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/lit/ - Literature

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7058323 No.7058323 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/'s favorite characters? I can't help but feel an intense companionship with Stephen.

>> No.7058324

Btw I meant favorite characters in literature in general, not in that book.

>> No.7058359

Wolf Larsen from the Sea-Wolf. The concept in general is very fascinating, a highly intelligent guy growing up as a brute in a culture or brutes, but the execuion is well done aswell. It is hard to disagree with what he is saying, but he is not just a perfect boring mouth-piece character. His envy for his less intelligent brother for example, and ultimately Wolf's conflict with his situation at large - the awareness of it - seem very believable. I find the ending pretty consistent with the rest of the work, even if some people disagree.

Also, Myschkin from The Idiot, I guess.

>> No.7058482

Favourite characters in general? Two have already been mentioned: Dedalus and Myshkin. Achilles and
Satan would be two others. Also Peter Walsh.

>> No.7058498

Faulkner's Benjy I identify with the dude thinking-style wise and his chapter is a r e a l l y IMMERSIVE experience.

>> No.7058520

Philip Marlowe, too bad everyone sees him simply as the archetype of the hardboiled detective. The guy played chess and read poetry but every normal person would think of him like some kind of Mike Hammer.

>> No.7058530
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Either Patrick Bateman or Ignatious Reilly have provided me with the most entertainment. In a weird way I can also relate to both of them.

>> No.7058538

Josef K.
Oedipa Maas
Tyrone Slothrop
Doc Sportello
Lenore Beadsman
Cincinnatus C.

>> No.7058539

Because I can relate

>> No.7058549

Harder to answer than I'd expect. With all the books I read it's hard to think of a character who really stands out as a unique and well written individual, and not just an archetype or ideology personified.

Maybe Pnin.

>> No.7059849

Antigone and Diomedes

>> No.7059865

Oh god yes, Patrick. He's so fucking funny.

>E: Can I bring Vanden?
>P: Is she the one with the tattoo?
>E: Sigh, no. No tattoo.
>P: Bypass, bypass.

>> No.7059873

Alonso Quijano
I feel a closer affinity toward Leopold

>> No.7059882


>> No.7059986
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the underground man is nice

>> No.7061348


>> No.7061431

Trying to decipher that shit off the bat almost made me glad that he was castrated and constantly tormented by passersby calling for his sister.

>> No.7061438

Sportello tbh

>> No.7061747

>Lenore Beadsman
Nice choice. I forgot how much I enjoyed that book

>> No.7061783

Colonel Aureliano Buendia
Quentin Compson
Chip Lambert
Konstatin Levin
Prince Andrey

>> No.7061785

Leopold Bloom
Ignatius Reilly
Jack Gladney (maybe Denise or Heinrich)

>> No.7061792

yeah fam Pemulis or Gately tbh

>> No.7061799

I've always identified a lot with both Dane (as Comedy protag) and Oreste. Characters at the same time beta, defiant and noble.

For those who wonder, I only have the betaness, the nobility is only daydreaming.

>> No.7061800



>> No.7061817

I can't help but feel an intense companionship with Ignatius Reilly.

>> No.7062331

Frank Volterra

>> No.7062390

Bloom is adorable and Stephen is hilarious

>> No.7062400

The citizen was the funniest Ulysses character. Though he only appears in Cyclops.

>> No.7062410

>By Jesus, says he, I'll brain that bloody jewman for using the holy name.

>> No.7062417

>By Jesus, I'll crucify him so I will. Give us that biscuitbox here.

>> No.7062419


Patrick Batemen

>> No.7062420

>for using the holy name
>By Jesus

>> No.7062423


Also the irony of wanting to crucify someone in Jesus's name.

>> No.7062424

Oh shit Bartleby too, forgot that one.

>> No.7062425

My favorites are:
Ulises Lima, he just doesn't give any fucks.
José Arcadio Buendia
Ignatius Reilly, AKA /lit/ incarnate
The Little Prince
I might be forgetting some others right now.

>> No.7062427

Stephen and the student from At Swim-Two-Birds.

>> No.7062455

Why do people like Stephen so much?

>> No.7062460

They're probably aspiring (or aspiering) artistes like him. That or they grew attached to him over the course of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses.

>> No.7062468

He's just very relatable in terms of attitude, childhood experiences, etc.

>> No.7062477

Dedalus is the sensitive, lonely, artistic soul, struggling for independence and authenticity. He's such a wonderfully constructed character and someone I identify with a lot.

>> No.7062478

A large part of Portrait is dedicated to that feel when no gf. Except he fucked hookers for a while too.

>> No.7062493

Nah, it's more about this >>7062477

The hookers and religion parts are much more specific to his place and time, less universal.

>> No.7062656

Jean Valjean makes me want to be a better person.