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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 490x736, pynchon speculative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7063857 No.7063857 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw Pynchon will never be your dad
>tfw you'll never smoke dank and watch The Simpsons and Evangelion with papa Pynch
>tfw he will never sez he loves you after an ironic night out at Dorsia to celebrate the release of Mason and Dixon
Life is fucking torture bros. Just eliminate my map for keeps.

>> No.7063861

Stop memeing you big fag freak

Anyone who watches anime can obviously not comprehend Pynchon's postmodern masterpieces

Just off yourself. You already fucked if you've ever enjoyed an anime series

>> No.7063866
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>tfw you will never sleep listening to Papa Pynch's crazy fairy tales after he smoked his 9'o clock joint

>> No.7063881

Big Tom himself wrote about Dragonball Z and the Pokemon anime. You're way off base here.

>> No.7063888

>tfw Pynchon is just a TV-addicted stoner worthless piece of garbage who slowly let his vices get the best of him over decades
>tfw he will never, EVER produce anything as good as The Crying of Lot 49
>tfw he can't reveal himself in public for even a single interview because his psych has been ruined by weed, failure, and careless leisure

>> No.7063897

>worshipping a meme author this hard

>> No.7063910

>never go on a boy scout expedition where your bunk with Cub Master Pynchon in a tent and spend your night with him showing you his 5 finger bung massage and cumming on your face.

why even live?

>> No.7063921

If Pynchon's prose wasn't so fucking nebulous, and his stories so incoherent, nobody would care about him. Same with DFW and all the other popular PoMo authors.

>> No.7063926
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>> No.7063927

look at this dumbfuck

>> No.7063944

It's true. Everyone always tells me that Gravity's Rainbow is supposed to be simple if you understand the prose. If that is the case, what's the point? A dick joke obfuscated by verbosity is still a dick joke; it's the equivalent to wrapping a turd in gift wrap.

>> No.7063946

Honestly he's not hard to follow if you actually have a university education. State school plebs, NEETs and dropouts aren't his audience.

>> No.7063950

>If something was other than it was, it wouldn't be appreciated for the aspects of its nature that were changed
>If we couldn't breath oxygen, no-one would care about it.

>> No.7063964

In other words, "it's good because it's hard." Brilliant logic. There are dick jokes for us plebs, and then there are 700+ page long dick jokes for patricians that need a higher education and companion guide to decipher.

>> No.7063967

Yeah, and sex is about just reaching ejaculation as fast as you can. The act itself? pfaw! Who cares? Life's about the destination, not the journey. Right? Right!?

>> No.7063968

I'm not saying he's hard to follow. It just sucks reading a novel where I have to focus as if I'm reading real literature or philosophy, but get absolutely nothing out of it in return.

If I have to put serious effort into understanding the author's intention, there better be a fucking payoff. Kant, for instance, is actually hard to follow. But if you put in the work, you may get something profound out of it.

>> No.7063974

>my parents spent more on my college education so I'm smarter than you

>> No.7063977

You don't need higher education to decipher it and it's more than dick jokes. You'd have to be kinda retarded to think otherwise, tbh.

>> No.7063982

>get absolutely nothing out of it in return.

I don't think this whole "literature" gig is for you. Stick to american baptist pastors and pleb non-fiction / self-help

>> No.7064001

That was bad.

>> No.7064002
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>get nothing out of it
Maybe you should try it with a companion guide, old sport. Gravity's Rainbow is an insane window into the beginnings of the military-industrial complex, modern Europe and American history and identity from someone whose life is distinctly wrapped up in all those topics.

Lot 49 and Inherent Vice are about the government's disturbing anti-subversive and MKULTRA projects, which Pynchon was around to witness up close and personal.

Don't even get me started on how Mason and Dixon is the distilled essence of America. Just don't.

>he thinks anyone pays sticker price at a top university
You just outed yourself as having no idea what you're talking about. Shitty private schools are expensive, but the best will get you what you need in terms of aid. It's more like I made it through a filter that excluded 15 out of 16 applicants in my year and studied with professors who were attracted by excellent funding and the opportunity to teach students who can actually keep up with them.

>> No.7064003


Yeah, pretty much. Most people are terrible at sex. Just let me cum on your chest and leave.

>> No.7064012

It wouldn't be worth having the genes that gave him that fucking ugly face.

>> No.7064020

Fantastic. That doesn't explain why Pynchon's prose and story structure has to be unnecessarily incoherent. I'll admit I went to far when I said that you can't get anything out of it--I was exaggerating. I do not see the reason for writing in such a round about way for no discernable purpose other than to intentionally subvert the reader, or to try to make it seem like there's more happening than there really is.

>> No.7064030

why the FUCK did you respond to me bruh
i werent talking to u cuh mind ur business cuh

>> No.7064032

It's a stylistic choice. Literature is an artform, not a soapbox for just spewing ideas at people.

>> No.7064058

And I'm saying that people are more attracted to the style of his prose than the substance of what he's saying. And it's not like they actually appreciate Pynchon's choice of words, or how he somehow manages to write well and chaotically at the same time (which, I'll admit, is very impressive). No. People are attracted to him because they believe there is real rigor involved in understanding his prose, and that there is some intricate, incredibility complex puzzle that Pynchon intentionally laid out.

>> No.7064083
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That's the way some people see the world (academics call it paranoia when talking about Pynchon) and it's interesting to some of us, especially those who share Pynchon's penchant for that kind of freaked out thinking.

Some roundabout structures, especially in Mason and Dixon, contain anachronistic and historical allusions that tie the story in to something way bigger.

Other stuff he does is just beautiful. That's a subjective judgement, but when you come through a dense passage and identify the key to understanding five other points in the novel there's a definite dopamine rush, at least for me. Not to sound like more of an elitist than I've already made myself out to be, but that's probably less fun if you have to reread and dig for it.

