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/lit/ - Literature

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7039122 No.7039122 [Reply] [Original]

>read Pynchon
>for several days I can't stop writing like him

>> No.7039129

That's probably because you're an impressionable faggot.

>> No.7039225

>read pynchon
>every time i see a plane's vapor trail i think "a screaming comes across the sky"
>i start reading joyce
>i start watching loony tunes
>i try acid and start smoking weed daily
>i lose my virginity and have sex often
>i become a leftist
>i lose my job
>i sign up for the navy

Shipping out on Monday guys. Wish me luck.

>> No.7039243
File: 652 KB, 766x656, chill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read Pynchon
>holy shit American history is literally a map of the end times
>move to Mexico
>do peyote in the desert with a shaman
>live on a roof and fuck high school girls
>write a novel that bridges Gravity's Rainbow and Neon Genesis Evangelion but without the sense of dread that pervades either
I'm afraid to drop this on the world guys.

>> No.7039246

is Pynchon a secret representant of the beat generation?

>> No.7039259

>read a book
>live my life
>end up moving because that's what happens as time passes
>live in a decent duplex with a decent girlfriend
>fucking gamestop.

>> No.7039285

Sounds cool as fuck.

>> No.7039347
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>3rd year university student
>stem major
>enjoy the word of DFW
>no good friends
>invited to no parties
>struggling to pass all my classes

>read pynchon over summer

>4th year at uni
>switched to english
>fucking broads daily
>smoke psychedelic bananas before class
>100% in every class
>finally getting work done on my novel

>> No.7039365
File: 664 KB, 253x200, wtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read 100/100 of lit's top 100
>they have zero (0) effect on me

>> No.7039420

What's the aesthetic in that image called

>> No.7039907

90s Miami?

>> No.7040223

its not quite vapor if thats what youre talking about

>> No.7040322

What do you mean by effect? What were you expecting?

>> No.7040340

>>move to Mexico
>>live on a roof and fuck high school girls

I bet that you are living in a low income neighborhood, sleeping in a horrible room, and fucking inditas and naquitas. Stay pleb.

>> No.7040352

I would like to know this also.

Looks based tbh.

>> No.7040500

Kekela X^D

>> No.7040543

Reminds me a bit of David Hockney

>> No.7040554

I have found similar things in retrofuturism

>> No.7040578

> read pynchon
> smoke a lot more weed (have smoked for ages but only occasionally)
> take a hard look at my life and the path I'm on
>find resolve to change and be better
>weed makes me think self-importance and ambition are fairly mundane and in the grand scheme of things ignorant pursuits
> this doesn't feel right though, how can i function effectively without a level of self-importance governing my actions
>decide all this weed while enlightening at times, is over all detrimental to personal development
>resolve to stop
>find rolled joint in bag
>do it and feel a sensation of remorse
>start reading dfw for guidance

>> No.7040579

>read Infinite Jest
>get AIDS

>read Gravity's Rainbow
>fuck 300 girls std free

>> No.7040595

>read pynchon at primary school
>penis inspection day
you all know the rest

>> No.7040602


>> No.7040641

v chill pic tbh

>> No.7040646

why did we ever abondon it?

>> No.7040761

v pale v dece

>> No.7040767

>read Pynchon
>lose virginity to a super hot South African chick the week after
>fuck her for two months
>now obsessed with my penis

>> No.7041284
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The lifestyle or the novel? Lifestyle's chill but I worry about the book.

I'd personally call it close enough to vsporwave for government work.

Top kek nope it's one of the quieter colonias in DF near a good high school. One day imma get some from that there Japanese Lyceum.

Top-tier former beta feels.

>> No.7041440

Feels good, years of furious masturbation mean I can go for ages as well.

I'm going to India soon so I'll probably break up with her though.

>> No.7041812
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bumping the most /lit/ thread in years

>> No.7042740
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>Read Pynchon
>go to class
>professor lecturing on Hemingway
>"Harold Bloom says that Hemingway is the direct inspiration for Joan Didion's Play it as it Lay-"
>Interrupt her "Sez Bloom"
>"Excuse me?"
>"It's sez, you're saying it wrong."
>"Anon, am I going to have to get the tard wranglers?"
>"Every weirdo is on my wavelength!" I screech, as I eat a handful of cubensis mushrooms
>Get expelled
>tfw I'll never be a technical writer for Boeing at this rate
>tfw getting pizza before telling my buddy I fucked his wife

>> No.7042761
File: 109 KB, 205x260, 1430343012211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read Pynchon
>become terrified that a massive conspiracy is surrounding my life
>check everywhere for hidden cameras and microphones
>lock myself in my room
>smoke weed and masturbate until I pass out and decide they've stopped watching me

>> No.7042838

>be me
>trying to cross at red
>dodging cars like a fucking devil
>suddenly, a library
>enter that library
>looking for some book
>read Pynchon
>drop that book
It was a nice day.

