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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 409 KB, 566x390, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7029154 No.7029154 [Reply] [Original]

>no rock /lit/ gf


>> No.7029198

you're still watching her vids?

>> No.7029220

>rose window t-shirt


>> No.7029251
File: 202 KB, 500x484, depressed frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every lonely night
>so, every night

>> No.7029265

you aren't?

>> No.7029278

Who is this please.

>> No.7029281


>> No.7029284
File: 50 KB, 379x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen to what a seven year old girl thinks about books i read when i was seven? gimme a break

>> No.7029285

>read the penguin editions
>penguin anything


>> No.7029295

But I don't see you studying physics at Oxford

>> No.7029304

Apparently she replied to a post of mine a couple of days ago and it was my 2nd best day in /lit/ ever.

>> No.7029308

Thank you. Masturbating now.

>> No.7029312

she seems to be on the verge of tears


>> No.7029313
File: 12 KB, 192x182, sweaty frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-what was the 1st ?

>> No.7029317

We can all fap in perfect harmony. Preferably to a 3/4 rhythm. Like a waltz.

>> No.7029318

The day I begged and some kind anon sent me a Bibliotik invite.

>> No.7029322

>he usually doesn't fap in dance rhythms
for why

>> No.7029323

oxford is beneath me mate.

>> No.7029326

>no rock /lit/ gf
I know that feel but you seem to have posted the wrong picture OP!

>> No.7029330

Anyone who wants her as a gf is absolutely definitely a faggot.

>> No.7029342
File: 760 KB, 678x643, DFW20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a Cambridgefag

>hates tripfags
>likes philosophy
>patrish musical tastes
>writes math problems on walls

Please show me a flaw.

>> No.7029343

she's got a leather jacket, it's rock'n'roll enough for me

anyway this is as close as you can bring together those two features which are pretty incompatible tbh

>> No.7029350
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>> No.7029356

I'd wife her.

>> No.7029363

She's fine and all, but her opinions seem really a variation 'I liked X'. Go in depth please. At least that's what I am getting after watching her first two videos.

>> No.7029390

whats the other girl youtube that was posted here a while ago that made everyone mad and stuff?

>> No.7029395
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>> No.7029399
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>> No.7029402

she rEad really quick

>> No.7029415

Stewed her way into Oxford - Probably quite uptight and snooty. Most atheists are pretentious idiots. Reads like a snail.

>> No.7029417

>not fapping in alternating sinkapace and coranto, according to a Stravinskian rhythm
You may as well not have a libido at all. You clearly have no appreciation for the erotic.

>> No.7029424
File: 57 KB, 484x404, M'EcumenicalCouncil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't you be in an Aquinas thread right now?

>inb4 QED

>> No.7029431

thanks, friend.

>> No.7029444

Well, most atheists just stare into dead air when you ask them what type of atheist they are. They don't know shit about atheism and assume all those who believe in the possibility of a god to be mentally impaired = Pretentious dicks.

>> No.7029445
File: 18 KB, 225x225, inb4 dumb frogposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disliking sexually ambiguous grills

>> No.7029455

A lot of brilliant scientists believe in the possibility of a god.

>> No.7029473


>> No.7029478
File: 16 KB, 220x221, 1406180002619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only cute adrogynous actresses

>> No.7029528
File: 214 KB, 406x390, synthpop frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying you'd refuse an androgynous literary gf

>> No.7029533

2008 was 7 years ago.

>> No.7029563
File: 67 KB, 230x230, 1440019024990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I wouldn't

>> No.7029567

what are you implying

>> No.7029575

That seven years have passed and nothing of notice has come out of us.

Think about the next seven years.

>> No.7029580

okay but I just don't see how that's relevant to my post

>> No.7029584

Nothing is ever relevant for us for we are irrelevant.

>> No.7029593

Eh, there are people on here who can actually write and actually know what they are talking about. Most people just can't be fucked to go through a legitimate publisher, or are too insecure to even try.
Think of how few truly famous literary-fiction authors there are today. Consider that this board is home to maybe a couple hundred people.

