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7064526 No.7064526 [Reply] [Original]

>I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness
What did he mean by this?

>> No.7064538


"Best minds" = "The countercultural Youth".

"My generation" = "The greatest Generation".

"Madness" = "The establishment sociocultural mores".

>> No.7064591

it means he wants to fuck little boys

>> No.7064701

Anyone who thinks differently is seen as different and therefore 'mad'.

Anyone who does not think differently is not noticed.

>> No.7064707

Jeff Goldblum is my favorite poet

>> No.7064713

It means he saw some of his friend grow up and stop doing drugs and fucking each other all day and they got real jobs and he's getting cucked by Neal Cassady

>> No.7064721


>> No.7064732

tbh that's more applicable to Lowell if you replace best with worst. Plath, Sexton, Berryman, himself, etc.

>> No.7064739
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>> No.7064756

Kenneth Rexroth made fun of Ginsberg calling his buddies the best minds of his generation and called that line pathetic.

>> No.7064773

Kenneth Rexroth was a shit poet and a fuckwhit always on some dumb shit.

>> No.7064780

It means he told his friends that he wanted to touch little boys and it turns out they weren't cool with it

>> No.7065938


Dude weed lmao

>> No.7065943

Is that bobby verde?

>> No.7066033
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>> No.7066633

He was referring to the people he met while hospitalized in a mental institution.

>> No.7066637


That he is putting himself above others


By "thinking differently" we tend to see "having opinions which are not trendy" or "having rare opinions" but I see actual modes of perception that go beyond verbal assertions

>> No.7066766
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>> No.7067054

This, all his friends smoked dope and their minds deteriorated

>> No.7067130

0/10 pure reference humour

>> No.7067148

Isn't it joking about howl being the only thing of Ginsberg's anyone ever pays attention to?
I'd say 5/10 at least made me assume it was making an actual joke

>> No.7067193

>you will never fuck teenage boys in third-world shitholes with Burroughs and Ginsberg

>> No.7067214

It was a comment that normalcy in the current era in which Ginsberg was writing was suppressing the creative minds of his generation. Starting a family, buying a car, consumption, just a comment on post-war American ideals and the rebellion against it.

Plus he his friend was in a mental institution, hence HOWL, as if he was yelling outside of his friend`s window.

>> No.7067254
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You know how people on here mock engineers because despite usually being really sharp analytic minds way too many of them just wageslave and spend their leisure time and pocket money on plastic consumerist distractions? Basically that but he thought the phenomenon was more widespread in his day.

He's probably also self-aware about the way drug used destroyed the psyches of some people he knew. If you read Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, you'll find that a lot of these people went way past the point where substances do anything positive for you because it was all knew and they weren't willing to recognize the risks.

On the whole I'd say we owe Ginsberg and his buddies for taking things a lot of people now do with more moderation to the ragged edge so we can watch the crash and do better ourselves.

>> No.7067304


He saw the future, and it was 4chan.

>> No.7068293


>> No.7068296
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>hehe high paying jobs aren't for you, goy, you're a special snowflake who deserves drugs and hedonism! Who cares if your family goes into debt slavery to support it. Not I!

>> No.7068312

>a German suffix is now synonym with being Jewish
>Heisenberg and Rosenberg are therefore and from now on Jewish

This is the way of the meme tbh.

>> No.7068391

He is talking about people who get addicted to Dota

>> No.7068720

it's just something that he thought sounded cool. the beats are all complete frauds.

>> No.7068735
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True post

>> No.7069518
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