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7036740 No.7036740 [Reply] [Original]

Hypersphere is a group writing project in the same vein as TLOTIAT

We're on part 4, here is a decent summary of the first 3 parts that you should probably read before contributing.

Part 1: Slice of Life Adventures in The Hypersphere

Part 2:
A Scientific Study of The Hypersphere
Not without my baby Dada: the art of loving outside time

Part 3:
Power Structures and Prejudice in Hyperspace

Part 4: Schizophrenic Hypertime Fragments

>> No.7036751

MAIN CHARACTERS (recurring) (as of Part 3, up to the Physics of Hyperspace by Prof. Ozymandias Mansnake)
1. BIGNOSE and TYRELL - Residents of the hypersphere, frequently of the second room. Bignose lived in the first-room world of the popular, prohibited drug wojamba to play basketball and was killed by a pack of apes (black people?) including Tyrell, in a subsequent police confrontation Tyrell was killed and moved to the second room. They were dumped into the third room (along with everyone else in the second room) to compete for their place in hyperhistory. While most of the skeletons and and a rap group formed by Tyrell called The Hyperniggas proceed to the fourth room, Bignose is stuck, cornered by a group of skeletons that want to discuss the (rumored inexistant) ninth room and do wojamba.

2. CAITLYN JENNER aka BRUCE JENNER aka WUCIE - Former celebrity who transgendered in order to stay in the public eye and be a current celebrity. After recovering her fame, she longs to go back to manhood. She retransitions into a man, divorces, and falls in love with her PR agent DAMIAN FETTERLOVE. However, the SJWs are pissed that she turned her back on the transgender community and their narrative of him being a woman at heart. They lay siege to Bruce's mansion, remove his penis and cast him into the Netherrealm as the gender-neutral Wucie. In the Netherrealm, Wucie meets the law enforcer Geibacca, who guides him on his quest to recover his dick. Meanwhile, Damian waits for his beloved.

3. JONES and BOB, HYPERSPACE DETECTIVES - Bob and Jones go undercover to root out Jewish moles from "the Dutch operation" in wojamba world. They arrive and make connections with wojamba dealer. When they go to see one, their story is interrupted by the appearance of LSD, who takes over the scene and has a metaphysical experience. The detectives have not been seen since.

4. THE PUERILE KING - Eldritch devourer of hyperspace, ruler of the Puerile Kingdom and object of devotion for JOHANNES WILKENSSBURG. The Puerile King is hated for his space-eating and cyberbullied by black autodidacts, causing him to abandon devouring. Since then he's been in a tempestuous relationship with Johannes, whose devotion he greatly appreciates at first but instinctively rejects when it transpires into homosexual love. However, most recently at the royal gala, the Puerile King is nervous and excited for Johannes' arrival.

5. INSPECTOR FRIEDRICH DAWKINS and DETECTIVE THOMAS JEFFERSON - The investigators working the case of God and Democracy, who were murdered in a men's restroom in Buckingham Palace. Their one clue: a paper note in God's fist that reads "god save the queen", on the back of which is the flyer for an engine repair place.

>> No.7036753

6. LUGER FOUCALT - The 29-year old eternally virginal paraworld traveler and manipulator of sub-concepts. Called in for a job by the Princess PowerP. Last seen attempting and failing to set up a sex date with Donna Krautwurt May at the Reno Station.

7. DONALD TRUMP - The eternal bane of Mexicans. Builds a hypermachine that projects him into the hypersphere and awakens him to the simultaneous, omnipresent existence of hyperspheric beings. Travels time to profit off and destroy the 18th century Serbian bottle industry.

8. BRYCE THE COWARD - Weak lying coward who wants nothing more than to kill himself but is too afraid and spends his life pretending in front of others that he wants to be 1) a soldier 2) gay. Succeeded by Bryce the Second, who courageously declares that he WILL kill himself and he WILL be homosexual.

9. SLAVOJ and EMMA ZIZEK - I'm not sure what's going on with Slavoj 'cause I couldn't understand that first story with him. At some point he is possibly an advisor to the Puerile King. His daughter Emma has an affinity for old men from an early age. As a child she rejects the advances of THE PUBESCENT KING, who used an aging potion to make himself attractive to her but went too far and became a troll. She later marries Donald Trump.

11. BEN BIN AL-AFLECK - Devout muslim and adulterous actor. Receives a strange postcard from the Black Ayyster Cült with an email address on it. He sends an email to the address and the response is a supernatural message that informs him of coming doom, of “hollow beings in a hollow universe”, of the progenitor of races, of a cult of the Unspeakable Burrower who seek an eldritch artifact: the Hypersphere. The message fades from his memory, but he starts to have dreams about the hollow beings and looking into the nine rooms and the hypersphere. Thus he is initiated into the hyperspherical mysteries by the Black Ayyster Cült, and receives an email from an E. Bowler Chairman welcoming him to their family. Later, he finds his brother Mucca bin J-lo killed in his office, along with the book DE VERMIS MYSTERIIS.

11. HULK HOGAN - Wrestler whose sex tape is posted on Gawker. In response, he challenges Gawker editor Nick Denton to a Yapappii strap match.

12. RIKU and MAKI - Two Japanese anime girls who research memes and debate whether they're funny.

13. TIMMY TINGLER - A beleaguered hyperblack who's failing to get his liberal shards degree. He commits the dire mistake of posting an unironic post on FYAD - moments later, while jerking off to korean pop idols, he accidentally kills himself by cumming in his own eye, breaking the machine that has kept him alive for eons. His body is dumped between rooms three and four, and centuries later internet archivists find his unironic post and throw it in the smut bin.

>> No.7036757

14. GEORGE NEWMAN and the CONSPIRACY THEORIST - Conspiracy Theorist who has run away to escape abduction by aliens and left George Newman in charge of his laboratory.

15. JIM (RAYNOR) - Space marine in sector (KOPRULU) who goes to live in peace with his girlfriend (KERRIGAN) after the defeat of the villain Arcturus (MENGSK). However, there remains a villain in their sector: Amon (AMON).

