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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 191 KB, 320x318, 3rdimpact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7039703 No.7039703 [Reply] [Original]

What is the End of Evangelion of literature?
I want a heavily symbolic apocalyptic acid trip.
Cat's Cradle is close, but not fucked up enough.

>> No.7039705

The Revelations in the Bible you plebiean weeb.

>> No.7039708

James and the Giant Peach

>> No.7039711

That's too symbolic, too incoherent and kind of lame, tbqh.

AND LO there was lions with twelve heads and a thousand tails!!!!

>> No.7039715

You mean admittedly superficial Christian imagery mixed with comic book tier retardation? Infinite Jest, for sure.

>> No.7039719
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EoE is the one instance where I agree with the English department credo where "the author's intent doesn't matter if YOU see the meaning."

Whether they were just spooking around with Qaballah shit for spoooks sake, it's still genuinely effective and unnerving.

>> No.7039722

Aeon Flux was the better pretentious animated series that drew on religious symbolism.

>> No.7039742

If you have to see the meaning and the author doesn't convey his ideas the work is a massive failure.
It's far more coherent than Pynchon or Kafka whose dicks are sucked constantly here, what's exactly your point?

>> No.7039749
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>the work is a massive failure
Not if it's cool.

>what's exactly your point?
That I wanted a book like End of Evangelion.

>> No.7039782

And I recommend it to you. The fact that you are a weeb to whom Evangelion is the ultimate art is your problem. Stop watching anime and grow up.

>> No.7039798
File: 145 KB, 1252x1252, fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 31 and anime is beautiful. Suck my dick, faggot.


>> No.7039812

I'm 31, I like anime (animation in general), but I'd never try to find the (insert anime title here) of literature. It's stupid. They're different mediums that accomplish different things. You're not going to have the same experience in one as the other.

>> No.7039827

Not sure how a 31 yo person can still enjoy anime. There are something like 50 titles that aren't written for morons. That's easily seen in one or two years.

>> No.7039837

Nostalgia, mostly. I actually wish I could be as forgiving of anime googly eye bullshit as I was as a teen.

There's a lot of cool inventiveness and memorable characters/ideas beneath the intolerable conventions.

Unfortunately, I can't put up with all the crap, now. Even Cowboy Bebop makes me cringe when I watch it, although I know it has some worthwhile elements.

>> No.7039844

That said, a lot of the movies still hold up much better than the series, and I plan to revisit them.

>> No.7039848

>Even Cowboy Bebop makes me cringe when I watch it, although I know it has some worthwhile elements.
Seriously? There's literally nothing wrong with that show. I consider it one of the greatest pieces of animation in existence.

>> No.7039860

>faye valentine and multiple other characters dress like whores
>they dress like whores for no reason except being sexy
>steve blum's spike voice is so affected it's intolerable
>lots of the episodes are pretty dull and poorly acted
>cringeworthy philosophizing
>KATANA vs GUN fight XD

It has nice elements and great animation, and some good drama and character development, but the animu gets in the way.

Doubly so for Trigun. Vash is an incredible and memorable character, and the general strokes of the plot as well as the sci-fi premise are amazing, but...

The animu bullshit makes it unwatchable today. I just rewatch the Rem Saverem episode and call it a day, knowing I can't endure the rest of the series.

>> No.7039882

Eh, seems like minor nitpicking to me. Most of your "issues" boil down to "this fiction isn't realistic".

>> No.7039895

More like "this fiction isn't believable and has grating conventions."

>> No.7039899

>tfw I've been writing something on this theme for two years
>tfw paranoid people are going to get there before me and make my work redundant

>> No.7039900

Aww, aren't you the cutest thing

>> No.7039903

I suppose it's worse when you watch so much anime that you know all the tropes. Nothing in it bothers me enough that I don't enjoy the great music and top notch animation. The acting isn't really bad either. Especially compared to pretty much any other anime dub.

You can hate it if you want though. I'm sure that is much more fulfilling.

