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/lit/ - Literature

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7072497 No.7072497[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>protaganist is a writer

>> No.7072661

Stoner is a great book, you fuck.

>> No.7073208

> talking shit about Misery Chastain's creator's creator
You can't be serious

>> No.7073212

haha you have to write what you know op!!! : )))

>> No.7073214
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>protagonist is an alcoholic and/or drug addict
>writer had/has struggles with alcoholism and/or drug addiction

>> No.7073216
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>protagonist is a loner

>> No.7073220

are you trying to say that 2666 is bad?

>> No.7073225
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>antagonist is a publisher/editor

>> No.7073230


>> No.7073236
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>> No.7073244
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>protagonist is a writer
>antagonist is a publisher/editor
>antagonist berates protagonist's work for not conforming to "abitrary storytelling rules"
>protagonist wins in the end through her creative spirit or something

>> No.7073261
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>> No.7073279
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>protagonist is a poet
>the poems aren't good

>> No.7073347

shut up you little bitch, you're a shit writer and a shit person

>> No.7073356


Totally expected

>protagonist is a poet
>he didn't even know it

>> No.7073362
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>protagonist becomes a writer
>protagonists writes a book about his story
>it has the same title as the book you're reading now

>> No.7073367

>lord of the rings
>the stranger
>gulliver's travel
>le great gatsby
>breakfast at tiffany's

>> No.7073379

>Writer writes a book
Unoriginality at its finest

>> No.7073382

>protagonist is a shameless self-insert

>> No.7073412

Self insert is a shamalong-a-dingDONG

>> No.7073432

>Protaganist was you all along

>> No.7073444
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>protagonist can tell the future because he finds the book inside the book

>> No.7073447

>protagonist faces a challenge

>> No.7073456

>author portrays character in way so he can fill the characters dialog/chapters with cheap prose
I'm looking at you, DFW.

>> No.7073458

So basically
>portrait of the artist as a young fuccboi

>> No.7073481

>book is relateable to real experiences

>> No.7073484

>book is relateable to fake experiences

>> No.7073492

>protagonist is a sentient being

>> No.7073493

>rising action
>falling action

>> No.7073494

When will /lit/ grow up and realize that a good story is a good story.
Tolstoy broke almost all the rules of good writing as we now know them, and is almost universally reguarded as one of the best writers of all time.

>> No.7073503


>protagonist is an inanimate object

Hóng Lóu Mèng you well hung asshole.

>> No.7073513
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>protagonist is dead

>> No.7073526

>Protagonist is actually/also the antagonist

>> No.7073531

That's how I felt when I read A Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.7073557

>That's how I felt when I read A Confederacy of Dunces.
feels good man

>> No.7073583 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 786x916, 1441426447050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting the entertainment industry to be creative

>> No.7073592

>there is no protagonist

>> No.7073656


>> No.7073687
File: 288 KB, 2560x1536, Julian-Assange-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>protagonist has sex

>> No.7073806

>protagonist protagonizes

>> No.7073867

>protagonist is angsty teen

>> No.7073875

>protagonist is a total fucking loser
>yet somehow he continuously succeeds with little struggle.

>> No.7073881

>piece has a protagonist

>> No.7073891

>the author wrote a ten-page sex scene for it
>in a mystery novel

Never again.

>> No.7073990
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>book isn't autobiographical

>> No.7073998
File: 841 KB, 2060x1236, Michel-Houellebecq-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> protagonist is a disgusting middle aged leech who by the way happens to be a writer
>spends a large part of the novel having sex with barely legal girls way out of his league
>author is is a disgusting middle aged leech who by the way happens to be a writer

>> No.7074009

>not naming your gif "now thisis posting.gif"
It's like you want to remain a Plebeian

>> No.7074051
File: 138 KB, 570x320, douroucouli_smug[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three-act structure
>hero's journey
>character arcs
>inciting incident
>rising action