Others with extended stories:

Phoebe Caulfield
Sam Murphy
sonicfan06, blitzmyclitz69, and generousbuisnessjewISRL
Sam Hyde, Nick Rochefort and Charles Carroll
Harold Bloom
Captain America
Osama bin Laden, Che Guevara, and their combined form Ryan Seacrest
Lock the rape victim and Key the rapist
The author of the Divisible Thirds
Bottles Man
Harold D. Munch

>> No.7036767
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>> No.7036777
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"The Hypersphere is a big fucking place, but in comparison to Hyperspace, it’s a fucking toddler. The only way to escape The Hypersphere and enter Hyperspace is through The Ninth Room, which can only be reached by travelling through the preceding eight rooms. Once in The Ninth Room one is in Hyperspace and The Hypersphere at the same time. The physical rules of Hyperspace mean that although one occupies The Ninth Room in The Hypersphere one also occupies every other place and time within Hyperspace. This is a similar experience to the one described earlier in The Second Room of The Hypersphere, albeit on a much larger scale. Hyperspace only overlaps with The Ninth Room of The Hypersphere, however since The Hypersphere was born from Hyperspace, and was for a brief period completely within Hyperspace, it is possible to re-enter any room of The Hypersphere at any time from Hyperspace."

>> No.7036783

I am having so much fun reading the summary. Thanks a lot summary-chan

>> No.7036794

we should have sam hyde do a livestream reading.

>> No.7036807 [DELETED] 

Publish anon with his polls here.

>Straw poll for the type of book.

>Straw poll for the size.

>> No.7036818

Can someone take over summarising the last of part 3?

>> No.7036822


when it has /r at the end it takes you straight to results.

>> No.7036883 [DELETED] 


whoops, I didn't even notice. Thank you.


>> No.7036884

Alright, I added another part of my 1882-part mock-Joyce screenplay. Is it still quality? I may go back and butt in another part earlier in Part 4 if I feel there's a good place for one. Alternatively, I'd love to deface another's piece of writing with stage directions and bits of dialogue, but only with permission. In exchange, you can permutate my screenplay.

>> No.7036896

feel free to fuck my shit up.

detective jones story part 3

>> No.7036904

Cheers anonymous otter

>> No.7036907

I'm the guy behind most of the bottle episodes from Hyperspace 2 throughout Hyperspace 4, any thoughts? Joycean gibberish is, I think, I good way of conveyance for the drunkards.

>> No.7036917

the bottles are some of my favourite parts.

>> No.7036950
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Same for me. Although I contributed Three Bottle in Hyperspace 2 it's undoubtedly the dud of the series.

>> No.7036955

I really enjoyed your summarizing though. Chapter 10 is (partly) written by me and I think it's more fun to have someone else summarize it.

>> No.7036958

I'm the wrong anon to be thanking, I just picked up where summary-anon finished.

>> No.7036960

id say bottles are relevant somehow to the nature of hyperspace just by reading the latest bottle excerpt in part 4, dunno how that works tho

>> No.7036962

viz. the physics of hyperspace

>> No.7036992

I admit to writing this latest bottle segment without being aware of any previous mention of bottles. Must be divine inspiration.

>> No.7037003

Then it is settled, the Bottle sections must go on.
(I know you lie, Anon. I wrote them.)

>> No.7037038

fuck off i wrote them

>> No.7037039

Was the muse that lied. Do your kegels.

>> No.7037138

Yo bottles anon, I dig your writing but if you don't mind, I'd like to place the Aelius Maximus story directly after the line "Oh, I think you'll enjoy this one..." The title is meant to be a punchline to that line

>> No.7037159


Alright, I tweeked it a bit. Could somebody maybe add voluminous, irrelevant footnotes in a highly contrasting style to my screenplay? The one which starts with "-- THE GOOD OLD FENIAN RANGE --". I'd be very grateful.

>> No.7037171

Try it on, let me see it at work.

>> No.7037179

>11. HULK HOGAN - Wrestler whose sex tape is posted on Gawker. In response, he challenges Gawker editor Nick Denton to a Yapappii strap match.
At which event? This is important. Additionally, what's the main fight and which title matches are in the same event.

>> No.7037213

I'll do it tomorrow if it won't be filled to the brim already by then.

>> No.7037223

I'll give it a go

>> No.7037339

I hope me tying Bob and Jones, Bruce and DT together didn't feel too contrived.

>> No.7037348

Thanks bruv. I think the scholastic, Irish history style is appropriate.

>> No.7037366

np anon

>> No.7037396


Shit list 3/10 tbh smdh

>> No.7037398

“Sure it can, but not in this story. The things you’re writing about happening outside the hypersphere are just re-enactments of stuff outside the hypersphere happening inside the hypersphere” explained Jones calmly.

pretty GOAT tbh

>> No.7037404

johannes is in the puerile king entry

>> No.7037408

William F. Buckley and Cyberized Gore Vidal speculating on the effects of homonormative stereotypes on hyperspheric inequality spectra y/n?

>> No.7037418

Ah, so indeed he is.

>> No.7037428

Just throw it all in there my man. Also throw in someone from the Early Modern era. I suggest Giambattista Vico, but I'm a Joycean. Also maybe put it in an interesting format, like they're talking in an internet forum or something. I can add footnotes if you like, elaborating on the thoughts of these greats.

>> No.7037434

There wasn't any Puerile King at all in part 3, right? Just the gala. I think we need more diary entries. Maybe starting to explain how the kings know each other?

>> No.7037447

seconded. and more footnotes everywhere

>> No.7037460

the formatting on page 14 is GOAT

>> No.7037480

My knowledge on Early Modern people is unfortunately lacking, but I'd be down for something about fin-de-siecle since that seems as though it could fit into the nature of the Kings, the metacyclical nature of the Hypersphere and Hypertime, and probably Brucie Wucie being Third Alternativist Scum.

>> No.7037488

Alright, do that. Who do you plan to incorporate from the fin-de-siecle?

>> No.7037493

>ITT: failed TLOTIAT admirers pretend to be vonnegut with more memes

>> No.7037526

how on earth is this pretending to be vonnegut

>> No.7037533

>ITP: someone who failed to get on the train to future sweet sweet royalties with this thread

>> No.7037542

TLOTIAT was our Portrait of the Artist, Hypersphere is our Ulysses, and whatever comes next will be our Finnegans Wake

>> No.7037553


Well that means this is going to need to be quite a bit longer than TLOTIAT.

>> No.7037571

Someone please summarize the rest of part 3.

>> No.7037581

we're all going to be famous millionaires soon

>> No.7037591

Is "A soft answer turneth away wrath..." at the end of every page? Is that intentional?

>> No.7037595

If someone just kills themselves before it's published it's sure to be a hit! And seeing the mental state of /lit/ I don't think that's too unlikely! It might even be you! Or me! Actually pretty likely that it's me.

>> No.7037603

I vote for removing it.

>> No.7037613
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We're all rooting for you, bro.

