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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 366 KB, 533x800, Espresso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7075882 No.7075882 [Reply] [Original]

If you fucks want to know what substance you should be writing on, it's this. A double shot of espresso is one of the best tools you can have as an avid reader/writer. The flow of ideas and willingness to work I get on this is amazing.

>> No.7075895

>A double shot of espresso is one of the best tools you can have as an avid reader/writer
yeah knowing how to make one since most of this board will end up working at starcucks until they're 50 trying to pay for that humanities degree

>> No.7075904
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heh, good one. I mean it.

>> No.7075907

>Implying I can afford to make espresso
I've just settled for a single-serving French press and a tub of shitty Maxwell's

>> No.7075943
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Dad pls go

>> No.7075946


I think Modafinil must be the better thing.

It is at the same time effective and safe.

>> No.7075955

I struggle to get any real work done on moda, but the manic state you get in if you take too much for too long can give you some good ideas.

>> No.7075961

At least on stimulants you can be in your right mind. On weed, as much as I love it, you can't always tell if the idea is truly shit or not.

>> No.7075966

>A double shot of espresso

Is the espresso significantly stronger than the soluble coffee, the coffee powder? Or it is just placebo effect?

>> No.7075974 [DELETED] 


>> No.7075980


To me Modafinil works, but my fear is that, if I take it for 5 days a week (the days I write) I might end up making my performance anxiety (and overall anxiety disorder) stronger. Sometimes I get so anxious that I simply cant write, for when I sit to work I start to feel the terrible panic symptoms.

>> No.7075985
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>> No.7075987

It's in the process. Less water is forced through the coffee grounds so it ends up stronger. As opposed to coffee where more water is simply dripped through. Even with a french press you can get the same results, you need a specific machine for it.

>> No.7075991


>> No.7075996

*can't get the same results

>> No.7075998


>> No.7076000

Eh, I prefer the experience to last a bit longer. Something to sip on while I am reading or writing. Black coffee is just fine.

>> No.7076002
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Seconding racetams. Love that shit. Only problem is travelling with it since any quantity of white powder tends to attract suspicion.

I don't even really like weed but at least weed, psychedelics and racetams actually promote creativity. I don't get good ideas on caffeine, just the energy to type or read a lot. I find caffeine also flattens my emotional response to things, which I wouldn't call a good thing.

>> No.7076012
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>black coffee
>The King James Bible
The true literary lifestyle.

>> No.7076016
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>> No.7076018

I only drink coffee black because half-and-half is a waste of money, and coffee with just sugar just tastes like black coffee imo

>> No.7076023

You're lucky if you can get any sleep at all like that. I struggle to get off 12+ hours after even just 50mg.

>> No.7076026


Nasal snuff is the optimal stimulant. Blows coffee/cigarettes out of the water, strong clean and brief in duration.

>> No.7076027

coffee is for the slaves

nootropics or gtfo

>> No.7076037


It's not that strong to me. I take in the morning, 200mg, but sleep normally at night. Sometimes I break the pill in half and take only 100mg. Even when I sleep for eight hours, and even eating well and making exercises I seem to always be sleepy.

>> No.7076048

I hear what you're saying. Double espresso does sound good.
Thanks for calling me a fuck.

>> No.7076051

I took 50mg Monday through Thursday this week then couldn't sleep at all on Thursday night, so took an additional 300mg during the course of the morning, did a full days work, drank 8 pints of 4% and finally got to sleep at about midnight Friday.

>> No.7076052


coffee is a nootropic too you fucking retard

>> No.7076069

I actually enjoy the taste of black coffee, but it unsettles your stomach much less if you have some dairy in there. Sugar is poison-tier. Just use whole milk or cream. Your digestive tract will thank you.

>> No.7076079

>all these people drinking coffee beverages
>not just taking caffeine
So much better. It doesn't stain teeth, doesn't chelate minerals, cause discomfort on an empty stomach, costs less, and, best of all, it allows you accurate control of your intake. Like, what's a "double shot of espresso" to a 200 mg. caffeine pill?

>> No.7076092

>Sugar is poison-tier
How so? The lactose in milk is hardly any better in comparison, save for it having no fructose.

>> No.7076094

>it unsettles your stomach much less if you have some dairy in there
Really? I've found the opposite to be true.

I enjoy drinking coffee.

