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/lit/ - Literature

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7024325 No.7024325 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your favorite book by a non-white author?

>> No.7024329


>> No.7024330

i never check to see what race authors are, so i have no idea

>> No.7024337
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>being racist

>> No.7024343

>trying to read a work without sufficient knowledge of author/authorial intent

Jesus Christ

>> No.7024348

Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.7024350


>> No.7024355

inb4 dumas.

im out of here.

>> No.7024357

>implying authorial intent is relevant at all

>> No.7024361

my diary, tbh

>> No.7024365

You're such a pleb.

>> No.7024382


This tbps (too be perfectly sincere) fam

>> No.7024388

I don't know the ethnic backgrounds of the authors of books I have read

>> No.7024396

The best book by a non-white person is probably Chinese.

>> No.7024399

Chinese isn't a book, it's a language.

>> No.7024410

I was using the word "Chinese" as an adjective in that sentence.

>> No.7024417

Books can't have ethnicities because they're not legally people.

>> No.7024453
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The Code Book by Simon Singh

>> No.7024470

Journey to the West

>> No.7024481

shut the PoC up

>> No.7024495

I meant to say it's probably by a Chinaman

>> No.7024496

Check your cis-objectival privilege, shitlord!

You don't know what it's like for trans-book people like mysefl!

>> No.7024501

ha ha epic reddit

>> No.7024508

Don Quixote

>> No.7024509

Don't pretend to be me you cunt

>> No.7024525
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>Spaniards and Greeks are not white

>> No.7024531

well, they aren't
come on

>> No.7024539

Back to 9gag with you.

>> No.7024542

Of course they are wtf?

>> No.7024546

Too much Moor blood tbh.

>> No.7024553
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It's like you don't know a single thing about race science tbh

>> No.7024554

No, they're not. They're hispanic and mediterranean.
Do you think pacific islanders or bahamians are white?

>> No.7024555

Eeee Eee Eeeee

>> No.7024562

Hispanic and mediterranean are ethnicities m8. They are white by every single definition of white.

That's like saying if you're Norwegian, you're not white.

>> No.7024571

>look like arabs
I don't know Jose, I think your perception of whiteness is a bit distorted.

>> No.7024574
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Race is a construct created to divide the proletariat and frankly the idea of "white" and "non-white" peoples upsets me deeply.

>> No.7024575
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but why should race matter when it comes to literature?

>> No.7024576

the bible

>> No.7024580

>Having ancient admixture means you're not white, even if your skin is white

>> No.7024584

But they don't have white skin tho

>> No.7024591

Now piss off

>> No.7024609

Colorless Tsukuru and his Incredibly Long Title

>> No.7024713

what would you recommend the person of grey in the pic?

>> No.7024721

Count of Monte Cristo
Of Mice and Men
The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway, as well as The Sun Also Rises

>> No.7024725

>not white

>> No.7024739
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>> No.7024765

On the Jews and their Lies. Would really open her eyes I think.

>> No.7024769

white or not, those are "outdated". modern works?

>> No.7024783

>implying sitting in your room at college whinging on and on about how nobody gets you and you're a snowflake isn't white as fuck
>implying getting away with murder even after admitting to the police isn't white as fuck
>implying going to dive bars or other unsavory places and just sitting around judging other people isn't white as fuck
>implying falling in teenage love with a poor hooker manic pixie dreamgirl isn't white as fuck
Seriously all of C&P could be a douchey indie movie

>> No.7024786

>Ernest Hemingway is outdated
It makes me sad that this is how people actually think

>> No.7024798

Fucking hell, Hemmingway is "outdated". I dread to think of what you think of all the works which have formed the corpus of Western civilization.

>> No.7024836

Chill, fam. I put it in quotations because I meant in terms of time. I was more curious about the quintessential contemporary white man experience. white collar middle class european or american. Dosto and Hemmy's characters have seen some shit and lived in different times.

>> No.7024855

>I was more curious about the quintessential contemporary white man experience
Updike's Rabbit series is the closest you'll get to that experience, at least for American readers.

What the fuck does this mean?

