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7068766 No.7068766 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many college students these days feel the need to choose some fringe ideology? I know way too many Marxists, Socialists, Anarchists, Anarcho-capitalists, Minarchists, etc. I personally think it's totally irrational to just choose an ideology, read all the literature of whatever ideology they have chosen, and defend their ideology whenever they can. Sometimes I feel like I'm just a guy who doesn't have opinions, so maybe I'll never understand.

>> No.7068776

How many of them actually are knowledgable of the ideologies they align themselves with. Since starting uni I've met so many people who choose ideologies as a fashion statement. It's very discouraging. Talking to them about anything that isn't surface level they answer vaguely or tip-toe around. It's frustrating

>> No.7068779

The vast majority of my peers while I was at university were fairly middle of the road, verging on a-political for the most part. And I studied politics so it was frustrating as shit.

>> No.7068786

it is, ironically enough given the image you posted, a product of the hyper-individualism via signifiers that capitalism encourages. communists are not at all immune to the appeal of branding yourself as an green anarcho-Hoxhaist or whatever bullshit

if you can accurately articulate your political views in three words you probably don't have nuanced political views anyway

>> No.7068790

I know a few who claim to have read all the books about whatever ideology they align themselves with. I know an Anarcho-capitalist who seems pretty knowledgeable, but there are a ton of pseudo intellectual hipsters who think that having some fringe ideology will make them a special snowflake.

>> No.7068794

Because young people romanticize change. To be fair, calling ideologies that offer substantial change "fringe" is somewhat dishonest (maybe you didn't intend it that way, but you should reconsider how you think about these things) because a moderate position just means keeping the status quo.

>> No.7068800

I only meant that most of these ideologies are not popular.

>> No.7068801

I think it's just something that's common at this stage in life. I was pretty apolitical before going to college, but since then I've been thinking about politics more and more. Also, since we lack most adult responsibilities, it gives us the ability to be more idealistic and less practical in our thinking.

>> No.7068808


It's so you join the college club and make friends.

>> No.7068827

you think it's irrational to defend things you find convincing? what qualifies something as rational in your view?

>> No.7068832

From my point of view, it seems like they chose an ideology on a whim, and it seems like they only ever pay attention to arguments that support their ideology.

>> No.7068851

I think you should read from several ideological perspectives and also the various arguments for and against them before you pick(or where born into) one ideology.

>it seems like they only ever pay attention to arguments that support their ideology.
It takes a while to read about several ideologies indepth. In college you probably don't have the time to do that.

>> No.7068860


>> No.7069100

Because people become politically aware in Uni and hell hath no fury like a zealot who has found "the truth".

I started off as a pretentious fedora tipping ancap and was a massive cunt, I found forum posts of mine the other week dating back too 2002 and jesus christ the cringe.

These days I'm a Socialist arguing for more "market socialist" (worker managed buisiness, coop housing, community farming etc etc) policies for pragmatic sake (raising class consciousness), but I always cringe when engaging with young Socialists and radical Socialist organizations who think blind random militancy = radical action (Socialist Alternative here in Australia, /r/socialism, /r/communism, Revleft etc etc)

>> No.7069107

>I know an Anarcho-capitalist who seems pretty knowledgeable, but there are a ton of pseudo intellectual hipsters who think that having some fringe ideology will make them a special snowflake.

That's cuz Anarcho-caps do not deny reality. A lot of leftist faggots try to actively disenfranchise reality to get their agendas passed.

>> No.7069113

this thread should be good.

>> No.7069117

Good lord, we really need to get out of this idea that economic liberalism is associated with the right. Most right wing proponents, particularly Scruton, are very critical of free markets and the often detrimental impact on national cohesion that such markets cause.
Perhaps it's an American (and British) peculiarity, much in the same way as agrarianism is entirely absent in both nations.

>> No.7069138

Really? I find most Uni students aggressively Liberal or Libertarian.

I rarely have a good reaction when critiquing liberal values and strategy from a far left viewpoint. It doesn't take long for your average Liberal to start using reactionary, right arguments when under fire.

>> No.7069139
File: 23 KB, 360x221, kool-aid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberal Democracy
Basic bitch, loves corporate America and chooses the position most likely to be accepted there.

>Radical right/reactionary/libertarian
Male who was or is involuntarily celibate past the point he meant to lose his V card. Low empathy, high value on logic as a problem solving tool. Sincerely desires a zombie apocalypse because he's sure he'd be better off than he is now.

>American Republican/Evangelical
Loves the status quo in small business or finance. Chooses the position most likely to fit in with that scene. Not too smart or empathetic.

No faith in self to get anything right in the real world, but spends a lot of time with books or computers. Physically weak. Might get laid but with uglier women than he thinks he deserves. The revolution is his version of the zombie apocalypse where he's sure he'll be better off than he is now.

>mainstream campus activist
Figured out that a lot of rich young women are extremely empathetic and feel the need to rescue somebody. Pitches in to get in their pants. Ends up dating some sort of organizer who lets him go down on her once a week.

These are collegiate stereotypes so of course they include more about sex than seems like serious discussion.

>> No.7069157


>Bullshit about libertarians

nice shitpost sperglord

>> No.7069162
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>all the stereotypes are unflattering
>libertarian still gets butthurt
I should've included something about you being easy to troll.

