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/lit/ - Literature

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7015148 No.7015148 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche is obscurantist posturing spooky rubbish and the only reason to read him is to then tell other people that they fail to understand him.

All "wisdom" is shit without context and common sense is better (so even a pleb on the street who has never read XYZ philosophers knows the same as you).

This idea that writers deal with philosophical themes / societal issues through writing is usually bullshit when it's done in really abstract ways. woop dee doo, the cup broke when it fell off the table, anyone who doesn't see it as giving us insights about France during the French revolution is an idiot.

When socrates was alive, philosophers annoyed plebs by asking them to back up their assertions.. now it's the opposite.

The only thing more vilified in society than male sexual desire is unreciprocated male sexual desire.

Scientists are in cuck careers and are slaves.

>> No.7015153
File: 140 KB, 1200x750, xM6zisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's too many god damn memes these days

>> No.7015158
File: 61 KB, 443x332, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's some nice new sincerity you've got goin' there, pal.

>> No.7015167

try a secondary text if you're having difficulty. don't trash something you don't understand :)

>> No.7015176

Are you happy with your life OP?

>> No.7015190

Dumb thread

>> No.7015229
File: 54 KB, 640x640, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody please explain to me how and why did cuckolding become such a big meme in such a short time?
Cuck this, cuck that. Gawd...

>> No.7015252

stemfag detect

>> No.7015351

>Scientists are in cuck careers and are slaves.
Are they any different from other wage slaves, or is there some specific aspect of their jobs that makes them particularly exploited?

>> No.7015383

ITT: a /pol/ack shows he doesn't understand anything about philosophy or society

>> No.7015403

All OP is doing in this thread is bitching about things he doesn't comprehend. Now he's latching onto science and attacking because he failed college chemistry and resents anyone who makes a decent wage while doing cool shit. Welcome to /lit/.

>> No.7015406

It's just a fun word you can use as a substitute for fag or faggot.

>> No.7015408

I'll bet like 15000 dollars that you're a college student

>> No.7015435
File: 70 KB, 300x562, h2_22.81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Being this idiotic

The reason the cuck meme is happening right now is because it represents the misallocation of resources, and a certain conflation of what one earns, what one deserves, and what one gets. Take this sentiment:

>Work and be rewarded

Whenever a third party gets between the worker and his reward, he is being cucked. The metaphor is such that someone or something else is reaping what you've sewn.

To put it another way, the cuck meme represents a catch-all way of classifying being taken advantage of. So far as it seems to me, to not be a cuckold is to not allow an opportunist to take advantage of you. To not allow someone else to till your fields.

It gets fun if you're of the mind that 'work and be rewarded' is a shit fucking meme and isn't at all how the world works, however. Because then all these fucking cucks are weak, stupid, or degenerate fetishists.

>> No.7015443

> implying women are rewards for men
Jesus Christ. You people look into cucking and make it even weirder.

>> No.7015444


Are you this guy? >>7014045

>> No.7015449


lolno. I'm >>7015060

>> No.7015457

>college chemistry
i think yer giving him a bit too much credit, pal

>> No.7015462


>What is a metaphor

>> No.7015489
File: 60 KB, 755x553, 1418862945889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reason the cuck meme is happening right now is because it represents the misallocation of resources, and a certain conflation of what one earns, what one deserves, and what one gets. Take this sentiment:
the reason is the females going back to their natural behaviors => most betas are anxious

why are they anxious ?

because contrary to what this guy says, >>7015443, women exploits the men who care about women

What remains is pleasures throughout the sex and women are the best hedonist creatures on earth.

because their pleasure is for them AND the men, especially for the betas:

betas feel fulfilled when they give women orgasms, whenthey see how the women shake when the betas give them their seizures, they see how powerful they can be on a female

the orgasm of women is nothing but enticing for men to feel alive, to continue to exist after sex.

so this is how it goes:

men feel alive, relevant, and powerful when they give pleasure to a woman. the more miserable and pitiful the men are, the more they live through women.

this gift is addictive, men want more [and women want more since they are all about pleasures]

the woman has then plenty of providers now

the woman chooses the men from which she expects the most pleasures

the competition of men increases

men still think they are relevant, especially betas

thanks to women, betas no longer want to commit suicide and, once they have finished with the woman , before coming back to them for a quick fix of course, they go in society under the guidance of the alphas.

>> No.7015492

the ultimate form of cuckolding is, of course, wage labor

>> No.7015523

Fucking kek writing a treatise on a meme.

>> No.7015528

it baffles me that people like this are alive and share a planet with me

have you considered that women are humans in your alpha/beta/gamma confusion?

>> No.7015577


Might be onto something. Internet jokes are not always superficial. The "cuckolding" concept is popular because it speaks to something deeper than just watching someone you care about be used by some outside party

>> No.7016248


> Nietzsche is obscurantist posturing spooky rubbish and the only reason to read him is to then tell other people that they fail to understand him.

Nietzsche isn't even a little bit of an obscurantist. The reason he's 'hard to understand' is simply because he changed his positions fairly frequently, meaning there is no one internally consistent 'nietzschean project.' Any individual work by him is clear as day pretty much.

>This idea that writers deal with philosophical themes / societal issues through writing is usually bullshit when it's done in really abstract ways. woop dee doo, the cup broke when it fell off the table, anyone who doesn't see it as giving us insights about France during the French revolution is an idiot.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of critics reading political motifs into everything. I guess to some extent you could say that everything is political, but not in the sense of being a commentary on the latest thing to happen in the news.

> The only thing more vilified in society than male sexual desire is unreciprocated male sexual desire.

It depends on which society you're talking about. In some societies it's female sexual desire that's vilified.

> Scientists are in cuck careers and are slaves.

This is interesting but I don't fully understand it. I think I sort of see where you're coming from but Im not totally sure. Explain plz

>> No.7016277

It's a phantasmatic desire to escape the ineluctable dominance of the commodity fetish, to transcend the idea that one's SO is property.

>> No.7016373


Don't choke so hard on that red pill of yours; it appears to have caused an oxygen deficiency to your brain.

>> No.7016387


He was quoting me, cuck, and I wasnt redpillposting like decided to.

>> No.7016794


i guess some people are just born with lack of oxygen?