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/lit/ - Literature

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7033222 No.7033222[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

A lot of us are lonely bookworms and writers. How about we do a meetup thread? Mods, you can take it down if you want to but jesus, I'm just trying to make us connect a little bit.

And maybe get some action, who knows. qt3.14 writer bois pls apply.

Pic related, it's basically me.

>> No.7033228

Where the other peeps at? STL area here

>> No.7033230

Portland Oregon: land of hipsters and the emerging yuppie flood. If anyone around here wants to meet at powells or some shit I'd love to.

>> No.7033231

dallas, tx but moving to prague soon.

>> No.7033232

M/67/Ancient Athens

Looking for fresh boy pussy. (You know what I mean)

>> No.7033233


804 here

>> No.7033234

Goodreads is the best you'll get; comfy little gang. A meet up would just be a spergfest

>> No.7033237


OP here, I'm not looking for a meetup. I'm using this as a guise to fuck some literary boipussy.

>> No.7033238

>Pic related, it's basically me.
>qt3.14 writer bois pls apply.

No thanks, Socrates.

>> No.7033240

I want to sperg. I want to sperg all over everyone.

>> No.7033241

This is me
Illinois side of the river. 618

>> No.7033245


Socrates wouldn't fuck Alcibaides because he had a beard.


>> No.7033256

Just in general, though, is there anything more /lit/ than writers in love, creating movements unto themselves, waves that rise higher than your chest that you have to hold your breath and dive under rather than bounce above, sunrises that burn your eyes when you wake up at 7AM to write, waking up in the middle of the night after screwing to pen a stupid love poem free-verse for the lovely boy (or woman, provided she's thick enough to attract me) beside you?

>> No.7033260


Seattle. I'm not there but how's the literary scene there? Do you get out much and check it out?

>> No.7033261

Anyone 403

>> No.7033272


314 son. In the city

>> No.7033284

Any homo e/lit/ists near Toronto interested in starting a bookake club?

>> No.7033286

Black, M, 7.5"
Top not bottom

>> No.7033299

There isn't a lit scene here. The only literary person I know there is my uncle

>> No.7033306


As far as I know there isn't much of a literary scene here, outside of slam poets from Wash U and Slu.

>> No.7033310

Always down to go to Powells

>> No.7033311

South County here. I'm much too awkward and self-conscious to meet up with people on the Internet though.

Also I'm old.

>> No.7033314

fort worth here

>> No.7033484

I'm in Seattle this week m8
But I'm from MA

>> No.7033518

who /norfcarolina/ here

>> No.7033525
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who /mexicocity/ here?

>> No.7033564

anyone in the twin cities?

>> No.7033572

>Nowhere even CLOSE to Ethiopia

>> No.7033580

some people that posted here once mentioned attending stony brook university

if you guys are still out there; hey

>> No.7033588

Shot in the dark
Surrounding witchita area

>> No.7033592

I live on long island, but you're all a bunch of faggots.

>> No.7033593

Any lit fags in Wellington New Zealand?

>> No.7033621


there's a Toronto guy I met on /lit/ that I go to see plays with some times

if you're not him, any interest?

>> No.7033627

Yes, definitely.

>> No.7033635

>inb4 iztapalapa

>> No.7033796

Seattle is a no go. If you are looking for a spot in Washington conducive for a literary lifestyle you gotta travel a little south to Tacoma.. Panhandling is illegal here so all the homeless are bona fide bean eating train hoppers opposed to that 19 year old stoner shit you get in Seattle. Those homeless peeps coupled with the seasoned wellfare niggers on Hilltop all roaming alongside the industrious Port of Tacoma that is constantly muddying the Puget Sound is the perfect writing environment.

>> No.7033812

Western Seattle, 6'3" 125 skeleton. Looking for qt to read Walt Whitman to and cuddle with.

>> No.7033829

Olympia, wa here.
No homo.
All else /lit/ related is good.

>> No.7033907


Actually Coyoacán. Where and what do you study, my man? Are you a UNAM student? I'm from Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, and I'm studying English Literature.

>> No.7033933

well at least not from la roma!
No, i am a neet at the moment, but i live pretty close of CU, and sometimes i go to Filosofia y letras to try and get a literate qt.

