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7074921 No.7074921[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s opinion on the neoractionary movement?

>> No.7074935


>> No.7074940

/lit/ has been very pleased that this bullshit has stayed off this board, and hopes people read more.

>> No.7074942

people make a distinction between the nick land of 'kant, capital, and the prohibition of incest' (1992)—a little paper which concludes that violent feminist revolution and interracial intermixing is the only way to undermine the terrotorialising nature of global capitalism—and the nick land of today, the 'neoreactionary'. but the more i read of both, the thinner the schism seems to be.

as deleuze said and we should not forget 'nothing ever died of contradiction'.

what land wants is complete revolution, not human conversation.

>> No.7074947
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I've got my rifle, comrade, and I'm ready to do battle with the forces of Reaction.

>> No.7075065

I think the people who adhere to it are naively idealistic to think they can undo the evils of our time by reverting to past values. Conservatives have always wanted this and it has never come off ever. Although often equally misguided you might as well be a progressive or give up and kill yourself I suppose.

>> No.7075096
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>> No.7075109

I don't like how white women have sexual relations with non-white men. It makes me feel bad inside.

>> No.7075119


>> No.7075120

Bunch of identity politics faggots

>> No.7075134

tbh sick of the butthurt kiddies that decided to call them selves right wing because some evil feminist called them a name
nick land is a genius though

>> No.7075142


>> No.7075147

what a nothing

>> No.7075153

this tbh

>> No.7075166

Where does /lit/ always find these random historical or artsy images?

>> No.7075168

Virtually everything Curtis Yarvin blames on representative government is actually a pathology of HBD denialism, and is a) totally unknown in high-trust nation-states with republican government and b) quite common in empires. I'll also say that I distrust his motives for putting the emphasis on forms of government.

>> No.7075170
File: 173 KB, 1440x1440, viper end your life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine the kind of person who's so starved for attention that he has to, not only trip on an anonymous image board, but write his posts in all-caps as if they're somehow more important than the rest.

>> No.7075173

are you fucking joking lmao that's widely circulated propaganda

>> No.7075178

This chart is how I would imagine an 8-year-old to approach the issue if asked.

>Johnny, what do you think is the best way to ensure security in your country? Remember what we learned in the vocab session.
>... umm... institute martial law?
>Correct! Now let's move on to how we could ensure peace.

>> No.7075195


It's Marina Ginestà. She was a stunner.

To be bayoneting fascists in the trenches of Catalonia with her by my side...



Education, comrade, education.

>> No.7075200

I am sick to death of these edgy teenage basement dwellers who can't read the sticky and think that /lit/ is that place to discuss all the inane ideas they come across.

>> No.7075210

it's propaganda designed to appeal to a western sense of 'cool' and it clearly worked

>> No.7075230


I had no idea the Spanish labour unions fighting to their death during the Civil War had time to appeal to the Western sense of "cool", or that that they had inclination to do so. Plus, I always thought James Dean invented "cool".

>> No.7075246

yeah sorry dude you're right communists have never used propaganda
cool is an evolution of hero worship

>> No.7075248


>being this irate

>> No.7075251

It should.

>> No.7075266

reminder that Nick "Saint Nick" Land is the most important contemporary academic and accelerationism is the quickest path to emancipation

>> No.7075287

Not too surprised most people in it were ex right wing libertarians. Kinda surprised that it incubated somewhat on LessWrong with all the "politics is the mind killer" stuff.

>> No.7075290

daily reminder that all those on here who defend leftism is paid by Israel to post here

>> No.7075294
File: 71 KB, 580x300, What-the-fuck-is-a-Denmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's been a pleasure, /pol/.

Now kindly fuck off.

>> No.7075304


Longwinded displays of nothing-ness. Whenever I read Moldbug I am struck with the uncanny feeling of a penny perpetually suspended in mid-air; I see some self-evident statements, which are apparently some great revelation, followed by a non-sequitur, with no thrid term betwixt. Perhaps I have simply failed to understand.

>> No.7075306

>most educated board
>most left-leaning board on 4chan
>this means most influenced by and indeed brainwashed by marxist professors

Why are you such cucks for Jews?

>> No.7075318


Is Nick Land a genuine neoreactionary, or simply an accelerationist taking his philosophy to its ultimate conclusion?