>> No.7024912

Fam means cuz

>> No.7024937
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>inb4 genre fiction
>inb4 Asians are white

>> No.7024946

what do you mean by white? non western? because even Mishima can be considered a western writer

>> No.7024948

Probably because there's no such thing as race science.

>> No.7024962

Temple of the Golden Pavilion or Things Fall Apart

>> No.7024968

fam means Ohana

>> No.7024970

Are Irish considered white?

>> No.7024987

It depends on which agenda you're trying to push.

>> No.7024999

Since 4chan supports the Slavs aren't white meme, I like pretty much anything written by Russians. There, I get to enjoy quality literature and unlike you shitlords, I'm not rayciss.

>> No.7025000

For the purposes of professional race baiters, Irish, Slavs and any other white ethnic group that underwent profound discrimination, abuse, violence or slavery is considered part of the great monoethnic WHITE block, that collectively is responsible for all evil. Corsair raids? Arab slave trade? What the fuck is that, you racist?!

>> No.7025011
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Of course not, it's almost like you people don't understand race science at all.
nice try Shlomo

>> No.7025036

Yeah, let's all ignore the fact word "slave" literally comes from "Slav" and blame them for plight of black people even though most of them have never seen a black person in their lives since their countries are so poor they don't want immigrate there and they never practiced slavery.
Man, gotta love SJW logic.

>> No.7025060

Once all suprasensuous content and transcendence from human culture is left behind I guess all that is left for people to place their intrinsic value on and separate themselves from one another is their empirical immediate possessions such as consumerist products and things like race and sex.

>> No.7025077

The Summa

>> No.7025102
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Is that what Lampwick from Pinocchio is supposed to be?

>> No.7025115

the bible

>> No.7025117
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Shit, he very well might be. I guess Pinocchio did come out at that time in the US.

>> No.7025137

he sure as fuck isn't supposed to be human

>> No.7025151


>> No.7025155



To quote that most Gaelic Gael of Gaelic lineage:

"We're not horses nor hens: seals nor ghosts: and, in spite of all that, it's unbelievable that we're humans.?

>> No.7025164

Mah comrade

>> No.7025167
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Class solidarity is a construct created to divide nations and frankly the idea of "bourgeoisie" and "proletariat" classes upsets me deeply.

>> No.7025172

No Longer Human or Kokoro.

>> No.7025195

Unless you count the Greeks as non-White, I have precisely 1 book that isn't written by a White male, Kamel Daoud's The Meursault Investigation, which only exists in relation to Camus' The Stranger, and I haven't even read it yet anyway.

I love the white male hegemony of my bookshelf.

>> No.7025201

Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.7025255

The Han Fei-tzu.

nah j/k it's the classic of filial piety

>> No.7025258

>inb4 Argentina es white

>> No.7025260

>"Do you have any books on the white-male experience?"
>Yes, we have several memoirs on fatherhood.

>> No.7025281

my all time favorites are by non white people.

don quijote, savage detectives, the count of monte cristo.

>> No.7025290

Mika Waltari - The Egyptian

Finns aren't white

>> No.7025300

Most Spanish people aren't brown m8.

Kawabatta's Takes of the Palm of the Hand

>> No.7025308

If you don't count meme nonwhites, I really don't know.
I've read two of the supposed 4 Chinese classics and they were trash.

Hagakure is probably my favorite.

>> No.7025318


>Most Spanish people aren't brown m8.

t. pure aryan andalusian

>> No.7025324

Tumblr, go home

>> No.7025332

Mediterraneans aren't white.

>> No.7025345

The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea

>> No.7025363

Spinoza's Ethics.

>> No.7025364
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It's a historical fact that Spaniards are descended from Arabs and Berbers, and it shows on many of them.

Pic related is a prime example:
>hooked nose
>narrow eyes
>brownish-yellow skin
>eyes black as coal

I'm not even from /pol/. On the contrary, I think it's important to show that what most /pol/acks consider the pinnacle of "white culture" isn't actually white.

Also, can we stop having pointless race-bait threads and actually start discussing actual literature again? I've been away from the board for a rough month, and when I returned, I was shocked to see that it had managed to steep even lower than before.