>havent work until now

>> No.7033960

I haven't encountered a scene yet that isn't trying way too hard..
Also it seems theres alot of people from Washington here. Lets all settle on Shelton

>> No.7033967

Atlantis is a shitty rip off of Nadia and this thread belongs on /soc/

>> No.7034049

AL here
I expect no other anons
We dont read so good down here

>> No.7034059


>> No.7034067

pinche chango culero

>> No.7034073


>> No.7034086

This is a long shot but 207 here, anyone else?

>> No.7034090

I read this as /norfcalifornia/ and was excited for just a moment. So NorCal here.

Also what do you guys mean when you say 'lit scene'? What does that look like? Sounds like something unreal I would fantasize about.

>> No.7034113

>sounds like something unreal I would fantisize about

>> No.7034175

Inb4 chilango

>> No.7034295

fierro pariente

>> No.7034298

Nice dubs.

I know it's kinda dangerous, considering you are a 4chan mexican NEET, but we should arrange a meeting so that we can share our rarest pepes and dankest memes.


A shame that we can't get to meet each other. A mexican /lit/izen reunion would be kind of cool.

>> No.7034309

I'm a bit plebby, but I enjoy /lit/erature I'm just around 12% through the top 100. Truman state university.

>> No.7034314

Who Atlanta here?

>> No.7034316

Truman state is in Missouri.

>> No.7034317

I was in Richmond for school and I miss it tremendously. I see myself moving back at some point.

Anyone in Thailand?

>> No.7034328
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Most /lit/ colonia, Coyoacan, reporting in. Please confirm.

>> No.7034332

Fuck dude we must live super close.
hmu niqqa

>> No.7034365

Chicago reporting in

>> No.7034372
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My negros, pls let's get together and share book recommendations and dank memes. I'm from Coyoacán too, this anon specifically >>7034298

>> No.7034385

Those two you responded to are both just me. Never met someone from the chan, so this is weird for me. Are you an expat or a beaner?

>> No.7034386


>unemployed and spend all of my time reading in DC while drinking coffee

>> No.7034390

>Those two you responded to are both just me.

Well, this is awkward.

If by beaner you mean a Mexican living in México, then yes, I am.

>> No.7034401

Cool. I'm an expat.

>> No.7034402

colonia hipster

>> No.7034409

I say we all find out where Katie lives and meet up outside here house.
We can sit in a circle Indian style on her front lawn.

>> No.7034410

but i am neet because i graduated and cant find a job!
is not like im gonna eat your internal organs or something.

>> No.7034425
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>> No.7034435

Chicago here. Where you at?

>> No.7034455

Florida here. Not looking for boi pussy, just want to see if someone from 4chin that isn't from /soc/ will actually meet me.

>> No.7034465

206 reporting in

>> No.7034469

who PA here?

>> No.7034484

Who /Oxford/ here? Or at least will be, when term starts?

>> No.7034506
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cuando nos vamos a leer juventud en extasis en un cafe de la condesa? :^)

>> No.7034523

I live in Oklahoma now but I know for a fucking fact nobody else does.

Might be moving to KCMO soon though. Anybody up there?

>> No.7034547

Denver area
m 19

>> No.7034567

>juventud en éxtasis
>no sangre de campeón

pinche plebeyo

cuando tú quieras <3

>> No.7034569

State College anon.

Anyone else?

>> No.7034765
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510 here
I'm going to a literary event tomorrow

Kik - uhhwuh

Bay area?

>> No.7034769

Any finns here?

>> No.7034772

If there's anything my time on 4chan has taught me, it's that I hope to never meet any of you in real life.

>> No.7034827

Bay area or what?

>> No.7034830

Tijuana/San Diego area.

>> No.7034979


>> No.7035063
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>> No.7035071

This is dumb - 801

>> No.7035072

Pero dejen alguna manera de contacto:


>> No.7035085

yep, I live here. studying lit at vic

>> No.7035101


>> No.7035751

sorry, friend. i can only do my best.

>> No.7035780

Melbourne. Nobody here reads. I know this for a fact because I went outside last month.

>> No.7035783

Anyone here from Wisconsin? The Fox Valley area in particular?

>> No.7035812

birmingham here. where are you?

>> No.7035822

Dallas here too, but eastern part.

M-maybe we could arrange something at the flagship HPB?

>> No.7035829

Chitown whaddup

>> No.7035850

hilarious and tragically sad

>> No.7035853

i'm here too.