>> No.7037615


Yeah, I agree. It's fine at the bottom of the first, but there's no reason for it to keep on repeating like that. By the way, I'm the one who added "mingo" to the title. Feel free to remove it: it just popped into my head with the "Fag" highlighted in pink.

>> No.7037616

i think it's linked to the othersong and swing, aelius
the idea behind those it telling stories within hyperspace/a particuar room in hyperspace is dangerous, because any story told will become real

>> No.7037631
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The Aelius Maximus story is great.

>> No.7037644

how is aelius maximus linked in with swing, aelius?

>> No.7037650

I threw in Wilde already, but ol' Schopie might make an appearance, although he was more an influence and not directly part of the period.

>> No.7037655


Alright. I'm annotating, by the way. Are they acceptable?

>> No.7037658

You're right, but also, it's really fucking fun to do, so I'm fine with it being perceived as lesser.

Nothing will ever really match the sheer Event that Tundra was, but these are still fun memespouts to roll around in.

>> No.7037664

They're more than acceptable, m8!. I've had an exhausting day though so I'm gonna play some vidya and do a follow-up later tonight. Probably gonna reference the Puerile King in it.

>> No.7037683
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>F3 "bottle"
>28 results

>> No.7037689

you're doing god's work, son.

>> No.7037755

Is this the end? so the Bottleman does an a hero and dies? its too early for that crap

>> No.7037785

In part 6 or so, can someone write a passage about the Author secretly standing behind Morrissey as he records his song (because of hyperspheres).

>> No.7037888

>part 6
is it going that far? is this okay with the publisher-anon?

>> No.7037932

fuck publisher anon
It'll go as long as people want to write

>> No.7037982

I'm glad it's gone on this long, because between work and school, I'm only able to get in on this for a small window of time every day.

>> No.7038407

this is good shit fam

>> No.7038553

Illustrator here. anyone got any good ideas for Cover Art?

>> No.7038599
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this with the faces of Max Stirner, Gilles Deleuze, Sam Hyde, and random historical figures shopped over the slavs

>> No.7038618

the fucking rug

>> No.7038693

>Sam Hyde

>> No.7038804

I feel like it's the big fags and memers pushing for publishing
Can't we just enjoy writing something together? Without having to print an EPIC Sam Hyde book

>> No.7039336 [DELETED] 


Publishing this would be hilarious.

>> No.7039344
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>Sam Hyde

>> No.7039366

I have been out of the loop for a while, has any TLOTIAT been completed since Miami?

>> No.7040018

I haven't written since Ozymandius Mansnake on the end of part 3. What have I missed?

>> No.7040020


>> No.7040204

Are we going to be cutting stuff? Or will the thing be roughly the same size if we publish it.

I think if it's being published we should edit quite a bit.

>> No.7040227

After we're done writing

>> No.7040296

This seems rather too autistic.

>> No.7040366

no. more suggestions please. I am actually waiting till it's fully compiled so I can read it, but I will try to do my best to make something with good input and that everyone agrees would look good and apparently your suggestion blows.

>> No.7040369

>I think if it's being published we should edit quite a bit.

The project itself? It doesn't seem autistic to me at all, it's just a group writing project and it's ben done many times before (>>7040020)

>> No.7040379

no doubt homie no doubt

>> No.7040394
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it has to be something esoteric
this image screams hyperspace, possible inspo?

>> No.7040395

There have been 200 (two-hundred) copies of tundra 1&2 printed (mostly #1)

source: me

>> No.7040542

Good. im building an inspo folder. keep dumping images that relate. could be straight references too. eventually Ill make some rough drafts and people could vote on one or two to develop further.

>> No.7040561

The ant chapter is GOAT
whoever wrote that is a genius

>> No.7040563
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>> No.7040567
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>> No.7040571
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>> No.7040577
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>> No.7040586
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>> No.7040590

great dump friendo

>> No.7040592
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>> No.7040597
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>> No.7040598
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>> No.7040601
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>> No.7040608
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>> No.7040612
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>> No.7040613

Can someone critique my Last of the Space Mexicans? I feel it's ends too abruptly but I want it end on a funny premise.

>> No.7040615
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>> No.7040617
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>> No.7040618
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>> No.7040621
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>> No.7040624
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>> No.7040626
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>> No.7040631
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>> No.7040633
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>> No.7040634
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>> No.7040637
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>> No.7040639

oh shit nigga what are you doing

>> No.7040648

these are all really nice, but are they thematically congruent with HS? will use as reference for inspiration but not as content. Is there one part, idea or character that specifically stands out?

>> No.7040652
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it ends a bit heavyhanded with the swearing and "offensive" words, but other than that, it's fine. maybe be more deadpan/matter of factual at the end

>> No.7040653
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>> No.7040667

death is a triviality in the rooms (or is it hehe)>>7040633

specific reference to joahnnes wikensburg and his love for the king and eventual damnation

>> No.7040681

>novel about hyperspace
>no timecube
>no floating flat-earth references
>no conspiracies

3/10 tbhsmdh

>> No.7040683
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most aren't directly related but they all fit the theme of 'smug confusion' which is all over hs very well

>> No.7040687

there are conspiracies
and hypertime tbh

you can easily add all those things in though

>> No.7040707


all fit the theme of technological post-humanism
fit the theme of resulting isolation and existential depression (and resulting metaphysical confusion)
there's a theme of drug use as a coping mechanism and population control
there's a theme of death as escape, or as a way of breaking out of that isolation to connect with people
what this guy said >>7040667 + there are various spooky nightmare fuel creatures and a species/type of humanoid "hollow" shapes that will probably be significant to the overall story, there's a less creepy alternative to them that are already prominent, aliens that are basically SJW non-gender, non-ethnicity futurepeople
there is some kawaii anime content, mostly comedic
overarching theme of multiple realities, interfering and interacting realities, the conflict and confusion of identities therein, infinity, etc
lots and lots of absurdism and colorful weirdness. also there keeps popping up all sorts of bizarre detectives. i'm not sure why, no one has referenced that a lot of people are doing it so I don't know if it's intentional

>> No.7040732

great. thanks.

>> No.7040736

also, >>7040618 hulk hogan is in it. he challenges the editor-in-chief of Gawker to a "Yappapii strap match" for posting his sex tape.

>> No.7040757

draw the puerile king

>> No.7040760

theres already a conspiracy about the 9th room and the 10th room

>> No.7040873

waiting for it all to be compiled so I can read it. not gonna wait for the edit. if you can give me a description I can come up with but I rather everyone think of a few ideas and vote.

>> No.7040910

why are these things always ruined by morons that don't know that their input is never unwanted

develop some self-awareness, please

>> No.7040986

I don't know if you're a little pussy or writing good irony right now.

