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/lit/ - Literature

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7072959 No.7072959 [Reply] [Original]

What book should I recommend to someone who is suicidal?

>> No.7072962

Fight Club.

>> No.7072965

The Trouble With Being Born by Emil Cioran

>> No.7072966

The Trouble With Being Born Quotes
Made me less suicidal tbh

>> No.7072967

my diary, tbh

>> No.7072975


Is it an actual story or just random nonsense. Might check it out.

>> No.7072978

my diary, tbh

>> No.7072992

The Shadow of the Torturer.

>> No.7073003

>genre fiction

are you trying to push him over the edge?

>> No.7073007

I thought that was the point?

>> No.7073009

"When people come to me saying they want to kill themselves, I tell them, 'What’s your rush? You can kill yourself any time you like. So calm down. Suicide is a positive act.' And they do calm down."

>> No.7073012
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>> No.7073043


>> No.7073063

Recommend them that anime you posted instead

>> No.7073092
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>> No.7073102

The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.7073111

The Tatami Galaxy.

>> No.7073121

i had a desk calendar of those in my early teens
good times

>> No.7073579

>Watership Down for the deeply sick
Why? Because there are bunnies? Fuck this guy

>> No.7073619

No Longer Human

>> No.7073658

Felicia day's book

>> No.7073662
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Final Exit.

>> No.7073734

Veronika Decides To Die

>> No.7073795

tbh watership down is far spookier and sicker than some cartoon rabbits doing cutesy contrived suicide

>> No.7073804

Infinite Jest

>> No.7073807

harry potter

or any other engaging pageturner really

>> No.7073814

>or any other engaging pageturner really

my diary, tbh

>> No.7073815

Mrs Dalloway

>> No.7073816

Tell them to man the fuck up and stop being a self loathing narcissist

>> No.7073830


I'm not joking. I consider it to be the supreme affirmation of everyday life, in all its ostensible monotonies, in all of literature. Even a day in the life of a little cuckholded Jewish advertising canvasser can be thought of as an Epic and as a dreamquest through all the different modes of existence and perception.

>> No.7073852

>A story
>random nonsense
gtfo pleb

>> No.7073861

A hollowed out book hiding a gun perhaps?

>> No.7073942

The Conspiracy Against the Human Race
Better Never To Have Been

>> No.7073963

>all these edgy faggots posting postnatalist, prosuicidal, and other forms of pseudophilosophical semipornographical tripe instead of those books which really elucidate the splendid complexities of life

I must say, /lit/, I'm rather disappointed. Keep in mind, I don't use the words "edgy" and "faggot" lightly; in fact, I think this may be the very first time I've used the two words in tandem on this site. But that's precisely what this thread is: Edgy Variations on the Theme to "Faggot." It shows a lack of real appreciation for literature: a corresponding lack of character. You should all be ashamed. At a certain point, you must be serious about something.

>> No.7073969

>he says on a Malaysian shadow puppet appreciation board

>> No.7073992

I'm serious about two things in life:
1. Your mom's pussy
2. Ping pong
This thread ain't about pussy and it ain't about ping pong.

>> No.7074417

the manual handbook for suicide

>> No.7074425
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When I'm really depressed I read the Anatomy of Melancholy by Burton.

It is a great book. Its main value for me is its description of the melancholy of the world. Basically a lot of people are walking around miserable thinking about suicide, it's just not talked about.

The poem at the beginning will send chills up the spine of any manic depressive:

When I go musing all alone
Thinking of divers things fore-known.
When I build castles in the air,
Void of sorrow and void of fear,
Pleasing myself with phantasms sweet,
Methinks the time runs very fleet.
All my joys to this are folly,
Naught so sweet as melancholy.

When I lie waking all alone,
Recounting what I have ill done,
My thoughts on me then tyrannise,
Fear and sorrow me surprise,
Whether I tarry still or go,
Methinks the time moves very slow.
All my griefs to this are jolly,
Naught so mad as melancholy.

When to myself I act and smile,
With pleasing thoughts the time beguile,
By a brook side or wood so green,
Unheard, unsought for, or unseen,
A thousand pleasures do me bless,
And crown my soul with happiness.
All my joys besides are folly,
None so sweet as melancholy.

When I lie, sit, or walk alone,
I sigh, I grieve, making great moan,
In a dark grove, or irksome den,
With discontents and Furies then,
A thousand miseries at once
Mine heavy heart and soul ensconce,
All my griefs to this are jolly,
None so sour as melancholy.

Methinks I hear, methinks I see,
Sweet music, wondrous melody,
Towns, palaces, and cities fine;
Here now, then there; the world is mine,
Rare beauties, gallant ladies shine,
Whate'er is lovely or divine.
All other joys to this are folly,
None so sweet as melancholy.

Methinks I hear, methinks I see
Ghosts, goblins, fiends; my phantasy
Presents a thousand ugly shapes,
Headless bears, black men, and apes,
Doleful outcries, and fearful sights,
My sad and dismal soul affrights.
All my griefs to this are jolly,
None so damn'd as melancholy.

Methinks I court, methinks I kiss,
Methinks I now embrace my mistress.
O blessed days, O sweet content,
In Paradise my time is spent.
Such thoughts may still my fancy move,
So may I ever be in love.
All my joys to this are folly,
Naught so sweet as melancholy.

When I recount love's many frights,
My sighs and tears, my waking nights,
My jealous fits; O mine hard fate
I now repent, but 'tis too late.
No torment is so bad as love,
So bitter to my soul can prove.
All my griefs to this are jolly,
Naught so harsh as melancholy.

Friends and companions get you gone,
'Tis my desire to be alone;
Ne'er well but when my thoughts and I
Do domineer in privacy.
No Gem, no treasure like to this,
'Tis my delight, my crown, my bliss.
All my joys to this are folly,
Naught so sweet as melancholy.

