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/lit/ - Literature

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7052396 No.7052396[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else drop their phones on their face while laying on their back?

>> No.7052401

i just hid this shit how am i still seing it

>> No.7052413

Anyone else perpetually suffering, bouncing from ennui to exuberance to deep depression, and rejecting those who love you in favor of those who don't?

>> No.7052422

>Rats in the front room.
>Roaches in the back.
>Junkies in the alley with the baseball bat.
Don't push me cause I'm close to the...

>> No.7052428
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>> No.7052496

is that a meme, because it isn't to me :(((((

>> No.7052504


>> No.7052520

No it's my inner heart.

There's this one girl I have a big crush on and another who has a crush on me. And I texted the girl I like and said I was thinking of her to no reply. So I lie to myself and say I don't want her but I do. Then I say I want the other girl so I text her but she only replies once I think because I blew her off. And I'm just trying to get a lid on all of my emotions but it isn't working and I'm going to dig deeper holes. And nobody I know in this area will text me back so I went to walmart to buy silly socks so maybe I could block out the feelings a little but it didn't work.

>> No.7052531

It also doesn't help that every give minutes I imagine myself in some ridiculous, concocted world wherein I'm a success and happy and people love me but I know they don't and I don't know why. But I do know why it's because deep down I'm a miserable person and treat people poorly. But it's too hard to cognize that fact so I imagine being cool. Which I'm not.

Feels thread lets do it. Share your feels anon.

>> No.7052534

/lit/ I have never read a single thing by Tao Lin

Should I? If so, where do I start?

>> No.7052539

Who's the cute and how can I find out if she likes to be fisted?

>> No.7052543

>just broke things off with girl that liked me
>not really sure why
>spent the last few days watching bad anime
>have gotten increasingly dissatisfied with myself
>always bored
>can't stop thinking about ways my life could be better
>just imagine alternate realities where I have a single reason to live
IKTF anon, you're not alone

>> No.7052546

why did the little button to hide advertisements disappear? i don't want to see this trash

>> No.7052553

Get the fuck out with your disgusting fetishes.

>> No.7052570

do you think people are ever happy

I mean you look at pictures like OP and people seem happy when they are smiling, but I often see pictures of myself like this and I can't remember being happy at that moment. It is as if I am pretending to be happy for others.

>> No.7052572
File: 43 KB, 500x461, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are cursed men. We are fellow-sufferers. Even though I'll never likely meet you, at least I can find some peace that your cell is like my cell.

I love you, bro.

>> No.7052578

I only feel happy with people around. I get anxious without people. But I also feel insecure around people.

>> No.7052585

but happiness is fleeting as is every other emotion. it's not possible to be sad all the time without constantly thinking things that make you feel that way.
ur living in a dream

>> No.7052590
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>> No.7052602
File: 57 KB, 620x320, nietzsche insane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Perhaps I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter."

Fucking Nietzsche.

>> No.7052606

Bro, jeez. Bro. Go outside. Read Meditations or something. Quit being such a sadsack, christ.

>> No.7052607
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>> No.7052622

Descartes or Aurelius?

>> No.7052643

Have you ever been happy?


>> No.7052650


Are there more /lit/ album cover parodies?

>> No.7052652

Not him but I haven't been on 4chan in two weeks, and spent every night socializing and sometimes drinking. Met some cute girls. I still feel miserable.

It's actually a better misery than if I hadn't, but it doesn't end. I'm like Schopenhauer.

>> No.7052681
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>> No.7052698


There are one or two floating around, like vaporwave Zizek, don't have them though.. Will make some OC when I have a minute.. Any requests?

>> No.7052705

vaporwave hegel plssss

>> No.7052712


>> No.7052724


K I'll have it by thursday, watch this space

>> No.7052729

What are your motivations for socializing? Where does your misery come from?


>> No.7052733

thanks anon :3

i don't deserve nice things so i truly appreciate what you're doing

>> No.7052740

>What are your motivations for socializing? Where does your misery come from?
because being alone is much worse. i like having people around because i don't have to experience my thoughts so much.

my misery comes from myself. i believe if i find love it will get better but who knows? maybe i'm just seeking in the wrong places.


Thanks, I'll read it tonight, I have it sitting near me.

>> No.7052755

You know i really wish i knew what to say, but i dont. When i get depressedits very short lived, only lasting a day or some hours. But it either feels like all meaning suddenly has been stripped from everything, with no desire for anything meaningful or not, and just hopeless hopelessness, or like im being literally torn into two, its almost physical. I writhe on my bed sometimes when it reaches its peak. Then when its all over its like youve woken from a nightmare and you cant remember why you were scared, so you cant give any words of advice to anyone else going through it.
So is this just me? Is it that i just dont have full knowledge of what causes these outbursts in myself and thats why i cant give any help to others? Or do others feel the same way?

>> No.7052759

>and rejecting those who love you in favor of those who don't
You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.7052770

Requesting vaporwave Diogenes.

>> No.7052772

No I'm basically the same. Like I get depressed and it goes away and comes again randomly. I'll wake up and feel like dying then in two hours feel fine.

I wish I understood my heart because it controls me.

>> No.7052776


Find me a Diogenes picture I can use.

>> No.7052780

Bit of a cliche, but "finding love" won't fix the problems you have -- at most it'll distract you for awhile. Once the novelty wears off you'll be as miserable as ever and you'll just drag whoever your involved with into it.

What aspect(s) of yourself make you miserable? What thoughts can't you bear to be alone with? What is your impetus to act? Do you do things to please yourself or to please other people?

>> No.7052783


Nvm got one

>> No.7052786
File: 156 KB, 720x960, Diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one maybe?

>> No.7052792

ur so pretentious
Stop jacking off, eat properly and exercise a little and you'll get your testosterone back and stop acting like a little faggot

>> No.7052800

>What aspect(s) of yourself make you miserable?
I'm a star undergrad in pure math at my school and I'm on track to go to a top ten grad school. I'm going to school with no support from my family, just on pure will.

I'm dissatisfied because I feel like I can't accomplish enough. I work forty hours, get A's and push to succeed but I feel really empty in the quiet moments.

>What is your impetus to act?

I like studying and doing math because I feel comfortable there. I just have a hard time dealing with my emotions because I'm a huge baby and react so poorly to everything.

>Do you do things to please yourself or to please other people?
I don't know.

>What thoughts can't you bear to be alone with?
I feel like jumping off a building and dying sometimes or driving off the road. Or I suffer because I have strong feelings of love and I don't understand how it work.

>> No.7052804

Exercise probably would help alot. Thanks anon.

>> No.7052844

I can probably guess the answer based on how willing you are to bare your soul on 4chan, but do you have anyone you can talk to about this stuff irl? Like, a close friend or a therapist or anything? As for love, don't worry too much about it. It's a subtle thing, and not like some game to be won or lost. If you try to force it, it won't come; if you try to "make it work" you're just obfuscating a natural process.

>> No.7052862

>If you try to force it, it won't come; if you try to "make it work" you're just obfuscating a natural process.
I know you're right. It's just weird maybe because I'm used to solving problems with a hammer, where I strategize, then relentlessly hammer until the solution appears. But I can't do that with love. That's how I tried to run my past couple relationships and they went bad.

>do you have anyone you can talk to about this stuff irl?
Probably, but I'm isolated for a few weeks until I can move for the fall quarter. The sadness is hitting me because I don't know anyone here where my parents live.

>Like, a close friend or a therapist or anything?
I loathe therapy.

>> No.7052879
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You're smart anon, talking to you is helping.