>> No.7040996

that's good. put that in there.

>> No.7041449


>> No.7041514

Pitch: Bottleman = the conspiracy theorist who asks George Newman to watch his lab = Doctor Fanshen. Doctor Fanshen fled to the netherrealm to escape the ayy lmao's, who are plotting to take over the hypersphere/space/rooms and who need his information about the tenth room. Jihoo McLowlan (the lab assistant) is a ayy lmao impostor who has George imprisoned somewhere in the lab, or possibly George has been taken away by the ayy lmao's somewhere in the hypersphere. Detective Jones and Siree Bob are being manipulated into investigating and finding Fanshen for the ayy lmao's.

You can tie together Wucie and the detectives' stories in the Netherrealm via Fanshen, George Newman can give us a perspective into what's going on with the ayy lmao's.

>> No.7041719

Maybe the Bottleman is a schizophrenic and the hyperspace is his construct, then the whole premise becomes like some The Sound and the Fury gimmick where we jump from one even in (hyper)time to another and from actual events (maybe like nonchapter or the Irish ballad) to those strict to the hypersphere dimension. I do't know how else Bottleman is relevant.

>> No.7041743

what kind of bottle do you picture? an old bottle from the 1920s or a modern cocacola style bottle? (asking for Cover ideas)

>> No.7041753

I think we just get meta and have a pompous narrator announce that this book has just simply gone on for far too long and really should end here.

>> No.7041766

Well, see. bottleman is already depressed, and we can use that to our advantage whenever we want to cut the cord. So we already have the ending as a metanarrational "The Death of the Author" with the bullocks Joycean full-on rambling. but we can't use it right now

>> No.7041772


>> No.7041820
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prob pic related, yer quintessential unlabeled beer bottle, since it's been mentioned in the story

>> No.7041829

>god tier
secret messages
trump passages
chapter 8
the ant chapter
>okay tier
the rest

>> No.7041836

This book is fcking gold.
Can somebody turn this into a complete pdf or ebook once it's finished?

>> No.7041841

I'm writing a shitty trump passage just because of this post

>> No.7041859

write a shitty vacuum passage instead they are underdevelopped and you will bring much needed balance

>> No.7041863

you disappoint us all

>> No.7041871

You can still redeem yourself.

>> No.7041877

What do you like that's been done recently?

>> No.7041879


>> No.7041924

I don't need the Pope's blessings, thanks.

>> No.7042021
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>the consistent spelling errors in the new Leopold the ant chapter

>> No.7042024

fuck you
you dont appreciate artistry
fuck yourself

>> No.7042028

>secret messages
which are you referring to here?

>> No.7042034


Can't dump the Trump

>> No.7042131

How's the Cover art coming around, chaps?

>> No.7042146

too much lore and not enough narrative tbh

>> No.7042217

agreed. Part 4 is losing the plot a bit by dropping too many stories and focusing too much on Trump. Plus the shitposting is getting a bit out of hand, Part 2 and Part 3 had a lot of short stories and little nonsequitors throughout but they usually had some effort put into them and often were quite good. Part 4 has too much word diarrhea.

imo the ending of Part 4 should resume the royal gala story. Johannes make his last attempt at courting the Puerile King, see how that plays out, then head into Part 5.

>> No.7042229

I think we need to make Trump more plot relavent or phase him out.

I'm writing a space mexican story and I have a cool idea to kill him off.

>> No.7042231

But then again, maybe people just wanna fuck around. I don't know, is anyone interested in tying together various stories and moving things to a single point/endgame, or should we just roll with it?

>> No.7042232

>Plus the shitposting is getting a bit out of hand
>too much word diarrhoea
this. not going to rip anybody's contribution out but a lot of it is trash which isnt funny and adds nothing to the story

>> No.7042261

Trump makes sense as a major villain and counterpart to the aliens/black ayyster cult (transgender post-ethnicity equality campaign / ethnic-genocide time-travel tyrant mogul). if you kill him off maybe we could bring the other side to the fore for a bit, along with Emma (maybe bring her into the Puerile King story), then bring him back later.

>> No.7042264

maybe the dissolution of traditional narrative structure is in fact the novel's evolution into meta-narrative?

>> No.7042271

>in hyperspace
this is what hypersphere plebs actually believe

>> No.7042279

I was thinking that Trump breaks up with Emma after a child-abuse scandal has him flee back to the 8th room where he discovers the 9th and realizes that he and everyone else does not exist and dissapears as an ego.

>> No.7042293

I'd be fine with that, so long as it isn't a bunch of shitposting. A bunch of good weird shit, constant stream of new characters and places.That sounds great to me, and that's what the best parts of this has largely been so far. It's not experimentation that's the problem.

>> No.7042307


>> No.7042317

>what is the netherrealm

'perhaps it is time to hypderdie, but, alas, hypertime!'

>> No.7042321

pretty good

>> No.7042326

Should I add in more Joycean screenplay bits, or do you think two are enough? Perhaps I could throw in some Sirens-type bits.

>> No.7042330

I was thinking a more oedipal story line would be better

>> No.7042331

it's being published as a hardback tbh

>> No.7042337


Not >>7042293

But I love the Joyce bits. A highlight for me at least.

>> No.7042338

>he discovers the 9th and realizes that he and everyone else does not exist and dissapears as an ego
this sounds like a good end to the entire story though

>> No.7042343

Nah, there's still the tenth gate and shit

>> No.7042353

chronology is meaningless

>> No.7042367


meygleschr innloos nar si

>> No.7042388

trump was adamant that the ninth room does not exist, and we know it doesnt exist the the traditional sense

is the room stories? it would fit into the the othersong and swing, aelius bits

>> No.7042457

They're great man, I'll take as many as I can get

>> No.7042476

I thought it was ambiguous at this point, with strong hints that it is something at least. Why else all the secrecy/conspiracy? Plus with the tenth room apparently a thing.

The ninth room is supposedly the way from the hypersphere to hyperspace. Then you have all this conspiracy about the tenth room, and that's coinciding with the Leopold ant stuff. So my theory is that the ninth room is the way to hyperspace, and the tenth room is a way beyond, or a method of creating worlds beyond the hyperspace.

The rooms could very well be stories, yeah. What's your interpretation of Swing, Aelius? I didn't quite get it

>> No.7042555

Swing, Aelius writer here

The idea was that it was a myth which exists in hyperspace, but myths do not exist in hyperspace, so Aelius become a conscious being.

>> No.7042853

I made way for you, take the Sexual Harassment clause I added at the end and use it whenever.