>> No.7039913

I don't know if you're trying to imply that I'm unfamiliar with animation and that's the basis of my opinion, but I'm actually somewhat of an animation expert. Not only have I made my own (which admittedly was shit), but I've watched everything from Winsor McCay's goofy dinosaur flipbook style stuff to last weekend's Rick and Morty. Cowboy Bebop is solid. You're only going to find problems with it if you're trying to not enjoy it. And you can do that with anything.

>> No.7039917
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>KATANA vs GUN fight XD
I'm not sure I understand.

>> No.7039924


>> No.7039929

He's saying this isn't realistic. Imagine that, something unrealistic happening in a fantasy/sci-fi/western adventure cartoon.

>> No.7039934


>> No.7039943

Uh, what's the point of these? Is it to point out common anime tropes or something?

>> No.7039944

It's not about realism, it's about being an incredibly stupid and childish concept because muh guns and swords.

If sarcasm if the best line of defense for your trash autistic manchild self-insert fantasy, you should consider drinking a gallon of bleach.

>> No.7039948

It's to show how anime is intolerable to anyone who has left the "culture" or never acclimated themselves to it in the first place.

>> No.7039952
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>Imagine that, something unrealistic happening in a fantasy/sci-fi/western adventure cartoon
Now why would you think that? Clearly a space-western must strictly adhere to the laws of reality.

>> No.7039957
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>because muh guns and swords
I'm still not sure what you're saying. Can people not use weapons in fiction or something?

>> No.7039959

I don't need to defend it. It's a fantasy cartoon. It can be as unrealistic as it wants. As long as I'm entertained and don't feel insulted I'm fine with it. The fact that you do just means you've spent far too long thinking about it. It's supposed to be fun. That's it. 99% of people have fun watching it. You don't have to have fun, but you're only ruining it for yourself.

>> No.7039967

The vast majority of anime is trash, much like all media. The trick to it is finding the good stuff.

>> No.7039973

I think a lot of the movies are still good.

I want to like the old series, but I can't, because I have become anime intolerant, much like one becomes lactose intolerant.

>> No.7039974

That's nice, I'm glad you have such a point of view. I also think that it is good to enjoy things partially. For example, I like pineapple on my pizza and sometimes I watch storage wars

>> No.7039978

Hey, that's you bruh, I still enjoy it.

>> No.7039983

I guess my tastes have evolved.

>> No.7039984

>I like pineapple on my pizza
Hold up, are you saying something is wrong with pineapple on pizza?

>> No.7039987

You watch reality TV and you're talking shit about Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.7039991

Whatever, just don't try to act superior.

>> No.7039993

But I am superior, virgin.

>> No.7040000


Actually the guy using a sword in a futuristic environment is intented to show that he represents the past (their times working for the mafia, that blonde chick they were both banging). Doesn't the main character says that he has an eye looking at the past and the other looking at the future? Well, there you have it, you can say an anime made for teenagers flew over your head

Also the western movies were greatly influenced by the samurais movies, they are connected aesthetically and thematically. Cowboy Bebop has a little bit of the both of them, confronted in their similarity

>> No.7040002
File: 32 KB, 600x450, Lige I gib a fugg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say broseph.

>> No.7040006

>Doesn't the main character says that he has an eye looking at the past and the other looking at the future?
I believe that was the case, metaphorically of course.

>> No.7040010
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He doesn't represent shit, this is simply proof of the anarchist anachronism that is rampant through this shitty series and gives the universe no sense of credibility. That's not how symbolism work. You are deluded and into wishful thinking to defend your animu. It's ok to admit something you love is shit. Hell, I own all the one piece mangas (and I keep buying them) and I admit it's absolute trash.

>Also the western movies were greatly influenced by the samurais movies, they are connected aesthetically and thematically.

oh am I laffin

grow the fuck up kiddo

>> No.7040014

>d-don't you dare t-touch my critically acclaimed animu grail
>m-muh holy grail of animu
>the one true animu that justifies animus existence to animu haters
>it-its objectively g-good

>> No.7040026

>grow the fuck up kiddo

You really are the cringest of them all, m'sire.


>> No.7040027

>your interpretation that makes me look wrong is wrong because i'm right

You sure are convincing. I'm going to side with the other guy. His interpretation is at least somewhat interesting.