>> No.7075319

literally read the wikipedia article on coolness. it's not a concept that came out of nowhere in 1960.

>> No.7075325

Because Jews are p. good at smug autistic intellectual stuff. If you want to diss the kikes, go to /fit or /k or /mastermorality (jk this doesn't exist on 4chan) perhaps (or to /pol, that's their speciality).

>> No.7075326



You really are a tedious little fellow, aren't you?

>> No.7075328

tbf self evident statements often are revelations
the policy implication of accelerationism is an intensification of capitalism not the reestablishment of monarchy or caste based societies

>> No.7075329

Yeah, it's purposefully written in a way so that only the intended audience will be able to understand.

>> No.7075351

>implying that everyone who supports marxism must be brainwashed
>implying that all marxist critique of capitalism is false
>implying that a right-wing /pol/ attitude is a viable alternative to marxist theory

Most people on this board like to read and educate themselfs. This seperates /pol/tards from /lit/izens

>> No.7075361

It's because of leftism that you get refugee crises. Without leftist influence, we wouldn't have that

>> No.7075366

can't tell if this is a serious post

>> No.7075368

Yes, the Left started the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that wound up destabilizing the entire region

>> No.7075374

He's paid to post shit like that here. Trying to brainwash and destroy Western society

>> No.7075380

Neocons aren't right wing

>> No.7075381

can't tell if this is a serious post either
both of you need to read less propaganda and return to authenticity

>> No.7075383

>without leftism there wouldn't be any wars and therefore no refugees
>this is literally your argument

What kind of bullshit logic is that?

Leftism only forces you to face the issue and provide support for the victims of war and economical collapse (this is our moral duty btw). This is the only reason why you hate leftism; because you are afraid of loosing a tiny bit of your wealth.

>> No.7075388
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>this doublethink

>> No.7075390

those countries were already warring savage states. we didn't do anything wrong, we even gave them a chance to democracy

>> No.7075395

Oh, I'm serious alright

>> No.7075396

Flawed, but much more interesting than all these leftist hiveminds. I wish they would take over academia.

>> No.7075398

Shouldn't you be out drinking the blood of virgins, Dick Cheney?

>> No.7075400

>moral duty
This is why leftists are cancer.

>> No.7075401

why doesn't Asia have a moral duty?
why does it rest almost solely on European states?
here's the reality of that moral duty

>> No.7075405

>we didn't do anything wrong

Doesn't matter, whenever people are suffering one has a moral obligation to help (as long as ine does not risk sacrificing something of equal moral value).
Read more Singer

>> No.7075408

Are you saying that moral duty is a left concept?
Is this bizarro world?

>> No.7075413

Oh, actually thats just philosophy. Morals aren't exclusive to leftists

>> No.7075416


>afraid of loosing a tiny bit of your wealth

the fact that you said this illustrates the problem with the modern left perfectly

>> No.7075417

I'm saying it's a spook tbh.

>> No.7075419


>> No.7075422

You aren't going to get anywhere unless you overthrow the system that created the problem in the first place.

>> No.7075428

>mfw people in this thread thinks liberals are leftists

Thought /lit/ was supposed to be educated

>> No.7075435

yours is the first post to use the word 'liberal'

>> No.7075436

>mfw no face

>> No.7075442

This sentence is absolutely meaningless. Provide some arguments that counter my point, please.
ad hominem
Revolutions are stupid and usually only lead to corrupt systems (ones that are worse than our current one). Reformism is the way to go

>> No.7075445

Yeah, thats what french revolutionaries thought

>> No.7075446

This sperglord is making sense.

>> No.7075451

>this bullshit has stayed off this board

>> No.7075456
File: 123 KB, 720x960, cuckold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is basically tumblr.

>> No.7075460

land is advocating for total exit. the transmigration of pure reason to the next stage. the ends he employs to advocate this are just strategies to achieve this, not a political philosophy for human societies.

in other words neoreactionaries are being taken for the wildest ride in their life and they don't even know it.

>> No.7075461
File: 17 KB, 418x499, 1295273344064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is how I detected this is a shitty bait post.

>> No.7075462

Then America must be radical leftist because they pay Israel.