>> No.7042891
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, top cake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and now, a musical interlude

>> No.7042902

If someone fucked over my character he will be in DEEP TROUBLE

>> No.7042911

messages about treachery and those written and white, also the cryptic chapter

>> No.7043089
File: 11 KB, 627x170, secretspheres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know how to enter the 10th sphere

>> No.7043137

>tfw you've wrriten about Donald Trump for twelve hours

Is this a sign or confirmation of autism? Also, I finished Trump's story. It's open if anyone once to continue it but can happily end there. If anyone want to read it, it's towards the end of part four behind FORMATTING ERROR.

>> No.7043166

I set up a hard boiled hypersphere detective character yesterday, but I've since found myself busied by other things. Would anyone like to work Dick Michigan into their story? (Preferably not killing him off or anything as I'd like to finish his arc when I get the chance)

>> No.7043170

I've also foreshadowed the backstory since the end of part three.
I'm going to sleep, but I could do it if I'm writing tomorrow.

>> No.7043262

Thanks anon, I put in a few pages after as a sort of sad reminder.

>> No.7043354

Who drew the puerile king ?

>> No.7043360


>> No.7043416

In the last pages after "exit puerile king"

>> No.7043420

Assuming he means the tiny headshot between the Bill Buckley follow-up and the Wilkinsson poem.

>> No.7043441

We should make a tables of content

>> No.7043442

Tableaux of Continent.

>> No.7043585

fucking finally I finish this Space-Jew story. I'm going to bed.

>> No.7043944

Well, I added another -- SCENE CHANGE --. Is it any good, or too bombastic? Honestly, I may put it at the end of Part 4, if that's alright with people. I feel it might serve as a somewhat suitable finale to the schizophrenic hypergibberish that this whole Part embodies.

>> No.7043972

it's good. it's gotten so schizo at this point it really needs some semistructure like your scene change to have any kind of flow.

part 4 has been hit-or-miss, but I think here at the end we're finally back on track. I just added HitMemaw and am pretty pleased about myself tbh.

>> No.7043977

btw though wtf is with this footers shit. me and another anon kept getting trapped in footer mode, and now that I've backed out and gone back in, I can't get to the body of the text at all.

>> No.7043984


Well, you know, I'd love to add some more stuff and correct some typoes (also maybe try to find a better, easier-to-read font), but sadly the tyranny of the footers is preventing me. I think some asshole may have done this on purpose. I feel like if I make a second draft of the scene change it could be worthy of closing up Part 4.

>> No.7044010

we might just be approaching a size limit or something. 100 anons + 1000 formats has got to cuck a doc's shit up.

>> No.7044022

By the way, I agree, you HitMemaw passage is real good. In particular, I like the idea of a Puerile King Version of the Bible. I may incorporate that in whatever I write for Part 5.

>> No.7044040

fixed it. the last few pages turned out to be just one long footnote or something.

>> No.7044044


Thank you, Savioranon.

>> No.7044119

What in the name of fuck are you assholes up to

>> No.7044488


>> No.7044515

With a capital F.

>> No.7044524


>> No.7044525

Not what, Dear Putrescence, but WHEN?

>> No.7044548

Ah, so this is what no talent looks like.

>> No.7044559

>no talent

Have you read the ant chapter and the puerile king theatrical passages ?

>> No.7044606

No have you

>> No.7044623

No have you

>> No.7044640

No have you

>> No.7044644

So are we ending this soon?

Should we vote on an ending and work out a time and have all the anons collaborate on it?

>> No.7044676

Na, I'm judging based on the first bits of part one.

>> No.7044943

added a footnote epilogue where Leopold reappears and creates a "tenth room" (a new world) for Timmy Tingler

>> No.7045057

Anyone else feel that progress is slowing? Not much has happened these past twelve hours, but maybe most contributors are asleep.

I definitely feel that going past part 4 would be a mistake though, unless part 5 was actually planned and had a chapter list.

>> No.7045060

Do you have any idea what to the tenth room should be? Could be an effective plot device to end the thing.

>> No.7045062

We can probably merge the storylines

>> No.7045067

I thought Leopold had been removed from the hypersphere ?

>> No.7045072

the tenth room is the book.

>> No.7045110

That's what I thought when I killed of Trumps and Emma Zizek.
I don't say it directly but there's lot of wordplay in the chapter that insinuates God realizes they don't exist because he's seen the tenth room and knows it's a book, "I have known every secret of our cosmos and counted only one and zero, the highest, tragic: we do not exist".

>> No.7045133

My impression is that the tenth room is the act of creating new worlds beyond hyperspace, or expanding it. Like >>7045072 there's a meta element, it's adding new things to the story, or potentially altering it.
Right, the latest Timmy Tingler chapter ended with his consciousness ejected outside hyperspace and -time to a place of constant pain, his otherwise existence basically stolen by the execs and commodified as a pornographic pop idol on the internet. My idea was that this is the void that the ants close up by weaving the fabric of the hypersphere/hyperspace, where Leopold is essentially banished after the ants cut him out of hypersphere for tampering with it (it's written that this would have put any other ant in a state of anguish; I made this pain a property of the void itself). It's written that Leopold is then free to make a new reality, and I was thinking this is when Timmy Tingler comes along, so Leopold makes a world for him.

In that last ant chapter, it's said that the "proletariat" (it looks like this is referring to the ants as well as another group, I'm assuming this is the general population of the hypersphere) wrongfully believed that barring Leopold from the fabric of reality would ensure that his tampering didn't affect their reality, and that his tampering would have "irreversible consequences, including making Anon suffer a terrible fate". So my idea is that the creation of a tenth room imposes a new reality on the hypersphere/hyperspace (like writing new things into the google docs), and the reality being in the image of Timmy Tingler, hyper-depressed failed memer and suicide-by-masturbation victim, would be particularly disastrous for the world.

Heavy foreshadowing in that last Leopold chapter, plus three subtle mentions of him throughout part 4, basically dictated he had to show up and do something fateful at the end, and then the next part lays into the crazy consequences.

imo we could easily go several more parts, there's tons of story to be told from what we have and the best part has been adding new shit, but yeah there'd have to be some planning for the whole thing not to lose steam.

>> No.7045144

Oh, and
>So my idea is that the creation of a tenth room imposes a new reality on the hypersphere/hyperspace (like writing new things into the google docs), and the reality being in the image of Timmy Tingler, hyper-depressed failed memer and suicide-by-masturbation victim, would be particularly disastrous for the world.
I figured the "terrible fate for Anon" thing was because this imposition would go through the hypersphere all the way to the first room, aka our ordinary world

>> No.7045217

Working on the retrieved cryptic documents after the Etude, 'posed to connect the dots between George Newman's rote instructions, the Bottleman's skitzo tendencies and their relation to the hypersphere + surprises. You all requested more secret messages, so give me ample time to edit, add and reformat everything.

