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/lit/ - Literature

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7045652 No.7045652[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tonight I was browsing facebook, and looked at albums after albums of young people enjoying their youth. Partying, sex, drinking, drugs. Prime humans having the time of their lives. Yet right now I am excluded. Fuck I felt angry. I felt angry that the pics are mostly of girls, with a few chad slayers/highly low inhibition high status guys. I felt angry that I am not considered worthy enough to be part of that sort of thing. I felt angry that I have to take huge risks to my health to looksmax and low inhibitionmax, just to get near the same level that these chads are born with.

I hate how shallow girls are. I fucking hate it. I hate how they act all nice and polite, but then they only invite chad and brock to their flatwarming parties. Fuck them. Just fucking fuck them.

I know how to convert this anger into motivation. I have decided to start my first roid cycle in july, months earlier than previously planned. I did my first pin of MT2 tonight. I have taken out a loan for "college expenses", that will pay for a BSSO in december.

This time next year, it will be me at one of those parties. No longer will I sit here fapping in tears. I will have become a normalfag at the very least. I want this site to ultimately see me as a christ like figure. A man who ascended from the depths of darkness and inceldom, and into the land of tight young freshman poon.

Call me out, tear me down. I don't fucking care. I'm a man on a mission. I'm a man with a plan. I have NOTHING left to lose, and everything to gain. I'm NEVER going to let my youth slip away. Thats all from me for now, I will update with how everything is going soon. The MT2 was a real mission to get imported into Australia, but here I am, jsut finished pinning it. I don't care about the consequences of my actions anymore, because I no longer fear death. Whatever happens, I am going to ascend in some way.

>> No.7045666

>not having a burning passion and girls are a bonus

not gonna make it

>> No.7045670

This is not literature you humongous faggot.

>> No.7045680

It isn't worth it, and you're going to go back to the cycle soon enough anyway. You might as well dedicate yourself to something worthwhile far away from the masses.

Its simple operant conditioning, a guy like you who's been conditioned with so many social neuroses will have so much negative stimulation in a social setting that every cell in your being will be screaming to get out of it before you fuck up and crash. The reinforcement your body provides you once you do will send you back into your standard lifestyle.

You still have one thing to lose, which is your dignity.

>> No.7045686

Put it in your diary, my man

>> No.7045689

tell me this is a copypasta from some other loser board, i can't believe someone who reads books would be this wacked out and lame

>> No.7045690

>I hate how shallow girls are. I fucking hate it. I hate how they act all nice and polite, but then they only invite chad and brock to their flatwarming parties.
But you want to be with those girls precisely for the same reasons those guys that are around want to be with them, and the girls want them for the same reasons you want the girls. you are just as 'shallow' in that way.

also not literature fuck the fuck off

>> No.7045692


>> No.7045695


It baffles me how so few people on 4chan realize they can make something of their situation instead of becoming a meathead

>> No.7045709

No one who has read more than a handful of shitty books would write something this dumb. Go away.

>> No.7045711

Well the language looks pretty obviously /fit/ to me. The third paragraph doesn't make much sense to me.

>> No.7045712

google says /fit/

>> No.7045714

>I want this site to ultimately see me
But no trip, no name, no pics?

It was a good read btw. Good luck on your ascension. You seem like a cool guy. How old are you?

>> No.7045722

OP pic is a Tantalus reference, right? Nice choice.

>> No.7045726

taking roids is like the PUA version of fitness...people are attracted to health, not blown up inhuman muscle mass. join a gym, workout regularly and eat well. roids are gay.

>> No.7045729

it's admirable how much faith you have in /lit/ but most people here are complete idiots, especially socially

>> No.7045730

isn't that justin beiber?

>> No.7045737
File: 49 KB, 709x706, 1422838114917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lifting is gay

>> No.7045738

I think there's a difference between being bad socially and full /r9k/-idiocy-tier.

>> No.7045742

Please tell me his tattoo is an idiot's idea of '1975' in Roman numerals.

>> No.7045748

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.

>If you want to talk about what a ginormous shithead you are, go to reddit.

>> No.7045751

Is this the good alternate ending to Elliot Rodger's manifesto?

>> No.7045754

Is this from My Twisted World?

>> No.7045759

it amazes me how many people have no clue how roman numerals work...

>> No.7045762

saving your feminine physique for the day you finally take the plunge and go full tranny?