>> No.7074429


'Tis my sole plague to be alone,
I am a beast, a monster grown,
I will no light nor company,
I find it now my misery.
The scene is turn'd, my joys are gone,
Fear, discontent, and sorrows come.
All my griefs to this are jolly,
Naught so fierce as melancholy.

I'll not change life with any king,
I ravisht am: can the world bring
More joy, than still to laugh and smile,
In pleasant toys time to beguile?
Do not, O do not trouble me,
So sweet content I feel and see.
All my joys to this are folly,
None so divine as melancholy.

I'll change my state with any wretch,
Thou canst from gaol or dunghill fetch;
My pain's past cure, another hell,
I may not in this torment dwell!
Now desperate I hate my life,
Lend me a halter or a knife;
All my griefs to this are jolly,
Naught so damn'd as melancholy.

>> No.7074444
File: 192 KB, 938x614, Cioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It's not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late." - E.M. Cioran

>> No.7074451

Reading that one right know. It's great.

>> No.7074455

Quads confirm.

>> No.7074499

Underrated post.
Schopenhauer's essays, especially "On the Sufferings of the World."

>> No.7074522

This tbh.

The Warren gassing is hardcore AF.

Film adaptation did a bang up job conveying the terror and helplessness of being trapped underground with your extended family and dying painfully in droves.

>> No.7074534
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>being pretentious enough to coin meaningless terms on a chinese claymation image board to lend your rant an air of sophistication

>> No.7074562

>splendid complexities of life
Such as? How does this "splendidness" manifest itself objectively?

>> No.7074577

>using unnecessary adjectives
>using "smart sounding" words when others would suffice
>using "smart sounding" words when actually another word would make more sense
>misuse of colon
>"rather" disappointed

jeez it's like this is b8 or something. if so, well done.

>> No.7074614
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>> No.7074623

memes superior to books every day of the week.

>> No.7074995


>using the medium as an excuse for spewing trash
Yes, well, I still thought you lot were better than this. Also, "postnatalist," while I agree an absurd term, is not my coinage by any means. I see you people use it all the time.


And how, now, does the dullness of it manifest itself "objectively"? It is all a matter of perspective, and I think certain books (Ulysses immediately comes to mind, and indeed I posted it earlier in the thread) can change it. I very much agree with Proust that learning consists not in seeking out new landscapes but in looking with new eyes. You only retain the depressive world view of nothing new under the sun if you want to. Exposure to and learning of something sufficiently interesting will cure the thing handily, and perhaps better than clinical psychology ever could.


>nitpicking specifically which words are used when the intent wasn't to impress anyone with style
Also, I realize that isn't a standard usage of a colon, but I still think it appropriate, so how's that? Good job attacking the substance of the post, by the way.

>> No.7075044
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Literally no one has used a retarded term like "postnatalist" before, see image.
>It is all a matter of perspective
Why would you go and contradict yourself in the second sentence of your reply?
>Exposure to and learning of something sufficiently interesting will cure the thing handily
Nigga what? Does the phrase "ignorance is bliss" ring any bells? Why do you think it's a thing?
>but I still think it appropriate, so how's that?
Well making up new grammatical rules as you go is almost as retarded as coining a term like postnatalist, so there's that.

>> No.7075052

He is not nitpicking, the way you write is distractedly bad. And combines needlessly complicated words and punctuation.

The "substance" is that you are disappointed and calling people edgy faggots who don't appreciate literature.
You don't level anything in the post that can be argued.
>hurr durr ur all edgy fgts
but you write it like:
> Hurr, /lit/, and also: durr; that is, you are all as follows: "edgy", in disposition of opinion; and, "faggot"-ish, in theme. Keep in mind, while you read, that I don't use the aforementioned words of "edgy" and also "faggot," lightly; on the contrary! I seldom use the words so that some supposed, implied, potency in them might be preserved for situations such as this where I can call you all edgy-faggots with full potency in effect.

then you get slammed for grammar and being a fucking nigger and
>WHAAA respond 2 my substance, i wasn't writing to impress you!

fuck off.

>> No.7075060
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>> No.7075157

Cioran is a saint tbh.

>> No.7075164

kill yourself my man

>> No.7075344


Well, you know what, I admit I think I may have been substituting "postnatalist" for "antinatalist." Amounts to the same thing, though: one considers itself "beyond" the concept of life, and the other considers itself against the concept of life, and both are idiotic. Perhaps someone should establish a postnatalist "movement." It would be highly ironic, highly Postmodern. The critics would love it.

>Why do you think it's a thing?
Because people are dumb. You among them.


You know this is still nitpicking, right? I could correct your use of "distractedly" instead of "distractingly," or make some improvements on your comedically lacking caricature of my post (and, of course, by pointing these things out, I'm already engaged in the act), but usually I wouldn't, because I care a lot more about what someone on the Internet is saying than how it's being said. I mean, if you embrace antinatalism, that's great (actually that's very bad, but, if you weren't incredibly anal, you'd forgive me the rhetoric), but why don't you just come out and say it? Don't hide behind criticisms of style.

>> No.7075353


>> No.7075375

You didn't address my point that you write like a faggot and are saying nothing.

Stop nit picking and engage with the substance of my post please.

>> No.7075871

>one considers itself "beyond" the concept of life
This means fuck all. Just stop, this would be really embarrassing for you if we weren't anonymous here.

>> No.7075879

On the Proper Use and Maintaining of Firearms: A User's Handbook.

>> No.7075905

Man's Search for Meaning
along with whatever titles are the opposite of this website.

>> No.7075906

Good Old Neon-DFW ....but don't tell them that he hanged himself.

>> No.7075945

These & the stranger.