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/lit/ - Literature

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7067419 No.7067419 [Reply] [Original]

Well /lit/, have you satisfied the unique today?

>> No.7067519

He is no better than everyone he denounces before him, considering that his intellectual endeavour amounts to nothing more than a seduction. In its own little way it is a sort of immature, petulant and infantile seduction as well, one that does not have the sincere conviction behind it of past ideologies but on the other hand it has the gall to disrupt the game of rhetoric (and I mean rhetoric in the general, system-level sense that I think De Man uses) that ideologues gleefully take part in, sort of like a child who disregards the rules of a game because he is tired of losing at it or some such poor behaviour.

Stirner knows his own doctrine does not have a leg to stand on, that the whole exercise he engages in is contradictory. His whole project is a failure simply because it's a contradiction. The only way you could consider it a success is if you think the overall outcome is that you have the ability to question or attack ideology. But that is hardly a quality specific to Stirner's writings, it's simply the ability to think critically, and it's what most philosophers with a system of thought have done throughout history. Except Stirner appears to be inferior to most of them because where every other philosopher attacks the previous prevailing ideology and replaces its center in its own coherent if not infallible manner, Stirner simply attacks these ideologies with no center to prevail in replacement, the attack itself is contradictory, and there is no real insight gained into the lack of the center because Stirner himself has no answer or interest in attempting to solve this contradiction of negation. So where every other philosopher has been out with the old and in with the new, Stirner is simply out with the old, and not even in a logical manner, with no new. You're getting short-changed and fucked in the ass. And on the other hand there are numerous more in-depth attempts to address the contradictory logic of negation Stirner is using, from Zen to Deconstruction.

Assuming that he has ghostbusted the spooks is to assume a very ideologically-charged perspective about the progress of conceptual thought in the west. And it's not only that, we must also consider that language is dialogic, which means that the language, the concepts Stirner uses to poke around with in first place are all shaped and ideologically charged before he even gets to employ them, he inherits his words and thereby whatever ideology is embedded in them, so it is not even clear whether there is really a distinct Stirner-type ideology critique and not just some permutation of a prevailing ideology. His whole endeavour is shot to shit and full of presuppositions, which is why people are debating over ideology, why Stirner did not solve the problem of ideology, and why its usefulness even as a concept today is in question.

>> No.7068250

yeah, i wanked the unique 3 times and i think it's pleased

>> No.7068320

thanks for effortposting anon

>> No.7069417

Not really, tbh.
I mean, I'm doing what I can to survive, but I'm actually going against The Unique by my daily actions, and I don't know how much more can I tolerate of it; I'm just waiting for an opportunity to tell this current lifestyle to go fuck itself and do whatever I want to do.

>> No.7069616

every day, all the time

>> No.7069666

I'm trying to exorcise the negative spooks out of my friend, he's concerned about being boring

>> No.7070704
File: 87 KB, 400x279, Soon-horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Zeta! Glad to see you... You probably wont see this though

>> No.7070763

I woke up early in the neving so having breakfast/dinner took preference over having a wank tbh. Might stroke my ego later on though, but first I want some spaghetti.

>> No.7070820

did some dabs, thought about some girls I wanna fuck, did some more dabs

so yea, pretty much

>> No.7070832

What is it precisely you find pleasurable about cannabis intoxication?

Sincere question.