>> No.7035920

Ye boi
Let's deconstruct our philosopher god poet laureate drake
Where u at

>> No.7035925

Actually any torontonians can msg me
Onlierous @ gmail

>> No.7035967

Any LONDONers here?

>> No.7035970

Perth, West Aus. Most isolated city in the world.

Send help

>> No.7035978
File: 82 KB, 474x570, 28D4066600000578-3086717-image-m-79_1431975682807-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrote this yesterday about a reading in Oakland (where I live) from Monday. This was my first intro to any lit scene

I went to a reading, a 'chapbook' release being thrown by the publisher- Alexandra Naughton author of I Will Always Be Your Whore.
I met a guy from soc there to buy oxy, and so I wasn't the guy who showed up alone.
I walked around kind of awkwardly noting some of the people I recognized from their picture. I had messaged Alexandra a story of how I groped a girl on public transportation along with my pictutre, she didn't respond and I didn't mention either if this when I introduced myself - which I realzed was probably awkward because I had the feeling that everyone else knew eachother. Upon feeling that I introduced myself to the guy she was with, who I ended up talking to while Alexandra tried to get tiny chat to work on her phone. Apparently this guy wasn't reading but I'm exceedingly interested in male writers in this indie/alt scene

First up was Alexandra herself. Posting I think some ~selected tweets while caming for TC. Made a point to mention her Clueless thing, which I find very expected of her to pretend to like. Toward the end she said something funny about how she loves to be asked about how she's doing online and I found it funny because I've chased that online fame in the past and said something similar when a family member asked me how life was

Next is the bouncer turned poet. Not as self aware or PoMo, but I enjoyed his overly dark poems and so did the older lady in the crowd who closed her eyes as he spoke

Then Mister PoMo Hispanic Guy. He said some very funny things but kind of ruined it by overexplaining, which I'm guessing was quasi intentional

Then Edgy McEdgster by the name of Joel Landmine. Talked about other people's girlfriends while he was there with his attractive fiance. Karma is a bitch Joel. Probably the guy there who I write the most like

Then the lady of the night Cassandra Dallet. Taller than me, big ass and writes about growing up without a home and black men a lot. She kind of reminds me of a future version of my ex which makes me hate her but I bought her book and it's not terrible

>> No.7036061

What board was this

>> No.7036165

Surprisingly yes. Are you a student?

>> No.7036173

OR here, i'm from east Dallas too.

>> No.7036179

Anyone in central Sweden? No..? No. Okey, I'll see myself out. Sorry.

>> No.7036183

Any Irish /lit/ qt3.14s?

>> No.7036186

Any beneluxers here?

Or is it really just americans?

>> No.7036198
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Who /ActiveArmyStationedInKorea/ here?


Anyone at all?

>> No.7036244

Amsterdam here.

>> No.7036310

Damn not even one NYC?

>> No.7036313

Tfw no WeHo lit fags, mkay.

>> No.7036616

No, I'm a local who just finished college elsewhere. Et tu?

>> No.7036623

Moved to Scottsdale about a month ago. Anybody from the Phoenix area here

>> No.7036650

I'm there on Mondays and Tuesdays. If u see an Elliot Rodger lookalike then its me and you can say "boipussy" as our secret code.

>> No.7036666


Where in FL, fam

>> No.7036671

East Village here.

>> No.7036707

hey I'm in seattle and a friend of mine is too and he recently got published

that's all the scene I know of tho

>> No.7036840

Thinking of moving to Portland or Seattle soon.

Which one? What do they have to offer besides cute hipster bitches and beautiful country?

>> No.7037194

big up south london fam
noone knows how to read down here but at least it means all the fit middle-class yuppies who are slowly invading ends can be impressed at my sweet namedropping/literary bullshitting skills

>> No.7037211

Scum-of-the-earth clickbait journalist here in Cleveland. 300 pocket change a month rewriting news articles. Also visit Pittsburgh alot for family

>> No.7037215


>> No.7037280


>> No.7037465


>> No.7037596
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/fa/, but it was a staged photo apperently

>> No.7037822

Bearcats? My hometown is in northwest Missouri.

>> No.7037853


>> No.7037870

The gays are always so thirsty.


>> No.7037896


>> No.7037909
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>> No.7038354

I know there are plenty of Argie fags in here. I have no interest in meeting with them tbh.

cuz I'm afraid of people not liking me ;_;

>> No.7038492

no sos blanco, che?

