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/lit/ - Literature

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7023037 No.7023037 [Reply] [Original]

My brother got my granddaughter a Kindle for her birthday a few days ago. Getting her mobi's of The Hobbit, Hitchhiker's Guide, Aesop's Fables, and a few others, it was no problem at all.

But what she wants to read most of all, unfortunately, is the Harry Potter series. I say unfortunate because for some reason, finding the mobi's of this series has been far more difficult for me. The closest I have come is a set of PDFs, but I know from personal experience that those are annoying to read on a Kindle.

I've never been on /lit/ before so I don't know if you guys spend all day hating on J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter and if you'd be of any help to me at all, but I'd appreciate it. The closest thing I found was one torrent where a few people complained of getting cease and desist notices back in 2011. The last thing I need is my wife going bananas over a few stupid books that the author is already set for life from writing. I tried to figure out all that proxy and tor nonsense a few years back but it just wasn't happening.

I'd appreciate the help.

>> No.7023050


>> No.7023060

You have to pay for that, it costs a fortune, and to add insult to injury you have to go through a third-party website because it's special and they can get away with it.

>> No.7023062
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>I don't know if you guys spend all day hating on J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter
>and if you'd be of any help to me at all
pic related

For the more pleb-enabling kind of help, check mobilism and libgen, ought to have direct downloads. But ffs do at least try to get her to read the Dark Materials or something, or you'll be looked at with much disapproval

>> No.7023071

The dark materials is shit as well mate.

I suggest chronicles of narnia.
All 7 books.
Esp the 1st, third, and last two.
The ones they made movies out of are the worst tbh.

>> No.7023086

You sound like a buttblasted christfag who can't handle Pullman's bantz.

OP, get her both Narnia and His Dark Materials.

>> No.7023091

I read the dark materials, the city of ember, the harry potter series, the twilight series, a few of the chronicals of narnia, and enjoyed them all thoroughly as a child. Why you guys have quarrel with them I have no idea, they introduce you to reading sure enough and they will increase literacy significantly. I certainly wouldn't want to read plato as a child.
Haven't you done any research on child development? half of everything in a child is decided before you are even born, consisting of your genes, your situation at home, whether your mother is drinking during development. Forcing your child to do anything but read for fun will push him or her into other, lesser pursuits like videogames. You can't read because you feel like you have to, it's just not fun for anybody. It's like learning without wanting do - there is no benefit to anybody.

>> No.7023093

She's seven, and as much as I hope she reads it one day, I don't think she'd be able to appreciate Brave New World all that much. As far as I know, you can't force reading on people. I'm amazed school hasn't already killed her interest in recreational reading, it sure killed it for me for the longest time.

I'm just happy she's reading and hope she actually bothers with Aesop's Fables, Grimm's Fairy Tales, and Hitchhiker's Guide. I put a few more serious things on there, but I didn't want to overwhelm her with a gigantic shelf of titles and I doubt she'll read anything that she doesn't specifically ask to read.

>> No.7023096

>Haven't you done any research on child development? half of everything in a child is decided before you are even born, consisting of your genes, your situation at home, whether your mother is drinking during development. Forcing your child to do anything but read for fun will push him or her into other, lesser pursuits like videogames.
What is this incoherent, non-sequential, toss?

>> No.7023099


These are in .epub

If you need to, convert to .mobi using Calibre.

>> No.7023101

read this
and then read freakonomics by s. levitt if you can find the time

>> No.7023105

Nah mate.
Taoist Agnostic.
Would like to believe In a god though.
Act as if there is one.
But I don't feel there is one if you know what I mean. I conduct myself as if there is a god, but, I feel no godly presence either.
I just kind of go with it.
Who knows lad.

>> No.7023113

Nah mate. What you said was inherently contradictory, nothing to do with Freakonomics.

