this? I wish I had a job, if I had one I wouldn't lie about what it was.