>> No.7076104

You may be somewhat lactose intolerant bruh. The milk fats neutralize tannins and other alkaloids in coffee for most people but I could see caffeine making a mild case of lactose intolerance worse.

Adding straight sugar to things is best avoided. Milk at least adds some other flavors.

>> No.7076116

Sugar is the source of a lot of cancer, look it up.

Also milk is garbage as well, whether your stomach can handle it or not. Use almond milk.

>> No.7076117

>sugar is poison
>because it's best avoided
>because poison

>> No.7076120

Sugar is toxic to the body. We're not your dietician, just read up on it.

>> No.7076125
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>Fatty detected
It's high calorie, not filling and causes huge insulin responses.

>> No.7076135

>lactose intolerant
I don't think so. I use a lot of dairy products and drink milk occasionally.

>> No.7076138

>ITT people write how they focus on the wong things

>> No.7076141


>> No.7076143

In the morning I take 600mg coffein in pill form. If I forget to I want to kill myself by noon
Pls help

>> No.7076146

>Sugar is the source of a lot of cancer
So fruit is as well, as is any carbohydrate, and any excess protein converted into glucose in your body?
>look it up, it's true!
Chemistry doesn't say so.
That's impossible, as there's sugar in your muscles right now, and your brain is oxidizing glucose every second of your life.
>high calorie
Not a problem if one is aware of their caloric intake. And comparability, gram for gram, any fat source is higher in calories.
>not filling
Doesn't make it unhealthy in any way.
>causes huge insulin responses
Yes, for your body to metabolize it. As does any sugar source, like fruit, and complex carb source. An insulin response is not of itself harmful in any way. You might as well say hormones like cortisol bad, and always bad, when in fact cortisol in the physiological range is normal and healthy.

Typical for /lit/ to be utterly ignorant outside of their memes and DFW cocksucking. Sounds like you've all read some pop-health headline and assumed it as fact.

>> No.7076157

a cocktail of dxm, dph, pseudoephedrine, and lots of black coffee with brandy.

>> No.7076161

It's most likely /fit/ type bro knowledge

>> No.7076165
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But how do you like your coffee?

>> No.7076168

Where do I get this shit

>> No.7076172

Look guy, if you want to keep stuffing cake'ems into your fat face then do so. Nobody is trying to stop you.

>> No.7076173
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I like to prepare it Turkish style, by carefully tap-boiling to no more than three boils; then I strain it directly into a 100% recycled-paper filter placed into a potato-vise container over a bowl of tempered glass. The tempered glass is essential, as regular glass may shatter under expansion by heat, and a non-clear vessel doesn't allow for proper examination of the dark amber beauty of the coffee. I then let it drip manually, only interfering to squeeze out the last remaining teaspoons of fluid.

This method yields an authentic manual drip, rivaling in taste even the most prized machines. The best part is, it's easy to make, and besides the beans, the materials are cheap.

>> No.7076177

Google for websites that sell nootropics in your country then run their URLs through safeorscam for reviews.

>> No.7076183

I prefer codeine, m8.

>> No.7076184


DFW had it right, shit is cash. Much stronger buzz than cigs and much more easily managed than speed. Sure it's disgusting, but you want to write that novel, don't you?

>> No.7076186


>> No.7076188

what kind of dip fam?

>> No.7076197

>DFW cocksucking
why do you gotta throw that in there fam

>> No.7076201

Animal protein also causes an insulin response, and you have the fat from the milk in your blood from the full fat milk which would be worse.
This is ultra nit picky, because there is not enough calories in either permutation of an ordinary coffee to be much of a concern. However if you just had a big breakfast the milk in your coffee would be worse in terms of creating arterial plaque.

holy fuck fresh off fit and full of meme dietary advice.

>> No.7076215

>tfw eating fruit and drinking black coffee for breakfast and not shitting my pants because my body is used to fiber.

keep being afraid of all fiber sources you weak fat american.

>> No.7076220
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>you weak fat american.
someone sounds insecure.

>> No.7076240

What are you doing on /lit/, spewing your ignorance?

>> No.7076256
File: 3.30 MB, 2914x2652, snus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7076277

Copenhagen fine cut has stuck around for a reason. Most nicotine in the business and no bullshit mint/fruit flavor. I'm not sure what Wallace chewed, but Kodiak is mentioned in IJ.