>> No.7040034

>Also the western movies were greatly influenced by the samurais movies, they are connected aesthetically and thematically.
You realize this is objectively true, right? In fact, most people see Bebop as a swing back in influence from west to Japan. Cowboy Bebop in general is highly westernized, which is one of the reasons it was very popular here, but initially flopped in Japan.

>> No.7040041

My explanation is less entertaining and flamboyant, but it is correct if you take a closer look at the series. The visual theme is incoherent.

>> No.7040045

>objectively true

>> No.7040047

this, tbh

This is the general prob with giving animators and visual artists free reign: they're generally shit at worldbuilding.

>> No.7040053

>The visual theme is incoherent.
Because it's referencing various western movies, such as westerns and film nior. You're incorrect.

>> No.7040055

It is. Many directors of westerns admit to being influenced by samurai movies, particularly those directed by Kurosawa.

>> No.7040063
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>> No.7040070

>I have no argument and must resort to insults

So you're officially waving the white flag, eh?

The funniest part of your choice of insult is that Cowboy Bebop is so westernized, a hardcore weeaboo probably wouldn't even care for it as much.

>> No.7040074

I'm not this guy.

Would you mind listing those movies, since it's obviously a very complex reference web and not bad worldbuilding ?

>> No.7040085

>Cowboy Bebop is so westernized, a hardcore weeaboo probably wouldn't even care for it as much.
Only weebs think this.

The series is absolutely bizarre and cheese-tastic to anyone who's not a tween or a manchild.

Just think of what an average person would think when seeing Faye dressed like a prostitute, or Punch and Judy, or Spike with his puffy green hair, or any of the other animu stuff.

You just don't see it because you don't want to. It's just like... uhh... what is this shit?

>> No.7040086

It's believe enough. It's a cartoon about space bounty hunters and a dog.

>> No.7040090
File: 428 KB, 500x322, u wot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7040094

The reciproque is incorrect

>> No.7040095

Yes I would mind. Because it would require me to go through all the episodes, taking notes and comparing them to a massive corpus of western film.

If you'd like to wait the roughly two weeks or so it would take me to do that, fine.

>> No.7040097

>grow the fuck up kiddo
Look out, we got an intellectual over here!

>> No.7040103

I'll wait.

My email is t20v3 at gmail

I'm sure someone else has conveniently came up with the same analysis as you did and already listed those, didn't they ? Since it's the only logical conclusion.

>> No.7040106

What about all the western music?
The western cultural references?
The fact that unlike 99% of anime, there are black people in it?
The fact that they're called Cowboys?

Sure it has anime wackiness in it. It's a fucking anime. But compared to most other anime, it has a staggering amount of western culture embedded into it.

>> No.7040110

I'm not that Anon, and I'm not sure how accurate this is, but here ya go.

>> No.7040112

>this somehow makes it not shit

It's called a cultural soup and it boils everything to the lowest common denominator

source : every mixed artform

>> No.7040116

Oh shit, you're right. Someone did.


>> No.7040119

thx m8

>> No.7040124
File: 513 KB, 190x199, Antonio Banderas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem.

>> No.7040131

the thumbnail looks like a close up of the butt of a girl wearing some kind of armor and a ponytail

>> No.7040136
File: 320 KB, 2000x1051, IMG_20150816_231812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link for infograph for pleb whose only watched Miyasaki

>> No.7040138

Uh, I'm not sure I can see it.

>> No.7040150

The best session is Cowboy Funk, prove me wrong. The Real Folk Blues doesn't count.

>> No.7040151


Bro you got your shit rekt'd in, time to give up

>> No.7040159


>> No.7040160

I do love that episode. Especially Andy's Spaghetti Western inspired theme music.

>> No.7040164
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And Akira.
Anime is kinda gay tho

>> No.7040165

Everything about Andy was perfect, especially the ending.

>> No.7040172

One-off movies a generally a good bet.
Satoshi Kon's stuff is good.
GitS 1 and 2 are both good.
Wings of Honneamise
Angel Egg
Other stuff

>> No.7040176
File: 62 KB, 695x361, Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 8.45.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'fraid not.

