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7066112 No.7066112 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else get annoyed while reading and thinks that they should spend 100 % of their time trying to do something like get rich / develop your own ideas etc?

I feel like I should spend all of my youth (i'm 23) actually doing stuff rather than reading what old people think about life after they lived it.

>> No.7066302

yeah, though not necessarily about getting rich but just developing skills like yoga and shit, stuff than can actually make you happy. Reading is important but it's an activity which should be complemented by other things

>> No.7066307

I (OP) forgot to say, this thought was once triggered when I borrowed the savage detectives from my city's main library and i was on the bus home reading the foreword by the author. It had stuff like "back when I was young all i did was fuck, steal, live da life" etc. Holy lol, the contrast between that and me as the nerdy looking guy in the utterly dead library staffed by middle aged normies who feel disgust / disrespect at me because I'm not a 10/10 Chad who doesn't read books, and the fact that it was a sunny day and I was going home to read my books while being friendless and also being a uni student with zero friends or social experiences... this is a contrast that I don't like.

>> No.7066315

i get the exact opposite because i'm terrified of reaching middle age and not having the knowledge and training to realistically develop thoughts interesting enough to justify being alive without existential angst for another 50 years

i feel like it's my responsibility in my twenties to read broadly and deeply enough that i'm at least on the road to some kind of faggy esoteric appreciation of philosophy/science/something by my late 30s, so that when i hit middle age i can coast for the remaining decades of my life and get more enjoyment out of publishing/reading the latest papers in the fields i like than most of the people in my family seem to get from going about their daily lives and consuming media, even the rich ones

you still have to do stuff and enjoy your youth but i just have sex with hipster chicks from OKCupid and fetlife and play video games on saturdays, i'm not too worried about missing out on #YOLOFAM culture. and a side effect of studying a lot is that it can be turned into a career.

>> No.7066320

>I read books so I can readily consume one form of media which I percieve to be a "superior" pursuit over the consumption of other forms of media

Wow dude
Look into the four noble truths maybe dude

>> No.7066328

Working sucks. Money and possessions are not sufficient compensation for the stress and wasted time. I want to be a layabout NEET again.

>> No.7066333

Same here. What do you do and where do you do it?

>> No.7066338

I have a super-tip: you can do both, and more.

>> No.7066347

The reason you say this is because you haven't found a satisfying job yet. This is why they recommend STEM degrees - "good job" =/=lots of money,
"good job" = an intellectually challenging job

>> No.7066353

What jobs are even satisfying though? I don't think anybody I know likes their job.

>> No.7066359

Get to know better people with better jobs

You want a job that gives you wide latitude to express your creativity. Software engineer, design engineer, architect, chemist, etc etc

>> No.7066365

Ah well I did a humanities degree and so did my friends.

Guess I'm fucked then.

>> No.7066371

None of those things are particularly creative; you're working on a budget to a timetable and a client's brief. OP just needs to grow the fuck up and realize that he'll never be Bruce Wayne.

>> No.7066380

thats a problem with your personal choice of books, not reading itself.

>> No.7066383
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I constantly worry that I'm not working hard enough to develop my rational faculty. I worry that by reading as I am, I will only learn how to regurgitate the thoughts of others and have no substantial thoughts of my own. I often feel ashamed of my psuedo-intellectualism.

>> No.7066385

i get this feeling too.
i often feel like i should be doing things like directly pursing really pretty girls to make one fall in love with me. or playing the work game and getting rich.

i get nervous and anxious if im not doing these things, but i also rarely do these things. I only feel okay when im too sick in bed to get up b/c then i cant do anything wrong.

: )

>> No.7066470 [SPOILER] 
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Well, you know what they say, the more you learn...

>> No.7066500

There's also lawyer