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File: 154 KB, 500x375, alphasmartneo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7026519 No.7026519 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys. I just got a Neo2, which is one of the models of portable, battery powered, word-processing keyboards that were produced by AlphaSmart.

Had to buy it used (AlphaSmart is no longer in business) but got it in great shape. It seems the ideal writing solution for me because it's a little heavier than a tablet PC but far less bulky and cumbersome than a laptop.

Does anyone else use one of these things? What do you use.

Also I was hoping for a critique on this short piece I wrote on my Neo. I was wondering how the flow feels and also want to know if I'm using punctuation correctly, etc:

onkey Kong was busy mowing his lawn when something erupted with a roar from the ground behind him.

He screeched, jumping six feet into the air, and when he landed and turned around, he saw not twenty feet away, a red glowing warp pipe jutting out from the middle of the lawn!

Hooting with fear, he picked up the bulky lawn mower with one arm to weild it as a club, as big clumps of dirt thrown up by the pipe rained down around him.

"What are you doing out there!" someone cried, and DK shrieked and jumped again. The voice had come from above and behind him.

Wide-eyed, he looked up to see his grandfather's small wrinkly face sticking out from a window in their treehouse. The old ape was wearing his glasses and his long wispy beard hung down over the sill.

DK pointed at the pipe with the lawn mower. "Gah!" said Grandpa.

>> No.7026548


Also if you want to post the way you would have written it, please feel free.

>> No.7027087
File: 13 KB, 634x346, 1439563219805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7027495

Do you have more DK fan fiction you can share with us?

>> No.7027528

What exactly is the point of one of those? Surely a laptop is more useful? Can you transfer document between it and a computer?

>> No.7027949

Great pasta 8/10
I think your whole post is hilarious

>> No.7027976

I'd say it's better for writing than a laptop because there aren't any options to distract yourself from writing with it.
Then again that display is just awful.

>> No.7027983

Ah the myth of contemporary distraction inducing environments

>> No.7028002

Care to debunk it?

>> No.7028031

I'm not really sure what the point is. Just take away the internet and you should be fine. The keyboard looks a little shit on that thing and I don't see any advantage to it.

I could see why you would use pen and paper or a typewriter. There is something very nice about the physicality of those things but you've essentially just got a very shitty computer with a terrible display. You could have just fished out an old desktop from somewhere and bought a badass keyboard.

>> No.7028123
File: 607 KB, 2448x2448, 1430855679594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need comment on punctuation you should not be writing. Period.

Also, that thing looks clunky as fuck.
>Nineties screen
>Not movable
>All those keys
Looks like one step away from typing in an old cellphone.

>> No.7028817

Nah I just wrote that because I happened to be watching a youtube video longplaying a nintendo game.

I don't find the display to be bad, plus the font can be changed on the Neo2. I also like that it's difficult for others to see what I'm typing, unlike laptops/desktop
Also the battery life is about a year because the screen is like a calculator's and it saves everything automatically and when you hit the power button.

Thank you but it's not pasta. Is it good enough to be pasta?

>If you need comment on punctuation you should not be writing. Period.

Really? Well excuse me Mr. University.

>Not movable
What do you mean, it's very portable and weighs about two pounds. Can use it anywhere.

>> No.7028842

There are lots of literary contests that still recquire the use of writing machines, so yours looks great.
I myself have one piece of trash, even for a writing machine, how much was it?

>> No.7028924


61 dollars including shipping. Very good condition and they cleaned it first. Got it from Amazon.

Oh and yes you can transfer to Pc real easy. I think macintosh too.

>> No.7029507

>excuse me Mr. University.

Laughable. You are implying that going to university, which you don't know if I have, provides a better command of punctuation. At the same time you are implying that the books, manuals or even fucking .pdf's which could contain the secrets to mastering punctuation can only be attained, read and understood through the tutelage of a professor.

Then again, you're writing Donkey Kong fanfic.

>> No.7029704
File: 27 KB, 320x320, 1srzac6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Say that to my face.

>> No.7031117

That's what I thought, fucker.

>> No.7031133
File: 583 KB, 896x672, Hardwarewordprocessor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why in the fuck would you ever use this?

holy fucking shit, OP

either use a real computer or use pic related...it's what a real man writes on. that or an electric typewriter.

>> No.7031156
File: 56 KB, 610x288, 1414843821632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Top lel

Buy a shit pc off the internet or whatever, don't connect it to the internet, and don't put any old games on it. You're only hindering your writing output with this antiquated 90s junk. Use 2000s junk and your fiction will soar.

>> No.7031427
File: 142 KB, 1600x1047, pen paper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats lits opinion on one of these?

>> No.7031486
File: 105 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7031494

Like nigga you can buy those wired keyboards for like 7 dollars. get a 20 dollar tablet. How are you even going to play bejeweled on zen mode while listening to the mantras

>> No.7031506

>whats lits opinion on one of these?
Non plus ultra.