>> No.7075469

Well, then you can fuck off, nobody is forcing you to stay, m80.

>> No.7075471

Where is the connection from Nick Land to Moldbug, besides the brand Dark Enlightenment assigned

>> No.7075472

even so called 'conservatives' are leftist radicals when you adopt a wider scope of historical reference.

>> No.7075484


By that logic today's Anarcho-communist revolutionaries are reactionaries. (Given the future.)

You thought you were saying something intelligent but - surprise, surprise - it was fucking dumb.

>> No.7075486

holding up human life as the single most important thing ever is silly and robotic

>> No.7075498
File: 253 KB, 340x255, max_stirner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hopes people read more.
This is the idiocy of the liberal left. Anybody who disagrees with you is either ignorant or somehow broken, ill.

Your political opponents are:
They're brainwashed and ignorant! If only we could reveal the *truth* to them!
Islamophobic, homophobic, xenophobic, abused as a child etc etc

Most of this board is atheist too and base this on the same smug sense of intellectual superiority as they base their political beliefs on.

This board should take its own advice. You're the useful idiots of the 21st century.

>> No.7075506


>> No.7075514

>implying that's any different from actual reactionary thought

Except some mentally ill fanatics, reactionary thought is basically just people who got tricked into believing those simplistic explanations, which enabled them to see through the 'how stupid those goddamn liberals are' and go around shouting answers for every problem imaginable, because it's all so unbelievably simple, it's just those retarded liberals complicating everything. They gather in small groups, reinforcing their opinions and sense of superiority with 'simple, clear explanations' that sound like a sermon from nineteenth century - logical at first glance, but without any basis in reality, oversimplifying and sometimes flat out lying about things to support a certain worldview.

>> No.7075515

"Liberals" are not liberal anymore, they are progressive social-democrats.

"Conservatives" are individualist neo-liberals now, not collectivist traditionalists.

>> No.7075524

if you were friends with him on goodreads like all /lit/ oldfags you would get lots of good recommendations from Caps-San

>> No.7075526

why do people make posts like these
you have said nothing, if you want to express frustration be more direct

>> No.7075527

This proves my post is correct.

You literally cannot comprehend opposing beliefs or view other ideologies rationally.

>> No.7075529

Could you back that up with some arguments?

>> No.7075535

That's not doublethink. Neocons are liberals.

>> No.7075543

back up the idea that we should reduce our entire existence to the minimising of pain and the maximising of pleasure

>> No.7075554

If I ever get to a point in life where I have a Goodreads acoount and take book reccomendations from a 4chan tripfag, please, by all means, kill ne.

>> No.7075556

That is correct

>> No.7075558

Meaningless shitposting, ad hominem bullshit. Learn about the basics of debate and ad rem arguments

>> No.7075562

there is no debate

>> No.7075570

What, do you want to me write some rant in all caps, about how reactionaries are stupid or something?

In the recent years there has been a sudden increase in that type of though in my country and honestly I've went trough that reactionary phase myself. I just wrote my observations about the thins me and many others fell for, maybe just with a tiny bit of frustration.

>> No.7075571

No. This proves my post is correct.

>> No.7075573

Right and stuff like >>7075134 is a real argument.

>> No.7075574

true because poltards cant put together a single argument

>muh calling us xenophobic

>> No.7075577
File: 59 KB, 500x615, hardcore kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Points out a bunch of flaws with modern liberals
>Doesn't see how they're the flaws of people on the right as well
Everyone is just playing butthurt madlibs.

>> No.7075597

I would rather you make an actual point than a long winded ad hominem
I'm right wing and I made that post
if all you want to do is cry about girls calling you mean names then fuck off
if you have an ~authentic~ right wing masculine soul you can stay
no I mean there is literally no debate so I don't understand why you're going on about correct debating techniques

>> No.7075614

Your comment could be mistaken for leftist ad hom, and the other Anon's not linking it in his foray of bad posts shows he's kind of a fag.

>> No.7075626

My point is that both ideologies (well, I think that reactionary thought even more so, but that may just be my bias) are like cults, that prey on certain traits commonly found in humans ( mainly the desire to feel superior) in order to 'trap them' and once someone falls in, it's really easy to stop thinking, - first about minor things, then even about the most important ones and simply accept what your ideology prescribes. That's why many internet debates are quite useless - most people are unwilling to change their opinion or accept, in any way, the other side as valid or right, they are literally just guided by emotions and sense of belonging, just cheering for their team, so to speak.