>> No.7069170
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Eh? I don't know why this test seems to think I'm some kind of collectivist.

I just want someone to drop the bombs so I can live innawoods in a post-apocalyptic shithole where other people are either dead or are too busy contending with radiation sickness to be any bother to me.

Is there a party for that?

>> No.7069171

the test is rigged

>> No.7069176

thanks for listing all these stereotypes. why did you do it though?

>> No.7069182

I bet your some liberal, have you thought about that people are tired of the system?

>> No.7069184

>tfw my opinion won't be valid until I have sex

>> No.7069186

>The revolution is his version of the zombie apocalypse where he's sure he'll be better off than he is now.

tbh this is definitely the dream of every communist/socialist and anyone who denies it is lying.

>> No.7069199

>I bet your some liberal
Can you ask a question on the internet without some jackass posting this as an answer?

>> No.7069201
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Mostly as a cover to post my opinion on communists, tbh.

>tfw none of the stereotypes are necessarily virgins
>tfw you're illiterate

That opinion is the real reason I posted all that nonsense. It's so transparent that all the communists I know dream of glory when the revolution comes.

>> No.7069210

sounds like you just need to find a new squad, fam.

>> No.7069211

everyone who disagrees with me is a liberal except when they're a nazi.

>> No.7069271

There is only one movement and ideology one should have in college. The Free Quebec movement.


>> No.7069282

>Socialist Alternative here in Australia

Oh, God, they got you too. When I was with them, it was like being in a bizarre fever dream. Seeing people just jump onto the whole "Lenin was totally cool" thing after joining was crazy. It was bizarre to be part of an organisation that you fully realise is completely crazy in the hope that you would meet at least someone else level headed.

Fellow mutualist market anti-capitalist here anyway, we really need to get our shit together. Are you in Melbourne? What shit have you been trying recently? I gave up on serious activism a while back.

>> No.7069304

fucking want to shoot quebecers in the head every election when they dredge it up. if anyone deserves a separatist movement, it's natives, you whiny white cunts.

>> No.7069311


...You thought I was serious.

>> No.7069346

They're all leftists, too.

It's the trendy new thing

>> No.7069362

Because it's really really fun.

Read Concept of the Political and you might have some idea.

>> No.7069367

No, or you'd have written it properly with the 'le'.

>> No.7069373

radical leftism has always been tied to the university and its intelligentsia.

>> No.7069381


>I actually don't know even bastardized, inferior French.

>> No.7069382

For all I know I've been a marxist since before I went to uni. I read Kapital when I was 16

>> No.7069419


>> No.7069932

Not him, but every lolbertarian i've ever met has been an elitist fedora tipping nerd who thinks hes unpopular because everyone is jealous of his intellect, not because he is a cunt or trust fund kiddie.

I say this as someone who was a disgusting ancap contrarian as a teen and young adult.

>Are you in Melbourne?


>What shit have you been trying recently?

Just talking politics with people, I don't straight up advocate anti capital (it outs you as a socialist and makes them instantly turn off) but instead just talk about worker self management and cooperative coordination of coops through confederations.

>I gave up on serious activism a while back.

There is no serious activism in the far-left in Australia, everyone circlejerks over radicalism while sacrificing pragmatism.

While I believe in the Revolution, I think there is about 100 steps there and we are still on step 1, while the SAlt and other groups think we are at 98 or 99.

For me its most important to build class solidarity and consciousness atm, not agitate directly for revolution.

>> No.7069984

>these days
as opposed to?

>> No.7070103

>Anarcho-caps do not deny reality

>> No.7070420

move to a new ideology
the revolution will not happen

>> No.7070447

Read the sticky.

>> No.7070474

>everyone circlejerks over radicalism while sacrificing pragmatism.
>For me its most important to build class solidarity and consciousness atm, not agitate directly for revolution.

Agreed, I suspect most people here who think other wise have some impatient need to feel important, want to dupe others into joining them or are simply duped themselves.

>> No.7070476
File: 179 KB, 500x492, my god, one can not believe it ish not pure ideology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I personally think it's totally irrational to just choose an ideology

>> No.7070488

Isn't centrism just a reformist, utopian liberalism (rightism)?

>> No.7070510

cool story brah

>> No.7070663

In general, political comparse are retarded like this one.

>> No.7070668

Who /fascist/ here?

>> No.7071217


>> No.7071454
File: 207 KB, 600x300, frank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw centrist master race

Y'all crazy

>> No.7071832

Searching for the truth is a lifelong journey, and if you're serious about it you will never arrive at a destination. People don't become ideologs by looking for real answers, it happens because they want their peace of mind. They want to feel like they understand how the world works and what their place in it is so they can get on with their lives.

>> No.7071870

There's something to be said about this fetishism of pragmatism among people who are ostensibly "left-wing" in the first world.

You live in Aus, which is probably the most bourgie society in the world, and you complain about people circlejerking over radicalism, while clearly practicing "more pragmatist than thou" type of bullshit.

I don't believe for a second in your commitment to anti-capitalism beyond social democracy - so why the dissatisfaction with the mainstream auzzie politics? Surely, the Labour and the Greens were created by "pragmatists" such as yourself for people like yourself.