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/lit/ - Literature

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7041561 No.7041561 [Reply] [Original]

Write your brightest thoughts

>> No.7041619
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I've had some intriguing ideas in my live, mainly related to academia. But when asked to actually type them out I suddenly feel ignorant and retarded.

>> No.7041625

>conceptualize abstract thoughts
>struggle to express them
>have to draw them

>> No.7041737

Right at the beginning of the day I write. I'm not a morning person, unfortunately, but the morning is when my slate is clean and the inspiration purest. I'm afraid my anger and depression would build up over the day and manifest in my writing.

I feel like Erdedy. Everything I do is a meaningless exercise, crawling in and out of a hole with no outcome other than being on either side. Nothing means anything. I wish I had friends who liked books and liked talking about them. My roommate reads random books to try and relate to me and it's absolutely pathetic. He talks about "becoming a book person." I have no desire to fuck him, however, so I wish he would just fuck off with his music and leave my hobby alone. The stupid shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes...

Why do people have to nervously engage with me? I thought for sure I must be a bore, because I'm one of those prudent conversationalists who won't "shoot the shit" unless I'm really very high. I mean, I want friends, but why my coworkers fixate on visiting my department to pass time is beyond me. If I need to pass time, I just go read my book.

I feel so hateful of everything. I don't understand it. People are so frustratingly confused by me, too. I don't get what's there to understand. Maybe they just don't want to accept my hatred of things. But why lie to myself or anyone else? Why are people so afraid of feeling or empathizing with misery?

>> No.7041760

Could you die without any regret ?

>> No.7041784

I wanna fuck you hard on the sink after that give ya something to drink

>> No.7041821

People's tastes in the arts are reflections of their personality. The majority of feelings people have about other people or things are projections of their feelings about themselves.

>> No.7041825

Would you mind providing examples ?

>> No.7041827
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>> No.7041875

uh uh

>> No.7041878

For the first: A ghetto African-American is likely to enjoy rap, which is often violent or, to put it bluntly, stupid, whereas, an educated, austere person is likely to prefer something less frivolous. For the second: There have been many people who were gay, but, unable to cope with this, reject and repudiate anything homosexual. Sorry if these are bad examples but I don't know really know how to explain it in anything but a hypothetical format. To add on the last one, it goes with my theory (of sorts) that humans go to great lengths to maintain a positive or, at the very least, neutral opinion of themselves, which they do by projecting their feelings and living in denial.

>> No.7041901
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Uber, (The car company) Could be the capitalist's response to Europe's well created (well they say it's well organized) and organized public transportation. Most people who pay for their cars know it's one of their biggest investments, and while it does save time by not having to walk, it sits there for most of the day, and quickly devalues. Gas, repairs, etc. cost even more money. By allowing anyone to use their cars to make money, they've created the idea of a car being an investment, not just a luxury. (As in you see a return.) This creates a market to be filled with people who have cars but have no jobs. An opportunity for people who have jobs but don't have a car.

So, say Uber takes off. Now most people don't to buy cars as often. Pollution, Fossil fuel useage, and employment go down. Car companies, however, lose their shit. At some point Automobile manufacturers would have to cater to Uber drivers. Uber drivers would mostly care about how to keep their car the most profitable. Therefore probably the most fuel efficient and comfortable. This would create better fuel efficient due to the corporate demand for them.

I could probably go on.

>> No.7041906

I can't without the symbolic medium of storytelling.

>> No.7042004 [DELETED] 
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It is for the good of mankind that all favelas, shantytowns, ghettos, slums, and other poor-people dwellings be wiped off the face of the earth.

With their occupants inside.

>> No.7042010

Uber is still public transit, and it is for poors, just like taxis before it.

