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7032147 No.7032147 [Reply] [Original]

can someone decipher this (at least part of it)?
I'm too stupid to get it and it's really bothering me
I posted this in another thread and they said it was jargon but there must be some sort of authorial intent

>> No.7032160

In those times it was high comedy to wear a napkin on your head while supping at a fine establishment.

>> No.7032216

lol i live 5 minutes away from the museum that houses that painting. I went there yesterday,

>> No.7032362

okay but what about the book

>> No.7032420

its gibberish to me

>> No.7032458

everything I can make head or tails of seems like bog-standard Deleuzian assemblage theory stated in the most complicated possible way

although some of the language seems really Hegelian which is weird and a complicating factor

I'm probably completely off base with this

smh that nobody on this board has a better reading

>> No.7032469

What museum is that? The painting is sick tbh

>> No.7032475

what do you suggest I start reading to comprehend this
I looked up Deleuzian assemblage theory and I'm not quite getting it
I only recently started reading full books seriously, is it just a matter of me working my way up?

>> No.7032495

>In the amount of time it takes for an object to be of a particularized use, it will be in-itself as many instances as it can be before stretching too far out of its form to be of structural relevance

Stopped reading there. This is a Sokal-Hoax style prank, probably made in one of many 'random [x subject] paper' generators. Note that it was 'published' this month.

>> No.7032502

I'm the anon from the last thread.

You're wasting your time. This is like trying to make sense of some mentally ill homeless man's ramblings if he had a thesaurus.

>> No.7032526

Again, this is a prank. Note that it is attributed to a nameless group of individuals in a 'seminar' rather than any authors who could be googled.
The supposed creator-- the 'Actual School'-- doesn't exist.

>> No.7032527

there's clearly an intent and there's 100 pages of this
reading or writing that seems like an insurmountable task and I want to get to the level where I can do it with ease
it was shared on my facebook by friends and it makes me feel dumb in comparison tbh

>> No.7032549

they have released music so clearly someone is behind it
I like the music tbh

>> No.7032558

1. This wasn't shared by a facebook friend, you are posting this to get a laugh out of 'tricking people' here
2. If it was, it was posted to trick people
3. It was randomly generated. There are very good random generators for stuff like this, and if a person went through and did minor edits it would look even more legitimate.

There is no intent other than laughs. The text is completely meaningless.

>> No.7032566
File: 98 KB, 529x614, reflexes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This wasn't shared by a facebook friend
it was though?

>> No.7032576
File: 1.19 MB, 234x200, 1440158451549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol stop treating garbage like this like it's the final boss of all human intellectual endeavor or some shit

if you want to go off in your own little obscure autism fantasy world that has no relevance to anything other than itself, keep reading shit like this.

but if you want to connect with something of substance that actual human beings can understand and relate to read more practical philosophy. obscurantist shit like this, randomly generated or not, is a blight on academia and a disgrace to the lineage of men and women who genuinely wanted to understand people and the world and had something to say about it