>> No.7076287
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are you intentionally trying to prove my point?

>> No.7076290


I have honestly no idea how people can chew that shit. It's fucking revolting.

>> No.7076295

We didn't have snus in America when I was growing up so I've never tried them. How's the buzz compare, if you've tried both?

>> No.7076300

It's much more likely to give you mouth cancer than cigars/cigarettes.

>> No.7076308

I shouldn't have used chew there, chew is another variety. You don't chew dip. And yeah, we all know it's nasty. Still a god-tier stimulant though.

>> No.7076318

Obviously, given the method of consumption, unless you mean it's more likely to give you mouth cancer than cigars/cigarettes are likely to give you lung cancer, in which case I'm not sure.

>> No.7076327
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i have not, there is a range of potency tho, also some do several at once, the bag format provides hygiene and agility, you can order real swedish stuff online, its nothing like the american ripoffs i hear

>> No.7076333

i approve this post

what machine are you using?

>> No.7076336

snus is 95-99% less of a risk than cigarettes

>> No.7076343


he talks about it in this interview

he says he's trying to quit because he wants to live past 50, which made me kind of sad

>> No.7076358

Can't write drunk. Tried. I just get sleepy instead. Whiskey is my alcoholic drink of choice, too. Only ever wrote one good thing drunk. Otherwise, I always caffeinate.
>tfw turning into a pretty little princess and can't drink coffee in the evenings anymore lest I not be able to rest up for my 8am job.

I nap nao.

>> No.7076368

Red wine makes me feel more creative. Mixture of sugar and alcohol and maybe also the tannins are what does it.

>> No.7076378

Why don't you unhealthy fucks just drink tea?
Black tea does a great job at both easing and stimulating the mind.

>> No.7076379

I hope you like tumors on your face.

>> No.7076518

Did I say that you should eat a pound of meat a day? No, I said it's not optimal to eat much refined sugar.

Like milk, meat at least offers some nutrients other than carbs.

>> No.7076571

>low caffeine
>arsenic in cheap teas
For what, a negligible amount of flavonoids, flavanols, and a few sips of piss water?

>> No.7076574

Opium + hash are the most literary drugs

>> No.7076641
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A pretty basic DeLonghi (EC5). It was was a gift and I just recently decided to try it. I might get a more advanced machine later on. Do you know of any good ones?

>> No.7076847
File: 177 KB, 1124x1024, i09FJm4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anybody here who has been taking MODAFINIL in a weekly basis for more than 3-4 months?

If yes (or something similar to the periods described), what's your experience?

a-Is there a tolerance rate?

b-Is your health ok?

>> No.7076866


bro what are you doing

take a little less every day, space it out so in a month you don't even need it. Start eating apples instead.

>> No.7076919


Amphetamines are honestly much better. But it all depends on the work you're doing. Every drug has different applications.


Red wine has trace amounts of GHB in it too.


Very few people are capable of being productive on either, let alone a combination.

"What hashish gives with one hand it takes away with the other: that is to say, it gives the power of imagination and takes away the ability to profit by it."



I read an experience report of a man who took it daily for a year or so. He considered himself some sort of übermensch during the period, and likened it to NZT-48. He felt that he absorbed amazing amounts of information. He ended up with memory problems due to lacking proper sleep for so long. Using it once or twice a week should be safe though.

>> No.7076939 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 620x349, 1441499705762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one time I tried creative writing on adderall it resulted in nothing but pure and utter shit. For technical writing it's great though.

>> No.7076954

That's not much, really.

>> No.7076963


I'd be able to function and write on opium ( I regularly take large amounts of codeine and it makes for a fantastic writing experience ), but when it comes to hash and cannabis it makes me brain dead while I'm high. Might be different for others though.

>> No.7077045


You could get a moka pot or something similar, probably cost about the same as a french press and makes a better coffee if you ask me.

>> No.7077048


Largely a question of dosage too, less is more.

But yeah, reading some of Sartre's that was written on Corydrane.. holy shit.

>> No.7077058

>milk is garbage

Kill yourself.

>> No.7077060


Opium consists primarily of morphine, with a significant amount of codeine too.

Codeine is a very mild opiate. Morphine is much more heavy, and much more sedating. I consistently nap an hour or so after dosing morphine, no matter the strength of the dose. Amazing dreams, though occasionally hard to recall.