>> No.7042863

>read Pynchon
>the 60s must have been pretty rad
>the 90s aren't anymore

>> No.7042901

>read Aquinas
>feel good
>desperately want to lose my virginity
>read Kierkegaard
>lose virginity
>realize I'm in despair

>> No.7042981

>be socially retarded shut-in hiki
>read Pynchon
>every day a different girl
>every night a different girl
>soulja boy tell'em

>> No.7042998

>read McKenna
>he smokes weed 14 times a day
>why cant this be me
>smokes weed

>> No.7043174

>depressed because childhood sense of wonder gone
>read Pynchon
>wait holy fuck
>forces everywhere
>huge and powerful and incomprehensible
>things are connected and connecting all around all the time secretly
>start to talk to animals
>start taking acid
>animals start talking back
>take acid with my dog and then eat twelve bananas covered in peanut butter together, watching my Japanese water lily
>and being watched by it
>take more acid and run around apartment hunting flies with my paperback copy of Moby Dick
>wake up covered in sticky notes perfectly placed and drawn to illustrate me, only with tattoos
>get a post horn tattoo

Do you guys think that people will call me a tryhard?

>> No.7043202

Looks like you mostly read posts on 4chan.

>> No.7043459

Yes, anyone who knows what it is will ridicule you for getting a muted posthorn tattoo.

>> No.7043547

the artist is Hiroshi Nagai

>> No.7043559

>read Pynchon
>nothing in my life changes
>I stay a NEET with no friends
>Even though I used to have some
>Even relationships
>No going back
Feels bad man. The last friendship and relationship I had is what made me swear them off completely. Was lasr Nov.
No going back.

>> No.7043578

>High school
Too old.

>> No.7043650

Where do I start with Pynchon?

>> No.7043656

The Crying of Lot 49 is a good starting point. I hope it isn't WASTEd on you.

>> No.7043659

Start with GR

Anything else is pussy shit and proof you will never understand the P-man

>> No.7043761

>in africa
>read Pynchon
>superstition deppest lore
>porky pig sqealing
>has to be conspiracy
>man wearing ascott
>german ex-pat gem investor
>how did the nazis do it

>> No.7043780
File: 53 KB, 500x636, bubbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink a bottle of cooking wine and read The Crying of Lot 49 in one sitting. Then smoke an ounce of dank while reading Inherent Vice.

Next read Gravity's Rainbow while steadily popping caps and stems of psilocybin shrooms.

>> No.7043847
File: 167 KB, 690x769, JH9jWew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start uni
>get on lit theory class
>start reading on russian Formalism
>realize being a completely routinal person is actually the best possible thing someone could hope for
>stop fighting the feel that I need to be a machine in order to be succesful
>start getting my shit in line, timing everything up

>start Lukács as a counterargument
>understand that ever since I read W&P I've tried to be just like Tolstoy (a realist)
>start having doubts in how I want to write

>don't have time to either read or write anything that isn't uni
>still can't help having a fucking dozen new and enticing thoughts every day
>also I want to read more on American writers, fuck this 3rd world commie education

I'm also thinking of developping a thesis on how everything humans ever try to do is reproduction of some kind, either genetic or memetic. PCness then would be explained as minorities and the female gender catching up on memetic reproduction, as that has been mostly the realm of the male gender through civilized history.

>> No.7043862

fucking book fag

>> No.7043872

What does this have to do with reading Pynchon? Your 3rd world commie education is showing.

>> No.7043878

I'm not reading Pynchon. That's the point.

>> No.7043881
File: 54 KB, 320x500, 9780099771913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh then that's easily remedied. Just do this >>7043780

>> No.7043896

Might read The Crying of Lot 49 while smoking the one blunt I managed to get while tripping on LSD once I have the time. Danks (dank thanks).

>> No.7044381
File: 43 KB, 300x400, pynpyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i start watching loony tunes

>> No.7046032
File: 193 KB, 537x580, .Pinecone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing like Pynchon

>> No.7046672

That his grandkid? The smug must be genetic.

>> No.7046730

>read mccarthy
>become a brutal silent expert on geology

>> No.7046754

No, that's his son, Jackson. Pynchon didn't have a kid until he was pretty old. There's not much info on Jackson except that he's graduated from Columbia and is tall and skinny like his father. He used to have a very fuzzy pic on facebook but you can't see that now.

>> No.7046784

where did you get this picture of me