>> No.7042189

Shit thread, tbh

>> No.7042422

>tfw no gf who will fuck off and leave me alone to read while I fuck off and leave her alone to read until we both decide we want companionship and sex

>> No.7042463

Both those examples are cherrypicking. Humans, especially those from lower income like ghetto blacks, are heavily subject to media and advertisements that target them. Rap is one such targeted medium, equivalents exist for college kids.
The idea that a low-income person of a specific race is naturally inclined towards stereotypically violent music is blatantly fucking retarded and the entirety of human psychological studies counters that belief.
>durr humans like themselves
No fucking shit. Is this what passes for 'brightness' on /lit/? Goddamn I mad.

>> No.7042471

Truth is more fundamental than any other aspect of reality, and all values must be defined in terms of and as an expression of truth.

Any attempt to explain truth can not be a consistent description. The reasoning is simple. Any good or accurate description of truth must itself be true, and therefore any possible exhaustive definition truth requires defining or describing truth in terms of itself.

>> No.7042865

>The idea that a low-income person of a specific race is naturally inclined towards stereotypically violent music is blatantly fucking retarded and the entirety of human psychological studies counters that belief.
Nigga, I acknowledged that they would probably be examples in my initial post. I was assuming that I didn't need to craft a detailed, concrete example with evidence and citations because it's not needed to understand my claim. Why I even be mad? Did you expect me to write a 10 page essay with the sole purpose of posting it on a Cambodian caricature chatroom?

>> No.7042880

>last weekend of summer, friday night, laying in bed, listening to mc 900 ft jesus on youtube on an old ass 2008 macbook with a fucked ubuntu install, air conditioner blowing on me, pillow under my side, gut full of mt dew, posting on 4chan

i should be depressed as shit but im content as fuck rite now fam

>> No.7042889


i'm vain enough that i need to mention i have quite outstanding abdominals, by gut i simply ment in my digestive system

back to shitpost nirvana

>> No.7042896

Existing in the fantasy

>> No.7042898

Well, being away from being humble, I forget them a lot of times except if I talk about it with someone. And when I'm with someone and tell him an idea I got in the walking or any shit, later he's telling everyone else about that like it was his idea.

>> No.7042899

this is the most euphoric thing i've read all day

thank you for the fine tipping, my good sir!

>> No.7042903
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>A ghetto African-American
how's /pol/ these days

>> No.7042904

Hopsin listener detected

>> No.7042906


>> No.7042909

Trying to force my mind to have one.
Why do people imagine all the paralel universes to be different? Based on "random" (which I suppose is partially a thing that supports that theory) they could be all the same.
Okay, it was shit.

>> No.7042912

Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I'll go kill myself.

>> No.7042915

read the tractacus sometime

>> No.7042922

probably the brightest thought you've had in your whole life tbh

>> No.7042928


>> No.7042939

>reality is real

>> No.7042940

That's basic as shit and not even bright. What if Proust and Cervantes are my favourite authors but I also think Mann couldn't tell a story for shit and is greatly inferior to my favourite cartoon about giant robots? You can't reduce people so easily. I have a friend who's read Kant (and well I might add) but would rather watch Judge Judy than any Bergman film

>> No.7043112


I had a girl like that once. In fact, it made me affectionate of her. I liked how we could just share a space.

Absolutely not. In fact I think it's been negativity that's really been getting me down. I must've thought pessimism was a virtue. I always feel better when I'm stoned, gosh.

>> No.7043246
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>Do not mistake grimness for deepness, for meaning is in no way similar to water, as the murky and dark ones are often the most shallow.

>The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us.

>We must always attempt to live

>> No.7043362

I have. I like Wittgenstein a lot, but I prefer Kripke and Timothy Williamson a bit more.

That's not quite it, but you're on the right track. You can make true statements about non-existent objects and states of affairs. So therefore truth is at least as fundamental as existence, though my thoughts are that it is probably more so. If there were any candidate at all for a brute fact, it would involve the primacy of truth. Existence, perhaps not so much.

>> No.7043927

Hmm, nice quotations. I've always believed the last part. Lemme give you one from my coworker:

> Take pride in what you do, no matter what it is.

>> No.7043994
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>> No.7044035

A person is stupid in proportion to how unaware he is of Jews and how much they believe/follow (in) any leftist ideal or are religious.