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/lit/ - Literature

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7076720 No.7076720 [Reply] [Original]

>gf makes you sign a pledge not to read "dead white guys" for a whole year
>tfw finally released from the burden of having read barely any of the classics of western literature

>> No.7076729

Why do people think they gain from ironically playing into tumblr ideology? I don't get it.

I mean it's not funny, so do they think they're clever?

>> No.7076740

The good news is you can still read literature from the peoples of Ireland

>> No.7076747

What did you read instead?

>> No.7076750

classics are shite

my stuff is better

>> No.7076751

>having your reading dictated by a non-Patrician
>having a gf who cares about that stuff
>having a gf
>having sex

It's almost like you want to remain a Plebeian.

>> No.7076768

Oh poor you, you expanded your breadth of knowledge into realms you wouldn't have otherwise. Boo hoo hoo

>> No.7076776

>he actually went through with a challenge that couldn't be proven

>> No.7076785

there's literally nothing wrong with not reading dead white guys for a year, but there is something wrong with not having already read every western lit classic

>> No.7076788

It's good to read other writers if you want, but preventing yourself or letting others prevent you from reading a particular tradition or set of authors is stupid.

>> No.7076793

What if these guys were born before the modern conception of race and thus never considered themselves white?

>> No.7076798

I seriously hope you used that opportunity to read the Japanese, the South-Americans, the Middle Easterners, the Persians, the Indians, the Chinese, and the Turks.

Of course you've also brushed up your knowledge of contemporary literature.

>> No.7076830

And I sure hope this programme isn't prejudiced against trans-racial persons of indeterminate gender. ᶘ ͡°ᴥ͡°ᶅ

>> No.7076834
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>> No.7076838

Good for you.
I hope you take this opportunity to explore the literature of the Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, and Russians. Non-white peoples have produced plenty of great authors.

>> No.7076848

I would bet cash that your gf has already or is planning to peg you.

>> No.7076859

Is that fat-ginger-stand-up-guy?

>> No.7076881

Why do we need these obvious bait threads?


You have /pol/ to complain about muh feminists and identity politics

>> No.7076882

That's le cuck man

>> No.7076889

So what was your final reading list for the year?

>> No.7076910

Actually thinking about doing this next year...but I have read a shit tonne of canon in my life so far.

Suggestions for non-white/female authors ?

>> No.7076913




>> No.7076916

This guy is right, Socrates and Diogenes the cynic always considered themselves 'citizens of the world' rather than Athenian or Corinthians. This 'dead white guy' bullshit is retarded and I'm not even white myself.

>> No.7076924

Toni Morrison and Virginia Woolf.
Mary Shelly's alright too I guess.
Beyond that I haven't read any other female writers.

>> No.7076932

Then you shouldn't be on 4chan. We don't want non-whites here. Take the redpill

>> No.7076934


She realizes that grouping dead white guys together like that is incredibly ageist, racist and sexist? What a pig your GF is.

>> No.7076949

Ta-Nehisi Coates
Toni Morrison
James Baldwin
Hannah Arendt
bell hooks
Simone de Beauvoir
Joan Didion
Anzia Yezierska
Anais Nin


And this is why it's important for people to read beyond the Western canon.

>> No.7076953


Shelly and Woolf has been mentioned, I'll add Simone de Beauvoir and, as a dane, I'll say Karen Blixen is worthwhile.

Try some Judith Butler too, if you want to know learn how to distinguish tumblrinas from legitimately rational people with an interest in gender identity and queer theory.

>> No.7076956
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Well I guess the literature of Finland is right up your alley.


>> No.7076958


>Take the redpill

No thanks, too bitter.

>> No.7076966
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>bell hooks

>> No.7076967

Teju Cole
Zadie Smith
Ursula Le Guin
Jennifer Egan
Kazuo Ishiguro

>> No.7076970

Thanks for the recommendations. What would you recommend from Toni Morrison?

>> No.7076985
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Made me kek OP. Weak bait doh.