>> No.7025375

Definitely Borges

>> No.7025381

/pol/ really is ruining this entire site. I can't go on any board without reading the word 'cuck' at least once. It's really fucking depressing. It entirely flattens the already meagre possibility of decent conversation because if you post anything mildly liberal, you are a SJW tumblrite out to genocide the white race.

>> No.7025387

His skin is still white. And the race to the bottom never stops.

>> No.7025392

I've never read any

>> No.7025450

We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo and what I read by Chinua Achebe in high school. I can't really recall much about Maya Angelou, but I remember at least enjoying her autobiography when I read it in middle school. I honestly have not enjoyed the Toni Morrison material I have read thus far.

>> No.7025456

Oh, and of course this. But I was thinking entirely of material written after modern conceptions of race emerged.

>> No.7025460

Yeah, so much worse than when /b/ was king, right? And before "cuck" we had "NTR" all over the place. 4chan doesn't really change.

>> No.7025485

Fair enough. Although with /b/ there was always the knowledge that they had no real agenda.

>> No.7025490


>> No.7025495


>> No.7025499

The Wretched of the Earth

>> No.7025658

White Teeth by Zadie Smith, anything by Junot Diaz

>> No.7025810

The left brought it on themselves. They embraced that sjw feminist mind poison and now everybody hates them.

>> No.7025821

those g*d d*mn

>> No.7025870
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This right here. Racism is for plebs, sexism is where it's at.

>> No.7025880


Anything by Avicenna or Al-Ghazali.

>> No.7025909
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Nationality is a construct created to make individuals easier to manipulate and frankly the idea of "us" or "they" upsets me deeply.

>> No.7025914

Nah, /b/ was fun. Bring /b/ back.

>> No.7025963

The only non-white written lit I've read for pleasure is ancient stuff like the Upanishads, The Art of War, bits of the Koran.



No, I've got a modern one: Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell!

>> No.7025968
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The collected works of Roosh V, especially Bang Poland

>> No.7025987

Langston Hughes wrote good poetry

>> No.7025992
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I like Japanese lit but I bet Japan doesn't count as non white in sjw thinking because they're really privileged. So, I'd have to go with Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin.

>> No.7026007
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This man looks pretty white, only someone with unconventional ideas about race would deny it.

>> No.7026022

I really liked Samarkand by Amin Malouf. Maybe it isn't the best I've read, but it's my favourite (written by a non-white author).

I also think Omar Khayyam in general is awesome (and that's probably why I liked Samarkand so much).

>> No.7026040

>that feel when Dumas was a mulatto
Makes pretending to love diversity easy as fuck.

>> No.7026044

there are non white authors???

>> No.7026133

Norwegian Wood by Murakami.

>> No.7026154

Quadroon, not mullato.

>> No.7026161

Mah nigga, I was just about to post this.
Honestly, the song has never been the same either. The book did it better.

>> No.7026171

The only rebuttal I can think of is that Murakami's works are translated by white men into English.
So despite the fact that he speaks English and probably gives them the once over and approval before publication those are still technically the words of a white man.

Now I know this is bullshit, but that would be the argument I'd pull if someone was trying to debate me on if I only read books by white males.

>> No.7026191

Of course it is.

For example, reading St. Augustine's Confessions without understanding what position he was in or the political context of the time really puts a damper on understanding what's really going on in the whole scheme of things, and where the book fits into Christian theology and philosophy as a whole.

>> No.7026194

I hate to admit it but you're kinda on point there. Ultimately, no matter how much it's approved by Murakami, they're still someone else's words. They can't convey the culture in which the book is set or the way the language flows naturally in its native tongue.

But I think that's the problem with any translation unless it's done by the author himself. Hell, it's the problem with learning amother language altogether.

>> No.7026198

Well, this can be said about pretty much all the writters mentioned in this thread.

>> No.7026226

Weirdly enough in the preface to Hear the Wind sing Murakami said that he wrote his first few books in English first and then translated them back into Japanese, his English was very limited and thus he kind of created a unique style of writing because he avoided complicated words and had to narrow his focus down to the most simple version possible.
Fascinating idea really.