Also, suggestions?

>> No.7045591

she's a latecomer, but Agent 104 and 7: HitMemaw has secret messages linking to 10th room as an assassin of characters and devotee of Puerile King. if that helps make connections, use it; if it makes it more complicated leave her out. HitMemes is utilitarian like that.

>> No.7045768

Part 5 is needed pretty soon and we should probably start tying things together.

>> No.7045815

I contributed a bit to Part 4, but does this actually have any discernible narrative?

>> No.7045853

Lemme write up some ideas for how to proceed...

>> No.7045968

It's beginning to have one, which is frightening on certain levels.

For example, Tundra (while I would say better overall) has a very clear groupset it's working with from about page 80-onward. But we just saw HitMemaw appear and I already wanna see more of her.

I kinda wanna do more with William F. Buckley and Gore Vidal but I can cut it out if those parts aren't so great.

>> No.7045992

Nah man, I love the fuckbuckhuckcuckcluckadoodledoo and Gore Vidal.

>> No.7046027

t-thanks anon

I need to think up more things to call Vidal, though.

>> No.7046516

Here are some theories me and some other guy have been conversing over. Sorry, it's all over the place.


>> No.7046527

>put in a throwaway line about a guy literally called Dindu Nuffin being trapped in the netherrealm

>now it's suddenly a major plot point

loving this story tbh

>> No.7046545

Posting the key stuff from the pastebin talk

Okay here's how I see the endgame, starting with the main villains: Donald Trump and the Ayy Lmao.

The Ayy Lmao want to take over the first world universe, source of life, and push all lifeforms towards their hollow shape-state. Because the first room universe feeds people into the Hypersphere, over time they'll control hyperspace as well. To create their totalitarian society they need to eliminate the chaotic element represented by the rooms, which empowers individuals in various ways counter to their agenda (creativity in the 2nd, impact on history in the 3rd, mythologizing in the 4th, etc), and especially the tenth room, which allows the creation of new realities.

They're searching for the tenth room and hunting people who can bring them to it. Their main method of doing so is the Black Ayyster Cult: its highest members are execs (the ones who brought Nietzsche and Timmy Tingler back to life and turned them into pop stars), whose corporations bought Dr. Fanshen's Hypervision, which allows them to broadcast the rooms (and thus Hypersphere/space) to the universe of the first room. This way they can control the narrative of the hyperspace and indoctrinate people to their ideology via dominating media with their Ayy Lmao culture. Doctor Fanshen escapes into the Netherrealm when he realizes this: his goal is to find the Puerile King, devourer of hyperspace, and get him to devour the Ayy Lmao. (Puerile King's location has not been decided, but he's been described as "absent" after bullied for his devouring, so presumably he's outside hyperspace - I say in the Netherrealm, the realm of the dead in the first room. (The SJW were able to banish Brucie-Wucie there so it makes sense that it's in the first room.)

Donald Trump is the opposite as a villain: horrifically individualistic, devoted to the exact opposite ideology, and would maybe be heroic for this reason if he didn't express his style of liberty via cultural and ethnic genocide. Currently disappeared from hypertime and space by God's realization that they're fictional. Could be returned by various means for the endgame, who knows where he is now. The sense I get is that he's the internal enemy, while the Ayy Lmao are the external enemy: after all, Trump's tyrannical capitalist hijinks are not that different from fascism in effect (see: Serbian bottle trade, plight of the Space-Mexicans, etc), and his acts of erasure represent the ultimate threat to the tenth room/creation/Hypersphere/freedom. I see him coming back at the end leading people against the Ayy Lmao and turning out the enemy himself.

Ideas for specific plot dovetail in next post...

>> No.7046551

Summary of plot dovetail involving Fanshen, Newman, MsMemaw, Bottleman, Black Ayyster Cult, Jihoo McLowlan, God, Democracy, Donald Trump, Inspector Friedrich Dawkins and Thomas Jefferson, and the Puerile King:

Here’s a summary of what we came up with:
1. Fanshen = Bottleman. Super-effective hypermachine elevated his awareness to hyperperception of all hyperspace and time. Built a machine to maintain his sanity.
2. Builds Hypervision. The technology is bought up by the execs, who are secretly members of the Black Ayyster Cult. Once Fanshen becomes aware of the Ayy Lmao threat, he flees into the Netherrealm, leaves his friend George Newman in charge of the machine.
3. Over time, Newman grows bitter towards his friend. Perusing his research and using his lab he becomes Dr. Newman, with his own ambitions. He stops maintaining the machine.
4. Fanshen’s perception starts returning to the hyper-level, he catches a glimpse of the future and sees Memaw is coming to kill him. He creates a cryptic message warning of Memaw and sends it to Newman, not knowing Newman has turned on him.
5. Meanwhile, the Black Ayyster Cult are suspicious of Fanshen’s disappearance into the Netherrealm. Somehow, they learn that (or perhaps simply suspect) that he’s on his way to the Puerile King to get the king to devour them in hyperspace. They realize he’s a threat.
6. Meanwhile, Memaw has been killing people throughout hypertime and space that confuse the structure of the story, motivated by her devotion to the Puerile King. However, her Puerile King bible is a fake: it was written and planted by the Black Ayyster Cult to manipulate her. 7. They manipulate her into doing her bidding.
7. After Donald Trump’s trial, where God tells him he’s fictional and Trump disappears, the Ayy Lmao’s decide God is a threat to them and send Memaw to kill him (Democracy happens to be there and is killed as well). Inspector Dawkins and Detective Jefferson show up to investigate. They find a flyer with handwriting on it and an ad for engine repair. They go to the engine repair place and find they did business with a Dr. Fanshen. They go to Dr. Fanshen’s lab and find Jihoo 8. McLowlan, an agent of the Black Ayyster Cult who is pretending to be Fanshen’s assistant in his absence and who has taken Newman hostage.
8.The inspectors figure out McLowlan is an imposter, and they free Newman. Newman recognizes the handwriting on the flyer as Fanshen’s, who the Black Ayyster Cult are framing for God’s murder. The inspectors also find the cryptic message sent by Fanshen warning of Memaw, but they don’t understand it. They decide to head into the Netherrealm to find Fanshen, deciding he’s the key to the case.
9. (perhaps at this point the Ayy Lmao confirm that Fanshen is on his way to the PK, maybe via Jihoo who escapes) The Ayy Lmao send Memaw to kill Fanshen. The inspectors find Fanshen but fail to decrypt the message: Memaw arrives and kills him.

