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/lit/ - Literature

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7075604 No.7075604 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else getting tired of cultural elitism?
placing abstractions and useless knowledge above compassion and human needs. In the end, the hierarchisation of culture its just another way to separate people into arbitraty groups and declare some as being inherently more worthy than others.

I see it reflected in /lit/s use of language i.e >pleb >patrician. It suggests (albeit sometimes unconsciously) a sense of nostalgia for a half imagined past when poor people and brown people kept their place allowing an idle aristocratic class to dedicate itself to 'self-realization' and cultural pursuits. its all a ridiculous ideological fiction one that only reveals the extent of your solipsism.

>> No.7075617

There's a new non-cultural-elitist one called a "plob".

>> No.7075629

is there a recommended plob literature wiki?

>> No.7075635

On the one hand, I don't judge people by their taste in culture; on the other hand, I am very selective about what I consume. I guess I am passively elitist.

>> No.7075647

cultural elitists are spastics

>> No.7075648

Read pleb literature, but make sure you let everyone know you're doing it it ironically

>> No.7075672

hear hear

who else loves my little pony?!

>> No.7075782
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anything you'd suggest that isnt already covered by camp sensibility, OP?


>> No.7075787

Go to reddit its board culture and its fun/funny and keeps away actual plebs who don't even fuckin read shit but YA authors.

>> No.7075816

I get your drift but OP, can you recognize actual craftsmanship and good design or do you buy any crap that's presented to you? Get a grip.

>> No.7075829

you're right, what we today call culture is largely just the vanity of the old European aristocrats

I mean, there is some substance to it in that it inculcates some virtues, but it is largely vanity

read the Bible for wisdom and culture that is not condescending vanity

>> No.7076075

>compassion and human needs
Sophism. Human needs have no bearing on the conversation, you just threw that in to complete a pair with your other vague 'good thing'

>inherently more worthy than others
It has nothing to do with inherence... it's precisely predicated on someone's intellectual dedication to a particular field. I am a 'pleb' in terms of music because I have never examined it on anything more than a superficial level.

>a sense of nostalgia for a half imagined...
Bullshit, half the people on here probably don't even know it comes from Roman class distinctions. It's a meme, pure and simple. Easy terms to shitpost about.

>reveals the extent your solipsism
You sure love shoehorning irrelevant 'look I'm smart' words into things. Everything you just wrote has fuck-all to do with Solipsism beyond the most shaky philosophical associations. Even if it made a lick of sense in this context, it just demonstrates you yourself building arbitrary groups.

You are a pleb.

>> No.7076153


>all creation is art and all art is of equal value

You are lost my friend.
Read Tosltoy on art.

>> No.7076181

Read Roger Scrotun On Aesthetics

>> No.7076214


It seems someone is getting tired of using English properly.

>> No.7076221


would be funnier w/o the exclamation point tbh

>> No.7076241


not OP and neither a relativist on art. but these are really outdated works on aesthetics.

>> No.7076244

>all art is of equal value

Value is a concept we project onto art. Art is not inherently good or bad. We personally find art good or bad. The sensation arises internally, inspired by the art.

As everyone's brain is different, some people enjoy certain pieces of art more than others, etc.

>> No.7076262
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i bet if you were french you'd use "au final" without even blinking

>> No.7076269

>that pic
>don't call people plebs guys
7/10 good troll

>> No.7076278

>It suggests (albeit sometimes unconsciously) a sense of nostalgia for a half imagined past when poor people and brown people kept their place


>> No.7076281


Elitism is directly detrimental to compassion, which is a human need.

>intellectual dedication

This shouldn't be a criterion for measuring anyone's worth either. Not everyone is rich enough to have time for intellectual dedication.

I don't know why he had to use that specific example (yes, probably to sound smart), but /lit/ is blatantly elitist, nothing subtly linguistic about it, and it does in fact have a negative effect on people's capability for compassion. Obviously it's not something that has any real effect on the world, but it makes this website deeply unpleasant.

"Solipsism" is often misinterpreted to mean "selfishness". He used the word wrong, again, possibly to sound smart, but the point still stands.

>> No.7076283
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this guy's got it

>> No.7076285

yeah it's called r/books

>> No.7076321

Is this the literary equivalent of fat acceptance?

>> No.7076366

It's more like The Great Purge.

>> No.7076411

I'm Miley Cyrus (Swag)
I'm Miley Cyrus (Swag)
I'm Miley Cyrus (Swag swag)
I'm Miley Cyrus (Swag swag)
Cyrus, Cyrus (Swag)
I'm Miley Cyrus (Swag)
Cyrus, Cyrus (Woo)
I'm Miley Cyrus (Woo swag)

>> No.7076491
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Don't you see that a normative literary canon only furthers a social agenda grounded in class and ethnic prejudices? It furthers the idea that some voices are more valid than others.

And btw, everything can be examined on multiple levels. Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus for example, could be seen as radical artists recovering a shamanistic-primal concept of female sexuality unbound by andro- and eurocentric bourgeoisie notions of eroticism. Since the avant-garde has been for long co-opted by the upper classes as a status marker, the most vital and powerful artistic expression is now more likely to unfold in what was formerly regarded as low-brow spaces.

>> No.7076541

What does this have to do with non-white people? My fat white friend reads nothing but Hunger Games and those Game of Throne rags. Of course I tell him to stop fucking around and actually tackle a book meant for the reading level of a thirty year old.

>> No.7076544

"Au final" will make it to the Academy's cut within the end of the next decade my friend. Ultimaley "au final" isn't "incorrect", it's simply ugly.

>> No.7076549

>radical artists recovering a shamanistic-primal concept of female sexuality unbound by andro- and eurocentric bourgeoisie notions of eroticism

They could just as well be seen as shallow exoticists furthering the objectivation of women. The idea that female are more "primal" and more "raw" is hardly at odds with the nineteenth century bourgeois notion of women.

