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7080939 No.7080939 [Reply] [Original]

This slut that reckons she's my girlfriend wants to read a historical book about Rome. Thing is, if a book is too challenging for her she'll just put it down (happened with Mein Kampf).

Is The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire a difficult read? Is the prose as dated as the book? Do you have another recommendation that may suit better?

>pls i want my gf to read books

>> No.7080943

I am a history grad student and will give you very well-informed answers about Roman history books and Gibbon in particular if you post high resolution images of your girlfriend's feet.

>> No.7080945

Why can't you do this on your own? It should be easy enough for any decently well read person.

>> No.7080952

Mein Kampf isn't challenging and she was most likely just bored with it. If you were any good you would've summarized it as "a German edgelord's delusion" for her.

Also this is probably about you and you think it'd be easier to get rec's if you say you have a gf. There's no way anyone would spend time with a fucker like yourself. Why don't you just go read comics?

>> No.7080956

I've got my own shit, man.

I love comics, thanks.

>> No.7080957

maybe because mein kampf is a shitty boring book only the most autistic of edgesters read

>> No.7080963

Give her Commentaries on the Gallic War.

if she don't like it, slap her with it.

This will be easier if you get a hardcopy as opposed to a PDF.

Not that belting somebody in the face with a kindle is ineffectual, it's just questionable as to whether you'd want to damage your electronics in such a manner.

>> No.7080964

why do you call your gf slut?

Its self-degrading

>> No.7080967

oh boy are you not gonna enjoy the day of the rope

>> No.7080973

Only if you tie your personal value to the value of the people you doink.

Or, y'know, even register degradation as a thing.

Protip: nothing can degrade you if you don't allow it.

>> No.7080981

You missed it, it was last tuesday.

Only three guys could make it, and Pete forgot the rope, so we had to make do with a "Day of the rubber band".

>> No.7080988

>Give her Commentaries on the Gallic War
I didn't know this existed and it sounds mad excited. Cheers, big fulla.

This guys got my back.

>> No.7080994

Hitler was actually quite intelligent, he makes some good points in Mein Kampf, but it goes off track once he starts talking about Aryans and Slavs not being Whites.

>> No.7080998

>Both me

Ta man, Commentaries was written by Julius Caesar himself, so it's a little propagandic, but it's a period account, so it's immeasurably valuable.

Also has some useful notes on their enemies, the Gauls and Germans, and the distinctions between the two.

>> No.7081010

I've read Rubicon and it was ok but the author was a bit tryhard with the prose I felt
There was one word I remember in the book that literally nobody would not have to look up

>> No.7081014

>>Give her Commentaries on the Gallic War
>I didn't know this existed and it sounds mad excited. Cheers, big fulla.

I'm going surprised that a nigger has such a cultural illiteracy

>> No.7081019

Shhh bab, everybody's gotta learn some place.

Unless you've got some dank-ass a-priori in-utero public library access.

>> No.7081022

The bait has been set.

>> No.7081023


I'm not*

>> No.7081024

The Annals by Tacitus is a 9.5/10