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/lit/ - Literature

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7078449 No.7078449 [Reply] [Original]

Why does life have to be so tragic?

We're all going to die, humans will be extinct and it's all for naught. Our little time on this rock is almost entirely anxiety and suffering, breaking only for a few dazzling moments of intensity, which fade away into the desert of memory.

Hug me /lit/, it's cold.

>> No.7078452

start with the greeks

>> No.7078458

Yes but what did Socrates find?

He knew he was a monster, and never figured shit out.

And their plays aren't comforting.

But I know I can't be comforted, I just like pretending that there is comfort. I live inside a concrete box, so I just imagine what it's like to not be inside.

>> No.7078459

You're thinking outside your context.
"The Earth exploded and everyone died." is a bad novel.
Write a better one and live it.

>> No.7078461


>> No.7078462

Yeah but the earth exploded and everybody died is implied after the ending of every novel.

That IS the destiny for man.

>> No.7078463

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.7078467

Certainties are boring. Think about what is uncertain, instead.

The thing is, you think you have some duty to the "truth" (if it is the truth), when you really don't.

If you prioritize happiness and entertainment above the "cold hard truth", then the burden is lifted.

Inevitabilities are silly to worry about. Inevitabilities are the one thing you definitely DON'T have to worry about.

>> No.7078479

>Our little time on this rock is almost entirely anxiety and suffering, breaking only for a few dazzling moments of intensity
Speak for yourself bruh, I enjoy being alive. But then it seems like you're trying to write something that sounds good rather than something accurate anyway.

>> No.7078513

>We're all going to die, humans will be extinct and it's all for naught. Our little time on this rock is almost entirely anxiety and suffering, breaking only for a few dazzling moments of intensity, which fade away into the desert of memory.
i googled htis to see if you got it from reddit or something. why are you talking Epicly?

>> No.7078521

Diogenes worked it all out. So did Marcus Aurelius. You can read Marcus' diary anytime you want but Diogenes wasn't big on writing stuff down. To get a glimpse into his mind just observe the nearest dog for a few hours. When was the last time you saw a dog clogging up the /lit/ catalog with his stupid problems?

>> No.7078542

Why does life have to be so beautiful?

We're all alive, humans will probably never go extinct because we are too advanced and intelligent for that to happen and it's all for fun. Our little but sufficient time on this beautiful, fascinating rock is almost entirely peace and doing whatever the fuck we want, breaking only for a few shitty moments of sadness, which fade away into the desert of memory.

Hug me /lit/, it's warm.

>> No.7079476

>tfw this describes my attitude much better than the OP
Feels pretty good, man.

>> No.7079507
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>humans will probably never go extinct because we are too advanced and intelligent for that to happen
The more people who have this attitude, the sooner we go extinct

>> No.7079517

speak for yourself nigger my life is aight 7/10

>> No.7079535

>humans will probably never go extinct because we are too advanced and intelligent
>Our little but sufficient time on this beautiful, fascinating rock is almost entirely peace

>> No.7079567

To live is to die, but you don't live to die