>> No.7045765
File: 36 KB, 437x513, OttoWeiningerspring1903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you spend all your time roiding and lifting and at the end of it realise you should have spend your time working on your social skills instead
>yfw girls can pick up on your insecurity instantly and still won't fuck you
>yfw you ruined your health for nothing and wasted your time pick things up and lifting things down like a dumb machine

>> No.7045781

>I felt angry that I am not considered worthy enough to be part of that sort of thing
And who told you that, /fit/friend?

>> No.7045868

Chad here
Once you had sex you'll realise it's not worth dedicating your life to it.
Get some real goals pleb

>> No.7045892

I'd like to "fuck" a Chad tbh

>> No.7045906


>> No.7045941

pretty spooky post

>> No.7045961

>This time next year, it will be me at one of those parties
you're not gunna have fun there

>> No.7045999
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>> No.7046011
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>> No.7046030


>> No.7046057

Cheer up, Holden. It gets better.

>> No.7046080

You're never going to become an aristocrat of the soul at this rate, fam.

>> No.7046173

>Partying, sex, drinking, drugs. Prime humans having the time of their lives
>Yet right now I am excluded

Duh youth brains aren't even fully developed yet.
They're the modern monkey.
Why would you want to be like that?

>> No.7046189

I don't get it. Is this from Mein Kampf?

>> No.7046198

Tl;DR even though this is /lit/
Read the last bit and sounds lame as fuck though.
Why don't you put this in your fucking diary or something, man?

>> No.7046205

You fool...if only.

>> No.7046213

>“It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything...”
― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

What did Palahniuk do to get such a autistic fanbase?

>> No.7046227

Someone posted this on /lit/, many suspected it was Pynchon.

... strange as it may seem, I'm not sure that EVERYONE who receives this list (in the vain hope of participating in a meaningful, useful and interesting debate about a certain writer, perhaps?) is particularly interested by the bickerings of certain self indulgent, boring and (mostly) North American worshippers of Onan.

Still less is the average Pynchon fan glued to his screen whenever various pseudonymous egomaniacs (so much so that they create artificial selves to gain attention) rail against each other - and using a style which is well below the average drunken undergraduate's pleas for attention hardly makes for a more interesting debate. Things occasionally almost get scholarly - these brief interludes are usually interrupted by more vain spoutings from dear old Mitty or the (admittedly more erudite - well, erudite) sZ. ZZZZZzzzzzz. Most of the mail claiming to be at least vaguely to do with literature deals instead with the neuroses of the self obsessed P-listers.

How one must pity the poor students who write in with pleas for references and quick summaries of received wisdom (dressed up in as impressive and obfuscatory language as possible) - are seminars on Pynchon now mostly concerned with the READERS not that which is READ? Hey, of course - the reader is just as important. With the author, if not dead, then gone to ground, you try to stand in for him - sorry, not interesting, not meaningful, just sad, predictable and dull. Dunces all - how appropriate that discussion of a novel set in the eighteenth century should degenerate into a grub street brawl.

Climb out of your own body cavity, Mittelwerk.

>> No.7046232

Do people who consider themselves intelligent seriously think this way? It's so wrong and misinformed on many levels.

>> No.7046247

How old are you?

>> No.7046302


I do consider myself intelligent (and had external reinforcement in that aspect my whole life though I'm rather insecure about it) and I do consider myself "excluded" from normal social interaction. Also. it's extremely painfull for me Nevertheless I do not blame the rest of the world for my own social/emotional/psichological issues. That'd be tremendously selfish and delusional.

>> No.7046330

wtf is this about

>> No.7046349

>Partying, sex, drinking, drugs. Prime humans having the time of their lives.
>"prime humans" simply by the property of being young
>wasting your time in noise and senseless motion, using people you don't even care about/being used by people who don't even care about you for momentary pleasure, fucking with your brain in one slightly less and one more dangerous way because you can't stand not being numb counts as having the time of your life



>> No.7046383

You care about those situations because you choose to. That doesn't make them normal or "the right way of living".


>> No.7046402

this post is of a man who finally sold out

>> No.7046415

more like finally got sick of pretending he didn't care about getting pussy. you can be a fag, straight, or bi, but "asexual" is fake shit by repressed creeps

>> No.7046420


"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence."

"I'm a Christian and browsed facebook and looked at partying, sex, drinking, drugs. Prime humans having the time of their lives. Yet right now I am excluded. I feel angry. I feel angry that I am not considered worthy enough to be part of that sort of thing."


>> No.7046426

join ISIS and hope to get to fuck some enslaved iraqi chicks before they make u suicide bomb urself

>> No.7046473

Is this just a retarded way of saying 1975?