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File: 5 KB, 189x266, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7038930 No.7038930 [Reply] [Original]

>be too pussy to accept the obvious consequences of schopenhauer's philosophy
>le uber mensch, I am le captain of my fate xD
lel why does anyone still read this hack?

>> No.7038963

Neetchee must have been an ugly child

>> No.7038982

Dude #GotEm

Is this your dissertation in full?

>> No.7038992

free will exists

>> No.7039000


>> No.7039005
File: 904 KB, 500x811, yung nitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty cool anime villain tbh

>> No.7039012

Why does he look so autistic?

>> No.7039015

he's just German

>> No.7039039


Not really.


>> No.7039049

Funny how some people here some to take Nietzsche's word as gospel when he was obviously wrong about lots of basic stuff.

>> No.7039079


He'd tell you he's a Pole.

>> No.7039109

He's of german descent lad

>> No.7039394

He's got a troll nose

>> No.7040299

Like what?

>> No.7040312


>> No.7040320

who the fuck bumps such shitthreads

>> No.7040325

I'm a large man from your perspective xppppp

>> No.7040333

nietzsche was really sexy tbh

>> No.7040351

Dude like paul being bad paul's not bad my catechism teacher told me

>> No.7040384

>smart enough to know Nietzsche isn't a magic genius
>doesn't realise Schopenhauer and all other general philosophy is just boring poetry of no consequence or factual value
>But life is a sad dark mad house. Don't fireproof your hell room! Reality is made of sad atoms.
Just shut the fuck up already.

>> No.7040494


>> No.7040735
File: 18 KB, 400x600, Twiggy33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The judgment and condemnation of nature by the Anaximanderean moral perspective of Schopenhauer can only satisfy young neophytes and old curmudgeons.
How does it feel to know you were born a worm and you will die a worm, neophyte to curmudgeon? I attempted to show you how to cover your body in a silken web so you could, one day, burst forth a more perfect creature but you did not listen, you could not listen. I mistook a worm for a caterpillar.
There is nothing cowardly about having the robust wings of a hawk rather than the impotent wings of an ostrich. We are not blind to your callow discovery. Did you know the hawk can see perceive the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum? There are more perspectives than the moral perspective.
Too pussy to accept the obvious consequences of Schopenhauer's philosophy? Too merry to accept the consequences of a mundane philosophy secreted from an inflamed intestine.
The devoured may experience more pain while being devoured than the devourer experiences pleasure while devouring but there is more to life than pleasure-seeking and pain-avoidance.
The image of a lion sinking its claws and jaws into the haunch of a bull is beautiful.

>> No.7040751
File: 773 KB, 245x138, TwiggyLaugh1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feigning stupidity is still stupidity when behind the stupidity is more stupidity.

>> No.7040860
File: 1.06 MB, 2489x3200, Guillaume_Seignac_-_Diana_the_Huntress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder and a disclosure for my disciples: The Sturgeon Moon is tomorrow. The two hawks are easily discernible from my post here: >>7040735

>> No.7040957

Wrong about free will not existing, wrong about there being no facts.

I don't give a fuck about god.

>> No.7040985

Explain how free will exists pls

>> No.7040987

>Wrong about free will not existing, wrong about there being no facts.
You sure back up your argument well.

>> No.7041017

Place two objects in front of you. Pick up one of them and leave the other sitting there. Now you understand how I know that I have free will. It would, of course, be appropriate for you to believe that I don't have free will and all of my actions are either mechanistically determined or random, but for you to think that you don't have free will is an absurdity.

>> No.7041245


>> No.7041295

Nobody likes you

>> No.7041304

Whoa whoa whoa, I thought I saw a few days ago that the dust had settled on this matter.

>> No.7041321

But why did you pick one and not the other? What motivated you?

>> No.7041333
File: 679 KB, 703x683, Screenshot_2015-08-24-08-11-13-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could say you chose at random, but what is the subconscious influence? Maybe you chose the object on the right because you are right handed, or perhaps one appeared more appealing to you for because of an instance in your past, maybe there is a distant experience in your childhood where in a similar situation you chise the object on the left and were dissatisfied with the outcome.

The point being whether or not you realize it, every action is predetermined by your environment as you experience it. As I understand it

>> No.7041337

then what has stopped you from murdering your enemies?

>> No.7041344

>free will
>free means unrestrained
>you are restrained by your moral or else you are a fucking sociopath and unfit to live in a society
There you go.