>> No.7076988

thats a pleb list dont be tricked, get ralph ellison instead

>> No.7076995

>muh 'women CAN write guis!'
>the best ones name themselves after men

lmao feminists BTFO

>> No.7077005

>Ta-Nehisi Coates
>Toni Morrison
>bell hooks
Top kek, you people will go to the ends of the earth to pretend you actually like these three, huh?

>> No.7077017

they've been brainwashed by their bolshevik-Judaic professors. Just let it go, they'll never see the truth

>> No.7077030

toni morrison is actually good get some taste pleb

>> No.7077036


>Simone de Beauvoir
>Hannah Arendt

No anon. No.

>> No.7077040

>reading about muh feels and muh oppression

liberal cucks, when will you learn? Will your heart not soon enough give out having to pretend to care about all these inferior life forms?

>> No.7077041

Susan Sontag

>> No.7077046

>>Hannah Arendt

jewess whose main claim to fame is fucking a famous nazi

fuck outta here, i'd rather read a monica lewinsky memior

>> No.7077052

There's literally no reason at least 50% of the books you read shouldn't be by women.

>> No.7077059

judith butler is the only respectable female thinker as she didn't get famous by guzzling the jizzle of philosophy vips unlike the hos on your list

>> No.7077062

I may not be the best audience for all the stuff she writes about slavery, but she still writes well. Have you read any of her stuff?

>> No.7077070

Here's a few:
>they can't think
>they can't write
>they aren't as ontologically 'there' as men
>they have less complex thoughts
>they have less understanding of the universe
>they have less understanding of our existential predicament
>they have no spirituality
>they have no deep connection to the Earth
>they are not ethical beings
>they are not loyal beings
>they are incapable of feeling true love
>they aren't experiencing the world in as true a sense as men
>they are not as intelligent
>they are incapable of interrogating themselves
>they can't reflect on themselves or have introspection
>they're shallow and naive
>they're unable to think abstract thoughts

Now tell me, kid. Does this sound like the authors and the material you'd like to read?

>> No.7077074

her most acclaimed books aren't about slavery, dipshit. if you go by oprah's book club then cormac mccarthey's best book is that dumb movie script about the apocalypse instead of blood meridian, you = confirmed pleb

>> No.7077077

Sounds good.

Now, spend the year working out and maybe you'll get enough testosterone built up to grow a pair.

>> No.7077098

This and also the latin americans, however being forced a pledge by any person with just virtual authority seems like you are diminishing yourself.

>> No.7077100

who can write as well as the Bronte sisters, because they're my favorite. :)

>> No.7077107

Also notice that he's banned from dead white guys, so living white guys are perfectly fine.

>> No.7077108

Oh boy.

>> No.7077125


>> No.7077175

Marguerite Duras and Anna Kavan.

>> No.7077178

I hope you aren't implying that is a bad thing.

>> No.7077185

Because someone will always respond seriously if a post includes cuckoldry, tumblr, or any reference to the previous two.

>> No.7077200

your gf is a cuck. she probably secretly wants you to do black chicks while she watches

>> No.7077205


Gender Nihilism is as pleb as you can get.

>> No.7077216

Umberto Eco
Cesare Pavese

>> No.7077232

I won't say those statements are categorically true, but a woman's hormonal profile and brain wiring do make certain things more difficult/less likely.

Yes, I have, and I think her style is cloying and emotionally overwrought plus a little "African American style" that's practically a minstrel show.

>> No.7077241

>I won't say those statements are categorically true
They are. This is basic redpill stuff. If only we could get the Jews to teach this in school

>> No.7077260

The Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood.

>> No.7077262

Joan Didion is good

>> No.7077266


>> No.7077276

Start with Beloved

>> No.7077282

So this is obviously a racist and ignorant thing to do, but what really makes me kek is the insecurity of it all. I mean, think about it: you say you want to read more non-white or female authors, but you trust their abilities to actually put out interesting books so little that you have to go on record and sign a fucking pledge to do it (or write an article letting everyone know you're doing it). It's almost as if you have to make this big, public ritual of the thing just to keep your hands off of those sweet, juicy, tempting white canon books. Like a smoker trying to quit the habit by posting non-smoking memes on Facebook all day. Lame, pathetic.

