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File: 117 KB, 1106x1600, Shlomo_Sand_-_The_Invention_of_the_Jewish_People.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
706045 No.706045 [Reply] [Original]

Israel has successfully banned nazi scum like Noam Chomski and Norman Finkelstein but when will Israel take proper measures against this moron. He tries to claim that white jews are not Hebraic and is some kind of sick hero to palestinians.

>> No.706050

so a critic of the policies of the state of Israel is "nazi scum"?
The obvious implication of this is that there is no legitimate of Israel and that Israel is in fact above criticism.
Is this what you mean to suggest?

>> No.706054

As we all know, a free and civilised state is within its rights to ban books which criticise it.

>> No.706063

Good point. This book is basically a modern day "Mein Kampf" or "Thirteenth Tribe". Basically you will find the same shoddy scholarship as you get with Finkelstein as you mentioned. Just porn for muslims and nazis.

>> No.706080

didn't you mean Dershowitz when you said shoddy scholarship?

>> No.706087

As a progeny of Survivors I found it worse than the Thirteenth Tribe. 13th didn't have the same sinister impetus. This is just as bad as "The Protocols..." Complete bullshit

>> No.706096
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misspelled names and Nazi references. lol 3/10 for trolling. you just forgot to mention Ayn rand, twilight, and e-readers.

>> No.706106

after all, people, nations and such are merely "imagined communities"...

>> No.706109

Shlomo Sand doesn't even speak english. Translator is probably some french arab.

>> No.706114

Israel is unique and is a Light unto the nations

>> No.706134

Israel is no better than the unites states. both nations were formed when some ass clowns showed up and said "hey native people, get the fuck out, this is mine" and then shot anyone who resisted

>> No.706137

shlomo sand, finklefag, and chumpski should be forced to live in Iran and see how much they just LOVE their precious muslims. I bet they would change their tune real quick.

>> No.706152


Yes, forcing them to live in a nation that's a victim of US imperialism will surely quiet down their rhetoric.

>> No.706154

Wrong, goyfag. USA is europeons who decided to take an alien land and exterminate everyone. Israel is simply a people returning to their homeland. What about that don't you understand? Don't ever try to make that pathetic juxtaposition.

>> No.706165

Actually, it would be quite appropriate for Finkelstein considering he is staunchly pro-Hezbollah.

>> No.706190

This board is so anti-Semitic it is disgusting.

>> No.706195
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lol you left, its not yours anymore, enjoy being equal to amerifags

the day i see Americans and Australians bombing England to get their land back. il apologize

>> No.706203

>implying this board doesn't hate all religions

start a thread about Jesus and watch the hate flow there too.

>> No.706204

So one palestinian girl says to the other..."Does this bomb make my ass look fat?

>> No.706207


I'm naturally skeptical of any race of people that thinks God favors them.

>> No.706217

>So one Palestinian girl says to the other..."Does this bomb make my ass look fat?"

So one Palestinian girl says to the other..."LOOK OUT INCOMING ISRAELI MORTARS!!!"

fixed that for you

>> No.706218

ummm sorry, goyfag another pathetic analogy. The Jews were FORCED out by anti Semite SCUM like yourself. Sighs as goyfag walks into the sunset in defeat TRYING to hold his head up.

>> No.706220

>Implying that no modern day Palestinian descended from a Jewish ancestor
>Implying Judaism is a race

>> No.706225

Good for you, nazi. Way to take it out of context. Go back to al jazeera or stormfront.

>> No.706226


Take what out of context?

>> No.706235

A new twist on the Nuremburg defense. Hitler blew his brains out. Follow your leader.

>> No.706237
File: 24 KB, 331x500, Locke-with-picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sighs as jewfag screams his Hebrew school bullshit onto the internet in a fit of jew rage. and claiming antisemitism any time anyone says hes being a whiny baby

enjoy watching as the rest of the world sits idly by as ahmadinejad bombs Israel.

>> No.706241


I have no idea what you're talking about.

The Jews think their god's chosen people, yes or no?

>> No.706242

Jewish people are what is known as an ethnoreligious group.

Which is to say that they are an ethnic group who also happen to share a common religion or religious background.

You also state that there are no Palestinians descended from a non-Jewish ancestor. The usage of Jewish here implies it as an ethnicity, rather than simply a religion. I'd give you a 2/10.