>> No.7076556

But some voices are better than others. I'd rather read a well-researched history book by a professional scholar with many accolades, for instance, over a simplistic pop history book that oversimplifies things.

>> No.7076580
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I think Miley Cyrus should be killed before she kills Western culture tbh

>> No.7076597

>Anyone else getting tired of cultural elitism?
>placing abstractions and useless knowledge above compassion and human needs.
Abstractions and useless knowledge are human needs
>In the end, the hierarchisation of culture its just another way to separate people into arbitraty groups and declare some as being inherently more worthy than others.
Some are more worthy and aren't arbitrary if they have such a huge impact.
>I see it reflected in /lit/s use of language i.e >pleb >patrician. It suggests (albeit sometimes unconsciously) a sense of nostalgia for a half imagined past when poor people and brown people kept their place allowing an idle aristocratic class to dedicate itself to 'self-realization' and cultural pursuits.
Yea, good times. Wish we could go back to the days where every retard wasn't allowed to speak and have his idiotic opinions.
>its all a ridiculous ideological fiction one that only reveals the extent of your solipsism.
You don't know what solipsism is, do you?

>> No.7076610

>implying it isn't already dead

>> No.7076614
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>> No.7076621


Actually Shiva is the god of Destruction in the Indian pantheon.

>> No.7076630


>> No.7076797

/lit/ is obsessed with status and cares more about waving dicks over having read Proust or Borges rather than actually discussing them.

The irony of a board that claims to be passionate about expanding their understanding of the world ends up being 90% passionless shitpost memes, forever reposting "pleb" "patrician" and unfunny references to David Foster Wallace.

>> No.7076933
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Shamanic is just a fancy word for spear chucking shit flinging primitives.

Seems rather en vogue among the aspiring PhD's nowadays btw.

All that mushroom and "lol weed" at least had its effect in producing a new subject of studies, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Civilizations that 'learn' from primitives are in their late stages and doomed to be hacked to pieces by a more male-centered and martial culture.

>> No.7076945
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Except the low-brows form shit. They consume whatever some cynical CEO is shitting into their mouths all the way up from their 50th floor board of directors.

>> No.7076951


/lit/ is a contest in cultural capital.
But during the dick measuring you learn some names and works you had not heard before, and therein lies it sole value as a board.

>> No.7076964


>Civilizations that 'learn' from primitives are in their late stages and doomed to be hacked to pieces by a more male-centered and martial culture.

While I broadly agree with you that our civilization's evident self-hate and wistful desire to return to the barbarous state is evidence of degeneracy, I'm really not too sure what precedent there is for it. Did the Romans ever say to themselves that they wished they could shit in the woods and not take baths, just like the Goths? I don't think they did, they were all too busy outsourcing the state monopoly on force to them to envy them. What the fact that we can be "nostalgic" for barbarity says to me is that while our civilization is in the prelude of collapse, the barbarians are not strong or ubiquitous enough to pose any real threat to it, or offer any evidence that actually being a barbarian is shitty and miserable.

>> No.7076983
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Spoken like a true philistine.

Face it, you're ignorant so you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

>> No.7076993

Still much better than r/book's I haven't read a book in 8 years/the curtains are blue bullshit.

At least people recommend more than just Stephen King.

>> No.7076999

>posting in meme threads
I never see these things because I do not seek them out.

>> No.7077000

>Orientalist imaginary
Go read Said.

>> No.7077002

how are you guys any different? The average person in this forum simply consumes (or pretends to consume) whatever musty old literary work the other NEETs happen to be jerking off to at the moment.

At least the lowbrows enjoy whatever brings them joy without caring much about what others think.

>> No.7077011
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Well some academics claim you did have a precedent for it in Hellenism, where the invading barbarian Celts were perceived with a sense of nostalgia and a whole "noble savage" mythos followed, akin to what we now have ever since early modernity.
Statue related is seen as such an artistic example.

And you do read in many sources, from Rome to Xi'an, how the civilized look upon the primitives as those still in touch with nature ( the whole Gilgamesh epos reads sometimes as a lament on the alienation felt in an urban world ). Taoism is also a "back to nature" revitalism. Although it never really wanted to go back to spearchucking as those examples were absent in the Chinese horizon and this culture put a heavy focuss on the 'cultural heroes' of the past, as if man started out civilized and not the reverse.

In fact, everywhere in the Old World it was hard to find anything really 'primitive', except nomads, which weren't exactly Amazonian rainforest tier primitive.
Everything besides the standard civilizations seemed stuck in the bronze/iron age, and not really that much different from what happened in the cities. So the shock European explorers experienced was much greater than a Roman seeing a Pict farmer.

>> No.7077033


>yeah man I don't care and just enjoy life ;) take that 2500 years of philosophy

I really hope I can genocide normies one day.

>> No.7077050

>Anyone else getting tired of cultural elitism?

I can't help being smarter than the average pleb

no use denying it in the name of some kind of moral humility

>> No.7077602

I understand what you're saying but did you need to use all those fancy words? You sound kind of like an elitist.

>> No.7077642


Elitism goes along fine with human compassion. Just because you realize someone is beneath you or doesn't belong in your circle doesn't mean it entitles you to be cruel to them, nor do any genuine elites think that way. You just keep your distance from them, coming down from the mountain every now and again when they really need your help, nothing more. Genuine love for your neighbor and compassion only comes to those who know themselves to be elite enough not to be touched by resentment against others. Elitism is being able to distance oneself from the rabble ,their petty moralizing, and the vitriol that comes with it. Plebs always accuse others of lacking compassion, of being selfish, and all that as smokescreen for their own cruelty and selfishness.