>> No.7040180
File: 53 KB, 695x361, samefag proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'fraid so.

>> No.7040181

Don't forget Jin-Roh, because Jin-Roh was tops.

>> No.7040184


>> No.7040189

Wow, you went through all the trouble of photoshopping a bullshit picture. That's actually really sad. I feel bad for you.

You know what? You win.

Cowboy Bebop sure is silly! No redeeming qualities at all. It's just a hodgepodge of nonsense and nothing anyone else says will ever prove it otherwise.

There you go, champ. Feel better now?

>> No.7040205
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I never said that. I'm OP. I think it has redeeming qualities, but too much animu.

There are parts of it I enjoy, but I can't take the animu, so I just watch Spike "bang!", tear up, and call it good.

>> No.7040415

Why are people confused about Faye dressing like a stripper?
Do slutty girls not exist in your country or something?

>> No.7040445

>the author's intent doesn't matter if YOU see the meaning

holy fucking shit this is both the most retarded and most pretentious sentence i've ever read

if the author's intent doesn't matter, why not just go look at leaves and grass and interpret their meanings, after all, you no longer care about the artist's work, just what you can idly contrive out of anything

>> No.7040463

Are there anime series that aren't retarded?

The only anime I've watched is a couple of the (relatively) better popular ones out of curiosity for what my plebby internet friends were going on about, and the Ghost in the Shell movie. I know nothing about any other decent ones, and I know /a/ wouldn't be the place to find them.

>> No.7040465

But that's the orthodox academic position of literature departments around the world.
>"It doesn't matter what the author meant because I, with my superior training and intellect, DISCOVERED what the author meant, even if he didn't know it."

>> No.7040479
File: 2.01 MB, 2300x3800, 1279082820001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ likes these.

>> No.7040481

Ghost in the Shell
Serial Experiments Lain
Ergo Proxy
Actually Evangelion, but not for reasons you'll hear on /a/
Tatami Galaxy
Ping Pong The Animation
Millennium Actress
Cowboy Bebop
Arguably Bokurano
5th MS Team Gundam
Wings of Hannimoese (or however you spell it)

>> No.7040484

>no arguments

>> No.7040504

welcome to the nhk
ping pong the animation
samurai champloo
fooly cool
paranoia agent
perfect blue, paprika, millenium actress and other kon
5 centimetres per second, garden of words and other shinkai
le maison et petite cubes
tatatmi galaxy
sword of the stranger
the girl who leapt through time
angel's egg
serial experiments lain
ghost in the shell
haibane renmei
neo tokyo
genius party

>> No.7040514

Most of those are pretty bad, with a few notable exceptions.

>> No.7040528
File: 40 KB, 500x284, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the NHK is my jam.

>> No.7040540

>no Kaiba
I don't know about this list.

>> No.7040541

>welcome to
>ping pong
ok but edginess and big big rythm problems
>samurai champloo
>paranoia agent
>5cm per second
>tatami galaxy

>> No.7040549

u wot m8?

>> No.7040553
File: 87 KB, 494x552, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Spice And Wolf ya dringus.

>> No.7040555

Why do you think it's good ?

>> No.7040570

Because it's funny, and the animation is good?

>> No.7040572

Damn you have low standards bro
ur a lucky man

>> No.7040576
File: 160 KB, 499x562, [standing].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno.

>> No.7040581

what a pleb

>> No.7040587

>Ergo Proxy
You fucked up.

>> No.7040604

>ok but edginess and big big rythm problems

How the fuck is Kaiji edgy and what are 'rythm' problems? If you're referring to pacing, the bog arc was intentionally made like that to simulate the suspense.

>> No.7040606

>>ping pong

>> No.7040632

Wow, what a patrician

Everyone, look at the patrician, he can hate on reality TV, no one else ever did that before or better

>> No.7040643


>> No.7040658
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>> No.7040663

It's the 08th MS Team.

>> No.7040679

Wow, someone never saw Seven Samurai

Do you also read sci-fi and take world building veeeeery sewiously?

>> No.7040696

i forgot aoi bungaku tbh

>> No.7040699

have you read the novel?