>> No.706251

Disgusting how this board is infested with haters of Israel. Without Israelis there would be no Cellular phone/radio or microprocessors and the middle east would be one big shitty desert with no oasis.

>> No.706256


Without the Jews there'd be a lot less killing in that desert.

>> No.706261
File: 31 KB, 600x398, girlawyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgusting how your full of superiority complexes.

life would go on without Jews
life would go on without Europeans
life would go on without blacks
life would go on without Chinese
life always goes on
your not special
get the fuck over it

>> No.706262

Is that some kind of joke? Muslims are notorious for slaughtering each other en masse over nothing. If anything Jewish presence has mitigated the violence. Try again.

>> No.706264

"your" <<< goyfag alert

>> No.706265


>If anything Jewish presence has mitigated the violence.

Hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.706273


lol, you try too hard.

>> No.706289

In the East, Americans are notorious for bombing others over nothing, and Europeans are notorious for colonizing others over nothing (okay, economic superiority and assorted reasons).
Everybody's a bad guy, that's how this world is. There's only propaganda on both sides.

>> No.706296

This book is revolting and is basically denying the humanity of Jews. How can anyone be blamed for being blamed for being revolted by it if you know anything about history.

>> No.706298

Right everyone's a bad guy so lets turn our heads the other way while terrorists send rockets into schools.

>> No.706303


Muslimfag here, the point is that many Muslims living in the middle east are arrogant as fucks. Of course there are those who have lost families and join Hamas as revenge. But many people higher rank in Hamas just use this as an advantage.

Even so, Orthodox Jews are sometimes known to be worse and more aggressive.

An example for this is here:

But this again can be said for Muslims. I don't really have much against Jews as I can never judge someone without really getting to know them.

But all of this gives me a headache, and cba.

>> No.706305

Quit trying to drag Jews into americunt atrocities. What a broken record. Is that all you can do?

>> No.706307

I'd like to discuss it but not with a teenage commie attention whore with ADHD mimicking an israeli nazi.
The thesis isn't new. It first came up during the debates between Bundist and Zionist Jewish nationalists during the 1920s and 30s. There used to be a Turkic Khazarian empire in eastern europe of the early middle ages. It's Khan took Judaism as an official religion, apparently, just for the lulz. Once the Khazarian empire fell, first Jews appeared in Rhineland.
Arthur Koestler was the first one to point to a Russian-Eastern European heritage of Eastern European Jews. Today the debate rages mostly between teenage biggot arabs and teenage biggot israeli and us-american jews.
The european ones, such as myself, find that shpiel tiresome and would gladly gas them all to get some ruh.

>> No.706310

Shlomo Sand is pretty courageous to publish this and the funny thing is that he still has a job in Israel whilst Norman Finkelstein has lost his tenure in the USA. It certainly shows the raw power of AIPAC and the media.

>> No.706315

If you are Muslim than Rick James is a mormon.

>> No.706317

It's not like your countries aren't doing the same.
It's a lose-lose situation in this world.

>> No.706318

A european who wants to gas jews. What a shock. Sieg heil scumbag...sieg heil.

>> No.706323


I'm seriously a Muslim, but I tend to take the educational peaceful route.

>> No.706322

That said, you suck at trolling. You are trolling trolls, you're wasting your precious time. It'd be better used at collecting charity for your particular cause.

>> No.706324

Sand has his head in the sand and his ass up in the air and I bet you would never have the courage to spout that to an Israeli.

>> No.706326
File: 93 KB, 500x500, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing. Yeah. Ok. uh huh. LOL

>> No.706327

yo, schlemil, why dont you take your schtick out of here.

stupid schmock, thinks we are meschugge or something and that we don't get that this is some low form of trolling (sad is that so many fall for it, though)

>> No.706329 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 200x200, n1468817147_7428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related.

My parents originate from Morocco.

>> No.706328

Good damage control!

>> No.706332


LOL you try so hard! OMFG!

>> No.706336

il/lit/erate trolling

>> No.706337

Hi. I am muslim. I think we muslims suck. We should stop being mean to Israelis. My grandparents are from morocco. I am a "muslimfag" I like education. Did I mention I like Israel? Some Israelis are bad but not as bad as we.

>> No.706338

sadly yes
reading this shit is too tiresome
too many teens with burning balls still come to /lit/, it sadly appears and nothing can help it.

