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7043854 No.7043854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is everyone here a pleb? Be honest

>> No.7043859

I'll admit that I own no land.

>> No.7043885


>> No.7044008

>tfw not descended from the original Roman senators

Why even live?

>> No.7044014

If you saw the /uni/ threads last year, you;d have seen a fair number of students at ivy league schools and other similar colleges (duke, uchicago, vanderbilt, northwestern, etc.). Now you just have a bunch of plebs attending mediocre schools and bragging about saving money by going to podunk state. Whatever helps them sleep at night.

>> No.7044024

lol as if anyone is truthful on those

Even I've shitposted in them, saying intent to Harvard etc just for a giggle

>> No.7044032

Anyone who posts on 4chan is.
>unironically being ironic in caps
Slay thyself.

>> No.7044043

I also shitposted on those. its not like any ivy school diploma under your belt mean a single thing intellectually.

>> No.7044054
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The denial's pretty funny. I graduated from an Ivy last year and knew other guys browsed 4chan there. It's not rare for accomplished people to show up here but they like to meme around because, tbh, most discussion here isn't as interesting as the ones you could start by walking into the common room and starting a conversation with real people.

This guy gets it. I've lived a pretty interesting life including an elite university where I got up to some wild shit with some fascinating people but when I tell people here they just decide they don't believe me, and that sort of provincialism is probably why the guys from my school who post here don't bother acting serious. You people really need to get out more.

>> No.7044065

>graduating school
In what world?

>> No.7044069

Yes. I own no land and work as a slightly skilled labourer. But I like it. I get to skin animals all day, and that's pretty swell. It makes you swole anyway. I drink beer, play pool and fuck fat ugly single mothers. Sometimes I read.

Isn't that more interesting then being some snobby cunt who's no more capable than I of understanding, well, anything.

>> No.7044082
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>all this goalpost moving
First off, we're talking about pleb vs. patrician which is really a matter of social class, so whether it makes you smart or not, anyone who went to an Ivy rubbed elbows with the global elite. Yeah there are lame cunts at my alma mater but if I started running down the accomplishments of just the people who lived on my freshman hall you'd think I was lying. Hell, even the slutty party girls there work at Harvard Medical, the U.S. Senate, U.K. Parliament, Boston Consulting Group and Goldman Sachs, and that's just the ones I've hooked up with.

>> No.7044085
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I can only speak for myself but yeah, I'm a pleb. But I never call people pleb, because that's pretty rude and we all have challenges in life. I suppose I've used the p-word in the face of egregious reddit-faggotry but everyone loses their temper sometimes.

>> No.7044096

Pretty much completely yes. yeah.

>> No.7044235


>trying this hard to appear upper class and patrician
>on 4chan

You know how I know you're full of shit?

>> No.7044240

I speak 3 languages, including Latin. I have read over 500 books.

I am not a pleb. Please do not refer to me as such.

>> No.7044279

Fuck off OP; this isn't /mu/. Take your shitposting elsewhere

>> No.7044286

Niggas bleed either way, so I dont really worry about it

>> No.7044295
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You know how in the posts you're quoting I rambled a bit about how much I resent it that nobody ever believes it when I try to tell people on 4chan about this stuff? If I wanted some sort of internet status from it I'd trip or use a name. I have absolutely nothing to gain by talking about this stuff. I'm seriously just answering a question because I like some of the discussion here and want to contribute, but instead all the replies are all from some loser who can't accept that he hasn't seen everything there is to see in the world. If it makes you feel good to imagine that everyone here is just like you or slightly worse, have at it.

I sincerely hope you live to be the kind of old man who won't leave the county he was born in because, "I ain't lost nothing over there."

>> No.7044298

Stop posturing you fucking fraud.

>> No.7044299

Nobody gives a shit pleb

>> No.7044317
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>> No.7044383

all sub-primal mammals. ergo, all plebs. fuck us all

>> No.7044486

I am, but i have been taking steps to be less so. Just come here for some recs.