>> No.7077073

When I had a good contact for hydrocodone I would take 15-30 mg and write while sipping on coffee and puffing on my e cig. It was heavenly.

>> No.7077076


I've written some good songs drunk. As far as writing lit goes however, I like a small dose of weed. Like, maybe half as much as you'd smoke to get really high. Sometimes I'll roll a tiny little joint and go smoke it in the park by my uni after dinner, then go sit it in the uni library listening to some tunes and reading. After an hour or two when i'm sorta pretty much sober but a bit stoned still I'll start writing down ideas, and try and work on some short stories I've got going.

I always thought writing stoned was dumb because I'd only ever tried when I was really stoned, but with a little bit of weed, a nice relaxing atmosphere and the right inspiration it's fine. I think the weed just helps me concentrate on and be excited by the idea of writing alone, and I can write without distraction.

>> No.7077085

Bullshit, espresso is very weak caffeine wise. The exposure of the coffee to water is very short. It is strong flavourwise, but for caffeine you need actual steeping.

The strongest coffees are French press and Turkish coffee,

>> No.7077093

Stay mad you mucus oozing, regularly sniffling, constantly farting, fat fuck.

>> No.7077094

Look it up fgt. Literally everything you said was wrong.

>> No.7077117

I meant to reply to >>7076963 not >>7077048

>> No.7077120

This man knows what's up. Grab yourself a Bialetti with some Lavazza Oro and you're fixed for life.

>> No.7077130

What is an espresso and how do I make one?

I honestly don't know, I'm not too much into coffee

Is this any different from coffee in a small cup?

>> No.7077244


Can you get anxious on opiates?

>> No.7077264
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i have a gaggia classic which i love

>> No.7077270


Only anxiety I get on opiates is anxiety that I'm not breathing enough.

>> No.7077277

Not really. Not for me anyway

>> No.7077300

Enjoy your no-gains, loser. And milk does not lead to mucus production, you retard, that's a myth.

>> No.7077309

>people actually think this is what tea is

>> No.7077341

It's stronger and more caffeine per volume. You need a specific machine to make it: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_5?url=search-alias%3Dkitchen&field-keywords=espresso+machine&sprefix=espresso+machine%2Ckitchen%2C180

Prices vary depending on quality, like most kitchen appliances.

>> No.7077372

i also experience that
which is annoying because it zaps me out of that dreamy state and makes me breathe on manual for some time before i drift off again

>> No.7077377

Wouldn't that only happen on higher dose though?

>> No.7077398
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*snif* What ze fuck did you jusht call me?

>> No.7077416

I really don't get how people drink coffee to wake up.

Espresso is the only way you'll feel anything.

>> No.7077429

>Chemistry doesn't say so.

He's trying to say that sugar feeds tumor cells

>> No.7077434

It really just depends on what you are used to

Caffeine doesn't make you feel more energetic than would be without it when you drink it, after some time it really just gets you to the normal level people are usually at without drinking coffee.

That's why people who go vacation in a "coffee country" somewhere in the south and drink lots of coffee for a couple weeks come back home and feel shitty
You should drink coffee regularly or not at all, drinking it from time to time is a bad idea

at least that's what I've been told and how I understand it

>> No.7077439

>it allows you accurate control of your intake
which only really serves for an ECA stack or something.

>> No.7077445

>drinking it from time to time is a bad idea
That's what I do

If anything, it's a weekend treat

>> No.7077512

>sugar feeds tumor cells
...Glucose does? As it does every other cell in your body, as cells need energy.

>> No.7077534

>Glucose does?
there you go
i think the idea behind that is by not eating too much sugar, you starve the tumors, so they don't grow or spread as much

>> No.7077564

im unsure i understand your question
respiratory depression and opiates go hand in hand
higher or lower dose would increase or decrease that effect

>> No.7077583

Gaggias are great little starter machines, just wish the steam wands weren't so shit. I've had an old refurbished Gaggia Carrezza for about a year and it's improved my life immeasurably.

>> No.7077587

Well yes, but wouldn't only be something to worry about if you were on a higher dose? Like if I took a smaller dose of morphine, would it be something I would notice and bother me?

>> No.7077621

Take two redline bottles you can find in most gas stations. That shit will get you going like no other. Unfortunately a couple cups of coffee don't normally do it for me. I need at least a pot to myself.