>> No.7040708

Wow, so you're a pseud even about animu?

Boy, do I feel bad for you

>> No.7040710
File: 72 KB, 640x765, 640px-Joseph_McCarthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you mad about anime, son?

>> No.7040712

It's funny because I saw all the Kurosawas except Rashomon, but try again you fucking dweeb.

I also happen to be roomies with a japanese guy.

Try insulting my sexuality next

>> No.7040713

Not really no, McCarthy poster

I do feel bad for the guy in your picture though

>> No.7040722

And you didn't relate it to westerners somehow, even though that's the position of everyone in film studies

See, just "seeing" the movie and not interpreting it doesn't count

>> No.7040723

Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges
The flowers of evil by Baudelaire
The poetry of Mallarmé and Verlaine
All the symbolism poems

>> No.7040878

Childhoods End , OP

The rest of these fags dont even read

>> No.7040906


>> No.7040923

I'm Not OP, but I tried reading that after I heard it was similar to NGE. The exceptionally bland writing style made me drop it around the third act.

>> No.7040979


>> No.7040990

They were. Hell, the creator of Evangelion has admitted he chose the name because its Christian and weird sounding. 99% of the imagery is just memetic religious trite for memetic religious trite's sake.
Still cool though.

>> No.7041001

The name makes sense for the story thoguh

NGE roughly means something like "Gospel of the the Age", which perfectly fits how its message is aimed at young adults/otaku

Anno may say one thing but he's still a very deliberate person, nothings really by accident with him.

>> No.7041006

>watching the dub
Found your problem there

>having an issue with unrealistic dress/actions in a fucking visual medium
Holy shit, that autism. Are you one of those spergs who writes down the exact brand of clothing the characters in your writing wear?
I mean, you do write, correct?

>> No.7041044

>Year of our Lord 2015
>Not watching Cowboy Bebop dubbed

>> No.7041065


>> No.7041094

The Book of the New Sun
except it's 9001x better

>> No.7041099

BOTNS is nothing close to EoE

>> No.7041105
File: 37 KB, 554x439, 1422577409716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i watch anime because i like to shitpost with /a/ and talk about little kawaii girls

yes it's immature

yes most of it's trash

yes it's pretty much all the same

yes yes yes.

>> No.7041116
File: 127 KB, 855x480, kabbalah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The interview and screencap you're talking about was a tv special when Anno visited a middle school and took questions from the kids. It wasn't a serious answer.

Most of the religious stuff can be explained with even a little bit of thought. The most obvious is probably the Kabbalic tree of life which features prominently in EoE. Do you really not see any similarities between the eva's plot and Kabbalic mythology? The systematic destruction of almost mythic creatures in order that humanity will evolve into a primordial unified consciousness is obviously influenced by a belief system which believes that:

>the Tree of Life does not only speak of the origins of the physical Universe out of the unimaginable, but also of Man's place in the Universe. Since Man is invested with Mind, consciousness in the Kabbalah is thought of as the fruit of the physical world, through whom the original infinite energy can experience and express itself as a finite entity. After the energy of Creation has condensed into matter, it is thought to reverse its course back up the Tree until it is once again united with its true nature.

>Thus, the kabbalist seeks to know himself and the Universe as an expression of God, and to make the journey of Return by stages charted by the Sephiroth.

Both feature a systematic and stage by stage return or evolution to some kind of higher level of consciousness.

>> No.7041122

such is life

>> No.7041166

They have nothing in common.

>> No.7041173

The name means nothing since he explicity said "I picked it because it sound complicated"
Not only that but it doesn't translate to anything because it is a made up word.
And it doesn't fit the title at all.

>> No.7041189

They straight up had an engrish translation of it in Death and Rebirth, and it was something close to that too.

>Still thinking Anno just chose it because lolsorandom

I don't think you get his style bro. He's tongue-in-cheek as fuck with his interviews.

>> No.7043283

EoE is good. I really liked EoE. But I woulden't know if I'd say its horribly symbolic in a way that events in the movie symbolize real life concepts or similar.

That being said, I don't actually know an answer to your question, im just here to shit post.