It's vapid, yes. But the lack of some masterpiece produced by the literature section of a Vietnamese woodcutting forum is nothing to lament about.

>> No.7029596


>> No.7029601
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>> No.7029634


>> No.7029657

Its called depersonalization. most people experience it.


>> No.7029668


>> No.7029898


I wrote a few novels and works of non-fiction. I had a few agents read it. Many told me they couldn't "find a buyer" and "this won't work in the market." I've been published in newspapers and magazines etc. Whatever. I stopped looking for an agent a long time ago. I just write, keep it all backed up and write some more. I could care less about fame, I have a career.

>> No.7029914


>> No.7029954

She needs to make a tripcode.

>> No.7029963
File: 345 KB, 498x568, 1429552696979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw eighth post down is me

>> No.7029968

I minimized the thread. Id probably do it again

>> No.7029972
File: 157 KB, 400x800, vRw1GdT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will NEVER
>hear the sound of her voice

>> No.7029973

"noice" or
""not raping her while a cow shits four inches from her head"

>> No.7029974

thats the one

>> No.7029987

>please show me a flaw
>not agnostic atheist

>> No.7029998
File: 76 KB, 500x424, 1384253313911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing a jacket inside the house

>> No.7030024
File: 262 KB, 2000x1000, 5345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophy (no doubt analytic)
>rock = patrish music
>muh common sense, muh human nature etc etc

>> No.7030029

>agnostic atheist

Pointlessness: the worldview

I don't even know what type of atheist OG is, but this 'agnostic atheism' is a meme sprung from equivocation and semantics. I don't KNOW objectively that gravity exists, but I'm not an Agnostic Gravitationalist. It is a given that I, as a human, cannot have a 100% certain knowledge of it.

>> No.7030161

>I could care less

This is why you won't get published mate.

>> No.7030167

what the fuck is an agnostic atheist

is it just like the midpoint of the two

>> No.7030173

it is le dickless i don't know meme

>> No.7030177

but i thought agnostic was le dickless i don't know meme

>> No.7030185

I dunno, but I guess agnosticism is a subcategory of atheism. You don't believe in God if you're not sure about him existing.

>> No.7030187

it's the same as that except more pretentious because it tacitly claims to know that it's more likely there's no deity

>> No.7030198

god why is every religious view so groaty

even the religious views based on not having a religious view

sure am glad i'm a kike

>> No.7030209


It is really really hard to get published though. There is a shitload of competition (90% of it being terrible but it's competition still)

>> No.7030211

A pal of mine is a muslim and asked me what religion I believe in.
I told him that I don't really care if god exists or not and he looked at me as if I was satan incarnate.

He also believes in shit like the hole to hell in russia.

>> No.7030261

I really really think she's pretty

>> No.7030263

>disliking STEM
Milk, no sugar please

Where did you get rock from? Her last.fm was Chopin and a bunch of hipster /mu/ stuff

>> No.7030267

Holy shit do you really not understand my post?

>> No.7030273


I'm in complete agreement with you fam

>> No.7030283

Seems not. The point is, your use of that phrase is indicative of a mind with no feel for language or logic.

>> No.7030293
File: 1.22 MB, 292x278, NDTFedora.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The point is, your use of that phrase is indicative of a mind with no feel for language or logic.

I'd need an entire album of fedora pics to respond to this comment. Really wouldn't expect this type of badling from /lit/

>> No.7030317


>> No.7030323

i'd suck his dick, no homo

>> No.7030325

sick burn dude

>> No.7030345

>Stewed her way into Oxford
I'd let her into my university if her cooking was that good.

>> No.7030430


Are you enlightened by your own intelligence and superiority?

>> No.7030483
File: 87 KB, 449x750, 1440477105405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good bait tbh

>> No.7030656

Really sweet look OG (If you're lurking [ <3 ] )

I don't think gay men go for this look in women. Gay men and all.
It is a dykey look certainly, so I can dream.

So you're a speed reading Anglican who thinks he's not being pretentious?