>> No.7077637

>two redline bottles
>four servings

You do know that there's 2 servings per bottle, right?

That shit's not a joke, people had heart-attacks from them, thus the warning labels all over the bottle.

>I still consume a whole one everyday
But two? Nigga you're wild.

Pot of coffee does the trick, yes. Do you smoke? I find smokers consume more caffeine.

>> No.7077643

since the drug has that effect then yes you should be able to notice it however your reaction to it is yours alone

>> No.7077654

Does anyone have any experience with daily, low-dose amphetamine for a general improvement in quality of life?
I'm a university student and I could easily get a prescription for Adderall, which I feel would improve my studying and general mindset.

>> No.7077660

>That shit's not a joke, people had heart-attacks from them, thus the warning labels all over the bottle.
I don't know man. I always have some redline in the morning after my daily Four Loko and right before I smoke some K2, and I'm fine.

>> No.7077666

No, I'm actually right.

>> No.7077668

I vape quite frequently, helps me stay frosty without stinking up my workspace. Being a truck driver I sometimes have to take excess caffeine to deal with the grogginess from people waking me up at pick-up locations or whatever.

I don't do it that often. It's only when absolutely necessary. I can take a bit of jitters instead of wrecking a super expensive vehicle. The coffee at the truck stops is shit, so Im hoping to get a coffee or espresso maker at some point on the truck so it costs less. Trust me man, I know my limits. I spread them out.

>> No.7077675

It helps. When I took it it gave me super focus. The problem with it being that it can severely fuck up your sleep schedule. I can't really say for low doses, but I've gotten some serious artwork done while on it. Sometimes 6 hour stretches of work without looking at the clock. Just depends on the person. When I took it I stayed up for three days straight though.

>> No.7077917

Espresso has a lot of caffeine per volume, but less caffeine per serving than your average cup of coffee.

>> No.7078208

I'm steeping a cup of Sleepytime tea right now in an attempt to give me something other than coffee to drink at night.

It's shit. I don't know why people enjoy it. Piss water indeed.

>> No.7079246
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Tisanes are not tea, silly.

>> No.7079297

In terms of productivity, drinking it occasionally is "bad". However, in terms of happiness, it can be worth it.

>> No.7079302


>weed promotes creativity

I'd say weed promotes the drive to creativity but because of the chemical reaction taking place in your brain which is an influx of dopamine which is your reward center most things you do or think when stoned get a thumbs up by the dopamine reward center. If you can raise your awareness to a sense of gnosis then weed will be good to see and identify which light shines the brightest just like viewing your thoughts in HD allows you to parse the good from the bad but you start off just thinking any thought is a good thought because that's how weed works it turns on your reward center.

>> No.7079355


>the chemical reaction taking place in your brain which is an influx of dopamine which is your reward center most things you do or think when stoned get a thumbs up by the dopamine reward center.

That is some heavy bro-science tier neurology man.

>> No.7079422

>using drugs at all
>not living off water and a whole food plant based diet

Enjoy your crippled biochemistry.

>> No.7079431


>> No.7079435


Post your writing then mate and I'll post some of mine and we'll let /lit/ be the judge.

>> No.7079446

Writing is a symptom of and attempted solution to unbalance, if you live well there is no need to write.

>> No.7079488

Who /gingertea/ here? Knowing I'm getting my daily dose of antioxidants makes me more productive than any drug ever could

>> No.7079493


When you like to use reality as a construction site, you write.

Writing can also be cathartic, but on the whole your assertion is wrong.

>> No.7079530


I literally don't believe you.

>> No.7079542

Real tea is just as disappointing.

>> No.7079608
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>two shots of espresso
>same amount of caffeine as a normal cup of coffee but twice as expensive

>> No.7079656

You feel it instantly as opposed to sipping coffee.

>> No.7079815

Have you tried quality loose leaf teas in different varieties?

Dismissing tea based on bagged supermarket brands is like dismissing coffee based on weak diner slop.

>> No.7080048



>> No.7080056

Hi, I've been a barrista. Whatever the word is for the person who makes your coffee.
A "normal" cup of coffee is often made by putting a single shot of espresso into a cup, then topping it up with hot water. How you imagine this can have the same amount of caffeine as a double shot of espresso, I'm not sure.

>> No.7080062


>A "normal" cup of coffee is often made by putting a single shot of espresso into a cup, then topping it up with hot water.