Why would you watch anything with dubs. Its so separated from the original medium that it always gets the tone and atmosphere off. At least with books its not like you can get a subbed version, you just have to read it in your language.

>> No.7043304

>Why would you watch anything with dubs
Because anime is a visual medium and I hate watching the bottom of the screen and missing half the movie.

Also, the acting in the subs is just as awful (or worse), it just doesn't impact you because you don't know Japanese.

An old friend of mine learned Japanese and immigrated to Japan, and he said that Naruto sounded just as cringeworthy in Japanese and anyone over 12 thought it was retarded.

>> No.7043311

>appealing to authority to justify your stupidity
way to go

>> No.7043324

>being this autistic
>taking people and arguments here this seriously
Please leave, you're obviously in middle school.

>> No.7043390

>tfw read the complete works of Shakespeare, Keats, Joyce and Homer
>still more emotionally affected by Berserk than any of them

>> No.7043399

Oh I love big shot :3

>> No.7043403

Heavily symbolic apocalyptic acid trip?
Meme's aside, you're looking for Gravity's Rainbow and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

>> No.7043414

You just have low resonance.

>> No.7043419

Speaking as someone who loves EoE, this whole thread made me cringe.

Also, the end of Gravity's Rainbow gets really fucked up and nonsensical, so try that (though it's more similar to the end of the actual show and not EoE)

>> No.7043431

God is there anything more pleb than adults who watch Korean cartoons?

I would vote for any presidential candidate who promised to genocide the weaboos.

>> No.7043432
File: 276 KB, 600x354, Shadow+Town+影の街+Morohoshi+Daijiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beast that Shouted Love
Instrumentality of Mankind
Childhood's End
Ender's Game
The General Zapped an Angel

>> No.7043436

Hopefully you'll stop consuming anime and manga eventually.

>> No.7043467

Why envisage things from the nightmare-mode of the average person. We get it, you don't like anime. Only a certain kind of deplorable person, in your mind, like it. Great. Who cares.

>> No.7043481

>God is there anything more pleb
Snobs. Like you and other haters ITT

>> No.7043483

He's just trying to get people to stop wasting time on the worst form of entertainment to ever exist and move on to reading real literature. It's a very caring thing to do.

>> No.7043485

your inferiority complex is showing, and I think I might know where it originates

>> No.7043494

>stop posting on this posting medium !!
Fuck off manlet

>> No.7043495

Nice irony

>> No.7043499

No, well-educated people are just trying to get you to consume worthy works instead of Japshit by making you feel inferior, as motivation to better yourself.

>> No.7043514

Well-educated people don't post on 4chan. You're not special.

>> No.7043522

Please, this board is full of aristocrats who read only the finest literary fiction and come here only to look down on others, as they should.

>> No.7043538

But aristocrats read non-fiction! Fiction is for plebs and kidadults

>> No.7043540
File: 463 KB, 1726x1314, fedora thief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know plenty of guys from my top-20 American university who browse 4chan. People who dismiss legitimate statements because they want to believe everyone is as stupid as they are are the worst kind of posters.

>> No.7043545

No, literary fiction and some forms of nonfiction (not science-related) are what you should read. Science is for nerds, who are decidedly unaristocratic.

>> No.7043550

>/lit/ likes these
Only weeaboos invading the board like anything on this infographic, or people who for some reason consume media only for entertainment and not for literary merit.

>> No.7043556
File: 32 KB, 425x434, 464993943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know plenty of guys from my top-20 American university who browse 4chan
Of course you are

>> No.7043586

I love anime, but I'm fucking sick of people posting it here. It's always the same thread.
>What's a book like (insert anime here)
And then the thread discusses the show and not fucking literature.

>> No.7043742


Here's the good list, no movies, no order
Cowboy Bebop
Paranoia Agent
Seirei no Moribito
Kino no Tabi

It's shit, son.

>> No.7043747

Eh YEAH you're on /lit/


>> No.7043759

>muh secret club
kill yourself pathetic scum, 4chan is as mainstream as reddit

>> No.7044805


The Magic Mountain

>> No.7044837

Anime is entertainment, and it should be treated at such.