You want to read more women/blacks/hindus? Just fucking do it. There's no need to put it on paper and calling attention to yourself, unless you're just for show and/or don't really trust your decision.

>> No.7077311

Protip: It never actually happened. It's a way to get to talk about identity politics on /lit/

>> No.7077314

it's 100% true that there is less great literature written by women and people of color than by white men but the only reason for that is that both have been shut out of literacy and opportunities for publication for most of history. fucking fight me

>> No.7077318

Yeah, this is b8, but I know people who actually do it.

>> No.7077319

no, see >>7077070

This applies to women, children, and non-whites

>> No.7077334

>>they aren't as ontologically 'there' as men
This is my favorite

>> No.7077340
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>reading living authors
>reading anything published after the 1970s

>> No.7077344

lmao i hope you don't actually think this way anon

>> No.7077355

mine too lmao

>> No.7077359

I've researched /r9k/ and /pol/. This is genuinely what SOME of these people believe.

I thought I'd parody them, and sure enough, there are people here who agree. Good stuff all round.

>> No.7077362

>reading living authors

i take it one step further and only read authors whose works have fallen out of copyright and into the public domain, otherwise i always suspect it's a trick by a book merchant

>> No.7077383

you realize the majority of people have been "shut out" of literacy for most of history, yes? literacy was a privilege for the rich or talented, or those intelligent enough to teach themselves.
There are slaves that have taught themselves to read and write. There are women that have been remembered for their writing despite the historical trend of keeping them as second class citizens.
If the ones we know of have done it, that means it's possible and all women and minorities are capable of writing and being known for it. It's a lack of willpower, intelligence, or both in the case of those who wanted to but didn't.

>> No.7077387

>Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, and Russians. Non-white peoples

wait a second

>> No.7077408

>I'll be dismissive because people who disagree with me are stupid lol
how progressive of you

>> No.7077410

Too obvious of a troll, bruh. Stating that you believe that stuff is often true is makes the same people just as mad as saying it's categorically true but raises the possibility that you aren't just trolling and aren't a complete knuckledragger.

>> No.7077477

It's just a bit of banter, m8s. Calm yourselves. Don't take the internet so seriously.

>> No.7077863

no, it's just a numbers game. if 1 in 100,000 black women learn to read and have access to publishing venues, and 90% of rich white men do, then surprise!!! all the literature - good and bad - is going to be written by rich white men

>> No.7077884

Kwame Kierkebong
Mary Sue Shrillton
Darius DeMudik
Laotze Dogfoodchu

>> No.7077889

Wow and have fucking fun reading anything either of those two wrote.

>> No.7077903

Clarice Lispector
Alice Notley
Margaret Atwood
Emily DIckinson
Emily Bronte
Meimei Berssenbrugge
Yukio Mishima
Anna Kavan
Jean Rhys
Penelope Lively

If you read just one off this list read Clarice Lispector.

>> No.7077945

Read the autobiography of Malcolm x and Ellison if you haven't already. You could also read pychon, mccarthy, and Ellis since they aren't dead yet, among others.

>> No.7077948


>> No.7078006

A friend of mine who is a goddamn English major just gave me his entire collection of books by Dead White Men.

I mean, Jesus Christ, he's going to devote his life to this thing and just dismiss the aesthetic qualities of a large portion of the real masterpieces in the field so he can spend his career engaging the artists of other backgrounds as tokens rather than peers.

I'm happy to take his books, but for cuck's sake.

>> No.7078133

I object to the second class citizens part. There were legitimately good intentions behind many things seen as sexist today. Women weren't allowed outside without a man in Athens. Why? Because Athens had more crime than any other Greek city and rape was a real danger to everyone, but the women were more valued and therefore protected, while the twinks had to fend for themselves

>> No.7078138

Yeah, I was simply trying to appeal to the senses of the people I was arguing against. They're more likely to listen when you appeal to them in some way