>> No.7023118

Ok what I was getting at was that you shouldn't try and pressure your kids into reading books that they aren't going to appreciate or enjoy. The idea that reading is something you should get them into, but that doing this intellectual pressure will have a negative effect rather than a positive. So then to have them read books they enjoy. Does that make sense?

It's a balance that has to be found. The first presumption being that having them read the harder books won't help them at all, which is what is shown in the book. It's not obvious, anyways.
It's almost 6 in the morning, ok, I'm not at my highest level of reasoning

>> No.7023212

>a few stupid books
>the author is already set for life from writing
She doesn't seem to spend her money on that much stupid shit though.

Buy the fucking books. Stop expecting shit to be free.

>> No.7023378

I don't buy things. I don't get retirement paychecks. I have a set amount of money I saved up and if it runs out before my lifespan or quality of life does, I blow my brains out.

I can either get her used copies from the bookstore for chump change or I can give her pirated copies she can read off of her new Kindle. Either way Rowling gets nothing from it, so what's it to you?

>> No.7023387

How are you guys posting on here if you're in Hogwarts? Or are you Muggles? I'm in Hogsmeade right now posting from an internet cafe because I hate not being able to use the internet back at school.

>> No.7023443


>grandparents on 4chan

Jesus Christ what are you even doing here

>> No.7023493

I was looking for mobi files. Before that, lurking and occassionally shitposting. I could tell you all about it, but why do that when you can live the adventure yourself?

>> No.7023497

How old are you?
>retired and on 4chan
Shit man

>> No.7023507

I'll be 56 this Fall

>> No.7023513

.epub is one conversion away from being the exact same thing as mobi, use those linked above or try directly for mobis on gen.lib.rus.ec

>> No.7023524
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I'm 38 years younger than you, lad. You might be a bit old for this site.

>> No.7023528

or 37, rather. I'm 19 on the second.

>> No.7023551

there are literally tons of torrents of the books on tpb. You clearly have not searched.

>> No.7023553

>get her used copies from the bookstore
Supporting that dying industry sounds like something that would be in my interest.

I do think you retirement plan is pretty dope though. But I don't support stealing.

I'm guessing you can live on around 10k a year, and if you had around 200k you could just live on the 5% interest (pessimistic US stock market outlook) but since you said you hoped it didn't run out you probably have less. Or do you just have cash, or some other negative interest bank shit?

>> No.7023555

It took me a solid 5 minutes of staring at that to get the joke.
Fuck I feel stupid.

>> No.7023566

>don't pressure kids
But anon isn't half of your kid decided before birth, based on factors outside of human control?
So therefor it wouldn't matter if you pushed your kid towards one pursuit or the other, its already been decided, right?
You're contradicting yourself.

>> No.7023575

What the hell? You aren't me, I'm 72 and I started this thread.

>> No.7023582

I said I "was" looking for mobi files. I got what I was looking for hours ago.

>> No.7023584
File: 675 KB, 720x642, woodlily-redlily-rockymountainlily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here anon, Harry Potter series 1-7, they're all retail (meaning unmodified, unaltered versions of the book as if they came straight from the store) versions in .mobi format. Hope she enjoys. In the future I'd recommend looking into a program called Calibre, you can use it to convert pretty much any ebook file type to another with little inconvenience.


Wie Schade, anons. Grandad wants to do something nice for his granddaughter, and it's books at that. Respect your elders

>> No.7023589

that's the dillemma, I guess. The research shows that it's a lot of factors beyond our control that control intelligence and capacity and whatnot, but there is still a malleability in children to push them towards being readers when they grow up - we just know this. If you grow up in a household full of books you are probably going to do better in school.. we just know this intuitively.

>> No.7023591
File: 728 KB, 720x926, redwoodviolet-evergreenviolet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7023625

I think the versions you found are better than the ones I converted. I'll use them instead, thanks.

>> No.7023646

prove it

>> No.7023685

Go fuck yourself, I'm 56 years old now apparently. I can live with that.