>> No.706340
File: 17 KB, 300x300, they.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.706354
File: 25 KB, 450x600, binladen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't believe me? Then I must post my pic on 4chan for you to believe me as I have a vested interest in having you believe me.

>> No.706371

Jews are dangerous as FUCK

The arrogance of a muslim (or rather a middle-eastern, for Jews and Muslims are as arrogant as each other and that's my point)
The intelligence and manipulation skill of a demi-god
And the morality of a subhuman or a rat.


>> No.706377

fuck yeah, roundhouse kick. the great nivellator.

way to go bro.


>> No.706385

Without a shadow of irony, I do believe Judaism is fascist. I don't know why I'm saying that like it's a matter of opinon, it's an obvious fact which only escapes attention because people don't tend to define ancient ideas by modern standards.
But I would never apply my opinions on Judaism to any individual Jewish people, because that would be prejudice.

>> No.706386

Shut up, Kike scum.

>> No.706388

>Implying the Hannagah, Irgun and Stern Gang did not commit horrid, terrible things to the Palestinians innocents all for a peice of land.
>Implying the Jewish people(s) did not use the Holocaust as a meal ticket to the collective sympathy of everyone involved in UNSCOP.
>Implying your feeble trolls argument will dissuade all the wetwork and attrocities the Jewish people(s) have committed to the Arabs.


>> No.706396

it's not that judaism is fascist, it is that fascism is a reaction to the newer enlightenment ideals.

>> No.706403

Judaism is hardly new. Or enlightend. They're (judging them as a whole, not individually because some do have a good head on their shoulders) ignorant and 'special', according to God.

>> No.706412

How so?
If anything I'd call fascism a perversion of 'newer enlightenment ideals', as you put it.

>> No.706424

25 million jews in the world
1.3 billion muslins in the world

which is more dangerous?

>> No.706439 [DELETED] 
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>> No.706440 [DELETED] 
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>> No.706455

There's a lot more muslins than that. My sister has 20 in her material drawer alone.

>> No.706462


>> No.706475 [DELETED] 
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>> No.706476 [DELETED] 
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>> No.706490 [DELETED] 
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>> No.706501 [DELETED] 
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>> No.706502 [DELETED] 
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>> No.706516


>> No.706534
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>> No.706545


>> No.706550


>> No.706555

Oh its you again...the guy who was pretending to be "moroccan". Once again with the "Muslims are arrogant".

Sorry but jews are europeon and not really middle eastern but Arabs ARE middle eastern. "OOHHHHH Jews are dangerous as fuck and super smart!" LOL Spoken like a true jew supremacist. Don't lump genociding jews with Arabs. No one buys it.

>> No.706569
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>> No.706572
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>> No.706589
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>> No.706590
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>> No.706603
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>> No.706675

both groups of people have the right to self-determination. period. the jews are definitely a...nation? (the word in hebrew would be "am," if anyone has a better translation i would be forever indebted.) the palestinians are also a nation. jerusalem ought to be an international city and tel-aviv should be the israeli capital. hell, let's go back to the original un charter. i'm definitely a zionist/israeli/jew, but get me in a room with a settler hassid and i will have to exert a lot of control in order not to punch them in the face.

oh, btw, they should have let chomsky in and fuck netanyahoo.

>> No.706685

I advise you to read two books on the topic of "nation" (that are not directly related to the middle-east clusterfuck but might give you some perspective of political units/sovereign bodies):

"Imagined Communities" by Benedict Anderson (thats a classic, no excuse for not reading it, no matter what you are doing and where you are from).

"Nations and Nationalism Since 1780: programme, myth, reality" by Eric Hobsbawm.

>> No.706693

haha i just read the wikipedia summary for imagined communities, it reminds me of that thing in cat's cradle only the exact opposite.

>> No.706713

don't forget americans.


>> No.706719

I have read more than a bit of Chomsky's work, and despite the obvious troll thread that this is, would like clarification as to how and why people believe him to be antisemitic. Can someone clarify for me?

>> No.706743

chomsky isn't antisemitic. he's just not a zionist.

>> No.706753

Hey, guys. Why don't we just put this behind us, stop fighting over a piece of desert and just get along like rational, mature adults?
Your mythologies are sufficiently similar that you could easily live with each other if you put your minds to it.