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File: 246 KB, 1920x1439, test123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7053863 No.7053863 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ use as a bookmark?

>> No.7053866

The page.

>> No.7053867

train tickets

>> No.7053870


>> No.7053872

The receipt

>> No.7053878
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A gambling help line card

>> No.7053887

>not dogearing

>> No.7053888

dollar bill tbh

>> No.7053896

I just punch down the spine and leave it lying down like that.

>> No.7053898
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>> No.7053901

Every time I finish reading a page I rip it out.

That way I always know where I left off because it's the new first page

>> No.7053911

Did you run out of nautical-themed books or something?

>> No.7053912

i love this

>> No.7053922

is dog-earing pleb?

>> No.7053927


>> No.7054063

I fold the corner of the page to the exact line or paragraph I was reading - I'd prefer to finish reading the chapter but sometimes when I read on my commute, I need to finish mid-paragraph so I don't miss my stop. At least if I fold the page to the exact line, I know where I left off and continue from there.

I only do this to my own books, though - i wouldn't do it to a borrowed book nor would I do it if the page is too thick.

>> No.7054200

my diary tbh

>> No.7054205


>> No.7054219

I can't understand people who use bookmarks. It suggests to me that the person is incapable of basic memory. How hard is it to remember what page you left of at in a book?

>> No.7054220

wherever I go with the book, I will collect another peice of bookmark, starting with the original recipt and continuing on with recipts from coffee shops, flowers that have been nearby etc.

one day I'm going to buy a polaroid and begin filling my books with pictures of where I read the book.


>> No.7054223

this triggers me.

>> No.7054248

Check out Rain Man over here.

>> No.7054250

You get the impression they aren't reading, comprehending and absorbing, they are merely turning pages.

>> No.7054252

I fold up a piece of paper

>> No.7054256
File: 142 KB, 500x333, 4214671641_ddccf8f486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Mugabe.

>> No.7054258

A piece of film that was shipped in a used copy of White Noise. It seemed especially fitting to find it in a DeLillo novel. I sometimes feel compelled to get the four pictures of these complete strangers developed.

>> No.7054268

>I'm better than people because I don't use a fucking book mark

Oh just fuck off.

>> No.7054283
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>> No.7054284

> not finishing books in one sitting

>> No.7054289

It is probably photos from a quadruple homicide

>> No.7054290

Index card.

>> No.7054297

Looks like someone's been got out for merely looking at the pages of a book rather than absorbing them. If you really were immersed, you would have no trouble in locating the passage on which you'd left off.

>> No.7054298

Can't even tell if this is supposed to be ironic.

>> No.7054304

You're the type of person who won't stop touching people when you talk to them, aren't you?

>> No.7054316

ever tried used condoms ? i find they leave a stain sometimes.

>> No.7054352

Why not just save the extra seconds it would take to flip to page 346 by using a bookmark? No one is impressed by your hands-free bullshit m8.

>> No.7054357

That reminds me, if I dislike a book I will smear my semen down the edge of the pages so it forms a crust and take it to a charity shop. If somebody flicks through the pages they will get a waft of semen dust and they might inhale it.

>> No.7054364

Notecards, but basically any kind of paper that's lying around.

>let girl borrow Notes from Underground
>returns it saying she didn't finish it
>corner of page 17 fucking folded

One of my ultimate pet peeves

>> No.7054365

Fortune cookie fortunes.
I have hundreds of them saved up in a jar.

>> No.7054367

What if the bookmark falls out? Then your retarded ass is screwed, hopelessly unable to locate where you last finished reading.

>> No.7054369

>I have hundreds of them
Fatty. All that MSG is going to cause you early onset dementia, you know.

>> No.7054385
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The ace of spades, the ace of spades.

I've used the same fucking card for about 5 years now. No idea how it's held up this long.

>> No.7054391

Mtg cards

>> No.7054397

I take most of them from my friends when we go get chinese food together.

I pulled out a random fortune from my jar just for you
>Fear drives you and makes you a faggot

>> No.7054412

I have like a million bookmarks from bookdepository and Foyles.

>> No.7054429

>me, at age 13

>> No.7054438

"semen dust"- is that your new novel ?

>> No.7054440

no it just take me some seconds more that if i had the book mark, why wouldnt i keep order at least on the books i read?

>> No.7054444

I work as nanny and I use drawing or things chidrens give me

>> No.7054445
File: 24 KB, 392x333, I'll kick you apart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I use a scrap of paper or a receipt or something, but usually I just burn the page/chapter number into my mind.


>> No.7054449

do you think youll ever have children?

>> No.7054455

That's the sequel to my novella "Vas Deferens" in the "Song of Lice and Mire" series.

>> No.7054458


btw I'm 23 I got plenty of time, right?

>> No.7054461

im just curious

i was in some programs to teach music to children and i also babysitted for many people when i attended church as a youth. dunno if i could handle raising a child

i guess i was wondering how being a nanny has informed your thoughts on it

>> No.7054477

sometimes I dream they're mine or their mother is dead and I have to raise them "officially"

anyway, I have and practically always had a strong parental instinct, I also studied developmental and educational psychology and I know staying with children is the best thing I can do

>> No.7054494

So what's the point of the bookmark if you already knew the place you stopped?