This is molecular heresy.

>> No.7080064

I've had varieties of tea, some offered to me by friends, and despite the different kinds of taste and fragrance I'm left feeling that I wished I had something as flavorful and bold as coffee.

>> No.7080072

this isn't even a good shot
>no tri-color gradient

>> No.7080077

Fluoride-filtered water into black Bulletproof coffee master-race reporting in. Also coconut and fish oil for the cognitive clockwork.

>> No.7080081

That's called an 'americano'

>> No.7080094

two shots of espresso (2oz of espresso) is the equivalent of 8-10oz of black drip coffee

>> No.7080096

>not using pure caffeine
>not choosing how fast you want caffeine to enter your system
>not enjoying your 2 cents "coffee"

>> No.7080099

what the fuck kind of barista doesn't know their own title and no americanos are not a normal cup of coffee...

>> No.7080106
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yet another day, cheers /lit/

>> No.7080107

>consuming caffeine

>> No.7080112
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>> No.7080132


Lol are you a dumb cunt or what? He was just acknowledging that chain-store servants aren't necessarily baristas in the artful Italian sense.

And I go to a chain coffee shop and ask for a cup of just-coffee w milk and they look at me like I'm stupid 'you want americano?' so you're just wrong wrong wrong. Stop being a dumb cunt.

>> No.7080135
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>> No.7080405

I also do this. It's damn good for removing the crash associated with coffee. It's amazing that people are still drinking plain-jane coffee in 2015.

>> No.7080535

caffeine doesn't give me energy, it just makes my heart beat faster as I'm falling asleep.

>> No.7080557


>caffeine doesn't give me energy, it just makes my heart beat faster

You dumb fuck fuck off.

>> No.7080564

anon why are you being so rude?

>> No.7080569


Au contraire snuff does not cause cancer. It probably raises your odds of nasal cancer but that is an exceedingly rare cancer to begin with. It also probably raises your risk of pancreatic cancer like snus does, also a rare cancer.

Samuel Johnson had the pockets of his coat lined with leather so he could fill it with rappee and take it by the fistful.

>> No.7080573


>say snuff does not cause cancer
>go on to admit that it does probably cause cancer

My bad should have taken some snuff before I wrote that.

>> No.7080630

>someone else calls it Starcucks

ayy lmao, I actually just started working there to pay for my final year of University. All you do is press a button and the machine shits out the espresso

>> No.7080695


tbh the level of convo on /lit/ is enough to irritate. I get that I'm not a person to dictate who says what where but I'm enough to say why are you saying this here, please xplaim, please I'm begging to hear your explanation but asofar all I hear is retardation for the point of it.

>> No.7080744

get diagnosed for some autismo pills, friendo.

>> No.7080760

Coffee makes people irritable.

>> No.7080809


Not really. Id literally hate to be like you; dumb ego. I've actually been you in the past, so there's no thanks there. You stink like fuck.

>> No.7080836

A lot of people drink coffee for the taste rather than broscience.

>> No.7080857
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Taking stimulants for the taste is a waste of time.

>> No.7080893

Stimulation of the taste buds doesn't count?

>> No.7080902

Some 7/11s carry General snus. Most smoke shops do too.

I haven't done dip but I've done snuff, cigs, cigars, pipe, and e-cigs.

Cigars are the only thing that really rivals snus for a buzz. If you don't have much of a tolerance, snus will make you sick if you don't apportion the time it spends in your mouth.

Good shit though.

>> No.7080937

It's an enjoyable way to spend time actually, just like eating food that is delicious and drinking delicious drinks.

>> No.7081665
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The holy trinity.

>> No.7081701

shit is bottom of the barrel, "I need to feel some buzz for 3 bucks" tier

you're literally scraping your gums and it will make you sick too late before you can control the portion

>black Bulletproof coffee

I don't think adding a stick of butter makes it black anymore, nor is that sane. I don't know any studies about coconut oil for cognition, either. Dump the butter and replace with a cup of fresh or frozen blueberries.

>> No.7081753

>Sleepytime tea
that sounds like some koolaid tier tea

The other guy is right, loose leaf is much stronger, you won't be saying oolong or green tea tastes like water. Green tea, maybe pisswater, if you steep too long and it gets too bitter.

And it's not negligible, a cup or two a day is enough for the catechins. I don't disagree about the coffee though. I have a percolator for a reason. I alternate months between the two drinks.