>> No.7026238

>Irish isn't white
Looks like I'm a quarter ethnic.
Where do I sign up for my ethnicity privledge?

>> No.7026281


>> No.7026300

I will probably see Straight Outa Compton once it's available on DVD if that's any consolation.

>> No.7026319

Popol Vuh

>> No.7026338

The irish are considered the niggers of white people.

>> No.7026343

heh little do you know

>> No.7026357

Yeah, Irish are total thugs, they commit as much crime as Italians but don't have the same instincts for corruption so they usually just resort to strong armed robbery after a binge drinking episode. it took about 100 years to clean up all the crime and corruption the last major influx of catholics brought and now the democrats want to open the border for more!

>> No.7026392


>> No.7026417


Authorial intent isn't relevant but historical context/embodiment is. Read Barthes' Death of the Author and then N Katherine Hayles' writings on Phillip K. Dick.

>> No.7026428
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>Barthes' Death of the Author

>> No.7026436

well, it might be relevant in the same level context is, it's just not word of god.

>> No.7026486

Cien años de soledad

>> No.7026515

Memeologist, here. Was cuck a /pol/ or /tv/ meme?

>> No.7026570
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Really disappointed in you /lit/

>> No.7026987


Atlas Shrugged :^)

>> No.7026994


Ralph Ellison is as culturally white as you can get

>> No.7026998

You've clearly never read that book.

>> No.7027008

just because other people can't deal with spooks doesn't mean he isn't white

>> No.7027010
File: 34 KB, 306x421, You moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP asked for non-white authors. You can't go changing the criteria and expect to get away with it.
YOU were looking "culturally non-white" all this time? So this is how you can miss one of the best novels of the 20th centruy.

"Culturally non-white"
Read it, nigga.

>> No.7027016

I'm pretty sure the content of the book means he isn't culturally white.

But don't just take my word for it:
That's the whole book.

>> No.7027031
File: 1.05 MB, 1350x1012, OMeros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Afro-Caribbean Odyssey

>> No.7027054

>ctrl f Pushkin
>0 results

damn iliterates.

>> No.7027122


Is it written well? Looks interesting. How is Baldwin as an author?

>> No.7027128

I don't consider Mediterraneans, Semites and Iranians to be non-white, so none.

>> No.7027352

are the writers, not the actors of that show non-white?

>> No.7028940


>that file name


>> No.7028954

I was kidding. I'm not really going to watch a movie with black people in it

>> No.7028964

underrated post

>> No.7029504

Mediterraneans have tans, kids.

They are still white Caucasian European.

>> No.7029837

Things Fall Apart.

>> No.7029849

There were 3 Alexandre Dumas
The first was a general in Napoleons army
His son was the the author
And his son was a play write, known primarily for Camilla

There was an early 20th century olympic fencer who was a great grandson too

>> No.7029852

The Stranger.

>> No.7029854
File: 34 KB, 500x370, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walter Mosley has written good Hardboiled detective novels about a black man in LA in the 1940s-1960s

>> No.7029870

I Dindu Nuffin by Tyrone Jenkins

>> No.7029874

The first Alexandre Dumas was the son of a French plantation owner and one of his slaves
At one point he got into debt and had to sell his mistress and the children he had with her
Just think about that and let it settle in for a while

>> No.7029903

Underrated post.

>> No.7029923


>Turnin' tricks for slats into stacks of scratch.

My nigga.

>> No.7029936


>> No.7029976

It's so embarrassing how proud you illiterates are of not being well read.

>> No.7029989

Baldwin is top five best American writers, duh it's written well.

>> No.7029997

Noruwei no Mori or Onna no Inai Otokotachi by Haruki Murakami.
>inb4 weeb

>> No.7030000

I quite enjoy the fantasy of the 1001 Arabian Nights

>> No.7030006

Actually a quality book. It is very nationalist, and displays the dangers of forgetting the ways of your people and hastening to adopt of the ways of foreigners.

>> No.7030017

Don Quixote

>> No.7030018

>not white

>> No.7030026


Yeah it's pretty good. Maybe a little overwrought. The book also has nothing to do with race.

>> No.7030028

>swart Moors