>> No.7075627

>daily reminder that leftism is a mental illness

>> No.7075642
File: 674 KB, 600x958, Children of Dune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a winner. If you disagree you're probably a sisterfucking, Tea Party supporting, American conservative or a cocksucking, blue-haried liberal.

>> No.7075654

This tbh. And I say this as a black man with a black wife

>> No.7075658

Don't respond to my posts again, you ape. Go home to where you belong

>> No.7075662

Whenever I'm in my body, I'm home tbh

>> No.7075663


>> No.7075667

But I came to reactionary thought independently.

>> No.7075669

None of us belong here
Imo the very concept of existence is unnatural tbh

>> No.7075674

go back to Africa. You are degenerating white civilization with your savagery

>> No.7075683

>Implying I'm not in Africa already
White people think they know everything

>> No.7075685

hide post

>> No.7075690
File: 63 KB, 640x570, Brit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's how it happens.

Lacking ideas and knowledge from others, and critical appraisals from one's peers equals one stupid mind. (Reactionary thought thrives on stupidity, after all.)

It's nothing to be proud of, you fool.

>> No.7075700

What is the right ideology to you?

>> No.7075705

>implying there is a "right" one


>> No.7075707


>> No.7075709
File: 67 KB, 1166x731, Dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ideology is for cretins.

>> No.7075714

That there is no "right" ideology is an ideology.

>> No.7075721

Absurdism tbh.

>> No.7075724

If you're serious, where in Africa?

>> No.7075725

That's wrong

>> No.7075731


>> No.7075738
File: 13 KB, 460x276, David-Attenborough-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you can see the idiot (Latin: idiota) at work. Having been rattled, rather than flee to his den, he spews more and more idiocies as a way of shielding himself from accepting his obvious inferiority - and, indeed, from reality itself.

Hm. Quite fascinating.

>> No.7075749


>> No.7075750
File: 103 KB, 549x280, plsleave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does /lit/ think about politics?

>> No.7075756


>i'm late to the party so SHUT IT DOWN!
>plz lik me gais

>> No.7075766
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>> No.7075772

what is the guy on the left doing there

>> No.7075783

Well no shit, /pol/ are nazi scum and /lit/ are dirty commies, it's like yin and yang

>> No.7075789

logic absurdum

>> No.7075805
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>That hoverhand happening on the far right

>> No.7075808
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>> No.7075817


REI is not CAPSGUY, newfag

>> No.7075824

yes I think it's important to not get too immersed in ideology but that goes for any ideology
I'd also say the internet has turned a lot of people to the right

>> No.7075846

I think it's pretty hilarious.

>> No.7076034

Open discussion leads to truth.

>> No.7076065

internet leads to excessive porn, and piracy.

>> No.7076076
File: 242 KB, 562x368, atlas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Believing discussion of politics on the internet is ever truly open and not at least self-moderated by some majority
>Implying the so called "open discussion" on the internet has really led people more to the right and not just made them hold their previous beliefs more strongly because they can choose to only encounter people who agree with them

>> No.7076084

That is not what I was implying. We have the moral duty to minimize suffering if that doesn't force us to give up something of similar moral significance.
Maximizing pleasure is merely supererogatory
Asia has the same moral duty as we do. Only because they choose not to act on this duty doesn't mean that we are not obligated to do so either. Their wrongdoing doesn't justify our wrongdoing

>> No.7076114

>victory in war brings peace

The last 4000 years would like to have a word with you

>> No.7076198

You're pretty dumb, tbh

>> No.7076265


I just stick to Carl Schmitt and Joseph De Maistre honestly. With a bit of Alain de Benoist, Kuenhelt Leddhin, Nietzsche, Donoso Cortes, and Evola thrown in as well. I am a "reactionary", but I don't find "dark enlightenment" thinkers and allot of modern reactionary thinkers to be saying anything that their intellectual ancestors didn't say better. One can still go read " Considerations on France" or " Liberty and Equality" and gain incredibly relevant insights that are no where to be found in modern neoreaction.