>> No.7054499

that i don't have to look for it

>> No.7054530

well you certainly have the education and experience to be a great parent

as for me idk. i love spending time with children but the idea of raising one, bearing the responsibility for their life, knowing that my parenthood will form a part of a humans personality and affect them as long as theyre alive. it is daunting.

how many children do you care for now? and may i ask for books youd recommend on the subject?

>> No.7054531

But you know where it is already, you just said that, you don't have to look for it.
Admit it, you're no better than a fucking magpie who likes shiny, gaudy little bits of tassel - quite literally in the case of some bookmarks - to be attached to things.

>> No.7054533

my memory

>> No.7054536
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>needing to use a bookmark or remember the page you were on last time in the first place
>not just reading the book in one sitting

>> No.7054541

I see it as a challenge, and I have enough faith in humanity to not be SO scared

I like those books written from kids point of view, like The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time or David Grossman's

and they are 4 brothers, I only have the responsibility of the younger two, 6 and 11 yo

how old are you?

>> No.7054549

Oh you mean the number of the page. No I remember what was happening or talking about the book

>> No.7054551

>he actually likes Autistic Fun Times with Bestiality and a Spade
>he also likes bookmarks

>> No.7054563

I'm sorry, I found it addictive and very plausible the description of the disorder

>> No.7054571

i havent read either of those and i will check them out

im 22. recently my cousin had twins that were unplanned and my girlfriend thought she might be pregnant. luckily she wasnt but childrearing is often on my mind now.

>> No.7054573

Is having a piece of paper in a book to save a few seconds looking where you left off really detracting from experiencing literature?

>> No.7054585

I didn't realize you were a man

>> No.7054597

does it matter?

>> No.7054601
File: 54 KB, 500x329, 1418171812593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who use bookmarks are bad

>> No.7054604

it's even more normal if you are kind of afraid of the responsibility of being a parent

>> No.7054622
File: 1.51 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20150831_001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a laminated bank deposit I found in my used copy of "Myth and Meaning" by Levi-Strauss. As you can see, it is dated 08OCT1986. I don't really use bookmarks.

>> No.7054626

oh. well thanks for talking with me. good luck with the children

>> No.7054627


holy shit. I have one of those somewhere. I think I left it a book. If only I could find it...

>> No.7054630

This is a quality /r/books thread you got going on here OP.

>> No.7054640
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>sometimes I dream they're mine or their mother is dead and I have to raise them "officially"

>> No.7054675

Not him but I like the idea of being a dad but hate the idea of being a parent. I feel like I'd be terrible at it.

>> No.7054684

That's why I try to impregnate chicks while on international vacations.

>> No.7054709
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>> No.7054711

Well, I meant more in the sense that I like the idea of raising a kid, watching them grow to be their own person and so on, but the reality of it like the money, time, stress and overwhelming responsibility and hinderence to my social life cancels out all of those feelings.

>> No.7054732

1$ bill

>> No.7054733
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>> No.7054762

>grorious nippon steer
>cannot cut through shitty wordsworth

>> No.7054775
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Was that book supposed to make me hate autistic kids? Because it did, fuck that sperg.

>> No.7054785

>arrive at the uni caffeteria with sword on the shoulder and the book hanging
>take the book
>stick the sword in the table
>sit and begin to read, while the sword still swings

>> No.7054792

Every thing I can get my hands on

>> No.7054794

that's a pretty edgy bookmark

>> No.7054799

It was supposed to give you a deep and profound insight into the autistic mind, so yes, after reading it you want to kill all autists and thus cleanse the gene pool.

>> No.7054807
File: 139 KB, 900x1375, Weetabooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A single piece of Weetabix.

>> No.7054809

Pokémon cards work great imo

>> No.7054815

It gets you to the page quicker. Saves me about three seconds every time. Over the course of the years it'll save me minutes, nay, hours over you, which means that I'll read more than you, which makes me smarter than you, which makes me better than you.

Your turn, bikboi.

>> No.7054821

>mfw /lit/ shits on people who use bookmarks
even Einstein forgot to wear socks
fuck off self-proclaimed patricians.

>> No.7054825

I like these oriental rug one's for my nice books


Other than that I use notecatds.

>> No.7054838

Do you believe obese people who have shoved more food in their mouths are better gourmets?

>> No.7054866

Einstein was a fucking retard.

>hurr durr look at me sticking out my tongue SUCH a goofball XD

>> No.7054924
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mah nigga

>> No.7054931

By forcing myself to memorise page numbers, I am exercising my retention functions. My brain becomes a strong and taut muscle, while yours becomes as flaccid as your dad's dick when he sees your mother naked. I avoid dementia, you become a braindead moron who's fascinated by shiny things.

Your turn, tumblrina.

>> No.7054959

Cut your hair, you greasy hippy.