>> No.7081778

write poopy stream of consciousness pieces while tripping nuts on various things.
that's what you should do.
that's how the elder scrolls were written.

>> No.7082001
File: 30 KB, 282x300, eeg-binaural-beats-282x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody try listening to different types of binaural beats/i-doses and then write?

>> No.7082016

i'm a damn good barista who works at really popular shop, maybe one person a week orders an americano. 'normal' coffee is fucking drip

>> No.7082067

You're not supposed to breathe in a cigar or pipe for that matter, which makes them relatively safe as far as tobacco is concerned. Of course that eliminates is use as a stimulant, but there are better stimulants out there anway. Caffeine for one.

>> No.7082079

Don't forget mouth cancer.

>> No.7082098

Dip gives mouth cancer primarily because it causes tiny cuts in your gums to allow the nicotine to pass through. As long as your mouth isn't full of scrapes and shit, you're still being more safe than any other tobacco choice. Pipes and cigars are for the enjoyment of the tobacco itself, not to get some asinine high or kick off the nicotine.

>> No.7082105

I don't know if there really is a 'safest' way to get mouth cancer.

>> No.7082121

For someone on /lit/, you really need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.7083090
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Which ones? You should try a gongfu'd shu puerh or something if you want boldness.

Of course if you ultimately expect tea to actually be like coffee you'll always find it lacking, but there is some flavourful stuff out there.

>> No.7083108

This guy gets it.

>> No.7083198

>enjoying heart attacks

>> No.7083308

Does no one on /lit/ consider an actual healthy lifestyle to lead to the best functioning of body and mind?

Most of you seem to think shortcuts are the way to go.

>> No.7083456

Alcohol to get the ideas.
Coffee to get myself to write them down.

>> No.7083459

Any Modafinil takers here?

>> No.7083552

>Of course if you ultimately expect tea to actually be like coffee you'll always find it lacking
True words, because tea sucks. Coffee4Lyfe

>> No.7083746
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You have no idea what you're missing out on, m8. I love coffee, but in terms of variety of both taste and effect it simply doesn't come close to tea.

When you're used to drinking black coffee all day I suppose anything tastes weak that isn't a soda or brown liquor though. That's one thing I dislike about coffee and tobacco, sort of seems to ruin your palate temporarily.

>> No.7083766

Coffee, cigarettes, and whiskey are part of my daily intake, so that makes sense.

>> No.7083802

Well, in that case it's no wonder you can't enjoy a leaf infusion, you simply can't really taste it.

If you're ever on a healthy streak you should give it a try again though. I find it a nice replacement when I'm on the wagon and not smoking, gives you a ritual and something to fiddle with and even a bit of a buzz.

>> No.7083825

wut, coffee goes good with many things. depends what your eating but I would have to say oolong doesn't go as good with any edibles

>> No.7083826


>ftw tea is my love but water in my area is harsh

Even filters don't let it taste like it should, and I'm not gonna use bottled water for tea (regularly)

>> No.7083853

>implying coffee, cigarettes, and whiskey isn't the world's most perfect diet.

>> No.7083877

I didn't meant to say it doesn't go well with things, but it's lack of subtlety ruins anything subtle you want to have after it, especially if you're used to drinking it all day. Kind of like how you can't really taste a good cigar after you've been smoking cigarettes all day, you've kind of fucked yourself out of any sense of nuance.

I don't tend to have either coffee or tea with anything though, just by itself.

You could use filtered water for every day stuff and bottled water for gongfu sessions or something.

>> No.7083888

It's fun in the short run, in the long run it's pretty shitty.

>> No.7083918

caffeine has nothing to offer when used regularly, it just establishes a new baseline where you have to drink coffee in order not to be sleepy to feel just as energised as you did before you started using caffeine, but now with the side effect of stimulant abuse.

>> No.7083977

regarding nicotine and pessimism, i think getting a fix 20 times per day could be a pretty good reason to live

>> No.7085830

>Any Modafinil takers here?


>> No.7087521

Bulletproof doesn't necessitate butter, but is about the brand which is stripped of toxins. But yeah, I wouldn't be going for butter any day of the week either.
Coconut oil definitely induces some kind of psychological effect whether or not science approves, that much is clear as daylight (not just combined with coffee obviously).