It's just a specifier for all the spergy theists who upon hearing you're an atheist automatically think you're a 100%-no-such-thing nut.
The fence of agnosticism is for those who refuse to even think about it. 50/50 chances forever is how they see things. An agnostic-theist is just a lapsed Catholic who may rededicate his life by joining some other denomination or becoming a Muslim or something.

>> No.7030998

wait, seriously? she's in oxford? isn't that like, one of the most prestigious schools in the world? this girl?

>> No.7031009


She looks like a prepubescent boy, aka every lesbians dream partner.

>> No.7031023

Oscar Wilde picked a pretty masculine looking wife. I guess all gay men have individual preferences but I would assume if they were forced to pick a girl they would go with the more androgynous or masculine.

>> No.7031024

She didn't apply for ELL, so regardless of what you think of her reviews, it has nothing to do with her academic success. She was accepted there for physics.

That said, it is possible she went somewhere different.

>> No.7031040

whatever man, i'm just saying...

maybe it's because i'm an amerifat, but we consider oxford to be like, cream of the crop.

this is nothing against her; i more or less enjoy her reviews (aside from the illiad one). it just...diminishes my idea of oxford. just kind of weird.

>> No.7031060

They aren't that brilliant, if they think something defined as a necessary being could be merely possible.

I'm agnostic by the way

>> No.7031084


Yeah, I don't get it. That anon just described agnostic-atheist scientists and imply you're the same.

>> No.7031115

Heating can be expensive.

>> No.7031120

I'm an Amerifat at Oxford, I guess I thought the same thing before I went (or rather, assumed everyone there would be the children of Lords and MPs). Really, it's the type of people you would expect at any college. They are all smart--they will often discuss academic matters in their free time--but they aren't a bunch of reincarnations of Einstein and Foucault.
There are, for lack of better term, plenty of 'Chads' and 'Stacies'; there are all manners of 'do-it-in-the-last-minute' slackers and people who you wouldn't immediately label a prodigy.

It depends on the college as well, to a small extent. I've heard rhetoric about Wadham being a SocJus haven, but that doesn't seem to be Oxford Girl's schtick.

>> No.7031125

so how'd you get there fellow amerifat?

>> No.7031132


>defined as a necessary being

No, indeed, they would probably tell you that something being defined in a certain way means absolutely fuck all

>> No.7031141



>> No.7031147

evola and kacynzski are memes and she isnt? she makes quality videos we all enjoy.

>> No.7031148

shut up, nerd

>> No.7031163

Top fucking kek

>> No.7031253
File: 142 KB, 442x470, 1440568031221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this, btw?

>> No.7031270

C'mon guyq, I want to feel smart while masturbating.

>> No.7031272

What an abomination

>> No.7031281

It's called a lesbian

>> No.7031284

I doubt it. Semantic precision is very important, and most scientists seem to understand that.

It probably has more to do with the loose wording of the post I was replying to than the beliefs of the scientists themselves.

>> No.7031303

>tfw lesbians will never want to fuck me
>have to settle for trendy pseudo-dykes

why live

>> No.7031326


>> No.7031338


>Semantic precision is very important, and most scientists seem to understand that

Not as important as real life data though. Language can't change reality, reality changes language all the time

>> No.7031345

Thanks a lot, my good sir.

>> No.7031369

Oxford Girl is defs lesbian tbh

>> No.7031381


>Not as important as real life data though. Language can't change reality, reality changes language all the time

It's like you almost think that language isn't real. Any change to language is a change in reality. Any time a demagogue instigates a violent coup, reality has changed as a direct result of language. When you read the words I have written in this post, a real change has happened at a physical level in your brain as you process the meaning of them.

>> No.7031383

i desperately want a daft rocker/punk gf like this. anyone know how to attract them?

>> No.7031389

That was the most lethargic and unprepared book review I've ever seen. Dreadful.

>> No.7031393

>"Not really a review, just my ideas"

Reading comprehension, anon.

>> No.7031399

Doesn't provide you with a licence to be boring, hun :^)

>> No.7031404
File: 2.51 MB, 1160x1804, UnfuckHisShit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iwn be Oxford Girl