>> No.7038501

3 australians so far

explains the relative quality of the board

>> No.7038524


In a week that is, I'm still vacationing

>> No.7038655

Montreal, Quebec. Come hang out, learn French, leave disappointed in your women. Anyone willing to sleep on the floor of my room is welcome to visit me.

>> No.7038665

By which I mean, come do cool shit with a philosophy student that will house you for free. Get on the bus. I love you guys.

>> No.7038686

Awwww shit dude, I'm studying Economics at Vic.

>> No.7038690

Shit, I'm living in Montreal.

>> No.7038694

Go fuck yourself

>> No.7038705

where in Montreal?

>> No.7038741

I'll meet up with you. Now, the whole approaching and talking to you thing may be a whole different story. I'm in Orlando.

>> No.7038752

In front of Université de Montréal.
And what do you do for fun?

>> No.7038771

I just got back from having a drink with a friend who's leaving town. Nice, but expensive, cocktail bar called The Lab.

>> No.7038904

Not the poster you replied to, but I am also in Orlando. Would be totally down for meetups.

>> No.7038912

Anon, I'm from Alabama. No shit. Birmingham area.

>> No.7038919

Holy shit, three individuals from Alabama frequent this board? Jesus. That's amazing.

>> No.7038957


>> No.7038972

Denver/Boulder tbh
jk no one here reads and visits this site

>> No.7038976

Anyone in Northern Cali? East bay area (Oakland/Berkeley)?

>> No.7039043

i haven't been to that particular HPB so i'd be down

>> No.7039054

baka gaijin

>> No.7039616

Lads. Any bleep man in?

>> No.7039744

Jeg har ikke rigtig lyst, men vi kan sidde på Læsesal Nord på Den Sorte Diamant uden at tale sammen.

>> No.7039755

LA / Sacramento anyone?

>> No.7039775
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I know I'm the only one.

>> No.7039793


Adelaide, damn.

>> No.7040115

Nej tak, men skal nok tænke på dig når jeg sidder på KUA's læsesaler i stedet

>> No.7040135

Do we have any Germans? If so, what are your interests?

>> No.7040140

I'm in Oakland

>> No.7040141

Deine Mutter

>> No.7040174
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Swedish student going to Germany (Berlin) in a few months. Anyone up for meeting up? My german is pretty garbish, but I can fend for myself.

...I guess...

>> No.7040187


>> No.7040207

Berlin got the highest unemployment rate in Germany, high crime rate and nothing of interest save for heroin junkies and kids of rural Swabian burghers having their "wild years". You are in for a big disappointment.
oke, dann lass uns treffen. Du bringst deine aber auch mit.

>> No.7040215

Any Polacks here?

>> No.7040229

I'm going there for about 1 week with my class for sightseeing, not moving there for good. So it'd be a nice oppurtunity to meet someone briefly.

>> No.7040248



>> No.7040709


>> No.7040718

Pls be in London

>> No.7040728

>what is ctrl-f?

>> No.7040746

Rural New England feels ;_;

I'm in Maine tho

>> No.7040749

My favourite MATTHISSON yeah

>> No.7040750

Who /Detroit/ here?

>> No.7040752

I'm also here, in Hyde Park

>> No.7040759

southern california here. the inland empire to be specific. it's probably the single shittiest place to live in california

>> No.7040765

I hear there are some good bookstores down that way. Is true? Powell's and 57th any good?

>> No.7040867
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I read in Federation Square quite often.

>> No.7040869

i'm about 30min from the ma/vt border

>> No.7040930

Anyone in Winnipeg?

>> No.7040976

Only good thing ever in that city was the Old man and his used book shop with the dank porn mags all the injuns jack off to around 3pm in the rows.

>> No.7041004

Oh, Selkirk books? That closed down.
Are you in Canada? Got Kik or Skype ?

>> No.7041009

Stillwater, Oklahoma

>> No.7041072

WHAT THE FUCK? I moved to Melbourne in October, when did it shut down? I used to live in south west Winnipeg.

>> No.7041117


Charlotte reporting in. M/24

>> No.7041124

Anyone /New Brunswick/ here?


>> No.7041139

It shut down in December I think.
All the other used book stores are much more over priced I bought Gibbons rise and fall of the Roman Empire there.
I was sad to see it go but we have a new great book store on Osborn Burt Lyseki books I think it's called.

>> No.7041161

UES reporting in.

>> No.7041214

Vienna, Austria.
No one.