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7073186 No.7073186 [Reply] [Original]

I enjoyed this: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/06/08/the-republic-of-bad-taste

What does /lit/ think?

>> No.7073732

won't read the article but I think New Yorker would know quite a bit about bad taste.

>> No.7073735

>words words words

peeps aint gonna read that in the internet age fam

>> No.7073739

/lit/ herein has canonically claimed it does not have bad taste.

Let's do a bad taste test on /lit/..

What are some /lit/ approved:


>> No.7073741

haha based im glad to see a fellow memeslord here on /litz0rs/

>> No.7073742

>He took the pew in front of her. “I’m Andreas. I’m a counsellor here. Will you tell me your name?”

>She shook her head.

>“Are you here to pray?”

>She smirked. “Is there a God?”

>“No, of course not. Where would you get an idea like that?”

>“Somebody built this church.”

>“Somebody was thinking wishfully.”


>> No.7073744

thanks for playing

>> No.7073745


lmao i can imagine the millions of new yorker readers sighing in triumph as they read this. this is some of the most self indulgent writing i've seen.

>> No.7073748

good answer.

does /lit/ have animeNEETs to trigger?

>> No.7073752

the new yorker is after all, literally literally by the defintion of literal language and literalized linguistics, wearing a literal fedora.

>> No.7073753

What do you mean by titling this post "Lorde"?

>> No.7073754

Can't wait for people to realize that Franzen deserves to be forgotten, that man is as inconsequential as the Nintendo Virtual Boy

>> No.7073784

I can't speak for the whole board but I love throwing opinions around.

Royal Space Force
Jin-Roh: The Wolfe Brigade
Vampire Hunter D
M.D. Geist
Space Pirate Captain Harlock
Queen Millennia
Galaxy Express 999
Armored Trooper VOTOMS
Fang of the Sun Dougram
Mobile Suit Gundam
SDF Macross

Fist of the North Star

Bible Black
Starless (uncensored because /lit/ aren't casuals)
YU-NO - A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of This World

>> No.7074310

only lit approved anime would be revolutionary girl utena,it's the only after joyce kind of fiction anime produced

for vn i would say subahibi

>> No.7074456

the only Japanese animations worth watching are the works of Miyazaki, Takahata, Oshii, Otomo, Hosoda, Yuasa, Kon and a few independent directors like Kihachiro Kawamoto, Koji Yamamura, Kunio Kato and Atsushi Wada. Everything else is junk

>> No.7074467

Fedoras are cool again now that nerds hate them.

>> No.7074468

i read this awhile ago. so fucking eye rolling bad. holy fuck how does this shit get published.

>> No.7074473

Utena is cheaply-produced garbage

>> No.7074533

Good opinion on Franzen:

>Probably no one alive is a better novelist than Jonathan Franzen, and this is frustrating because his novels are awful, excellent but awful, books you read quickly and remember ponderously, books of exhaustive craft and yet a weird, spiraling cluelessness about the data they exhaustively collate


Or, as Reich-Ranicki wrote about Zweig's Chess Story (I paraphrase from memory): "These stories are exquisitely crafted, but at the end you can't help but ask: 'so what?'"

>> No.7074544

This opinion is better IMO: http://exiledonline.com/jonathan-franzen-will-rim-bobos-for-book-of-the-month-fame/

>> No.7074568

>The only Western animations worth watching are the works of Disney, Hertzfeldt, Bluth, Fleischer, Avery, Jones, Ward, Katzenberg and a few independant directors like John Kricfalusi, Ralph Bakshi, Jhonen vasquez and Angus Oblong. Everything else is junk

>> No.7074586

Wow several of those are shit though. I guess anime is still better even if limited to the 10 or os directors I listed

>> No.7075273


>> No.7075358

>Probably no one alive is a better novelist than Jonathan Franzen

This is when you realize not only the people who write this stuff don't read anything not published first in the US, they don't read anything not published first in New York.

>> No.7075539


ou clearl kno nohing abou he ar of animaion if ou don' undersand ha golden age disne films have some of he bes crafsmanship of an radiionall animaed films. Mil Kahl and crew were godl.

>> No.7075565

>>Probably no one alive is a better novelist than Jonathan Franzen,

Is this what Americans actually believe?

>> No.7075590

its what cambodians actually believe

>> No.7075622
File: 74 KB, 544x733, ich_bin_NSDAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a nihilist who believes in nothing but this is just bad from an artistic point of view. ugh, franzen, ugh.

>> No.7075742

John Dolan is literally reddit the fucking writer. I wonder how someone can have so many white bread milquetoast opinions and still be presented as "cutting"

>> No.7075804
File: 628 KB, 1920x1080, solarsystem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you have rather poor taste in both magazines and authors.

The New Yorker is the longest running and largest NYC Neurotic-Jew circlejerk imaginable. Seriously, they do not publish a single piece that doesn't relate to: Identity politics; Jewish identity in particular; the backwardness of Middle Americans or some inane shit that just happened to occur in Brooklyn.

The New Yorker published Franzen's essay about how he barely understood The Recognitions and couldn't finish JR yet chose to write his breakout novel as a "correction" to The Recognitions. It also published an excerpt from Freedom that is the most sanitized, politically correct take on campus rape I've read outside of Jezebel. Both Franzen and The NYer are successful because they flatter the egos of the right demographic without challenging even once in a decade.

>> No.7077394

Disney wasn't the real talent behind them, tho

>> No.7077395

Lol what's wrong with him? I think he's really entertaining to read

>> No.7077403

he seems much closer to /lit/ the writer tbh

I think he's fun to read even when I disagree with him

>> No.7077720

It's entirely dependent on the context of the story. They were living in a Soviet state where atheism was taught and enforced, along with Andreas's intelligence, nihilistism and a wicked sense of humor it's not as out of character as most fedora tips the new yorker adds in.

>> No.7077737


well of course no, I was alking abou he sudio, which sopped producing good animaed films around he 60s, e somehow remained relevan

>> No.7077776

I've never seen any serious criticism of him and was hoping to draw something out. I really feel bad for being so lazy about it. Personally I really like him and think he is definitely one of the best when it comes to the style of "cutting" writing, but I get tired of his cynicism from time to time and really want to read someone of equal skill who isn't so miserable. Then again it is probably his own misery and odd passions that make him so capable a writer as it gives him an interesting perspective from which to dole out insight.

>> No.7077778

pynchon a hack

>> No.7078300


I finished reading the whole thing. There was some great stuff in it. Thanks for the link, never heard of the author.

>> No.7078307
File: 18 KB, 220x273, jonathan-franzen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this two months ago during a slow day at work, held my interest but nothing fantastic to say about it. Reads like Steinbeck with less-preachy morals.

This, along with the odd essay is all I've read of Franzen...doesn't really grab me.

>> No.7078310
File: 117 KB, 500x649, tiziano-martini-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.7079862


>> No.7079893

Don't watch much anime but I think the only recent one that would be /lit/ approved is zankyou no terror, but that was only somewhat good because it wasn't just another cookie cutter anime

>> No.7080237

So that's why it's called... The New Yorker?!

>> No.7080335

Weeboo pls go

>> No.7080357

>New Yorker
>Republic of bad taste
It's like they don't want me to read it.

>> No.7080367

>trying to justify the existence of New York City
wew lad

>> No.7082394

Ping Pong was the best anime of 2014. ZnT was entertaining (mainly because of the stylish directing) but it was nothing great

>> No.7082463
File: 7 KB, 228x66, Screenshot+2015-09-06+10.21.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