Instead of trying to compare it with real literature, compare it with other forms of entertainment - genre fiction, Hollywood blockbusters, Netflix/HBO series, etc.

If you can watch Tony Star dress up in a robot suit and fly around fighting aliens, you can watch Emiya Kiritsugu using wits, guns and explosives to kill wizards. Just don't be a fag and argue you're too much of an adult to watch one while you enjoy the other.

>> No.7044841
File: 276 KB, 1920x1080, Gunbuster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys making rec lists for /lit/?

Here's one that's designed for adults with little exposure to anime if anyone's actually interested in the medium.

Not really my taste, I'm more into old mecha(Gunbuster is an example of this).

If you have zero tolerance for moeshit, I suggest Ping Pong, Texhnolyze and Berserk as your first anime, as they have literally none and are good stories between 10-25 episodes each.

In alphabetical order:

Series -

Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Ping Pong(top tier)
The Tatami Galaxy

Film/shorts -

Cat Soup(GOAT)
Dead Leaves(GOAT)
End of Evangelion
Genius Party
Genius Party Beyond
Millennium Actress
Mind Game
Neo Tokyo
Perfect Blue
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Tenshi no Tamago
The Wind Rises
Tokyo Godfathers
Tsumiki no Ie

Honorable Mentions(maybe worth watching once depending on your personality?) -

Cowboy Bebop
Death Note
Ergo Proxy
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Ghost in the Shell
Gundam general
Madoka Magica
Nadia - Secret of the Blue Water
NHK ni Youkoso!
Paranoia Agent
Psycho Pass
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Samurai Champloo
Serial Experiments Lain
Shingeki no Kyojin
Shinsekai Yori
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

>> No.7044868

>people still believe this

Anno understood the core drive towards religion waaaay better than most actual religious people do nowadays.

Just because the symbology is arbitrary doesn't mean that the theme is arbitrary. In fact whether you supplant a Shinto ritual, or Cabbalistic imagery, or even the Jungian Mandalas of secular psychoanalysis (the contemporary religion), the core thrust of religion is still the same. People like Borges, Eliade, Evola. Joseph Campbell or other mystical authors have gone over this.

Anno depicted that kind of 'internal hell' you see in Dostoyevsky, or Chekhov, for example, that motivates people towards searching for the sublime. He understood that religion was fundamentally transcendent-reaching (or in the case of Buddhism, transcedent-nihilistically denying), and thus material-denying, and was from the peculiarly small human evils and desires, and so you get as the end result that beautiful moment where all flesh is transmogrified and the whole determination of human existence is based on the pettiest emotions of an adolescent.

>> No.7044887
File: 621 KB, 1153x634, 3.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the imagery in EoE is really interesting. so many people relate to it very deeply in very distinct ways. I see a huge metaphor between many of the characters and my own experiences as a teenager, and I know people who see metaphor about their own lives within the film in a completely different structure. Interesting piece of art.

>> No.7044890

read the passion of new Eve

>> No.7044894

I would also recommend

Armored Knight Iris
Asgaldh - The Distortion Testament
Garden: The Animation
Inyouchuu Shoku
Magic Woman M
Mahou Shoujou Erena
Mahou Shoujou Isuka
Princess Knight Catue
Words Worth

>> No.7044902

lol this is all hentai. not exactly a bad thing, just letting you know before you download a season of hentai onto the computer you share with your girlfriend.

>> No.7044903

People still commit the attributing-narrow-artistic-goals-to-whole-mediums fallacy?

They said the same thing about film until a whole bunch of guys from France decided that Hitchcock was more than just some guy who made thriller flicks, and then wrote whole theses on him, and then went on to make their own movies, many of them which have been called monumental works of art.

There's obviously a difference between the guys who directed Fate/Zero, and Hideaki Anno, who went on to make indie films like Ritual or Love & Pop, both of which are definitely not entertainment and are supposed to be like artsy critiques of Japanese Modernity.

If you want to do this kind of bullshit, its more viable to do it by auteur than by medium. You can say, for example, that a person like Scalzi makes entertainment, but if you say Olaf Stapledon, or Stanislaw Lem makes entertainment, then you're off your whacker.