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/lit/ - Literature

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7069464 No.7069464 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you want to be a writer, again?

>> No.7069467

for all that sweet watermelon

>> No.7069469

I don't. I want to be a professor.

>> No.7069474

bcuz write is right :D

>> No.7069489
File: 1.17 MB, 1680x1050, neon_genesis_evangelion_asuka_langley_soryu-wallpaper-hd-wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to be a writer
Bitch I am a writer. I write for hours every day and people like my work.

I want to be a financially successful author so I can surf on a pile of redheaded groupies and make them dress up like Asuka (best girl) and sign a contract permitting me to jerk off on them if they ever end up in a coma.

>> No.7069495

>I want to be a financially successful author so I can surf on a pile of redheaded groupies and make them dress up like Asuka (best girl) and sign a contract permitting me to jerk off on them if they ever end up in a coma.

Godspeed you insipid faggot.

>> No.7069497
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>tfw I'm not dumb
>tfw everybody thinks of me as "Michael's kid brother"
>tfw I'm not dumb like everybody says
>tfw I'm smart and I deserve respect
>tfw if I write a book that's well-received then folks will perceive me as such

>> No.7069506

so i can bang chicks

>> No.7069508
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But I have clear (arguably unusual and interesting) goals and a plan of action to reach them. Or is this about my taste in Eva girls?

>> No.7069517

I don't I just like reading books

>> No.7069527
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Mmm yous a writah or sumfthin mmmhmmm aight you kin hit disss I knows you be doin it for this hottt meatty pussy mmmhmmm but she's leaning forward and pulling down her top, the black arcs edging over and out of her bra and two out of sync flicks as the points cross: Yeah I do it for the nigger pussy, I whispered into her ear as she slid her half black half pink monkey paw down the fronna my breeches, a hot warm Mmmmmmmmmmmm in my ear: Thass righhhh honey...fugg got caughd up inda fantasies agaid o well...

>> No.7069534

they percieve you as dumb because you have a poor self-image/don't believe you deserve respect

life is a mirror

>> No.7069540

When I write something good it feels great. That's why, I guess, I'd like to be one in theory.

But in practical terms, it's not at all what I'm looking towards.

>> No.7069545

Your a mirron morron

>> No.7069772
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A desired to be idolized, primarily; that I have a hyperactive imagination, secondarily. Horrible, an't I?

>> No.7069825

I love the idea of other people having their emotions manipulated by my words. If I can introduce someone to some concept they've never considered or never heard of, they'll likely carry that idea through their entire life, and that's a privilege not many have. Ever since I was a kid I've loved explaining concepts to people, trying to give them the ideas that blew my mind or expanded it, and hearing positive feedback to my creative projects is the best feeling ever. I've only created a few short stories so far seriously, but hopefully I can develop my skills and voice to the point where I can publish something.

And then there's the whole outliving my death by creating something worth remembering thing. I'm frankly terrified of being forgotten by time.

>> No.7069837
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This is now a best girl thread.

>> No.7069840

Oh look, worst girl.

>> No.7069858
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>> No.7069880

I don't really

I can't work a physically demanding job

I can't start exceptionally early

There are no white collar jobs in my area

That leaves me with three options, be a neet, be a criminal or be a writer

>> No.7069918

I have reservations about introducing certain topics to people because of what you just mentioned, the ability for it to influence, and sometimes not always for the better.

>> No.7070107
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I don't but you can never have enough best girl.

>> No.7070144

I've always come up with stories in my head, I enjoy imaging them as much as I enjoy reading others, and I'd like to use them to support myself and my family

>> No.7070145


>> No.7070151

you can move, can't you?

>can't start exceptionally early

how so?

>> No.7070178

For the audience pussy, of course.

>> No.7070182

That just means he's lazy as fuck.

>> No.7070217
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>> No.7070304

My overflowing creativity would be wasted in any other field and I have nothing else going for me.

>> No.7070335

Because there's nothing else.

>> No.7070336

While I disagree with your taste in Eva girls, I can respect your goal and wish you all the best.

>> No.7070340 [SPOILER] 
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Just some girls.

>> No.7070354

Fuck off weebs

>> No.7070355
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Because if I didn't have writing to distract me from how awful the world is, I'd want to die

>> No.7070368


Because I want to share my ideas with people and hopefully arouse some kind of emotion in them.


I haven't even watched Evangelion but I find it genuinely cute that people still have waifus from a 20 year old anime.

>> No.7070372

Arouse me

>> No.7070374
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I would like to make a career out of it, but nowadays I mostly write things as an outlet for my pain and other die-hard emotions

>tfw unmedicated BPD

>> No.7070382

You get much snow in Lexington?