Good taste in music though. Mostly.

>> No.7055069

>Not remembering more or less which page you were in then finding the way thanks to the patterns formed by the paragraphs

>> No.7055081

>Holds up spork -- Einstein

>> No.7055088

>He thinks the brain is a muscle
>he thinks remembering something so pedantic as page numbers is anywhere near the exercise that a book provides

Keep finding out what that caterpillar ate, mate.

>> No.7055092

Pirate all my ebooks. What is this primitive technology you speak of?

>> No.7055113

You disgusting pig

>> No.7055117

Business cards mostly.

>> No.7055124

the receipt of the book

>> No.7055187

Are you serious?

>> No.7055195

The front of an old paper cigarette packet

>> No.7055201

my big dick

>> No.7055224
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>Macklemore open in youtube
>good taste in music

I can't believe you retards are actually arguing about using bookmarks. I use pic related usually.

>> No.7055238

I chose to ignore that and was looking at his last.fm profile.

>> No.7055264
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>> No.7055285

I put something heavy on the book so it doesn't close.

>> No.7055453
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A marijuana anonymous pamphlet.

>> No.7055479

This is what I do as well, but that feel when you forget where you left off and have to re-read pages here and there to get back

>> No.7055487

I just read from where I last recognize, if I ended further than that but don't recognize ize it then it's obvious I need to reread it.

>> No.7055500

I usually grab a bookmark or two when I go to the library

pretty fine
Im going to have a cool collection from all the libraries I've gone to because I only take the ones printed by the library rather than the goofy "I <3 Reading" etc ones

>> No.7055522


>> No.7055528

see >>7054297 and >>7054219
Fucking pretentious faggots.

>> No.7055531

Located the ignorant retard.

>> No.7055535
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I E-read on my cellphone. It remembers the pages for me.

Black background, slightly off white text. It's glorious.

>> No.7055545

If you ever do decide to have children can I be the one to impregnate you?

>> No.7055569
File: 1.66 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20140813_14_46_27_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Business cards from restaurants I've been to.

>> No.7055600

Einstein lived a terrible life outside of his career.

>> No.7055606
File: 556 KB, 720x1015, mtg_altered_card___whale_island_by_facada-d6ehzxz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7055607

You can exercise it like one though.

>> No.7055837

I read multiple books at once or maybe I won't pick up a book for a couple weeks. Bookmarks are helpful faggot

>> No.7055856

photobooth pics with gf, have 3-4 of them so I can read a few books at once or switch them up

>> No.7055883

See >>7055528

>> No.7055902

Why would I expend any effort in making note of a page number which I am only going to need for the brief period of time before I pick up the book again and then have to memorize another page number. The page number is literally the least important thing written on the page, and memorizing it is a waste of mental resources. We're humans; we use tools.

>> No.7055932

tickets to movies, football/baseball games, concerts usually but that's just because they're convienient and not made of receipt paper. I fucking hate receipt paper it's waxy and sticky and disgusting.

>> No.7055995
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>> No.7056005

I used to use train tickets until I started ordering a lot of books from the book depository. Now I have a stock pile of bookmarks.

>> No.7056062
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>> No.7056072

I mostly read off of my tablet, ePub and PDFs.
Remembers for me.
If physical book, I fold for paperback. Use whatever I can for hardcover

>> No.7056097
File: 147 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-08-31-18-17-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, me too

>> No.7056284

see >>7054297
It's not about the page number, it's about the passage you fucking retard.

>> No.7056365

A tiny triangle of magazine paper

>> No.7056384

Concert tickets.

More importantly what do you guys do with the bookmark? I put it between the pages way far ahead from where I currently am. Or do you leave it out? Hold it in your hand?

>> No.7056394

I try to memorize the page

>> No.7056497

Sorry anon but if it isn't developed already then it got fuck'd up.

>> No.7056618


Fuck yes. I used this exact card when I was reading Moby Dick.

Normally, I use a vintage snow-covered island.

>> No.7056623

Ma nigga

>> No.7056633

An autism ribbon that says thanks for helping figure out the puzzle or something I stole from work

>> No.7056635

I meant that it's a negative, I can see the pictures and they're not from a crime scene as >>7054289 suggested.

>> No.7056665

Oh. No intentions in sounding like a pedantic cunt but that's not what you call developing. If you have a decent camera try taking a nice picture of them in front of a white screen for example then just invert colors on PS or Paint. Post results!

>> No.7057452
File: 3.94 MB, 4015x3169, download5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use these two mainly.

>> No.7057516
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This is my favorite, but I have a lot that I really like. I kinda just like book marks, I don't see anything wrong with them.

>> No.7057521

Laminated strip of postage stamps depicting semi nekkid barbarian women. Got it at a used bookstore.

>> No.7057526
File: 210 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also really like to use these as well (the baseball ticket is kinda just something sentimental), but I will often use a train ticket or receipt as well. Sorry for the shitty quality...

>> No.7057541

any piece of paper I think of at the time.

My ex gave me one and I still keep it though.