>> No.7046556

Holy fuck. I never would've thought this can get as complex as this.

>> No.7046595

Guys, I think the tenth room should be treated like stirners creative nothing. So it doesn't exist but does so simultaneously. That would be funny and pretty cool.

>> No.7046615

Other details:
The Puerile King is presently in the Netherrealm. This is where he went after he quit devouring hyperspace due to all the cyberbullying. This is where the royal gala is about to take place, where Johannes Wilkenssburg is about to make his last attempt at wooing the King. The Netherrealm is also where Wucie and Geibacca are.

Besides the fake Puerile King Bibble, a method by which Memaw was manipulated by the Ayy Lmao could be through her dreams (like how Ben bin Al-Aflecki is visited by Ayy Lmao in his dreams when he's lured into the Black Ayyster Cült).

Bottleman is possibly responsible for all the footnotes.

>> No.7046623

Finally, someone deleted the Timmy Tingler footnote epilogue. If someone has a strong objection to it I'm not going to insist, but could I put it back in? I'm trying to set his story down a path that ties a lot of things together and heightens the action. Also it was replaced by a cryptic mention of an eleventh room, which seems excessive.

>> No.7046626

>Bottleman is possibly responsible for all the footnotes.
How's that?

>> No.7046764

So are Buckley, Chomsky, Hitchens et al. stuck in some phasic gestalt between Hypertime and the Netherrealm and acting as panepistemological metastorians or something?

Is one of these chucklefucks the narrator, possibly Hitchens or Vidal?

>> No.7046769

Also what the fuck happened to Tyrese?

>> No.7046863

Chomsky, Hitchens and Zinn are in the second room, aka the Waiting Room. Buckley and Vidal seem to be what you're describing, but their latest chapter claim they are in the sixth room. Maybe they're indecisive about whether to take the red pill or blue pill. David Foster Wallace started off as an ordinary character in an interlude but in part 4 made an appearance in Buckley and Vidal's chapter, so he must have died since then (it was a flashback). The only prominent author walking around that isn't dead is Bertrand Russell, who made his way into the hyperspace via logic and can now traverse it and hypertime freely.

Tyrese progressed to the fourth room, we haven't seen him since (except for Buckley and Vidal in room six, no one has written about the rooms past number three). The hyperblack who died fighting for his place in hyperhistory, D. Nuffin, is in the Netherrealm, someone just wrote about him at the end of Part 4 meeting Dr. Fanshen. Speaking of, Part 4 should be closed up, it's time to move on to Part 5/outline Part 5 if we're gonna continue.

>> No.7046875

No no, don't close Part 4. We might need it open for awhile. Keep it up for tomorrow.

>> No.7046890

i'm going to do another hyperniggas chapter in part 5 talking about rooms 4-6

>> No.7046895


>> No.7046925

What segments of Parts 1-Bottle have Bertrand Russell, again? I'd like to get an idea of his cadence.

>> No.7046938

Nevermind, found it.

>> No.7047008

If anyone's writing a story and wanting to progress their character to rooms four and on, there's a footnote that mentions one of Slavoj Zizek's sons, Didrik, was a dissentor against the practice of competing for your place in hyperhistory in room 3/qualifying for room 4. He could serve as a rebel who has found a secret path directly to room 4.

This would be particularly useful for Bignose, who's been missing from the story for a while and was last cornered by skeletons. Didrik could swoop in, save him, and ferry him on.

>> No.7047024

Bignose probably has something to do with the Antioch Trust Investment Bank, although I don't know if that actually helps create more anything, really.

>> No.7047264

What's the page count?

>> No.7047312

Stylistically, the story reminds me of a more loosely structured Perfect Blue+Serial Experiments Lain with turbo shitposting.

>> No.7047476

I see where you're coming from, but also consider that you might be giving us too much (read: any) credit.

>> No.7047730

>(read: any) credit.
I swear it's as if we're just stealing excerpts from somewhere and plastering Trump's name everywhere now.

>> No.7047806

I, and a couple of anons last night, agreed to killing him off and I had him leave all existence a few chapters back so it shouldn't be too heavy on him.

>> No.7048096


Well, do you approve of the minutes I'm currently writing, or is there really such an anti-Trump sentiment now that I should remove it?

>> No.7048398

If you thought there was too much trump instead of writing him off you should have started writing about something else to balance it out.

Not only was your solution lazy but in fact you ended up writing even more about trump.

>> No.7049384

Trump's in the story for maybe three pages, anon. Have you read it?

>> No.7049406

it just seems like a lot because it's writing about him so soon after he had a strong exit. after the whole thing is done and we start editing, you can move that story down to later and it'll work fine. I haven't read it yet, what does it entail, does he come back into reality?

>> No.7049409

Did you like my Trump ending?

>> No.7049415

the one with God and the trial? yeah

>> No.7049450

Thanks anon

>> No.7049799

so what's the cover gonna look like

>> No.7050589
File: 119 KB, 730x724, edgar winter group jasmine nightdreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more cover art inspo

>> No.7050595
File: 2.35 MB, 1778x4324, hieronymus bosch - the garden of earthly delights, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050610
File: 2.29 MB, 1283x1796, 1424639202903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050615
File: 171 KB, 891x1000, 1424724084293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050620
File: 928 KB, 650x366, 1424189301509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050621

I like this a fuckton a lot.

>> No.7050630
File: 254 KB, 1061x958, 1425622059167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050641
File: 54 KB, 361x500, 1425831965246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the artist is Mikhail Nesterov

>> No.7050667
File: 32 KB, 441x329, 1428133012560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timmy Tingler

>> No.7050675
File: 328 KB, 800x600, 1428259542987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050682

I think something like this could be good. The prominence of a circle makes sense to me: it is, after all, the HyperSPHERE. The Parmenidean One.

>> No.7050736
File: 35 KB, 313x261, 1436882679280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bin ben Al-Batflecki

plus another, much larger circle going through it from top-left and out of frame (hyperspace), with nine images of some sort (nine rooms)

>> No.7050745
File: 37 KB, 844x1034, 1437393885717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050787
File: 270 KB, 2072x1353, 1419367185277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end dump

>> No.7051110

..somebody wrote johannes as a woman? why?