>> No.7070385

I don't want to be a writer.

I want to be a space-barbarian warlord treading the thrones of the cosmos beneath my space-bootie'd feet.

Writing is just escapism.

>> No.7070398

I'm 39 years old.

I am hard-working and reliable.

I have eights novels that are in their final editing stage, and an author of erotica at my local reading group has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have no girlfriend.

I have a small group of friends from a working-class social background, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable cleaner and refueller of their vehicles.

My father is alive but in poor health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three PTSD-related crises, the latter of which was described by an army medic as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a thoughtful poster, a compassionate motivator, and a trader of hostile remarks.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will not live a good life at your expense.

>> No.7070405
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>> No.7070421

I'd love to ^^

>> No.7070424

Quite a bit last year

>> No.7070431
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>277 KB
>Anonymous 09/04/15(Fri)07:07:23 No.7

I usually just write to have an outlet and to express myself. As i do now. I dont really want to achieve anything by doing it and wouldn consider any of it worth reading by anyone than myself. Maybe someday if i have a really good feeling about something i wrote , i will show it to some friends of mine and try to publish it. But i surely do not want it to become my profession.

>> No.7070437

This tbh. Lately my life's been so shit that all I can do is write to forget the pain. Being published would be nice someday, but I guess this will never happen.

>> No.7071307

The freedom associated with it, you don't have to put any money into it and the possibilities are still endless, and can be achieved completely by a single individual so the vision isn't muddied or split between multiple people. Its art, story, or communication at its purest form.

>> No.7071312

Everyone is eventually forgotten by time.

>> No.7071354
File: 924 KB, 1488x2047, 1353537325537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I not surprised shit posters on /lit/ prefer the girl who doesn't read.

>> No.7071363

Because I have cool sci-fi ideas and a story in my head.

Should have taken writing classes from the beginning.

>> No.7071368

>admiring an autistic clone who's just a man's tool
Pretty misogynist and problematic tbh fan smdh.

>> No.7071369


>Why do you want to be a writer, again?

No idea, I would like to know

>> No.7071385

I constantly create and work on stories in my mind so much so that it begins to occupy so much of it. Writing a story seems to completely flush it out of my mind. Pretty cathartic

>> No.7071444

Because most people who subject themselves to stories begin to make stories of their own, and require a medium to express those stories. Probably why people who play video games learn to code and make their own, why people who read books learn to write and make their own, why japs who read mongolian picture-scripture learn to draw and make their own. Some simply watch people, learn to live, and write their story through life.

Primate see, primate do.

>> No.7071480

Asuka is a child prodigy with a college degree.

>> No.7071622

probably just studied the cliff notes so she could get good grades

>> No.7071660

>I haven't even watched Evangelion

You're missing out man.

>> No.7071683

Someone actually spent time writing this

>> No.7072012

Is that a choker collar?


>> No.7072201

You sound like a bellend

>> No.7072363

>I have already experienced three PTSD-related crises, the latter of which was described by an army medic as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age. I am a thoughtful poster, a compassionate motivator, and a trader of hostile remarks. I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble. I will not live a good life at your expense.

Ugh. You are fucking awful.

>> No.7072369

I want to create a genuinely new and interesting story.

Is it just me? All of you seem just terrible.

>> No.7072398

first because I wanted to be a writer and then because I wanted to write and now because I have all this shit written and I need to make some fucking money off it

>> No.7072814

It's cathartic.

>> No.7072833

I want to live that Fitzgerald celebrity life. Be a famous writer, and fuck a lot of bitches.

>> No.7072836

Are you really all driven by fame and sex?
That makes me feel truly sad.

>> No.7072857
File: 21 KB, 327x445, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you ask why someone wants to "be a writer" that's basically asking why they want to be a celebrity writer given the way most people use the label. Plenty of people write but do other things and aren't famous and they tend not to be labelled as "writers."

Also so I can get best girl's attention.

>> No.7072877

I would have thought being able to do something fulfilling everyday would be the main reason for wanting success under that definition.

>> No.7072887


get a load of this guy

>> No.7072889

If you write every day and are fulfilled without acclaim then you don't have much incentive to become a celebrity other than fame and sex.

>> No.7072902

Apart from the fact that unless you are well known you will never be able to financially support yourself and so will have to write less.

>> No.7073089
File: 2.00 MB, 315x315, Donte says hello.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat a dick, bitch niggas, Imma be terrible and own it. Go do it for the art and die.

>> No.7073109
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, big_1410750263_1388070535_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw poorfags think they'll get to be well known

>> No.7073118

Me too!

High five.

>> No.7073136
File: 131 KB, 469x600, rCVgy6W (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only talent I have according to all my professors.