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7039877 No.7039877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are all philosophers edgy teenagers?

>> No.7039883

No. Most of them were old.

>> No.7039896
File: 20 KB, 200x248, gorgias-socrates[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. & it should have stopped way back once Socrates got btfo'd by Gorgias.
>A little philosophy is an excellent thing; too much is the ruin of a man. He who has not 'passed his metaphysics' before he has grown up to manhood will never know the world. Philosophers are ridiculous when they take to politics, and I dare say that politicians are equally ridiculous when they take to philosophy: 'Every man,' as Euripides says, 'is fondest of that in which he is best.' Philosophy is graceful in youth, like the lisp of infancy, and should be cultivated as a part of education; but when a grown-up man lisps or studies philosophy, I should like to beat him. None of those over-refined natures ever come to any good; they avoid the busy haunts of men, and skulk in corners, whispering to a few admiring youths, and never giving utterance to any noble sentiments.

>> No.7040191
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Is pic related a philosopher?

>> No.7040197

lamest ad hominem 2015

>> No.7040344

remember the anarchist revolution th... oh, wait xd

>> No.7040383

>literally the entire argument is ad hominem; philosophers are dumb kids and anti-social
Gorgias sounds mad as fuck tbh

>> No.7040620

>Spanish Catalonia

>> No.7040884

Cool arguments. 10/10 The only problem is the fact that no arguments are actually presented here.

>> No.7040895

>What is Catalonia
>What is Kronstadt
>What is the Makhnovichina
>What are the Oaxacan EZLN territories
>What are the argentinian neighbourhood closedowns
>What are countless squats and communes all over the world

>> No.7040919

>still thinking there are such things as valid arguments when it comes to value judgements

Stuck in philosophy like little babbies I see.

>> No.7040940
File: 131 KB, 640x427, 19729035620_3b4c235270_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le edji teenajer maymay
>you can only le disagree with me if you are le 15, because I'm le old wise man with le life experience

>> No.7040948

Lol read your post you sound like a creepy little kid yourself.
You're right about philosophy and value judgements but seriously fuck you sound sad.
I bet you were jerking off while typing that barbie part.
Smug freak.
Shoot own head.

>> No.7040953

god dangit :DDDDDD

>> No.7040989
File: 15 KB, 528x624, smug trot pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isolated acts of rebellion and movements that were eventually crushed were revolutions

>> No.7041020
File: 103 KB, 763x768, wojotsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying the EZLN territories have been crushed

>> No.7041037

>What are the argentinian neighbourhood closedowns

>> No.7041059 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 960x540, 1440780598067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're right about philosophy and value judgements but seriously fuck you sound sad.
>truth hurts me too much, so I just insult people instead, thereby acknowledging that I am a weak little worm

>> No.7041076
File: 126 KB, 4500x4334, smug stalin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assorted communes aren't just isolated acts of rebellion

>> No.7041077

Honestly, I remember them as a kid, but I don't think there's too much info left on them.

What I could find was

I remember a few similar movements beginnign to be organized in Brazil, but a huge part of the traditiona left fell backwards when Lula was elected, but I was 11 at the time, so I might be wrong, I'm telling what I remember my parents and relatives talking about

>> No.7041093

feel a lil sorry for you left bois
fantasizing about revolution for over a century and it even looked like you had a shot after the GFC but the Nouvelle Droite (which has existed for like 5 years) is looking more and more like credible revolutionary force by the day

>> No.7041095
File: 302 KB, 828x1403, 1422923113944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying liberalism, state socialism and monarchy weren't themselves assorted communes you got spooked on believing

no government system is monolithical, therefore, none truly exist
therefore, we live in anarchy

>> No.7041115


>> No.7041126

"Basically a bunch of Kikes"

>> No.7041136



thank me later.

>> No.7041143

here with english subs.


>> No.7041187

If they were edgy teenagers, nobody would give a fuck about them

>> No.7041227

bakunin was no kike

>> No.7041250

>responding to /pol/tards
only goldman and bookchin are jewish, not that the number of jews is important to anyone with half a brain

>> No.7041258

well the amount of jews does matter because it speaks of the quality of the philosophy, namely of whether or not it's just going to be a lot of incestbrain jargon and whether one should waste their time or not with it

that said, I wouldn't condemn it for being jewish, just that jews have the capacity to write incredible stuff, genius or not

>> No.7041277

I think half a brain was generous.

>> No.7041319

>this thread
JIDF, please go.

>> No.7041346


how many of them are jewish

you have to be a real retard or a jew to still think anarchism could even work on a large-scale

>> No.7041356


and also theres nothing wrong about comtemplating the mind and the world all your life

thinking doesnt really stop unless you gave up

i dont read philosophy myself but thats what i think

>> No.7041461
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>> No.7041813

Wasn't anarchist. They conscripted people and enforced taxation.

>> No.7041834

>They conscripted people
no, stalinists did after they took the power

>> No.7041942

I'm kind of disturbed at how littered Western thought is with hot opinions like this.

>> No.7041989

Anarchism really is the "special class" of political theory.

I once knew an anarchist in high school

He was kept away from the other children because he would insult them and provoke fights. He was eventually expelled for asking his teacher on a date and trying to set her pants-leg on fire when her 34 year old married ass turned him down.

I think he's unemployed living with his parents still.

>> No.7042005

Nah even the edgiest philosophers are old, Badiou is like 90 years old and he bred the latest edge masters of philosophy.

>> No.7042705
File: 762 KB, 2060x1236, Rachael-Allen-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the Fuck is konkin in that pic but not Rothbard?

>> No.7042821

>philosophy is of any relevance untill we understand what our place is in the cosmos

Its like based stephen Hawkings said, philosophy is dead.

>> No.7042834

Rothbard never claimed to be an anarchist, that's just his dumb worshipers.