>> No.7051148
File: 568 KB, 502x484, 1440964252091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not Johannes, it's a fictionalized version of Johannes in Memaw's bible, which was written and planted by the Ayy Lmao. not the guy who wrote it, but it fits: the Ayy Lmao are against heteronormativity, so of course they'd write it so that the man (Puerile King) rejects a relationship with a woman (Johannes)

>> No.7051193

fucking nice bruh

>> No.7051286

Q: Are we publishing this under Anonymous or a clever pseudonym, maybe?

>> No.7051297

we're publishing it under my name retard

>> No.7051321

I thought Johannes was always a woman?

>> No.7051401

he was definitely a man

>> No.7051406

weird, i went over some bottleman excerpts and its obvious he thinks her a woman, maybe she's a trans?

>> No.7051416

>clever pseudonym
we could get very meta and publish it under the name of the primary narrator or a major character (johannes, bottleman, the king, one of the doctors or inspectors trump, one of the real niggas,etc)

anonymous would be fine though. and probably a better idea

>> No.7051426

maybe there as some confusion because other anons didn't konw that johannes was gay, but >>7051148 definitely makes sense. though im not sure of bottleman's involvement in the whole anti-heteronormative thing

>> No.7051436

okay, that's sort of weird. i guess that means we need to make amendments to the text, which we'll probably do later on when we get a full idea of whatever's going on (before publishing: god forbid this monstrosity finds its way into print)

>> No.7051719

HitMemaw writer here, confirming >>7051148 is correct.

when I was writing the Bibble scene w/ Johannes as a gay guy, an Anon told me Johannes is actually a woman. I made appropriate corrections to the Bibble excerpts, thinking I must have misread some parts of Hypersphere.

tbh I'm surprised this was not the case. I read back over a lot of shit, confirmed Johannes was indeed not a woman, but also saw >>7046551 and went with it. I threw the word "faggot" in there too though for some ambiguity.

>> No.7051786

so.... hyperspace not only fiddles with time, plot and character but also gender?


>> No.7053109

If the Ayy Lmaos are against heteronormativity insisted on plotting Wilkensberg as a gay guy, it'd make sense for Bottleman's treatment of Johannes as a woman. But now I'm confused, how many Johannesses do we have now?

>> No.7053881

Can we plan and start part five soon?

>> No.7053915

as far as I can tell, we have OG Johannes, Bottleman Johannes, and Bibble Johannes.

Bibble Johannes is the least real of the three, b/c her existence is limited to the P.K.J.V.B.; the only character (so far) who takes her as real is HitMemaw.

>> No.7054554


>> No.7054713

I think we need to get Part 5 going, maybe reignite the spark in Anons' hearts. nobody's been fucking writing.

>> No.7054725

I've written tons but I'm waiting for part 5 to start and a consensus to form on the conclusion.

>> No.7054919

I'd like to think the conclusion ends with Bottleman killing Wilkensberg and, with that, ending his life by throwing himself into the running hyperspheric torrent. But then there's some stuff about "Hyperspace 5" that's been included in the original TLoTiaT series that deserves mention in the last part. So, it's all just wrapping up the case.

>> No.7055056

More ideas for how to proceed. >>7046551 would be "phase one" (the two stories right at the end of Part 4 currently, the Netherrealm story and latest Memaw story, would fit in there).

Phase two, dove-tailing Ben bin Al-Aflecki, Harold Bloom, Captain America, Joycean Screenplay, Chomsky & Zinn & Hitchens, Hulk Hogan, Space-Jews and wojamba:
1. Ben has been fully brainwashed by the Black Ayyster Cult. He directs all his efforts into producing Ayy Lmao propaganda (bin Al-Batman movies where Captain America and the US military are the villains, booktube where Harold Bloom reviews YA and denounces the canon at gunpoint, etc).
2. However, this is only to prepare viewers for genuine Ayy Lmao programming: once Hypervision is widespread throughout first room worlds and activated, they'll be able to feed their agenda directly to the people, and Ben will no longer be needed. Once he's done making propaganda, the Black Ayyster Cult ignore him, and Ben realizes he's been abandoned.
3. Ben is distraught and has a crisis of faith. He prays for help and is visited by (unwilling) visions of Chomsky, Zinn and Hitchens from the second room. They try to steer him on the right path: Chomsky away from his media manipulation in the interest of corporate and political powers, Zinn toward educating people for the betterment of the human spirit and camaraderie; Hitchens just makes fun of Islam; but Ben misunderstands them all and realizes he needs to go back to his roots - he needs to go back to making Hollywood movies that promote Judaism and Jewish interests. He emails hollywood@yahweh.com for orders and receives a reply from generousbuisnessjewISRL, the drug-dealing Space-Jew, who tells him to help the Space-Jews sell wojamba, which they are smuggling out of the wojamba-world from which it originates and into worlds throughout the hypersphere and first room universe. The drug is largely unknown outside wojamba-world, and they need to sell a lot of it fast, so they need his help to get the word out to as many people as possible at once. Ben has a plan.

>> No.7055061

4. Hulk Hogan vs Nick Denton (founder of Gawker, publisher of Hogan's sex tape) in a Yappapii strap match. Hulk Hogan is rocking Denton's world but the execs (Black Ayyster Cult) have rigged it against Hulk Hogan (anti-immigration rayciss). They drug him to weaken him and send in Ben in as bin Al-Batman to defeat him in the name of Islam and Gawker, not knowing Ben has ulterior motives and no longer follows the Ayy Lmao. Ben defeats Hulk Hogan as planned, and then tells the (record-breaking) audience to buy wojamba: they simply need to email yahweh and a Space-Jew will warp into their vicinity with the stuff.
5. The consequences are disastrous: at the very same time Space-Jews are being called in all over the first room worlds and wojamba is being sold and tried everywhere, the Ayy Lmao/Black Ayyster Cult/execs activate Hypervision, and drugged-out viewers throughout the universe are enthralled by the trippy alien Ayy Lmao shows, and receptive to their brainwashing. Ben Affleck has no idea of this and escapes the Yapappii strap match stadium and into the night thinking he's a hero. He's accosted by a hypertime-warping appearance from Detective Jones and Siree Bob as well as the police, who are there to arrest him for his involvement in selling wojamba. Ben Affleck, deluded by his defeat of the drugged Hulk Hogan, thinks he can overpower and escape the detectives Batman-style - he is shot and killed.
6. Joycean Screenplay, Ayy Lmao Hypervision-style, full indoctrination.

>> No.7055743

Part 5 plz

>> No.7056501

but keep Part 4 up for a few days

>> No.7058406

gonna make a new thread with part 5, this is on autosage now

>> No.7058439
