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File: 24 KB, 640x362, Paulo-Coelho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7064734 No.7064734 [Reply] [Original]

>There is nothing there, If you dissect ‘Ulysses’ it gives you a tweet.

Is he right?

>> No.7064752

maybe a twit. a little purr of the cheeks letting out a toot.

>> No.7064753

Looking for excuses not to read a fucking book

>> No.7064781

You're goddamn right.

>> No.7064812

Maybe one from each main character.

erignis is unfolding. i'm scared.

Out doing some chores today. Wife must be lonely at home.

yes I said yes I will Yes

>> No.7064845

By Jesus I'll brain that bloody jewman for using the holy name. By Jesus, I'll crucify him so I will.

>> No.7065947

Someone should write a whole book consisting of tweets

>> No.7066150
File: 12 KB, 300x433, selected-tweets-web-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7066547


>> No.7066593

But that's not fiction is it? It's just "here these are their funniest tweets"

>> No.7066598

Wait, is this hack trying to attack Ulysses?

>> No.7066873

Yes, he did attack him.

>> No.7066896

Old copy-pasta is good copy-pasta:


I am Brazilian, nationality that, to my shame, is the same as Coelho’s. You want to know what is the problem with Paulo Coelho? Here's the problem:

>a) As a writer.

He is a writer whose books deal only with esoteric themes, new age topics, pseudo-spiritualism and especially religion (a lot of religion). Paulo Coelho writes what people in general (and we all know that the general population does not have anything remarkable in the mental department) want to hear: he talks about the power of the human soul; about God and God's love for everyone; about things like “if you really want something and wish something, than this something will happen for the whole universe is going to conspire to make it happen [go tell that to terminal cancer patients who wish with all their souls, with all the juices in their bodies, the heat in their blood and marrows to just keep on living]”; he speaks that everyone can achieve great things and be significant (usually by just wanting to be so); he pseudo-philosophizes about life after death; talks about his own “experiences” with angels and demons, and so on. In other words: he is just a mix between a self-help writer and a dishonest-priest.

>> No.7066897



>b) As a human being.

Paulo Coelho is a despicable person. In reality he is a coward that poses as some kind of saint and guru (and anyone with half a neuron knows what gurus are made with). Some examples of the glorious life achievements of this fellow: when he was young he hit a child with a car and fled the spot with fear; in his youth he was also just a scrawny and shy, a fearful and frightened boy (his surname, Coelho, means rabbit, which is appropriate, since this animal is shy and fragile), but today he loves to tell interviewers about how he was "wild" and "crazy" in this days of youth, and that he was able to fight the demon, sober up and, after long years of toil, changed himself into a much more spiritual and enlightened being. He says he can control the weather and see angels and stuff like that (now, anyone who makes such claims is either psychotic or a charlatan, and Coelho’s eyes look too much like the eyes of a dead-fish to indicate that he actually suffers from some sort of mental illness – what remains is charlatanism). In fact you cannot see an interview with Paulo Coelho without wanting to vomit with his air of superiority and the faker-look. He once had an affair with a woman and got her pregnant. After undergoing an abortion, she had a heavy depression. Coelho encouraged her to attempt suicide (hiss reasons were that he through that such mystical and psychoanalytic approach, a kind of shock therapy, could help her). Paulo Coelho (in a biography written about him) appears forging the signature of his own father, plagiarizing a text from Carlos Heitor Cony (another Brazilian writer) and giving interviews about a meet with John Lennon that never happened. He is, in short, a bad character.

He is that typical character of Portuguese-catholic morals: that kind of people who talks about god and religion and saints and reading the bible but that are constantly acting like cowards and weak-willed sinners. You know, the 2 things that the suburbs and neighborhoods have in greater quantity in catholic countries are churches and bars: this is the typical contradiction of this kind of culture. People rant about Jesus and Mary and the holy ways that will conduct you to heaven and think that it is a big sin to miss Church, but this same people, after church and work, will go to the bars and drink all their salaries in cachaça, and gossip about others, and don’t pay the bills, and don’t go to school, and lie, and cheat, etc.

It is no wonder that Protestant countries in Europe are richer, wiser and much more organ ized and cultured than Catholic ones.

>> No.7066938

>tfw my dad's cousin ghostwrites for Coelho

>> No.7066941

Wow, this guy really doesn't like Coelho.

>> No.7066947


>> No.7066965

there's' no discernible talent

>> No.7067057

Retarded. Now that I think about it, I read that article months back.

It's true though that Joyce wrote for himself/other writers and that Uly was 'harmful'. But Coelho being the one to point it out.. Hilarious every time.

>> No.7067070

Ulysses was harmful?

Ulysses was harmful?

>> No.7067194

Was Ulysses harmful?

>> No.7067220


Well, was it? if so, how

>> No.7067251

I have no problem with your arguments but I do have a problem with your use of parentheses. It's jarring to read a sentence that gets split in two for no good reason. Either work it into separate sentences or place the parenthesis somewhere where it won't interrupt an active thought.

>> No.7067294

This thread has few replies because no one here has actually read Ulysses.

>> No.7067679

Y-yeah, me too bro.

>> No.7067694

I don't understand. what is a tweet and what is inherently bad about them?

>> No.7067701

I have but I haven't read Coelho so I didn't post, also because it's a stupid thread

>> No.7067704
File: 249 KB, 592x354, 18472967a02303a2cbce576d4b963c24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the best.


>> No.7067711

I'm replying solely to say that I've read half of Ulysses, and I just don't give enough a fuck to answer Coelho's retarded statement*, given that I was easily capable of seeing that it's completely wrong despite not reading all the book while being unprepared to.

* And don't get me wrong, now I'm answering you, not Coelho.

>> No.7067742
File: 41 KB, 720x479, señora-cuide-mucho-a-su-hija-vulgar-frases-graciosas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alto jej

>> No.7067784

>he talks about the power of the human soul; about God and God's love for everyone; about things like “if you really want something and wish something, than this something will happen for the whole universe is going to conspire to make it happen [go tell that to terminal cancer patients

Not that I defend him but I don't see how this is wrong. Telling a dying person to have some faith and remain positive seems always a better choice than telling him not to get their hopes up and that he should expect an innevitable dead regardless.

After all, there are some theories and stories about the placebo effect.