>> No.7064085

Is that really so difficult to believe?

>> No.7064087

Being attracted to his style isn't inherently bad, but what you're describing isn't really the same thing. You're talking more about people who view reading as a status symbol of being intelligent or cultured, and yes, they are vapid twats, but that's their problem and not yours.

>> No.7064093


yer dum pls die

>> No.7064095

>I don't enjoy Pynchon's writing
>You're all posturing liars

Will you lazy b8rs just fuck off. Are you really this insecure or are you just tired of seeing the threads every single day?

>> No.7064102

It's not difficult to believe at all.

Yes, I know, that was my point all along. I'm saying if there were fewer vapid twats, Pynchon wouldn't be nearly as popular, or appreciated, or whatever.

>> No.7064105

Not that guy but it's not quite the notion of Pynchon being read as a 'status symbol' that is annoying, but those readings that treat the work more like a puzzle than a work of literature that is good in and of itself as a literary and imaginative experience, requiring deciphering. Effectively, this turns his work into some mensa wank puzzle rather than the aesthetic and imaginative experience that it is. Perhaps the interfusing of the concepts of Art and Science, that is attemtping to fuse aesthetic experience with heavy deductive reasoning and scientific scrutiny.

>> No.7064112

You are all posturing liars. Face it, the meme trillogy would not receive a tenth of the attention that it receives here if /lit/ wasnt full of pseudo-intellegent tryhards.

>> No.7064113

Please, tell me more about how it's the punchline that matters and not the build up to it or the way it's told.

>> No.7064115

who told you "it's simple if you understand the prose? because if that isn't tautological it's nonsense. it's a complex book thematically and plotwise and (honestly less than either of those two) prosewise

>> No.7064121

Exactly. Thank you.

>> No.7064132

Those kinds of readings tend to come from those people is what I was saying.

>> No.7065637

>as good as The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.7065736

>tfw when you will never have the genetics for that jawline, those teeth, ears, eyebrows
why even keep living

>> No.7065768

Don't forget that sunken-in lack of chin

>> No.7065803
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I love the 'subjective' angle being applied to this author and Gravity's Rainbow in particular. Why do people get so upset if they don't like something everyone else likes? Why would you spend your time online trying to convince someone to like something when they took the time to tell you how much they disliked it? Who gives a shit?

Imo the only sincere way to enjoy a thread like this is to meme on it or get lost

>tfw you will never ask pops about his drawer of paper sheets in tinfoil
>tfw you will never take some of your dad's acid, read his critically-acclaimed bestseller, and hate it

>> No.7065839

the only way to enjoy anything on /lit/ is to leave your real opinions at the door and meme like hell

>> No.7065842
File: 87 KB, 480x579, WEBPAGE_20150530_134824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beethoven will never be your father figure
>he will never teach you to be his protege
>you will never get him a hearing aid and see the look of freude on his face
>you will never weep at him performing
>you will never show him his most profound works and see him weep on hearing them
>he will never again compose a single note
>there will never be another Beethoven
>he never got the love he deserved
>he never got to hear the countless tears of those in awe
life is cruel

>> No.7065959

>Don't even get me started on how Mason and Dixon is the distilled essence of America. Just don't.

Holy fucking shit, that is the most pretentious sentence I have read on /lit/ in fucking ages. my sides are in orbit.

>> No.7065963

This fucking blowhard is splitting my sides with a fucking hatchet. lmao

>> No.7067297
File: 101 KB, 1388x800, trolled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>functionally illiterate tards getting BTFO
>y-you're just pretentious

>> No.7067490

Some high level trolling going on in this thread tbh fam smh

>> No.7067682
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>> No.7067780

Dorsia actually exists?

>> No.7067789
File: 60 KB, 800x744, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"reserve table" button right there on the webpage
Bateman would lose his shit.

>> No.7067798

>literally having dfw's opinions

>> No.7067802
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>those reviews

>> No.7067865


>> No.7068011
File: 154 KB, 550x550, word-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw parents knew fuck all about literature
>tfw parents hadn't ever read a book
>tfw parents didn't spend hours avoiding me to hermit away and read
>tfw parents didn't shout at me for shutting a door loudly and disturbing their silent reading hours
>tfw parents spent time with me instead of avoiding me to write their shitty novels
>tfw parents didn't make notes about me in their journal, finding any defects they could write in their characters
>tfw parents didn't alternate days they would write down my dreams
>tfw parents didn't come out of a film, analyse it simultaneously and aloud to themselves with the phrase, "explored x well"
>tfw parents could laugh at a joke without discussing the malicious intent behind it
>tfw parents didn't endlessly push their hobbies on to me
>tfw parents didn't quote Chaucer's "And gladly wolde he lerne, and gladly teche" whenever I complained about school
>tfw parents didn't only stay together because writing an agreement for the divorce would take away from their fiction
>tfw parents chose not to celebrate my birthday every other year "because it's all socially conditioned anyway"
>tfw parents had many children, leaving me with someone to confide in instead of being alone to "learn the plight of the individual"
>tfw parents would take me out on holiday to the beach and look at my sandcastles rather than at their pages
>tfw mum died and dad didn't quote some fucking monologue from his book

Just promise me you'll never raise a family, socia/lit/es.

>> No.7068070

Saved the Pepe.

>> No.7068683

Whoa, really? Links?

>> No.7068705

there's references to both in Bleeding Edge, my copy's at home but somebody else can probably find the page numbers for you

>> No.7068733

I'm gonna have fucked up children and there's nothing you can do to stop me. In fact, if my kids were to come out well adjusted, I would disown them, no son of mine is going to be a normie.

What kind of stuff does he say about them? Is it just a passing mention or is there commentary?