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File: 33 KB, 710x434, selfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7063949 No.7063949 [Reply] [Original]

Can selfishness be philosophically justified?

>> No.7063953

Do you even meme spookman?

>> No.7063994

It's the only thing that can be justified

>> No.7063997

can my dick in your fat mom's ass be justified?

>> No.7063999

Not without admitting that it's totally okay to be a leach.

>> No.7064016

Yes, by using utilitarism. I think that i'm so important for the world and humanity that every limitation to myself will do harm to humanity in the future. So the conclusion is that i can do everything i want without taking care of other people.

>> No.7064042


Almost every ethical 'system' that developed out of the Enlightenment had 'self-interest' as the 'rational ground' for action. You might be interested specifically with the "mural sentiment" theorists, of which Adam Smith and David Hume are the most prominent.

>> No.7064055

But for a more straightforward vindication of selfishness, just read Rand's Virtue of Selfishness. It's even in the title, see?

>> No.7064073

This is so retarded yet still makes sense in utilitarian terms. Shit philosophy.

>> No.7064078

Yeah of course it can. Its not a very happy life though OP

The greatest joys ive had in life all involved doing nice things for other people

>> No.7064114

Not everyody is like you, deal with it

>> No.7064128 [DELETED] 

Do you want to know the truth or do you want to impress others by appearing to justify selfishness?
What would a sophist say?

>> No.7064226

Yeah but you can seek preforming altruist acts with sefish grounds. If it is to your personal satisfaction only, helping another person is basicly a selfish act.

>> No.7064644

You're right of course, but it's just semantics at this point. For most people being selfish means doing things that benefit yourself and no one else. Altruistic acts may always have selfish motives but they have a positive impact on others as well, which ultimately makes you feel better in the long run

>> No.7064659


Read up pleb.

>> No.7064665

>the anarchist library
top kek

>> No.7064667

why bother?

>> No.7064668


>> No.7064677

you could also go full solipsism and say that since youre the only one who exists no one can limit you

>> No.7064695

Why? It was falsified by Kant over 200 years ago and prompts more questions than it answers.

>> No.7064704
File: 47 KB, 583x416, sophist re rhetoric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every possible behaviour can be both philosophically justified and condemned depending from which arbitrary axioms you start.

Take the golden pill, m8. Start with the sophists.

>> No.7064717

The idea of "selfishness" is incoherent. What is the self? What makes something in the interest of the self? Answers to these questions don't exist because the object they relate to doesn't exist.

>> No.7064719

huh, my version of sophist has a supposes Str (I suppose this is Socrates) and a Theaet

>> No.7064745

it's the only thing you can really know, so why not act as if it is the only truth? (that only I exist)

>> No.7064757

>implying the self exists outside the imaginary order/interpellation

>> No.7064761

this is Gorgias, friend.

>> No.7064837

If it was true that only the self exists, then all knowledge would be the spawn of itself, which means it is aleatoric in its creation, or out of the self, which means it does not exist before it is known; both possibilities, however, are preposterous. Instead, it is certain that the vast majority of knowledge is predicated on experience, which means an empirical reality outside of the self must exist to spawn it. But the same reasoning applies to consciousness as well: as the non-empirical self can directly affect the empirical self through movement, the recollection of experience, and the changing of emotion, the non-empirical self must certainly exist.

>> No.7064849

As >>7064761 said, it is Gorgias, who of course was a sophist, but I understand your confusion.

>> No.7064954

knowledgetians btfo

>> No.7065953 [SPOILER] 
File: 182 KB, 519x1341, 1441271154692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take the golden pill, m8. Start with the sophists.